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Magigram Volume 23 (Sep 1990 - Aug 1991)
by Supreme-Magic-Company


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Magigram Volume 23 (Sep 1990 - Aug 1991) by Supreme-Magic-Company
This product is also part of:

The Magigram, Volume 23, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor Including Trixigram, Volume 9, Number 7, March 1991

888 pages

  1. Volume 23, Number 1, September, 1990, 56 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Button Up Plus
  5. Magi-Cartoon - Johnny Cooper
  6. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Johnny Cooper
  7. A Spectator Finds a 'Gift' - Joe Hustler
  8. Instant Appearance of an Animal - Levecton
  9. Max Maven Presents the Magic of Phil Goldstein
    • Bee Attitude
  10. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Repeat Message
  11. Swing-O-Ring Prediction - Bill Gladman
  12. Add-The-Dates - Someeran (India)
  13. Where There's Smoke - Norman Lee
  14. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  15. Chameleon Cards (My Way) - Maurice (Harold Kordon)
  16. 'Auditive' Coins Thru Table - Claude Van Wymeersch
  17. A Trip to Mars - Geoffrey Whiting
  18. How to Start Your Own Fan Club - John V. Cooper
  19. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Knot
  20. Naming a Number - puzzle - Alan Ward
  21. Cubio with a Difference - Wolfgang Riebe
  22. Colombini's Rope Melange - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
    • The Book-Mark
    • Wrist Tie ... Comicque
  23. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Mystic Sight
  24. Mouth Coil in Egg Bag - G. Upham
  25. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Host of Ideas - Gordon Short
      • Brass Nut Release
      • Hindu Rope
      • Posi-Negative
      • Ghost Wallet
      • All Clear Forcing Bag
      • Jumbo Size Chase the Ace
  26. My Way with the Wilting Flower - Maurice Phillips
  27. Calling-Card Caper - Solyl Kundu (India)
  28. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Backstage Sorcery: Blood and Gore
  29. The Magic of Floyd Shotts - John Yeager
    • Twin Deck Deception
  30. Compere Gag - Russell Butler
  31. Two Ideas from ... - Wayne Anthoney (Australia)
    • 1. Some Comments on Performing at Children's Parties
    • 2. Two Variations on Two Routines
    • 2.1 Vanishing Magazine Cover
    • 2.2 A Magic Painting Routine
  32. Fill-In Material - jokes - Gerry Findler
  33. The Bridwell Balloons - Jack Bridwell
    • Pencil Through Balloon
    • Cut and Restored Balloon
    • Colour Changing Balloon
    • Six Repeat Balloons
    • Back Again Balloons
  34. A Tip from Peter Rees for 'Hot Heat'
  35. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Miniature Card Stab
  36. The Multiplying Factor Garth Davies
    • Twin Rats
    • Multi-Purpose Multiplying Wands
  37. In This Issue - advertisement
  38. Alakazam, No.1 Vol.1 [for Children's Entertainers] - announcement

  1. Volume 23, Number 2, October, 1990, 56 pages, plus 20 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  5. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Backstage Sorcery: Fire
  6. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Forget-Me-Knots - Ken de Courcy
  7. Tip for Pop-Away Wand - Brian Eden
  8. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Recorded Delivery
  9. Lock-Pik [Brass Nut Release]
  10. Hush-Cup - Gaeten Bloom
  11. Billy Bunter (Fathead) - Peter Kort
  12. Max Maven Presents the Magic of Phil Goldstein
    • Custom-Tailored
  13. Colour Choice - Russell Baker
  14. Tipp-Ex Magic [correction fluid] - Wolfgang Riebe
    • Colour Changing Tipp-Ex
    • Vanishing Tipp-Ex Bottle
    • Tipp-Ex Rainbow Silk Change
    • Tipp-Ex Whitens
    • Colour Changing Tipp-Ex Sheets
    • The Floating Brush
  15. Colombini's Rope Melange - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
    • Chinese Leg Tie
    • Chefalo Knot
  16. A Few Hints and Tips - John Mills
    • A Locator Card
    • Afghan Bands
    • Black Felt Tip
    • Faces
    • Drawer Boxes
    • Balloonology
    • Sellotape
    • Keep ma Spare Bow-Tie
    • For Wine to Water
    • Modelling Balloons
    • Black Art
  17. Let's Name Some Names, Eh? - article - Stanton Carlisle
  18. Feather Flowers - poem - Norman Lee
  19. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • magician pseudonyms
  20. 20th Century Flags of All Nations - Jack Bridwell
  21. Cardspell - Kenneth Lang
    • Namespell
    • Doublespell
    • Jokerspell
    • 'Don't DO As I Do" Spell
    • The Above Effect Using Only One Pack of Cards
    • Quickspell
  22. Torn & Restored Fiver-Plus - Ian Adair
  23. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Grandmother's Necklace Revisited - Peter Hodge
  24. Colour-Changing Billiard Ball - Michael Symes
