Displaying 169 to 192 (of 375 products) ★★★★★ $6 Magic at Your FingertipsMilbourne Christopher & Hen Fetsch  A top-flight collection of 33 tested tricks and performance suggestions by two of America's greatest magicians and magic inventors, Milbourne Christopher and 'Hen' Fetsch.
We can't remember the last time we had so much fun enjoying a book on magic. No stuffy prose or verbose instructions here, Christopher and Fetsch reveal the inner workings just as if you're discussing them over a beer or burger at your favorite hangout.
Magic at Your Fingertips features chapters on close-up conjuring, mental magic, card feats, sorcery with silks and a wide assortment of unusual variety magic. It contains... ★★★★★ $4 Think A CardJohn Scarne & Dr. Jacob Daley  From noted card man and gaming expert John Scarne comes this clean-cut triple prediction miracle effect that will build a reputation for you. No difficult sleights. Simple, sure and direct. The publisher had been after Scarne for years to release this clever item, before he finally agreed.
Any deck of cards is shuffled by anyone and spread out on the table face up. Two spectators and the performer each merely think of a card and you write a prediction on small slips of paper for each card thought of. The thought-of cards are pushed out of the pack and the predictions are placed on top of... ★★★★★ $10 Thought TranscribedEddie Clever From the brilliant mind of Eddie Clever comes this astoundingly direct sealed question reading miracle. Every move has been thoroughly thought out and blended to flow into a smooth sequence.
There have been many methods devised for secretly divining written data on a card within a sealed envelope, but none, we firmly believe, is as baffling or as easy to do as this. Lifted directly from Eddie's routine for private seances, it has been an exclusive favorite of his, the modus operandi never once having been detected.
The envelope used is absolutely unprepared and so is the white card, which... ★★★★★ $12 The World's Best Psychic Book TestsBurling Hull Book tests comprise some of the most stunning effects in the mentalist's arsenal. Here, completely explained, are many of the cleverest, most transparent mental demonstrations ever assembled.
Selling for the equivalent of over $50 in today's buying power when it was first released, this manuscript contains some of the most jealously guarded secrets ever developed for apparently reading the minds of your spectators in a clear, convincing manner.
Not just bare bones descriptions, Hull provides complete patter and the thought behind the workings for several outstanding tests using books... ★★★★★ $5 Routined MagicSenor Mardo Two classics of magic: the Cups and Balls and the Egg Bag, are beautifully routined and patiently explained in text and illustrations, as only Senor Mardo can. Experts in magic agree that Mardo's "new thinking" in these routines make them a knockout addition to most any performer's act.
You get over a dozen effects and moves with coins, silks, thimbles, balls, cigarettes and a complete explanation of Mardo's improved gimmick for the Chinese Rice Bowls that will make you want to add it to your show. This is baffling, thrilling, entertaining magic with headline appeal.
Here's a partial list... ★★★★★ $8 Extra Sensory PerfectionJ. G. Thompson Jr. Here's a complete four-phase routine using a deck of ESP cards.
Do you know the true facts about the ESP deck? J. G. Thompson, Jr. has thoroughly analyzed the deck and come up with some most amazing discoveries which he has blended into the first completely routined demonstration with a standard deck of Rhine E. S. P. cards.
Now you can prove your mastery over extra sensory perception (ESP) and demonstrate to your audience that you are a mentalist by using an ESP testing deck - a scientifically approved accessory. You go through a series of experiments such as Rhine has only hoped to... ★★★★★ $8 Thayer's Comedy Crystal Gazing ActWilliam W. Larsen Here's the perfect "one man" comedy mentalism act that's great for those occasions when you aren't able to perform your regular show. Or add it as a feature to your regular act.
Don't confuse this with the old "two person" comedy mindreading act. This hilarious routine can be performed by you, alone, without assistants, stage hands or stooges. Using a crystal ball, a jumbo electric light bulb, or even a swirly-painted bowling ball, you cause a laugh riot by apparently answering questions which have been merely "thought of" by your audience. There's no mystery to it. All you need is this clever... $8 White SorcerySenor Mardo Acclaimed by experts, Senor Mardo reveals 19 choice close-up and platform magic miracles in this "lost classic."
It's not black magic, it's . . . White Sorcery! Mardo's wizardry with new effects and novel takes on existing magic makes this a worthy addition to any performer's library of legerdemain.
Here's a partial list of contents:
- A Coin Routine
- A New Rope Cut Technique
- Another Rope Cut Technique
- The Vanishing Light
- Booming the Aces
- Rose
- The Nudist End
- Television Technique
- The Ball and Vase
- Matching the Colors
- Dye Tube Routine
- The Adams Block
- The Yarn
- Three Out Of One...
