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Spirit Level
by Peter Duffie


(1 customer rating) ★★★★

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Spirit Level by Peter Duffie
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You show five Alphabet cards which obviously spell the word L-E-V-E-L. You also show a white card with a perpendicular arrow drawn on one side, and a digonal arrow on the other. This, you say, is a home made spirit level. The way this card points can alter reality!

The cards are spread face down on the table in a straight line to represent the word "LEVEL" — as the cards are level on the table.

You now turn the spirit level so it shows a diagonal arrow. You now push the cards into a diagonal sloping line, so they are no longer LEVEL.

On turning the cards over, they now spell S-L-O-P-E!

The cards are free from any trickery and can be examined.

Easy to do.

1st edition 2010; 9 pages.

word count: 1443 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text

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Magic & Conjuring / Cards

Magic & Conjuring / with Demo Video