  25. Do It Again - P.K. Ilango
  26. Magi-Cartoon - Johnny Cooper
  27. Close-Up Pad-Servante (Cups) - Janko Stipanicic
  28. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • Magnetic Magic
      • The Magnetic Card Case
      • The Magnetic Cigarette Box
      • The Vanishing Coin
      • The Four Coins Get Together
  29. Welling Thoughts - puzzle - Alan Ward
  30. On Close-Up (or the whole art of legerdemain in perfection) - article - Will Ayling
  31. Mailbox - re: Grand Linking Ropes - John Palfreyman
  32. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Link-A-Ring
  33. No-Table Vanishing Pot of Flowers - Ian Adair
  34. The Magic of Floyd Shotts - John Yeager
    • That's Amazing
  35. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 3, November, 1990, 56 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  5. An Act for Every Season - Wolfgang Riebe
  6. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Predictabloon
  7. Tip for Odd Ropes - Brian Eden
  8. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Dr. Burt Whaley
  9. A Useful Tip - thumb tip - Russell Butler
  10. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Routine for Pop-Away Wand - Alan Price
  11. Max Maven Presents the Magic of Phil Goldstein
    • Dedecktive
  12. Animals, Vegetables and Minerals (Or Tanks, Warships and Military Aircrafts) - John Teo
  13. Double Load Build-A-Box Production - Michael Hicks
  14. Magi-Cartoon - Johnny Cooper
  15. Targeting Popsy Pegs - Robert E. Hargraves
  16. "Introduction" for the Magical Compere - Val Andrews
  17. Two Staggerers - David Altman
    • Will the Cards Match?
    • Smyth Myth
  18. The Curse of the Sorcerer (A new plot for the Nudist Deck) - Will Dexter
  19. Contracts - article - Ray Trinder
  20. Texas Trickery - Bon Brown (USA)
    • Telephone Directory Book Test
    • Million Dollar Lottery
    • The Calculator as an Accessory to a Private Reading or Question Answering Act
    • Card to Wallet (?)
    • The World's Most Expensive Pseudo Psychometry Routine
  21. Disintegration - idea for Disintegrating Box
  22. For Card Change (Based on Elmsley's Four Card Trick) - Nigel Rogers
  23. The Invisibility Machine - The Breakaway Die Box Revisited - Malcolm Yaffe
  24. 'mazing Milk (1) - patter to rhyme - Bill West
    • 'mazing Milk (2)
    • 'mazing Milk (3)
    • 'mazing Milk (4)
  25. Square Speller - Werner Miller
  26. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • The Homing Lighter
  27. A Christmas Illusion - Reinhard Muller
  28. Crooked Crosses - puzzle - Alan Ward
  29. The Magic of Floyd Shotts - John Yeager
    • Out to Brunch
  30. Presentation for Silver Sceptre - Geoff Ogram
  31. Magic Lace Loops - John Palfreyman
  32. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Tele-Transpo Card
  33. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Comedy Silk Flight
  34. Colombini's Rope Melange - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
    • The Shoe Lace
    • The Hindu Rope Mystery
  35. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Backstage Sorcery: Thumps, Bumps & Crashes
  36. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 4, December, 1990, 56 pages, plus 20 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Max Maven Presents the Magic of Phil Goldstein
    • Phactor II
  5. Colombini's Rope Melange - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
    • Neck Tie
  6. "Knight's Tour" Genuinely from Memory - Roy Norman
  7. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • George Johnstone
  8. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Backstage Sorcery: Mechanical Sounds
  9. Spell-Bound Poker Prediction - Mat Roelofs
  10. My Way with the Brema Coin Stack - Jay Francis
  11. Find the Fakes - puzzle - Alan Ward
  12. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Pulling the Wool
  13. Birthsign Divination - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  14. The Chinese Compass - Again - Delvanté
  15. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Thimple Thimbles
  16. Further Improvements on the Torn & Restored Newspaper - Luis Gavilondo (Cuba)
  17. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  18. Tips on Supreme Tricks - Brian Eden
    • Light and Heavy Glass
    • Emergency Repairs
  19. In Case of Illness - humor - Anonymous
  20. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • The Message of the Manger - Henry Smith
  21. Magi-Cartoon - Johnny Cooper
  22. Rabbit Hop Routine - D.F. Parker
  23. The Magic of Floyd Shotts - John Yeager
    • an effect using a deck of double-blank cards
  24. The Appearance of a Dog - Marcalbert
  25. Reminiscences of Some of the Great Illusionists of Yesteryear - Jim Priesner
    • Horace Goldin
    • The Great Lyle
    • Chris Charlton
    • Carmo
    • Dr. Walford Bodie, M.D.
