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F. Javier Barcon Furundarena

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F. Javier Barcon Furundarena
Arte de Encantamiento by F. Javier Barcon Furundarena

It is said that this book influenced Father Wenceslao Ciuró (and probably started his serious interest in magic). As Father Ciuró was one of the most prolific Spanish magic writers of the 20th century, Arte de Encantamiento might be one of the most important books in the history of magic in Spain (and the world). Without this book and Father Ciuró's influence, geniuses such as Juan Tamariz and Arturo de Ascanio could have been very successful (and rich) computer engineers (instead of creative geniuses of magic), and the world would have cheaper and better computers instead of all those card...

★★★★★ $15
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