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Aldo Colombini products: page 2

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Aldo Colombini
Buon Appetito by Aldo Colombini

Una routine in otto fasi sul tema delle "Carte Cannibali"

Una routine che intrattiene veramente il tuo pubblico ed è piena di effetti sorprendenti!

Nella routine in ben otto fasi accompagnata da una parlantina veramente divertente su come i cannibali vivono nella giungla e su come catturano le loro vittime, accade veramente di tutto! I "cannibali" ( ... due Re) appaiono all'improvviso. Cambiano di vestito (...colore). Intrappolano una vittima (...carta scelta). Ne mangiano un'altra (...altra carta scelta). Si trasformano in "missionarie" (...Regine). Si riuniscono con i loro amici (appaiono...

★★★★★ $5
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Aldo Colombini
Bone Appetite by Aldo Colombini

An entertaining routine on the Cannibal Card theme. Several effects tied together to create the perfect 'cannibal card' routine ever. The cannibals appear, change 'clothes', capture victims, eat victims, eat each other and reappear!

Requires a double-backed card.

★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Blank Imagination by Aldo Colombini

You show five cards completely blank on both sides. A card is selected from a regular deck (say the QH). The same card appears on the face of every blank card. Then all the cards are blank again including the spectator’s selection; this card now re-appears face up in the middle of the deck!

Requires four cards blank on both sides, a blank-backed card and a blank-faced card.

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Aldo Colombini
Bedazzling Colors by Aldo Colombini

An effect by Paul Gordon performed by Aldo Colombini. You show some Jokers. The backs of the cards are red. One Joker with a big X on its back is placed among the cards and now all the cards have a big X on their backs. One card with a big O on its back is placed among the cards and now all the cards have big O’s on their backs. Finally, the cards are all back to normal. The big surprise comes when five cards are turned over and a letter appears on each card spelling the word MAGIC (or any other message, a Royal Flush, etc).

You will need five blank-faced cards.

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Aldo Colombini
Battuteca by Aldo Colombini

Una esilarante raccolta di 500 battute su una riga indicizzate !

Se sei alla ricerca di materiale provato per far ridere il tuo pubblico, per preparare i tuoi testi per lo vuoi trasformare ogni occasione in una risata, se sai quanto è difficile trovare materiale valido in questo campo, allora non lascarti sfuggire "Battuteca".

Aldo Colombini , il notissimo comico-prestigiatore, ha raccolto in questo agile volumetto la sua decennale esperienza "sul campo" con queste ben 500 battute e one liners . Non solo questo, le battute sono state anche indicizzate in modo da trovare...

★★★★ $12
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Aldo Colombini
Baroque Compositions by Aldo Colombini

Here Aldo performs and explains twelve effects from his Baroque Cards ebook. The twelve effects were selected by Rachel.

  • Vivace: You deal the Kings into four packets and they assemble in one packet. On top of each pile the four Aces appear.
  • Aria: An Ace-Assembly that's easy to perform, direct and to-the-point, with a magical and surprising climax.
  • Sarabanda: The two black Kings find two selected cards from a deck cut into three piles by a spectator.
  • Concerto: The four Jacks disappear and find three cards in the middle of the deck. One indicates the value of a selection, the second the suit and the...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Baroque Cards (French) by Aldo Colombini

27 routines de cartes pour le stand-up, le close-up et la magie en déambulation. Tous ces effets ont été créés en écoutant de la musique baroque. Aldo a rassemblé vingt sept tours et routines pour la plupart inédits. Certains d'entre eux sont parus dans des magazines à travers le monde, d'autres sont apparus dans une ou deux notes de conférence, mais la plupart n'ont jamais connu l'encre avant d'être écrits pour cet ouvrage.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

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Aldo Colombini
Baroque Cards by Aldo Colombini

27 card tricks for stand-up, close-up and walk-around. All of these effects were created while listening to baroque music. Aldo collected twenty-seven tricks and routines mostly unpublished before. Some of them appeared in magazines around the world, some in a couple of lecture notes but most never met ink before writing them down for this tome.

1st edition 2008; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Barocco by Aldo Colombini

Un nuevo e-book de Aldo Colombini.

Un concierto compuesto por 28 temas cartomágicos que supondrán un deleite para tus ojos, para tus manos y para tus oídos. Como siempre, cartomagia efectiva, visual, sencilla y práctica.

Made in Aldo Colombini.

28 efectos cartomágicos a un click de ratón. ¿Te lo vas a perder?


