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Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups in Magic & Mentalism: page 2


Cups and Balls Billiard Ball Manipulation Sponge Balls Chop Cup Three Shell Game Dice Stacking


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★★★★★ $5
Leo Leslie
Triple Colour Cups and Balls by Leo Leslie

From the Foreword

When the manuscript arrived from Denmark, Edwin asked me to look through it and give him an opinion. I was intrigued when I read it; whilst the moves appeared to be based on the old "Cups and Corks", Leo had added tremendous impact to it by the introduction of COLOUR. The whole routine seemed to 'live', and there's not a single sleight involved.

Admittedly, the 'Cups and Balls' has been done before in colour, but not with the clean simplicity of the present routine. So rake out that set of cups you have in the cupboard (or nip out and buy three plastic beakers), obtain...

★★★★★ $25
Medjid Kan Rezvani & Michael Landes
The Cushions of the Princess: or the tomato game by Medjid Kan Rezvani & Michael Landes

This is a translation and reformatting of Les Coussinets de la Princesse by Medjid K. Rezvani.

"... it was quite a surprise, a positive one, when I received a preview copy of the ebook of this wonderful booklet. Translated by Michael Landes, it provides a clear interpretation of the routine. The routine, itself, is called "les Coussinets de la Princesse" -- the little cushions of the princess -- and is also known as "The Tomato Trick." It's a nice piece of story magic, as well as a darn good trick. The book goes into how to construct the close-up mat, the construction of the "cushions," the...

★★★★★ $12.95
Al Leech
Al Leech's Legacy by Al Leech

The best parts in this publications are the work on thimbles and billiard balls. Also included are card and coin routines.

1st edition 1980, 1st digital edition 2013, 90 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Alfred B. Leech: Magician—Of—The Month
  3. Major Surgery
  4. A Typographical Error
  5. Platform Wild Card
  6. A Bicycle Built For Profit
  7. Too Small
  8. Snap Change
  9. Crooked Card
  10. Three Cards Across
  11. The 1971-72 M-U-M Award
  12. A Card Trilogy
  13. Coins And Cards
  14. The Coin Star
  15. Ball Manipulation
  16. Chicago Balls: The Chicago Ball Trick And A Routine
  17. Substitution For Chicago Balls
  18. Color Changes
  19. - A Color...
★★★★ $10
Eddie Joseph
The Manual of The Three Shell Game by Eddie Joseph

This is one of the best explanations of the Three Shell Game or Thimble Rig including 24 moves and 3 full routines. Jack Lamonte has drawn 86 clear illustrations to make studying the moves and routines a lot easier.

Excerpt from the introduction:

The Shell Game is essentially a close-up effect. It has no appeal, we admit, beyond the intimate range, but when demonstrated within its rightful sphere it commands a peculiar fascination.

[Note: You will also be able to download a facsimile version of this manuscript.]

1st edition 1959, 30 pages; 1st digital edition 2013, 49 pages....

★★★★ $8.95
Geoffrey Buckingham
It's Easier Than You Think Volume 1 by Geoffrey Buckingham

This famous book, now republished in three easy to handle ebook volumes. Illustrated with dozens of line drawings by Eric Lewis. The finest coverage of billiard ball work in print, excellent material on coins, and a large number of variety tricks in the Buckingham style and tradition.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Sleight-of-hand manipulation may be any of many things, ranging all the way from the bald display of manual dexterity that is sometimes called "finger-flinging" to the beautifully conceived and charmingly executed performance of a Downs or Cardini. It's Easier Than You Think is the work of an English amateur...

★★★★ $7.95
Laurie Ireland
Ireland's Original Cup and Ball Routines by Laurie Ireland

The original routines of one of the greatest cup and ball men of all time. Completely revised, edited, amplified and co-ordinated. The whole field of cups and balls in one comprehensive ebook.

Illustrated with dozens and dozens of clear line drawings and written so you can follow the routines with clarity and simplicity. One of the big features is the Double Load used by so many professionals. You will enjoy learning to use your cups and balls with the aide of this great ebook.

Part first released in 1937. 1st edition 1961; 1st digital edition 2013, 74 pages.

★★★★ $20
Maestro Leonardo
Maestro Leonardo Cups and Balls by Maestro Leonardo

This is one of the most innovative cups and balls routines. Maestro Leonardo featured the routine in his IBM competition entry in 2008 in the UK and received a standing ovation from the audience. There are no moves in the routine that relate to any other cups and balls effects. The loads are invisible, and there is virtually no way that they can be spotted. Anyone who plans to use this routine and is prepared to put in the work perfecting it, could have a short act that is suitable for any kind of show venue. The Medieval Cups and Balls routine culminates with the production of water, a long...