$6 The Dirty DealerJules Lenier & B. W. McCarron  An entertaining close-up effect where you attempt to teach the spectator how to "dirty deal", but always goes wrong when the spectator tries. It gets funnier and funnier, ending with a surprise climax.
Audiences enjoy tricks with a gambling theme. If the effect also combines comedy and mystery, then you have a triple threat combination that's sure to be remembered.
The performer explains how he sent away for a mail order course in dealing cards. He offers to teach a spectator how to do it, offering a money-back guarantee. The spectator can't seem to follow directions, even though the performer... ★★★★★ $15 Nelson Enterprises Manuscript Collection 2Robert A. Nelson Here are six more, hard-to-find Nelson Enterprises manuscripts for mentalists and magicians.
This collection contains the following Nelson manuscripts, updated and edited for a new generation of performers:
Pulse Test and Blood Control — The psychic entertainer demonstrates how he is able to start and stop his pulse by using mind control. Nelson claimed this method fooled doctors. (NE Cat. #171)
Long Distance Telepathy — The performer has a psychic friend who reveals a freely selected card by telephone. And, to fool the wise ones, the psychic's name and phone number are placed,... ★★★★★ $10 A Spook Show in Your ParlorWilliam W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron  Host your own entertaining séance or year-round haunted house with these frightfully spooky stunts.
Not just for Halloween, you'll be the life of the party any time with more than a devil's dozen effects and stunts that take place around the séance table or darkened room. They won't break the (blood) bank, either.
Newly revised, with over 20 pages of added content, including new methods, attractions and ideas to make yours the most talked-about event in your city or town. Don't just perform magic . . . live it in your own house of spooks and ghosts.
Here's a partial look at the contents:
... ★★★★★ $8 Your Break in Show BusinessShow Talent Enterprises You could be the next big star in films, on the stage, or television. Veteran performers of stage and TV reveal all in this must-have guide ebook for anyone who wants to enter the exciting world of entertainment. Whether your goal is to appear on a televised talent contest, play theaters, Las Vegas, TV or appear in films, this ebook contains time-tested advice and vocal exercises to get you on your way, just as if you'd hired your own personal coach to prepare you for the "big time."
This informative ebook also reveals proper microphone technique, how to minimize stage fright and pre-show... ★★★★★ $10 Berland's Blue Ribbon Card TricksSamuel Berland Twenty-five complete card miracles and moves with over 100 illustrations.
Top performers including Bob Hummer, Dai Vernon, Arthur Buckley, Dr. Harlan Tarbell and others reveal their favorite card effects here for the first time. Here are new effects, for close-up, parlor and stage presentation. Ready-to-work effects, sleights, color changes, revelations and clever routines that you will be proud to perform.
One hundred pen-and-ink illustrations by master artist Thomas Libonati make everything clear.
- Before the Shuffle
- Five Card Baffle (Hummer)
- One Hand Visible Card Change (Berland)
★★★★★ $3 Laugh Lines 5Jimmy Muir Need more laughs in your act? Jimmy Muir has the answer with this, the fifth volume in the hilarious Laugh Lines series, with yet more jokes, gags, comic observations, one-liners and opening monologue ideas for magicians, emcees, comedians and other entertainers.
Jimmy Muir was acknowledged by many of magic's greats as the funniest guy on the planet. Whether it was performing at a huge national convention or emceeing the floor show at his San Francisco hotel, Jimmy's material was always top notch.
The original Laugh Lines booklets are sadly out of print and jealously hoarded by magicians... ★★★★★ $15 Within the Dark Circleunknown This hard-to-find text on trumpet mediumship and fraudulent spiritism is now updated and better than ever.
Audiences enjoy seeing the psychic entertainer reveal the inside secrets of fraudulent mediums. And now, thanks to this rare old manuscript, you can. We love the title, for it really sets the mood, as the manifestations described take place in the dark, around the séance table. This is just the ticket for hosting a regular series of entertaining séances at your home, or that of your client.
And that's not all. Only in this edition is revealed a modern-day source for obtaining a... $3 More Tips On TricksMilbourne Christopher Pro magician and author Milbourne Christopher reveals even more favorite tips, ideas, gags, patter and effects from his own shows. Get extra mileage from the magic effects you already own.
This ebook picks up from where his earlier book, Tips on Tricks, leaves off - with no duplication of material. Just practical, tested material for any performer. At this low price, we think it's one of the finest values in magic today.
