Displaying 361 to 375 (of 375 products) ★★★★★ $15 The Dr. X BookB. W. McCarron Imagine paging through the Nelson Enterprises catalog and discovering a book that lays bare the methods to dozens of mental, psychic and spirit medium effects. Robert A. Nelson called it the "opportunity of a lifetime" to purchase this book.
Mark Henry, Billboard magazine reviewer, said "It contains an expose of routines, apparatus and deceptions resorted to by mediums, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and crystal gazers; also additional tricks. The explanations are very clear and easy to follow."
The book has been completely reset in new type, with edits by fellow mentalist B.W. McCarron. Now featuring over 40 illustrations... ★★★★★ $10 Practical TelepathyJoseph Ovette Considering getting into the mental field, but unsure where to begin?
Perhaps you've wanted to add a Q&A or crystal gazing segment to your present act and want to learn the real work from a performer who's earned a living from mentalism?
Working pro Joe Ovette reveals all in this revised and updated classic that belongs on every psychic entertainer's bookshelf.
- Pre-show work without clipboards
- Billet switches
- When to use stock questions
- Sensational Q&A
- 100 Audience-tested answers
- Uplifting answers
- Confederates
- History of Q&A acts
- Plans and schemes for office work
- A clever ballot...
★★★★★ $8 MentaLottoB. W. McCarron Back again and better than ever! It's MentaLotto, the mental lottery mystery that's sure to please any audience.
"A clever idea!" according to noted author, lecturer and trade show performer Karrell Fox.
MentaLotto combines mentalism, audience participation and a gambling theme. The odds are a trillion to one against the mentalist making a correct prediction. Yet, that's exactly what happens, for when the prediction is opened and read aloud, it matches the spectator's selected lottery number!
No switches, confederates, electronics, one-ahead, glimpses, impressions or other methods are used. Truly... ★★★★★ $8 Fleecing the Flock: Confessions of a Spirit MediumParker Fleecing the Flock: Confessions of a Spirit Medium is the entertaining, true story of Mr. Parker, an American who discovers the exploding séance scene in London. Along the way, he meets Thomson, a spiritualist medium of some renown. Unknown to Parker, Thomson is a fraud. We're along for a wild ride as Thomson slowly but surely reels in his victim. In a matter of months, Parker, formerly a fellow of good moral standing, is seduced into the fast-paced life of a spirit medium.
Along the way, you'll meet the various spirits that are conjured up by Thomson and company, as well as witness the... ★★★★★ $6 How To Answer Questions Through Crystal GazingGeo DeLawrence The secret of success with a question and answer (Q&A) act lies in the performer's ability to ANSWER questions intelligently and to the point. In this ebook, DeLawrence reveals the real secret of answering questions from audience members of all walks of life. This work is regarded by many experienced professionals as the best of its kind ever written.
Included is a breakdown of questions according to the dress and other visual clues from the spectator; the value of asking for a raised hand after a partial delivery; stock questions (with many examples); tricks of the trade to developing entertaining... ★★★★★ $8 The Krahma System of Fortune Telling with Playing CardsB. W. McCarron Unlike most other fortune telling systems with playing cards, readings using this system are quick and snappy. The card layout is streamlined, yet the subject will be satisfied she received her money's worth since the outcome of the reading is dependent on her feelings and conscience. The reader will like it, too, since six to ten readings can be performed per hour. This system also provides an opportunity to recycle playing cards when they're no longer useful in the magic act. With the Krahma System, the more care-worn the deck, the better it will be accepted by the Subject as an instrument... ★★★★★ $8 Mediums UnmaskedJulia E. Garrett This is the true story of a former Spiritualist Medium who decided to come clean and spill the real work. What is most interesting is that most of the demonstrations use chutzpah, not necessarily repurposed magic gimmicks, to make them work. While doing research, McCarron also found some very entertaining information from old news stories that he has sprinkled here and there, as well as a scathing editorial of Mrs. Garrett's book from a Spiritualistic newspaper.
Whether it's consumed for the story aspect, or for those who want to assemble their own séance routines, we believe this belongs... ★★★★★ $8 Spook MysteryI. Prendergast A classic text that exposes the actual methods employed by fraudulent mediums and psychics!
Written by a lawman-turned psychic detective, this is the real work that lays bare how unscrupulous operators fleeced their victims while posing as mediums and spirit guides. Robert A. Nelson, purveyor of all things psychic, praised this work in his early catalogs.
