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The Pacoima Solution
by Larry Jennings

MP4 (video) | by download [45 MByte]  
The Pacoima Solution by Larry Jennings

The performer retails and reenacts a dream that at the end becomes reality.

A pack of cards is introduced. Spectator gives it a cut and peaks at a card in the center of the deck. Then the spectator gives the deck a shuffle. Performer turns half of the deck face up and half stays face down. The spectator is asked to remember if her card is in the face-up or face-down portion. The performer spreads the face-up portion. Then the portions are separated and the performer continues with his dream where he took a card crumpled it up and it vanished in mid air to reappear face up in the tabled portion. And the card appearing there is the card the spectator peeked at the beginning.

runtime: 7min 25s

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Magic & Conjuring / Cards

Magic & Conjuring / Video clips (download)