  • Obertura
  • Allegro
  • Fuga
  • Andante
  • Aria
  • Tocata
  • Sarabanda
  • Pastoral
  • Minueto
  • Vivace
  • Concerto
  • Presto
  • Cantabile
  • Grave
  • Staccato
  • Affettuoso
  • Maestoso
  • Capriccio
  • Spiritoso
  • Moderato
  • Adagio
  • Largo
  • Divertimento
  • Scherzo
  • Sinfonia
  • Gavotta
  • Fantasia
  • Spiccato ...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Ballata by Aldo Colombini

Ancora un volumetto con grande cartomagia dalla fertile penna di Aldo. Aldo ha raccolto in queste pagine una serie di effetti tutti splendidi che da molto tempo fanno parte del suo repertorio. Materiale testato in pubblico di sicuro successo e di semplice esecuzione.

Il materiale trae spunto da effetti e metodi di grandi della cartomagia quali Marlo, Duffie, Harthman West, Mentzer, Walton, Leech e altri ricostruiti e trasformati dal “tocco di Colombini”…

Eccoti un assaggio del contenuto:

  • AUTOGRILL - Quattro Re sono mostrati. Le facce dei Re spariscono e infine si trasformano...
★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Back Off by Aldo Colombini

This is an amazing close-up trick which is a mystery to any audience. Two cards are selected from a deck of cards. You show several Jokers. One at a time, the Jokers turn over and during this process change one by one into duplicates of the first card. Then, all together they change into duplicates of the second selected card!

Requires two double faced cards.

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Lewis Ganson & Aldo Colombini
Assemblea Suprema by Lewis Ganson & Aldo Colombini

Il grandissimo Lewis Ganson è stato un vero maestro nell’arte di descrivere e insegnare routines di grandi prestigiatori da tutto il mondo. Molti dicono che le sue spiegazioni dettagliate siano pari all’insegnamento in presenza. Le sue spiegazioni hanno il pregio di essere sempre chiare e accompagnate da foto esplicative. Oggi ti presentiamo, per la prima volta in italiano, la sua accurata e completa descrizione di una spettacolare routine di Aldo Colombini. Leggi attentamente perché, te lo assicuriamo, ne vale la pena.

Ecco cosa dice Ganson Stesso:

Vi presento un classico effetto...

★★★★★ $4.90
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Aldo Colombini
Anytime Anyplace Anywhere: with a deck of cards by Aldo Colombini

Here's a collection of incredible impromptu card magic compiled by Aldo Colombini. Card magic at it's best performed, anytime, anyplace, anywhere with just a regular deck of cards, no set-up whatsoever and very easy to do. Contributors: Ian Adair, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Tom Craven, Tom Daugherty, Peter Duffie, Karl Fulves, Stephen D. Gervais, Paul Gordon, J. K. Hartman, Marty Kane, Ryan Matney, Max Maven, Joe Riding, Mike Rogers, John T. Sheets, Nick Trost, Richard Vollmer, Roy Walton, Andrew Wimhurst. 35 tricks in all.

1st edition 2007; 22 pages....

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Anytime Anyplace Anywhere (French) by Aldo Colombini

Voici un recueil d’incroyables routines des cartes impromptues compilées par Aldo Colombini. Le meilleur de la magie des cartes à présenter n'importe quand, dans n'importe quel endroit, n'importe où avec un simple jeu de cartes, sans préparation d’aucune sorte et très facile à faire.

Contributeurs : Ian Adair, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Tom Craven, Tom Daugherty, Peter Duffie, Karl Fulves, Stephen D. Gervais, Paul Gordon, JK Hartman, Marty Kane, Ryan Matney, Max Maven, Joe Riding, Mike Rogers, John T. Sheets, Nick Trost, Richard Vollmer, Roy Walton, Andrew Wimhurst. 35 tours au total.

1ère édition 2007, 39 pages.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]...

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Aldo Colombini
Anello e Corda 2 by Aldo Colombini

Dapprima uscita in Inglese e poi tradotta in Italiano dallo stesso Aldo Colombini, questa routine in 5 fasi con una semplice corda e un normalissimo anello diverrà presto una delle tue preferite. Nessuna preparazione: sei sempre pronto ad eseguirla e grazie alle oltre trenta chiare illustrazioni sarà un piacere impararla. Abbiamo diviso il testo dalle illustrazioni in due files diversi per rendere agevole la consultazione e l’apprendimento. Sarà quindi molto comodo tenere i due files aperti contemporaneamente sul pc o stamparli.

Eccoti la presentazione dell’opera da parte dell stesso...