Descriptions and methods described include:
- Spirit Paintings
- Spirit Table that Talks
- Mental Thought Projection in Lighted Room
- Producing Spirits in Vacant Room
- Materalization Seance
- Mental Telepathy - Second Sight Reading
- Parlor Clairvoyance
★★★★★ $6 Strange TruthsB. W. McCarron A great audience participation effect. Ideal for corporate shows and parties.
EFFECT: Several spectators are asked to think of an unusual job that they have held during their career. Another spectator thinks of an unusual occupation that he or she has never held.
The spectators write their jobs on any paper. They place their folded billets in a bowl or basket in plain sight.
The performer then reveals the strange but true occupations and identifies which of them is the false one, as well! A solid 4-6 minutes of mental fun for any act. Plays big, packs small. The gimmick (yes there is... ★★★★★ $10 Blue Book 1960KC Card Co Now included is the 8-page yellow supplement.
Just 15 years after WWII, life was good. As the world rebuilt itself, prosperity reigned. Returning soldiers who needed an outlet to keep their competitive edge found what they were looking for in gambling. Neighborhood poker games, back-alley craps, and illegal casinos were everywhere if you knew where to look. Grifters followed the money trail, too, and not all of them relied on skill. Many used devices such as holdouts, shiners, gaffed cards and crooked dice to ensure that they fleeced the lambs just as surely as if the marks openly handed their... $10 Seers, Psychics, Sinners and SalesmenB. W. McCarron Professional mediums, corporate espionage experts, and unfriendly governments all have something in common. They want information: yours!
Protect yourself from the secrets of professional data thieves and along the way, you'll begin thinking of way to adapt these devious methods into harmless, yet entertaining routines for your mental or psychic act. Be sure to read it all, as there's a nifty treat for stage mentalists in the conclusion.
Originally published at $15, this revised and expanded edition is priced low through an exclusive arrangement with Lybrary.com and the author.
1st... ★★★★★ $12 Clearly MentalB. W. McCarron Clearly Mental contains 11 entertaining mental routines, including a subtlety used by one of America's most prominent performers to ensure that a beautiful woman is selected as a volunteer.
Inside these 58 pages, McCarron explains not only routines, but 30 additional ideas for coming up with your own custom-crafted effects.
The Name Game - Reveal the names two spectators are trying hard not to think of.
Easy Money - Two spectators take turns attempting to exchange their $1 bill for a $5, $20, or $100 bill.
Autograph Party - Audience members write the names of their favorite celebrities... ★★★★★ $6 Six Lessons in Crystal GazingRobert A. Nelson Robert A. Nelson is writing as Korda RaMayne. One of the most complete books ever written on the art of crystal gazing (scrying). Learn how to develop this wonderful ability in your home.
- Lesson 1: History of Crystal Gazing.
- Lesson 2: Power of Concentration.
- Lesson 3: Visualization.
- Lesson 4: How to Crystal Gaze.
- Lesson 5: Silent Influence Through the Crystal.
- Lesson 6: The Million Dollar Master Secret of Attaining Your Desires.
- Bonus Lesson: The complete Hindu method to make a person at a distance think of you and to cause them to fall in love with you.
The ebook has been... $25 Video MagicB. W. McCarron Use your VCR as a video prediction chest!
Add amazing, audience-tested effects to your act, including French Postcards, Jokers Wild, Batter Up!, Break the Bank, Headlines of the Past, Mental Shopping, Lucifer's Lexicon, Movie-ola, Mental Lottery, and many others.
The subtle methods are broken into chapters where you'll discover the Three Outs Principle, The Multiple Outs Principle, the Index Principle, The Ultima Principle, and more. The author had previously sold this work only through Micky Hades' Seattle retail shop, which has since closed. The material in this ebook is just too good... ★★★★★ $20 Kara's Crystal VisionsB. W. McCarron Projected Answers from the Q&A Master
The late Paul Kara galvanized audiences with his remarkable feats of crystal gazing and mindreading. Yet for all of Kara's remarkable stage presence, staging, and costumes, audiences and critics alike said it was his answers that kept them coming back, night after night.
Now you can learn from the master with this amazing collection of over 300 of Kara's answers to questions, just as audiences would have received them back in his day. Not only that, but the questions themselves can be used for practice purposes, to hone your own answering abilities... Displaying 361 to 375 (of 375 products)