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Audio in Magic & Mentalism: page 5


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★★★★ $14
Harold Taylor
Harold Taylor: The Angle of a Pro by Harold Taylor

Two hours of practical professional advice from the man who has entertained the Royal Family on several occasions and who for many years was the choice of the world's richest man, Paul Getty, as entertainer. In each volume there is a classic feature trick explained in the fullest detail move by move. Years of performing experience have enabled Harold to perfect each effect to gain maximum effect. Packed with professional advice and including several live show extracts.

Volume 2 opens smartly with the Harold Taylor presentation of the marvelous Stodare Egg effect. Use this and you will be...

★★★★★ $14
Jack Kodell
Jack Kodell by Jack Kodell

Jack Kodell flew into London late in 1977 and David Berglas interviewed him for this very special recording. Jack Kodell was one of the first to use small trained birds in his act. Jack talks about the creation of his act and gives useful hints and tips on the use and care of small birds and doves.

★★★★ $5
Terri Rogers
Dollar Con by Terri Rogers

This is a great self-working effect that can even be done over the phone or over the radio.

A dollar note, a five dollar note, a ten dollar note and a 25 cent piece are lined up on the table. A spectator is allowed to mix and rearrange the setup without the performer knowing how the bills are arranged. Then without seeing the table the performer gives directions to exchange some notes and in the end the performer knows where the 25 cents are.

Then in a second phase of the effect the spectator clips the 25 cents on to any of the other three bills. Again there is a sequence of shuffling...

★★★★ $29.90
Bob Cassidy & Michael Weber
Artful Mentalism: Séance by Bob Cassidy & Michael Weber

Bob Cassidy, one of the most respected and influential mentalists of our time, turns his attention to the topic of the seance and will show you just how simple it is to perform! In fact, most everything you need is contained within this ebook. Plus you get a recorded teleseminar that Michael Weber hosts where Bob talks about seances. On top of this you get the exclusive post-seminar notes and a copy of Behind the scenes with the mediums as PDF.

You'll learn:

  • a 12-step outline for conducting a successful seance
  • the first rule of all effective seances
  • how to do a seance without communicating...
Amedeo & George Schindler
Amedeo by Amedeo & George Schindler

When George Schindler wrote his book Amedeo's Continental Magic he used his tape recorder frequently to capture some of the remarkable Amedeo stories. On this recording George introduces Amedeo and we then hear Amedeo himself talking about his life and times in working for over 65 years in more than 23 countries. In 1972 the New York Society of Magicians named Amedeo as "Magician of the Year." Here is your opportunity to hear him talking about some of his experiences.

Recorded October 20th, 1973. Length 52 min.

Lewis Ganson
The Ganson Story Volume 2 by Lewis Ganson

This is volume 2 of The Ganson Story, recorded by Martin Breese to capture some of the essence that made Lewis Ganson the great writer of magic literature that he was.

(Here you will find Volume 1.)

runtime: 1 hour

Lewis Ganson
The Ganson Story Volume 1 by Lewis Ganson
"In all the world of magic, I don't think you could find a fairer, squarer person than Lewis" - Dai Vernon, Genii December 1974.

"As I look at the literary scene of magic today, the name of one man stands out above all the rest and the owner of that name is my old friend Lew Ganson." - Peter Warlock, Genii, December 1974.

Martin Breese writes in the original description of these tapes:

I made this recording because I wanted to meet magic's most respected writer. From an early age I followed Lewis Ganson's highly practical series in the Gen magazine and one by one I purchased every book that Lewis wrote including the Routined Manipulation series...

★★★★★ $5
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer 2: Sound FX by Robert Haas
  • Correct Answer
  • Incorrect Answer
  • Winning Ding
  • Crickets
  • Siren
  • Toilet Flush
  • Gong
  • Bird Chirp
  • Ooh Ahh
  • Laughter
  • 3 People Clapping
  • Applause
  • Vibraphone

For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.

★★★★★ $5
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer 2: Escape Artists by Robert Haas
  • Opener
  • Strait Jacket
  • Count Down
  • Count Up
  • Music (Hangman)
  • Music (Knight's Mare)
  • Music (Asylum)
  • Music (Shackled)

For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.

★★★★★ $5
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer 2: Announcements by Robert Haas
  • Cash Giveaway
  • Lost Wallet
  • Attention Please
  • Diamond Bracelet
  • $100 Bill
  • Mercedes Payment
  • PETA
  • No Announcement

For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.

★★★★★ $5
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer 2: Vocal Drops by Robert Haas
  • Exotic Animals
  • Quick Message
  • Crew Thanks
  • Turn Off Phones
  • Coming Soon
  • Houdini
  • Happy Birthday (Vocal)
  • Happy Birthday (Instrumental)

For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.

★★★★★ $5
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer 2: Welcomes by Robert Haas
  • Insert Name Here
  • Time For Show
  • Welcome To The Show
  • Tonight's Entertainment

For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.

★★★★★ $5
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer 2: Segues by Robert Haas
  • Intermission
  • O'Clocks
  • 30 Minute Countdown
  • Show Begins Momentarily

For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.

★★★★★ $5
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer 2: Closers by Robert Haas
  • Thank You
  • Autographs & Souvenirs
  • Smile on Faces
  • Go Home
  • Personal Belongings
  • Charity

For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.