    • Murray
    • Dante
  26. Not so Bold - Jon Shailes
  27. This Ones a Scream! - Joe Hustler
  28. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Six Key Mystery
  29. Four of a Kind - Herb Rungay
  30. Billiard Ball Routine - Simon Lee
  31. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 5, January, 1991, 56 pages, plus 20 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Kaleidoscope Honors List
  5. A Card is Found - Arthur Carter
  6. The Magic of Floyd Shotts - John Yeager
    • Book-Bell-Candle
  7. Routine for Play-School Children - Andreas Michel-Andino
  8. The Gnus - comedy - Mark Weston
  9. Magic on T.V. - article - Norman Lee
  10. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Keep it Under your Hat
  11. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Clear Deception - cards
  12. Misdirection - puzzle - Alan Ward
  13. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Crossover Reflections
      • Birthday Surprise
      • Prediction-Impossible
      • Simplex Seven Keys
      • The Young Magician
      • E.S.P. Coincidence
  14. Peter Warlock Showcase
    1. photos
    2. Child's Play 1 - cards
    3. Jumbo Delight - mentalism
    4. Child's Play 1 - Rhinegold 2
    5. The Conjurer's Tale - silks
    6. Child's Play 3 - Super-Sensitive Sally
    7. Chairio! - mentalism
    8. Daisy - cards
    9. Satan's Mirror
  15. Magi-Cartoon - Johnny Cooper
  16. Colombini's Rope Melange - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
    • Hangman's Necktie
  17. Jumbo Card to Matchbox - Jack Bridwell
  18. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • The Winning Medal
  19. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  20. Max Maven Presents the Magic of Phil Goldstein
    • Cointrigue - mentalism
  21. The Magic Club - article - Ken de Courcy
  22. Piles of Mystery - Alan Pierce
  23. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Backstage Sorcery: Doubles and Quick Changes
  24. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • The "How To" of Gospel Conjuring - Peter Hodge
  25. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 6, February, 1991, 56 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Tricks & Talk - Maggie Tucker
    • Introduction
    • Close-Up Entertainment at Functions
  5. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Mental Money
  6. Patter for the Professor's Nightmare - Wolfgang Riebe
  7. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  8. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Backstage Sorcery: Water Frozen or Liquid
  9. Dinner-Time Dilemma - Scaramouche
  10. Billfold Bet - cards - M.A. Bryant
  11. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Coin Fold Chicanery
  12. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • David Drake
  13. The Northamptonshire Magicians' Club Showcase
    1. group photo
    2. A Brief History of the Origins of the Northamptonshire Magicians' Club - Archie Tear
    3. The Club Today - Anthony Owen
    4. Richard Stupple - profile
    5. Sam Sword Fish - Richard Stupple
    6. Toys for Magic - Richard Stupple
    7. David Penn - profile
    8. This, That and ... - David Penn
    9. Mick Hanzlik - profile
    10. 20 Things You Maybe Didn't Know About Houdini - Mick Hanzlik
    11. Simon Green - profile
    12. Rising Costs - Simon Green
    13. Royston (Roy Gilbert) - profile
    14. Puppet Routine for Supreme's Sammy the Snowman Puppet - Royston (Roy Gilbert)
    15. Ken Hawes - profile
    16. Burt - Ken Hawes
    17. John Show - profile
    18. Radio Publicity - John Shaw
    19. Ron Massey - profile
    20. Snake Basket - Ron Massey
    21. Tricky Micky (Michael Bradshaw) - profile
    22. Silkola Solved - Michael Bradshaw
  14. Dippy Duck - rhyme - Norman Lee
  15. Max Maven Presents the Magic of Phil Goldstein
    • Changeling
  16. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • card effect with fertilizer
  17. Find the Fakes (2) - puzzle - Alan Ward
  18. The Floating Ball - Karl-Joseph Strake
  19. Ideas on Chemical Magic - Tony Madden
  20. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Gospel Application for Gozinta Boxes - Captain Ron Smith
    • I Am Nothing - P.B. Manohar
  21. Four Thimble Vanish - Jack Bridwell
  22. Fan-cy That - Ravelle and Andrée
  23. Lucky Sign - Someeran (India)
  24. Incidentals - jokes - Jasbir Singh Gill
  25. The Magic of Floyd Shotts - John Yeager
    • Supreme's Glass Go
  26. The Fallacy of the Casting Vote - Paul Flory
  27. Colombini's Rope Melange - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
    • Scissor Gags
  28. The Magic Club - Part 2 - article - Ken de Courcy
  29. Black & White - Ian [Adair]
  30. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 7, March, 1991, 56 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Varied Presentations - Vanni Pulé
    • Pepper Money
  5. A Name in a Book - puzzle - Alan Ward
  6. Needles! - Terry Gilbert
  7. A Tip From Brian Eden
    • Production Items
  8. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Bill Rex
  9. Predict-A-Card - Ralph L. White
  10. Tricks & Talk - Maggie Tucker
    • It's Not What You Do ... It's What You Wear!