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Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
Ancora in Giro by Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
  • Introduzione
  • Tripla Predizione
  • Anello e Corda
  • Una Busta Vuota
  • Corda Tagliata In Tre Pezzi
  • Doppia Penetrazione
  • Quadraplex
  • Colori Mentali
  • In Giro Per Il Mondo
  • Colori Senza Riposo
  • Un Trucco Mentale
  • Carta a Qualsiasi Numeri
  • Uno, Due, Tre
  • Equivalente
  • Cidentaquin e Riciclo
  • Sul Giornale
  • Questo Seme, Quel Valore
  • Carte Segnate
  • Scelta ESP
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Alta Quota by Aldo Colombini


Un ebook che spiega nei dettagli una bellissima routine di cartomagia con un normale mazzo di carte


Tre spettatori scelgono altrettante carte e le lasciano sul tavolo .L'esecutore mostra chiaramente tre Jolly. Poi pone una delle carte scelte tra i Jolly e, senza guardarne la faccia, riesce a nominare la carta scelta. La carta viene rimessa sul tavolo. La stessa cosa si ripete con le altre due carte scelte. Ora per il climax finale: le caste scelte vengono girate una alla volta e si sono trasformate in altrettanti Jolly ! Ora le tre carte scelte...

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Aldo Colombini
Alle Carte T' Alleni Li Nella Tetra Cella by Aldo Colombini

17 routines cartomagiche di grande impatto, facili da eseguire.

Questo libro di Aldo Colombini, il quinto della serie “Cartomagia commerciale”, contiene delle splendide routines alcune delle quali sono dei veri reputation maker. La descrizione che segue, per ragioni di spazio, non rende giustizia ai bellissimi effetti che trovate svelati e descritti con la solita dovizia in questo libro. Le meraviglie cominciano già con il titolo che è una frase palindroma ( si può leggere sia da sinistra a destra che da destra a sinistra…) per proseguire poi, dopo un introduzione di John Bannon,...

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Aldo Colombini
All Hands On Deck by Aldo Colombini

Commercial card magic at its best. All practical effects which you will use.

  • COLOR CHANGE AGAIN (John Yeager): A color changing deck routine involving two selected cards.
  • MATCHED PICTURE CARDS (Nick Trost): The picture cards are shuffled and magically they match up in pairs.
  • DOORSTEP ACES (Paul Gordon): The four Aces find three selected cards.
  • REPROCESSED ELIMINATION (J.K. Hartman): A selected card appears in an unexpected way. Very strong effect.
  • RANDOM THOT (Karl Fulves): An impossible selected card revelation that will fool you too!
  • JACKS IN THE BOX (Aldo Colombini): Red and black cards alternate and then...
★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Aldo's Finale by Aldo Colombini

When Aldo Colombini unexpectedly died he left behind many unpublished tricks. Rachel Colombini has compiled these together with a number of contributions from Aldo's friends. As such this is Aldo's last ebook. It is a testament to one of the most beloved and prolific authors in magic. Wherever he went he performed, sometimes for hours without break. These are the effects he was working on last ... Aldo's Finale!

★★★★★ $20
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Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 9 by Aldo Colombini

More great card magic from the late Nick Trost! All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • EVERYWHERE AND NOWHERE: Four indifferent cards change into four duplicates of a selection and revert back to indifferent cards.
  • TROST ON HAMMAN'S "MAGIC CARDS": Three Jokers, when added to one of the three selections, change to the same value as the selection. Then the Jokers change to the same value of the second selection and then the third.
  • SPECTATOR'S ROYAL FLUSH: A spectator locates a royal flush in a deck of cards.
  • FOUR GRAND SLAMS: Two spectators each deal a half-deck...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 8 by Aldo Colombini

All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • FOUR TIMES NINE: Using only the spot cards, a spectator selects four pairs and they are laid on four selected cards. These cards are seen to be the Nines. Each pair totals 9.
  • DUCK OR DEAL BLACKJACK: A spectator shuffles eight cards and then separates them in four pairs. At all time the cards are in the spectator's hands. He has formed four blackjack hands: Each pair consists of a Jack and an Ace.
  • FOLLOWING SUIT: One card of each suit is placed on the table for 'targets.' A spectator freely selects cards from small...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 7 by Aldo Colombini

Magic with "Special Decks" by Nick Trost. All the tricks requires special decks (not supplied but easy to make up).


  • ROYAL TRIUMPH: Four cards are selected from a red-backed deck. You produce the four Kings and these have blue backs. At the end, these four cards are the selected ones.
  • MATRIX MIRACLE: Five cards are selected. Spectators help to select any other five cards and these are seen to be the mates of the previously chosen ones.
  • STRANGER IN PARADISE: One card is selected from a blue-backed deck. A red-backed deck is shown. The cards are counted and they are only 51. The selected...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 6 by Aldo Colombini

The great packet tricks of Nick Trost. All the tricks require special cards (not supplied but easily obtainable) or simply duplicates of some cards.


  • UN-CARDS: A beautiful prediction effect using blank-faced cards (the Un-Cards). The selected card is shown to be the only red card of the packet. The prediction says, “YOU WILL SELECT THE RED CARD.”
  • EXPANDING CARDS: A stunning, visual effect! A fan of five miniature cards (say A, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Clubs) expands to large ones in a blink of an eye! So easy to do. For close-up, walk-around, etc.
  • KOPY KAT: From two packets of cards you...
★★★★★ $10
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