★★★★★ $5
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer 2: Openers by Robert Haas
  • Kid Show Opener
  • Dramatic Opener
  • Mentalist Opener
  • Ventriloquist Opener
  • Comedy Opener #1
  • Comedy Opener #2
  • Emcee Opener
  • Female Opener

For an explanation track that allows you to listen to the main voice used in the Magic Enhancer tracks, please see our free ebook page under the Audio & Audio-Book heading.

The Goodliffe Years Vol. 2 by Goodliffe

This is volume 2 of the fascinating memoir of Goodliffe, a unique character with wisdom you can learn a great deal from.

[This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette series created by Martin Breese - now owned by]

runtime: 45 minutes

The Goodliffe Years Vol. 1 by Goodliffe

This is Goodliffe's own story. The facts and stories about Abracadabra from the man behind it all. Goodliffe has seen more magicians at work than anyone else and he has very clear views about what makes magic tick. Now that Goodliffe is no longer with us this is your only chance to hear Goodliffe speaking. Absolutely fascinating material.

[This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette series created by Martin Breese - now owned by]

runtime: 45 minutes

Alan Alan
Professional Performing Advice by Alan Alan

Two volumes and amongst the most valuable to the young performer who wants really practical professional advice right from the start. Alan Alan is one of the world's most highly paid escapologists and without revealing his very closest secrets he explains how the simplest stunt or effect can be built up into a great money-making act.

An extract from Alan Alan's death defying escape from a burning rope hanging over a cage of fierce lions is also included and completely analysed detail by detail by Alan Alan. Slightly muffled sound quality but the content is worth its weight in gold for anyone...

★★★★★ $12
Bob Ostin
Bob Ostin: Close-Up, Cabaret, Children by Bob Ostin

Bob is well-known around the world for his original effects marketed by Ken Brooke and for his clever writings in his book Fingertip Fantasies.

Bob gives a number of effects ranging from close-up to cabaret and a number of children's effects. Here's what Goodliffe had to say: "His book which I published enjoyed an excellent sale, though, so he must have more admirers than I realise. They will love this really exciting tape. He deals with club and cabaret, close-up magic and children'smagic. There must be a dozen tricks plus advice, ideas and useful tips, making this one of the most informative,...

★★★★★ $12
Kalanag Illusionist by Kalanag

Once again Goodliffe provides a stimulating introduction to another archive series recording. This time the subject is Kalanag - Master Illusionist.

The live recordings from Sim Sala Bim have been drawn from various sources. Without the marvelous introduction by Goodliffe this recording would simply be a record of the past but now, Kalanag lives again. Goodliffe was the first British magician who was allowed to see Kalanag's show from backstage.

Goodliffe starts with a short introduction on Helmut Schreiber, aka Kalanag, including some of his Nazi background, accusations, and counterpoints....

$27.50 $19.90
Anthony Owen & Jay Fortune
Anthony Owen Talks to Jay Fortune by Anthony Owen & Jay Fortune

If you want to break into the TV market you have to listen to this. Anthony Owen is currently the most successful TV magic producer in the UK and has worked on the Derren Brown shows, Monkey Magic, Dirty Tricks, The Real Hustle, and many more. And even if you are not trying to become a TV magic star you will hear a lot of great advice for anybody who wants to make a living with magic.

"I thought CDs were out as a way of learning about magic, but this one by Anthony Owen proves I was wrong. You just have to hear him speak to get the full inspirational effect of his amazing story. This is...

Gene Anderson
How to be a Part-Time Pro by Gene Anderson

Gene Anderson shares his international experience and opinion on things ranging from the difference between semi-pro and part-time pro, timing, entertaining. Excellent information on how to improve and get the most out of your act.

This tape contains a first class routine embodying a couple of tricks that blend beautifully into a linked routine...not only practical but devised for maximum impact. The full performing routine for Gene's world famous torn and restored newspaper effect is given. The secret is not revealed as the manuscript can be purchased from most magical dealers but the actual...

★★★★★ $10
Orville Wayne Meyer
Orville Meyer on the Bullet Catch by Orville Wayne Meyer

Listen to Orville Meyer as he recalls his creation of his bullet catch method which was so masterfully performed by Ted Annemann. A rare treat for all mentalism and magic history buffs. This recording was made June 20th 1985.

Ben Robinson, an expert bullet catcher himself writes:

"Before Penn & Teller, David Blaine or Criss Angel decided to catch bullets, there was a book that talked about the history and secrets of the stunt. It was called Twelve Have Died — Bullet Catching, The Story & Secrets. I wrote that book when I was 23 years old. I wrote it in six weeks of uninterrupted writing. But before I did, before...

James Randi
James Randi Exposes Uri Geller by James Randi

The most unusual recording in Breese's audio series. How many years has Uri Geller been on the scene? How come his reputation still lives on? The first part of this recording is devoted entirely to an expose of Uri Geller by the man who knows his secrets. Discover how James Randi can perform mind-boggling Uri Geller style mental effects under exacting conditions and live on TV. The second part is devoted to Randi's own approach to magic and escapology.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

Displaying 69 to 92 (of 188 products)
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