    • The Two-and-a-Half Sponge Noses Routine
  11. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • The Magic of Easter - Jeff Davies
  12. A Stretch of the Imagination - ropes - Allan Karasavas
    • Suggested Patter for "A Stretch of the Imagination - Ken de Courcy
  13. Stage Fright - poem - Norman Lee
  14. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Tremendo Splendo
  15. My Dearest Darling - Letters to a Magician from his Wife Whilst He is on a Long Summer Cruise - humor - Harry Reeve
  16. Five Card Mental Effect - Robert V. Moriarty
  17. Max Maven Presents the Magic of Phil Goldstein
    • Strange Fruit - cards
  18. Comedy Big Cheque - Ian Adair
  19. Shouting Out the Magic Words - Wolfgang Riebe
  20. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Personality Test
  21. The Magic of Floyd Shotts - John Yeager
    • Divination & Telepathy
  22. A Tip for Criss-Cross Silks - Graham Clarke
  23. Magic Wishing Well - Eric & Margaret Hawkesworth
  24. Love Story - Aldo Colombini
  25. Magi-Cartoon - Johnny Cooper
  26. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  27. Mail-Box - tip for Half-Syed Handkerchief - Dennis Sargeant
  28. Horace - Russell Butler
  29. Marvoyan's Magic - Magic from Bolivia
    • Good Luck Next Time - mentalism
  30. Odder than Odd! - An Alternative Routine - Steve Jones
  31. A Routine for 'Credit Squeeze' - Ken de Courcy
  32. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Wrong Again
  33. A Note in a Rope - Alain Gesbert
  34. Magician's Bag Gag - Ian [Adair]
  35. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Trixigram, Volume 9, Number 7, March 1991 - 16 pages
  2. Supreme Magicians' Club Event - The Malvern Super Day
  3. From the Editor's Desk - Ian Adair
  4. Joining the Team - Su Jayne joins line-up at Malvern Convention
  5. Stop Press News - Tia Wei Sou and Tien (Dave and Joy Shaw) to be at Malvern Winter Gardens
  6. PD [Paul Daniels] Brightens Up Seasonal TV
  7. Publicity for Paul [Daniels]
  8. Tricky Teaser No. 17 - Crossword - Derek Lawrence
  9. Side Effects - Ken de Courcy
  10. From the New Hon. Secretary of the Supreme Magicians' Club - Keith Churcher
  11. [Magic] Circle Foundation Library News
  12. Magic Moments
  13. Make Your Mark - advertisement
  14. Video News
  15. Solutions to Tricky Teaser No. 17
  16. Supreme Direction - Peter J. Lyons
  17. Can't Wait - testimonial - Bubbles the Clown
  18. What's Magic - poem - Angela Duffy
  19. Richard Robinson Appears in MTV Video
  20. Errata
  21. New Columns
  22. Back in Stock - advertisement
  23. Supreme to Feature on TV Documentary
  24. Visible Painting Exposed
  25. Get Well Harold [Taylor]
  26. Supreme Out & About - events to be attended by Supreme

  1. Volume 23, Number 8, April, 1991, 56 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  3. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Nosey the Clown
  4. 1 to 52 Match! - Claude Van Wymeersch
  5. Colour Control - Charles Temple
  6. McComb on the Grill - interview
  7. Varied Presentations - Vanni Pulé
    • The Homing Coin
  8. Tricks & Talk - Maggie Tucker
    • It's All in the Mind!
