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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 2 by Alexander de Cova

BOXED - A signed bill ends up in the interior of a lighter, which has been inside a cigarette packet. This one has fooled everyone on my last lecture tour. Perfect for table-hopping, instant reset and easy to do. [Note: This routine was intended to be published as a separate eBook for a much higher price than this issue of Scrapbook. However, for completeness sake I decided to add it here.

TOTALLY STONED - A mental routine based on a Max Maven idea. I changed the routine, method and added an additional climax to it. Very powerful and easy to do.

ENTHYMEMATA - Thoughts, tips and hints.

1st edition 2014, 6 pages....

★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 3 by Alexander de Cova

ABSTRACTOR - My take on the "Extractor" gimmick which is completely different. The deck can be fanned, spread and quite freely shown. The spectator himself can insert his card into the case. The case is shut and rubber bands are placed all around the case (!). You can show the case from all sides - all looks perfect. You put the deck in your pocket and immediately have the selected card at your disposal! Easy to construct in less than half an hour with only one deck used.

TAMARIZ MEMO DECK - Here I start with a five part "course" on the memorization of this brilliant stack. It's fun to read,...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 4 by Alexander de Cova

The new issue is packed with workable stuff. This time, you'll find also something for the stage magician! Here the contents:

ESPACOLOGY 2 - My take on a routine by David Berglas. This one is intended for stage/plattform use and can be made to play really big. Multiple predictions lead to a knockout climax incorporating the name of the company you are working for.

GIANT CARD TO SILK - This is truly the most visual and baffling transformation of a giant card into a silk. It looks like trick photography and you end clean. I describe some tips for the table-hopping magician as well.


★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 5 by Alexander de Cova

In this issue, I go into great detail for my version of the routine "Cards Through Newspaper", an effect which was popularized by the great Albert Goshman in his professional act.

CARDS THROUGH NEWSPAPER - I taught this version to Doc Eason years ago. Here is the complete description with all the details (for you, Doc!). Doc told me that he showed the routine to Eric Mead and Eric had some nice words for it, means, he liked it. Four cards (any four cards, signed or unsigned) penetrate a sheet of newspaper one at a time. This is a worker's version, no duplicates, preparation or anything. You...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 6 by Alexander de Cova

This issue deals with the kind of tricks Pat Page would have loved and performed. Therefore it is dedicated to him. Here the contents:

STAB IN THE DARK - A card stab routine, where you stab (underneath a silk) into the deck and hit the mate of a spectator's selected card.

SIMPLE MISRES DREAM - This gimmick enables you to do a perfect coin catch without any sleight of hand! Can be applied to many other things as well.

POOR MANS RINGFLIGHT - The easiest ringflight with an unprepared leather key case. This is really for the working performer and perfect for table hopping.


★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 7 by Alexander de Cova

PAPER DARTS - This is the routine I've kept back. You stand on stage with a folded paper dart. Spectators decide on a three digit number. The dart is thrown into the audience and the audience member catching it brings it to the stage. The paper dart is opened and on it is PRINTED in big bold letters the chosen number! NO nail writing or whatsoever, the method will make you laugh. Completey "out-of-the-box" thinking here. Hopefully, only a few magicians will go into the troubles making this one up.

HOPA-GIMMICK - This can be made up withing minutes and enables you to force two cards as convincingly...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 8 by Alexander de Cova

MY MAGIC SQUARE - I worked a long time to get together my "perfect" magic square. This one is different, because on the back of the card, where you make the grid, the square is predicted in big bold letters! A very good number force is described that has been long time underground and that can be used in many other effects as well. I always carry this one with me in my wallet and it has never ceased to really amaze people. [Note: In order to perform this magic square effect you will either need E-Z Square 4 by Werner Miller or Patterns of Perfection Revisited by Sam Dalal.

HOFZINSER IN MY WALLET - A very convincing and bold "card to wallet". NO palming whatsoever. Based on ideas by Peter Duffie and Chip Kleiman. I took the original...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 9 by Alexander de Cova

THE REAL PREMONITION - My take on Eddie Joseph's famous Premonition effect, which eliminates all calculations through the use of a devilish "prompter list", which is in full view but can't be seen. Also, in my version the freely chosen card (which is the only card missing in the deck) is predicted in a letter in a sealed envelope! For the gimmick you get the printing templates which can be found at the end of the PDF.