★★★ $8
Brick Tilley
The Pearls by Brick Tilley

A small ball production and vanish sequence that combines the best of the Scarne, Erhard Liebenow and Claude Rix/Rezvani routines. You will receive a PDF and a tutorial video.

1st digital edition 2012, PDF 5 pages, video 2 min 14 s.

★★★★★ $15
Sean McWeeney
Cups and Balls in 18th Century France by Sean McWeeney

English translations of the seminal 18th century French works on Cups & Balls by Ozanam and Guyot, respectively, with editorial commentary and explanatory notes by the editor, Sean McWeeney. Ozanam and Guyot are to be credited with the first full-length "blow-by-blow" detailed explanations in any language of the oldest sleight-of-hand trick in all of magic - the Cups & Balls (complete with illustrations from the original texts). Translations by Jane Poveromo.

1st edition 2012, 71 pages.

★★★ $7.95
Edward Marlo
Shoot The Works by Edward Marlo

The greatest ebook on dice work ever written for the magician. A complete manual of dice manipulation from the magic angle. Reputation making tricks. A wealth of content, including the Great Dice Stack in which four dice on the table are covered with a dice cup. Performer slides cup in a swinging motion, with its mouth against the table, then lifts it, and the dice are piled in a perfect upright stack! Featured by the famous John Paul, John Platt and many other close up men.

Also includes dice transposition, a dice and hat routine, holdout, They're Loaded, 3 dice and a coin, etc. Complete...

★★★★ $9.75
Michael Ammar
4 Minutes of Fame by Michael Ammar

This is an introductory offer. It will soon go to $14.95

A unique twist on the Cups and Balls that puts the spectator center stage! 4 Minutes of Fame is a very special Cups and Balls routine.

Based on a concept by Dick Williams. Starting about 12 years ago Michael and Dick corresponded about Dick's concept for having a spectator perform the routine while fooling himself, and Dick urged Michael to work out some of his ideas on it.

Long since retired, Dick loved to see a working professional spending time with his creation. His enthusiasm was contagious and inspirational. He was hoping...

★★★★★ $30
Kent Gunn
The Fun Shop Cups and Balls by Kent Gunn

The Cups and Balls done a little differently than most. This is an unusual, direct and very magical cups and balls routine. A white ball, a blue ball, and a red ball magically gather under one cup in different ways.

1st edition 2008, 36 pages, photo illustrated.

★★★★★ $8
David Devlin
Devlin Cups and Balls by David Devlin

This is not an ordinary Cups & Balls routine. In this routine the balls are three different colors. The cups are ordinary, yet many magicians will suspect a chop cup set. This routine is nice for the trade show performer in that it resets instantly.

Includes a bonus routine with the Rub-A-Dub-Dub patter.

1st edition 2009, 35 pages, photo illustrated.

★★★★ $8
Jim Sisti
The Working Professional's Chop Cup by Jim Sisti

From the introduction:

This routine was honed through many years of adding segments and cutting others. I approached the idea of developing a Chop Cup routine with two priorities: first, I had no interest in doing a Chop Cup routine that made the spectator the foil, i.e.: they always guess incorrectly where the ball is. Thus, I've included much of my patter so that you can see how I've taken the "sting" out of the routine. Secondly, I refused to underestimate the intelligence of my audience and directly address their suspicions that there is more than one ball in play. In fact, in the spirit...

★★★★ $15
Trevor Lewis & Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Cups and Balls by Trevor Lewis & Fred Kaps

As taught by Fred Kaps to Trevor Lewis.

"This Cups and Balls routine has several Vernon touches; but there are alternative strategies which are truly outstanding and characteristic of the master, Fred Kaps." - Trevor Lewis

The warm, bright Mediterranean sunshine and Phillipe Fialho's delightful villa looking down on Nice in the French Riviera was the setting for Fred Kaps to teach Trevor Lewis his Cups and Balls routine and generously tell Trevor he could do what he liked with it. Trevor had a video of Fred performing the routine and had written it up in rough notes.

Twenty years...

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Cone-Tact by Aldo Colombini

From the introduction:

Dai Vernon's “Ball, Cone and Handkerchief” is a classic of magic. I've always been fascinated with this routine and many (many!) years ago in Italy, I developed the routine that you are finding here in this manuscript.