    • Verbatim
  9. It Couldn't Only Happen to Me! - G. W. Stockton
  10. Marlo's Triple Prophecy - Tan Choon Tee
  11. A Poem for Uncle Henry's Thimble Trick - G. Upham
  12. Charlie Goes Mental - Keith Downs
  13. Cane Capers - vanishing cane tip
  14. Marvoyan's Magic - Magic from Bolivia
    • Just-Child
  15. Candle to Fan "A la Carte" - Gilbert Courgeon
  16. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  17. It's Speechless! - A Unique Card Coding System - Donald Bostock
  18. Matches Off! - Herb Rungay
  19. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • William C. 'Mac' Wilson
  20. A Simple Large Coin Vanish - Angelo Carbone
  21. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • There's Something In It - Alan Price
  22. Match Gag - Ian [Adair]
  23. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Coin Return
  24. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Beauty Ballot
  25. Play the Doctor - puzzle - Alan Ward
  26. Cards and Coins - Simon Jay
  27. The Entertainmentalist - Bob Brown
    • Introduction
    • The Thumbcuff Twist
  28. The Man Who Walked on Water - Jack Bridwell
  29. Ideas - Justin Arnold
  30. The Magic of Floyd Shotts - John Yeager
    • The Detective Jacks
  31. Song Parodies - Val Andrews
  32. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 9, May, 1991, 48 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Varied Presentations - Vanni Pulé
    • The Mugger and M'Lady
  5. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Siegfried & Roy
  6. The Slated Card - Andrew Stone
  7. Tricks & Talk - Maggie Tucker
    • The Close-Up Competition
    • Limelight
  8. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Backstage Superstition
  9. Tarot Card Tricks - Joe Hustler
    • 'Evil' card trick
  10. A Turn-Over Move - ball manipulation - P.K. Ilango
  11. And Mother-in-Law? - Peter Din
  12. Marvoyan's Magic - Magic from Bolivia
    • Yours-Mine-Yours
  13. Reverse XX Century Coin - Aldo Colombini
  14. McComb on the Grill - interview - Part 2
  15. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • A Sweet Kind of Story - Stan Gibbs
  16. Middle Strip - M.A> Bryant
  17. Is It Really Impromptu? - article - Stanton Carlisle
  18. Master Card - Graham Clarke
  19. The Kellini File
    1. A Thimble, a Wand and a Silk
    2. Feathers Off (Or The Nudist Plume)
  20. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Again the Invisible Pack
  21. Beacon Tent (Be Content) - Norman Lee
  22. MagicIan Adair's Trick Column - Ian Adair
    • So Empty Drawer Box
  23. Jimmie's Patter & Routine for "Clock Dial" - Jimmie Bates
  24. Spirit in the Sand - Ananta Deb Banerjee
  25. Animated Grass Mice - Alan Ward
  26. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Junk Box
  27. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 10, June, 1991, 48 pages, plus 20 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Shoe Box Magic - Tricks with Shoe Boxes - Jack Bridwell
    • Pair of Shoes
    • Shoe Box Dove Vanish
    • Silks in a Shoe Box
    • Shoe Polish Box
    • Bouquet Box
    • Shoe Box Ring
    • Shoe Box Rope
  5. Tricks & Talk - Maggie Tucker
    • To Errrrrrr is Human?
    • Court Red Black Handed!!