REVERSE TAKE - The most convincing "take" with a thumb tip possible. This one will fool even the experts, guaranteed. It will take some time until you get this down, because it works completely against...

★★★★★ $7
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Alexander de Cova
Seminar Notizen 2018 by Alexander de Cova

In diesem Seminarheft finden sich Ideen, Tricks und Routinen, die im Seminar 2018 gezeigt wurden. Das Notizbuch wurde den Originalen stark nachempfunden, und es sieht fast so aus, als ob man einen Blick in meine Notizbücher wirft. Wie immer zählen Kleinigkeiten und Raffinessen mehr als schwierige Griffe. Einige der Routinen kann man getrost als Selbstgänger ansehen.

NEU ist die Form: zu fast jedem Trick gibt es nun ein Video, auf dem man den relevanten Griff oder die Abfolge sehen kann. Ich habe mir dazu viele Gedanken gemacht und bin zu dieser pragmatischen Lösung gekommen. Somit hast...

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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 01 by Alexander de Cova

Die erste Ausgabe ist fertig. Geplant sind vorerst 52 Ausgaben (52 Karten im Spiel + 2 Joker). Du kannst dich also gewissermaßen ein volles Jahr von mir mit zauberischer Unterhaltung versorgen lassen.

Inhalt der 1. Ausgabe:

  • Matchblock II
  • Kartenforce für Comedy Prediction
  • Universelles Lapping Gimmick
  • Boxing OKITO
  • Karte in Brieftasche
Das Solidmagic Magazin wird in zwei Versionen verschickt: einmal als interaktives PDF und zum anderen im EPUB 3 Format. Um es zu lesen, brauchst du für das PDF den Acrobat Reader oder einen entsprechenden PDF-Viewer, der interaktive Inhalte darstellen...
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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 02 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 2. Ausgabe:

  • Inhalt:
  • Fingerprint Card Trick
  • Boxed Transposition (neue Version!)
  • Idee zum Kaps $11 Bill Trick
  • Greene Karten
  • Ice Shuffle
  • Killer Kiwi
  • Tamariz Deck (1)

Erstausgabe 2019, 9 Seiten + videos

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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 03 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 3. Ausgabe:

  • Musty Daumen
  • Multiplying Bottles
  • Bill Simon Vanish
  • Lager Switch
  • Fahrstulkarten
  • Tamariz Stack (2)

Erstausgabe 2019, 9 Seiten + videos

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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 04 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 4. Ausgabe:

  • Rorschach
  • Die Sache mit der Faust
  • Coinvelope
  • Geldschein in Birne
  • Die-lemma
  • Faro Tipps
  • Ringflight Tipp
  • Tamariz Stack (3)

Erstausgabe 2019, 11 Seiten + videos

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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 05 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 5. Ausgabe:

  • Matrix Opener
  • Lowe Palmage
  • Jazz Aces
  • Und ... Action!
  • Tamariz Stack (4)

Erstausgabe 2019, 8 Seiten + videos

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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 06 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 6. Ausgabe:

  • Vanishing Card Box
  • Die Slippy Tip
  • Gedanken zur Ambitious Card
  • Tamariz Stack (5)

Erstausgabe 2019, 8 Seiten + videos

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Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 07 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 7. Ausgabe:

  • Ringflight
  • Die Himber-Ringe
  • Ein Hoch auf die Doppelblankokarte
  • Action Switch
  • Klebstoffe
  • Sponge Vanishes

Erstausgabe 2019, 11 Seiten + videos

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Alexander de Cova
Symbolicus by Alexander de Cova

You display a big envelope with a prediction. Two spectators assist you with this experiment. You display now a transparent clipboard with a single sheet of paper on it. On this paper are printed 25 different abstract symbols in a numbered grid. You ask one spectator to think of any uneven number from 1 to 25 (including 1 and 25). The other spectator thinks of an even number. These numbers are only thought of! Now each of the spectators looks at the clipboard and remembers the symbol corresponding to his number. Again the spectators never name aloud their symbols and you don't ask a single...