The basic routine remains Vernon's but I have added several other moves and expanded the presentation by adding a few different effects. The main feature of the routine as I have developed it, is that it is entirely performed in the magician's hands, with no need for the table.

A special thanks goes to the late Mike Rogers because he allowed...

★★★★★ $10
Rachel Colombini
Tri-Color Cups and Balls by Rachel Colombini

An unbelievable routine using tissue paper rolled into balls.

The routine is basically Leo Leslie’s “Technicolor Cups and Balls” published many years ago by Supreme Magic Co. It is a very colorful routine, easy to do, easy to follow and with a logical finale. We added a finish that is both funny and baffling.

You show three cups and three pieces of tissue paper, say one red, one yellow and one green. You roll the paper into small balls and these balls penetrate through the cups, first one, then two and then all three. Finally the balls disappear and reappear under the cups! One...

★★★★★ $15
Victor Farelli
John Ramsay's Routine with Cups and Balls by Victor Farelli

John Ramsay was called "The Magician's Magician" because even for those in the know he could create miracles. He consistently fooled his peers with his incredible skill, misdirection and unique thinking. Here are a few quotes about him:

"... We are not given to uncritical boosts.... But it is difficult to write with moderation of the work of Johnnie Ramsay. His sleight of hand is unexcelled, perhaps even unequalled. Performers who know all there is to know about the Cups and Balls are not merely puzzled, but utterly baffled by Ramsay's presentation. His Cap and Pence is a masterpiece of...

Roger Klause
Sponge and Sleeve by Roger Klause

A sponge ball magically travels twice from the magician's hand into the spectator's sleeve.

runtime 9min 5s

★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Table-Hopping Cups and Balls by Scott F. Guinn

This is an exceptionally hard-hitting and very magical routine. Scott developed it with the Table-Hopping environment in mind, but it isn't limited to table-hopping venues--Scott also performs this with full sized cups in a variety of different performing conditions! If you work in the real world…this is definitely worthy of your consideration.

The Cups and Balls is probably the most-performed effect in magic's long history. However, it is rarely seen by the public these days, especially by table-hopping close up performers. Table-hopping magicians aren't willing (or able) to dedicate so...

★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Peanut Butter & Jelly by Scott F. Guinn


With just three sponge balls, a purse frame and a "special something" (readily available from virtually any magic dealer), Scott has created a routine that is fun, charming, and extremely commercial. It has proven to be mystifying and tremendously entertaining for audiences of all ages, and has garnered praise from laymen and big name magicians alike. Many magicians have said that this is the best sponge ball routine EVER!

Thoroughly explained along with photo-illustrations, this routine teaches a couple of utility moves...

★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Having A Ball: Three Ball Routine by Scott F. Guinn

Scott's version of the classic 3-Ball routine, with some fun twists and turns along the way, including color changes, perpetual productions from the mouth, and more! A lot more variety than most routines of this type.

Scott's clear writing style, combined with tons of photos accompanying the text, will have you ready to perform this in the very near future.

This is a strong, commercial, professional routine, and it is unlikely that your audiences have ever seen anything like it. It's a great routine to put in the middle or at the end of your set, and it doesn't use cards or coins! Modular,...

★★★★★ $20
Dr. Kurt Volkmann & June Barrows Mussey
The Oldest Deception: Cups and Balls in the Art of the 15th and 16th Centuries by Dr. Kurt Volkmann & June Barrows Mussey

This ebook is a treat for any magic historian as well as for anybody who likes to learn more about the history of the cups and balls. A collection of 20 woodcuts, copper engravings and oil paintings from the 15th and 16th century depicting conjurers with cups and balls is described in great detail by Kurt Volkmann, the president of the German Magic Circle from 1952-1958.

For example, you will find the famous oil painting "The Juggler" by Hieronymus Bosch as well as an imitation and a very similar copper engraving. Read what we can learn from the various depictions of the cups and balls. One...

★★★★★ $10
The Fairytale Of The Silver Pearl by Peki

A particularly beautiful routine features a small silver ball or pearl that is removed from a seashell and takes a life of its own. It floats in the air, between your fingers, rides up a small magic wand, travels along the circumference of a large ball bearing and rolls along the back of your hand as it finally floats to you so it can be put back into the shell.

You will learn the secrets of Peki's invisible thread that makes it much more invisible than other threads even in close up instances where viewers are only a few inches away from the action.

Professionally dubbed into English...

Displaying 78 to 101 (of 125 products)
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