  6. Varied Presentations - Vanni Pulé
    • Rhyming Presentation for the Half-Dyed Silk
  7. Looking at Uncle Charlie's Night Cap - Brian Eden
  8. Not Magic-Like Magic: Lighting a Match-Stick - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  9. More Trick Intros - comedy - Ken de Courcy
  10. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Lectromental
  11. Signed, Sealed & Delivered - Steve Cook
  12. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  13. Mental Pursuit - Vincent Smallshaw
  14. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • The Prophet - Ben Van Den Akker
  15. The Entertainmentalist - Bob Brown
    • Blackstone Any Time
  16. Nuts Says - Mr. Swan
  17. Flush Aces - Justin Edwards
  18. Magi-Cartoon - Johnny Cooper
  19. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Blackpool Magicians Club
  20. Match & Cup - Wolfgang Riebe
  21. A Poem for the Push-Thru Pull-Thru Thimble Trick - G. Upham
  22. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Sophisticated Billiard Balls
  23. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Whistling in the Dressing-Room
  24. Familiar Nights - article - Henrique
  25. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur Setterington
    • Crazy Correction
  26. Dial Thirteen - puzzle - Alan Ward
  27. Tarot Card Tricks - Joe Hustler
    • The Devil
  28. Another Look at Fabian's [Aldo Colombini] Simple Balloon Holder - Keith Downs
  29. Short Cuts to Change - puzzle - Alan Ward
  30. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 11, July, 1991, 48 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • The Scottish Play
  5. Marvoyan's Magic - Magic from Bolivia
    • Calculus Fantasy
  6. Can You Win - puzzle - Alan Ward
  7. Matchless Mentality! - Ron Mann
  8. It's a Dog's Life - jokes
  9. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  10. Varied Presentations - Vanni Pulé
    • Molecular Transmutation
  11. Multicoloured Chalk - Pierre Canal
  12. MagicIan Adair's Trick Column - Ian Adair
    • Bands Together
  13. You Do (K)not As I Do - Werner Miller
  14. The Confusing Elements - Sympathetic Symbols - Michael Hicks
  15. More Doggy Tails - jokes
  16. De Courcy's Deceivers - Ken de Courcy
    • Sym-saltation
  17. The How Hie Story - poem - Norman Lee
  18. Add This to Your Rope and Ring Routine - P.K. Ilango
  19. Tarot Card Tricks - Joe Hustler
    • trick with marked cards
  20. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • video tapes
  21. Perfecto E.S.P.-The Ultimate - John M. Jarvis
  22. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Pre-Clip-Tion Plus
  23. Tips on Tricks - Graham Clarke
    • Pop-Up Fivers
  24. Comedy Number with the Fourteen of Spades - Herb Rungay
  25. Cheeky-Boy Vent Dialogue - Val Andrews
  26. Tricks & Talk - Maggie Tucker
    • Oh, No I Didn't ... Oh, Yes You Did!
    • The Painting Book
  27. Two from Claude Van Wymeersch
    • Through the Coin
    • The Flying Coins
  28. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • The Missing Piece - Rev. David Gardner
  29. Reading Matter - Jack Yates
  30. Paul Morelli's "A Card Location" - Shaun Yee
  31. By the Beard of the Prophet - Ken de Courcy
  32. In This Issue - advertisement

  1. Volume 23, Number 12, August, 1991, 48 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages - All Trick Issue
  2. contents [page number reads 545 in error]
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Lee Dish - Norman Lee
  5. Coin Through Hand - René Gysin
  6. Lilly's Earrings - John Yeager
  7. cartoon - George Johnstone
  8. Match the Corner - Aldo Colombini
  9. Smoker's Split P.K. Ilango
  10. A Useful Tip - wand shells - Brian Eden
  11. Especially the Same- The Amazing Trelba
  12. The Three Pigs' Tails - A dressing for the Unequal Ropes) - G. Upham
    • The Magical Chinese Pigtails
  13. Nut-Case - Ian Adair
  14. The Kellini File
    1. A Trick for the Smoker
    2. Wet Deck
    3. Love Spectacles
    4. Nu-Style (?) Candle Holders
    5. Dove Production on Arm
  15. ESP-ecially Yours - Solyl Kundu (India)
  16. Mini Penetra - Russell Butler
  17. Minimalkin - Phil Goldstein
  18. Taken - Herb Rungay
  19. The Magic Postbox - Wolfgang Riebe
    • Colour Changing Tip Wand
  20. Coin in ___? - Ken de Courcy
  21. The Niedermeyer Levitation - Dr. Heinz Niedermeyer
  22. An Extra Finger - Alan Ward
  23. Their Magic--My Handling - Red Ropes-White Magic Plus - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  24. Jumbo Stampede! - Ravelle and Andrée
  25. Now You See It, Now You Don't! - Peter J. Lyons
  26. Noah's Ark - An old principle in a new package - Donald Bostock
  27. What About Magic Squares? - Werner Miller
  28. Strike Rich - Ian Adair
  29. cartoon - Wolfgang Riebe
  30. Flash Paper Magic! - Tricks with Flash Paper - Jack Bridwell
    • Flash Ball
    • Candle Flash
    • Flash Coin Vanish
    • Quickie Flash
    • Flash Cigarette
    • Flash Card Change
    • Flash Card
  31. Cardboard Engineering - A Topological Curiosity - Alan Ward
  32. In This Issue - advertisement

word count: 327559 which is equivalent to 1310 standard pages of text