★★★ $10
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Alexander de Cova
Tamariz Legesystem in 5 Tagen by Alexander de Cova

Ein 5-Tage-Kurs zum sicheren Erlernen des TAMARIZ MEMODECK. Alexander wurde auf seinen Workshops danach gefragt, wie er denn bzw. mit welcher Methode er das Tamariz Deck gelernt habe. So schön das Arbeiten mit diesem Spiel ist, es hat einen gehörigen Nachteil: man muss es erst einmal auswendig lernen. Nur zu oft hört man von den Zauberkollegen, dass sie zwar gerne mit einem memorierten Spiel arbeiten würden, aber meistens schon nach den ersten Karten aufgegeben haben. Es ist eben nicht so leicht, sich 52 scheinbar wahllos liegende Karten mit den dazugehörigen Zahlen zu merken.

Dies ist...

★★★ $6
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Alexander de Cova
TNT 3 by Alexander de Cova

Signed card into envelope, using a novel method which eliminates all difficult sleight-of-hand.

This concept enables you to steal and load a signed card into an envelope which has been in full view all the time. The signed card is placed into a clear box with a lid, this is placed into a larger carton box with a lid, and all is encircled with a rubber band. Still, you are able to extract the card. The load into the envelope is done in full view, and can be used without the box steal, as well.

Easy to do, because the gimmicks eliminate all the difficult sleight-of-hand, but you'll have...

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MP4 (video)

Alexander de Cova
TNT 3 (German) by Alexander de Cova

Bei dieser neuen Publikation sind Vorbereitungen in Form von Bastelarbeit und Übungszeit einzuplanen. Also nichts mit "lesen und gleich vorführen". Man muss sich mit den Sachen schon eine Zeit beschäftigen, so wie ich das ja auch viele Jahre gemacht habe, als ich sie kreierte. Wer mich aber kennt, weiß, dass meine Zauberei in der Regel aus einfachsten Mitteln zusammengesetzt und somit für fast jeden machbar ist. Das "Keep It Simple!"-Prinzip hat bei mir immer noch höchste Priorität.

TNT ist ein Kunststück (oder besser: ein Konzept), für das ich sehr lange gebraucht habe, um es in...

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Alexander de Cova
TNT: card in sealed envelope by Alexander de Cova

TNT is the ultimate card in envelope. A signed card appears in a sealed envelope that has been in full view all the time. So easy to execute, but completely baffling. Perfect for close-up, parlor and trade show magic. A real stunner that can be built in minutes. Detailed video explanation in English.

1st edition 2014, runtime 7 minutes

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MP4 (video)

Alexander de Cova
Treasures by Alexander de Cova

Alexander de Cova performs mostly stand-up, that means his magic is suitable for the small stage or platform. But many of his routines can also done close-up. In these lecture notes you will find some of his best effects, sleights, gimmicks, tips and ideas.

Alexander is a strong believer in utility sleights that can be used in different routines. Therefore you will find lots of material that deals with new techniques or variations on existing things which you can incorporate in your own routines and tricks.

1st edition 2004, 28 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. A Few Words Before
  2. Two Switch...
★★★★★ $29
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Alexander de Cova
Vanishing Card Box by Alexander de Cova

A startling transformation. A cased deck is shown. The Jokers are removed and suddenly the entire case is gone and only the cards remain. The gimmick is very easy to make, and the performance couldn't be simpler.

1st edition 2019, length 14 minutes.

★★★★ $12
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MP4 (video)

Alexander de Cova
Wäscheklammer Austausch by Alexander de Cova

Ein Arbeitsbuch mit allen Feinheiten zu diesem Griff sowie der neuen Beancounter-Routine und einigen Tipps und Anregungen. Im Download enthalten sind das PDF sowie einige Kurzvideos, die die Abläufe zeigen.

[Die Files lassen sich ganz einfach in jedem Browser öffnen. Ladet das ZIP-File herunter, das ihr entpackt. Dann die index.html in einem beliebigen Browser öffnen und ihr könnt loslegen. Wer lieber direkt das PDF und die Videos einzeln anschauen will geht in das resources/content Verzeichnis und wird dort alle Dateien finden.]

Erstausgabe 2018, 72 Seiten und 5 Videoclips.

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