"One of the most practical brochures on magic I've ever seen. 'More Tips on Tricks' is crammed with material which has obviously been performance tested." - Wm. W. Larsen, Sr.
"A fine volume full... ★★★★★ $6 New Applause Winning TricksSamuel Berland & T. A. Whitney  Here are more beautifully routined professional effects to add to your act, from the minds of Berland and Whitney. The experts agree that the effects in this book are applause-getters. We concur, as well. Not just one or two, but seven separate routines that you'll want to put to use right away. The crystal-clear illustrations by Herb Borin and Mickey O'Malley make it easy to follow every move.
Just look at what's included:
Super Card Impalement - A card stab effect using two knives that reveal the selected cards from a pair of spectators.
Triple Magical Surprise - Three lit cigarettes... ★★★★★ $4 The Dime and PennyLloyd E. Jones Twenty-five excellent tricks are concisely explained by Lloyd E. Jones for this excellent piece of mechanical coin magic. Nicely illustrated, too. The Dime and Penny ebook makes an old trick modern and definitely establishes it as one of the classics of magic.
No difficult sleights are required, no bulky apparatus, every move is described. You'll deceive your friends for days on end with the excellent magic effects possible with this one piece of mechanical magic. It's doubtful that any book devoted to a single pocket trick has ever featured such good magic as is given in this book.
Many... ★★★★★ $7 You're On!Wilbur Kattner Here are not one, but two, fully routined magic acts that are commercial and different. They work equally well for the one- or two-person show. Each of the routines is a complete unit, with effects that lead up to a definite climax. Patter, music cues, stage movements and rehearsal suggestions are included. You also get standalone effects, new wrinkles for established effects, and additional patter and bits of business to add to your show.
THE RESTLESS COLORS (Orville Meyer) is a routine on par with "Out Of This World." It is guaranteed to leave magicians and laymen in a daze. It... $5 Pilfered Patter 1.5Ken Allen People who know comedy recommend Ken Allen's Pilfered Patter as the book to get. Don Lawton, Bill Larsen Jr., John Braun and other professional entertainers and comedy writers raved about the material in Pilfered Patter No. 1. But we didn't stop there. Introducing Pilfered Patter 1.5, the new and improved ebook of comic monologues, one- and two-liners, gags, jokes and funny stories to intersperse during or between effects in your routine.
Nothing is off limits - not even sex - which is why this ebook carries a warning that it may not be appropriate for those under 17 years of age. (There's... ★★★★★ $6 TipsKen Allen On a budget? Can't find audience-friendly magic at the magic shop? Then build your own with this great collection of 52 magic tips, ideas, patter and suggestions (or in other words, T.I.P.S.)
Even if you're all thumbs, the author's clear descriptions and illustrations makes it easy to craft amazing effects, props and utility items. He also reveals the source of an incredible building material, as well as finishing tips.
Magic reviewers, dealers and magicians everywhere all agree that TIPS contains the largest collection of new, easy to make practical magic than books five times the price.... ★★★★★ $15 Phantini's Mental KeyGene Grant Mentalists, here is Phantini's lost classic of 25 mind-blowing mental effects, now available again in a new, updated edition. Gene Grant unveils over two dozen stunners with billets, business cards, playing cards and books that will have your audience crediting you with out-of-this-world mental powers.
All are one-man effects. Many can be performed close-up for intimate audiences, while others will play great for platform and theatre use. Our favorites rely on the "Phantinism" principle, which is Grant's streamlined presentation based on equivoque, but so subtle that it'll leave your audiences... ★★★★★ $15 Nelson Enterprises Manuscript Collection 1Robert A. Nelson Here are five vintage (and expensive) Nelson Enterprises mental manuscripts, now available in a convenient, updated collection to add to your library. This collection contains the following Nelson manuscripts, updated and edited for a new generation of performers:
Spirit Pendulum — A small weight, suspended inside a corked glass bottle, swings and taps the side of the bottle, answering questions from the audience. There are no connections to the bottle, which may be examined or handed out as a souvenir. (NE Cat. #276)
Webster Outdone — A book test performed with an unprepared vest... $9 ESP: Fact or FictionDavid Robbins Cash in on interest in ESP and mind power with this 15 minute lecture and 30 minute demonstration that you can give.
The author has presented this lecture many times with great success. It is both educational and entertaining and will be enjoyed by most any audience from teens to active seniors. At the conclusion of the lecture, a demonstration of ESP (or is it?) follows. Audience participation is encouraged. Any magician or mentalist can perform the lecture. It can be read straight from a printed copy, performed from memory, or better yet, given as a PowerPoint presentation.
Use this... Displaying 169 to 192 (of 375 products)