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Magic & Conjuring

You will find here a huge amount of magic tricks, illusions, moves, sleights, techniques, principles and concepts, starting from the earliest descriptions in the 16th century to the latest hot magic tricks performed by the likes of David Copperfield, Criss Angel or David Blaine. Regardless of if you want to find out more about Houdini or Erdnase, learn the best card tricks and methods from 'The Professor' Dai Vernon, or Roberto Giobbi, or study the classics as well as the latest developments in mentalism, this is the page to bookmark. Make sure to also drill down into the subtopics to find what you are looking for.

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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Ventriloquism in French (français) Instruction Sheets Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Magisch Vierkant 1 by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Seit rund einhundert Jahren wird in der Zauberkunst für die Vorführung des magischen Quadrats auf das einfache Prinzip des 4x4 "Instant Magic Square (IMS)" - auch "Automatic Magic Square" genannt - zurückgegriffen. IMS besitzen Nachteile, so wird die Wahl der magischen Summe eingeschränkt, wenn man doppelte oder auffällige Werte vermeiden möchte. Abhilfe bieten 4x4 und 5x5 Sequential IMS, Flexible IMS und Balanced IMS mit harmonischeren Werten. Erläutert werden auch ein 30er IMS mit Rösselsprung, das Nostradamus Square für Jahre ab 1908 ohne Dubletten sowie 8x8 magische Quadrate. ...

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Eric C. Lewis
More Studies in Mystery by Eric C. Lewis

Excerpt from the foreword:

When I published Studies in Mystery, I was rather doubtful about its reception in wartime. But the first edition sold out in the first four weeks, and a second edition was found necessary. So this present book, a continuation of the first one, was proceeded with cheerfully, feeling that we had filled in a small corner in helping to brighten the gloomy hours of War.

Another twelve items, carefully explained, are again set out for your delight, and we sincerely hope, as we feel sure they will, that they come up to your expectations.

This is part two in the Studies Series. ...

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Peter Pellikaan
Hole No No by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards, one of which has a big round hole cut out. Suddenly all the cards have a big round hole cut out. In another blink of an eye, the round hole has transformed into a square hole and you are only holding a single card. This effect is best seen performed. Watch the demo video below.

1st edition 2024, video 2:39.

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MP4 (video)

Dustin Marks
40 Tips to Improve Your Magic by Dustin Marks

Let's get real. We all have too many tricks and not enough time to learn all of them. Instead of acquiring more tricks, how about learning simple methods to make our tricks better? You know that trick you like, but it is just not getting the reaction you want. The tips in this ebook can help you make your tricks better and get the reactions you want.

You will learn:

  • Best way to force a card
  • Best methods to create false memories: the secret weapon magicians use
  • Discover the superpower of convincers
  • How to make a spectator think: What if?
  • Advice on how to give clear instructions to...
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Regardt Laubscher
How Did You Do That? by Regardt Laubscher

Ever had an audience member ask, "How did you do that?" and found yourself at a loss for words? Say goodbye to awkward moments and hello to effortless responses with How Did You Do That? by Regardt Laubscher.

This essential ebook is packed with 50 clever and entertaining answers designed specifically for magicians. Whether you're performing on stage or up close, these responses will keep your audience intrigued and your secrets safe.

Why you'll love this ebook:

  • Instant answers: quick, ready-to-use replies for any curious inquiry
  • Engaging content: answers crafted to entertain while...
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Larry Brodahl
Hints and Tips 3 by Larry Brodahl

Want a knife that won't cut anything? (Including your expensive Chinese Sticks.) Have you ever struggled to steal a bill or billet from your pocket? Here's help. Do you want a cute trick for kids – especially in STEM/STEAM classes? You are covered.

In this free ebook, Larry Brodahl – the author of the Scripted Series gives you:

  • an easy way to get a double lift ready in a packet trick
  • a way to quit ruining cards when you're trimming them
  • an easier way to palm spring bills
  • a method to carry sticky tape with the sticky side out
  • and more

...and for free!

1st edition 2024,...

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Biagio Fasano
Roll & Stop ACAAN by Biagio Fasano

A semi-automatic and completely impromptu Any-Card-At-Any-Number effect, in which a spectator rolls a pair of (imaginary) dice to draw a number, and randomly chooses a card, only to incredibly succeed in finding it, after the stop decided by the magician at the turning of the cards, at the very number he indicated.

An almost self-working "Any Card At Any Numer" effect, always improvisable, where the magician, once introduced to an ordinary 52-card poker deck (minus the Jokers), even possibly borrowed, hands it to a spectator to shuffle freely. Having got the cards back, he hands the first...

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Biagio Fasano
Roll & Stop ACAAN (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un nuovo effetto semi-automatico di Carta al Numero, SEMPRE IMPROVVISABILE, in cui uno spettatore lancia una coppia di dadi (immaginari) per trarne un NUMERO, e sceglie a caso una CARTA per poi incredibilmente riuscire a ritrovarla dopo lo STOP deciso dal mago allo scorrere delle carte, proprio al numero da lui indicato!

Un nuovo effetto di Cartomagia IMPROMPTU, dove il prestigiatore, una volta introdotto un comunissimo mazzo da poker di 52 carte (tolti i Jolly), anche eventualmente preso a prestito, lo consegna ad uno spettatore da mescolare liberamente. Riavute indietro le carte,...

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Gianluigi Sordellini
21 Card Trick by Gianluigi Sordellini

The routine is built on different principles learned from different authors who have dedicated themselves to the exploration of this path.

Effect: A spectator chooses a pair of cards and another a second pair of cards. A third spectator will choose one of the two pairs and put them in his pocket without seeing their faces. At this point, 27 cards are shown and the third spectator will always have to think of one of those he sees and then indicate 3 times where it went to be placed but always without ever saying its name. Once this is done, the deck is shuffled and only at this point the...

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Gianluigi Sordellini
21 Card Trick (Italian) by Gianluigi Sordellini

Effetto: Uno spettatore sceglie una coppia di carte e un altro una seconda coppia di carte. Un terzo spettatore sceglierà una delle due coppie e se le metterà in tasca senza vederne la faccia. A questo punto vengono mostrate 27 carte e il terzo spettatore dovrà sempre pensare a una di quelle che vede e poi indicare 3 volte dove è andata a finire ma sempre senza mai dirne il nome. Fatto questo, si mescola il mazzo e solo a questo punto lo spettatore prende le due carte in tasca e ne somma il valore, poi prende il mazzo di carte in mano e conta tante carte quanto indicato dalla somma creata...

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Unnamed Magician
Intuition by Unnamed Magician

"A very nice mentalism routine. And the method is devilish!" - Tony Bianco

"After I was taught the method for this, I immediately smiled. It is super clever, you won't be disappointed." - Brian Draven

"Many of you know the Unnamed Magician by now. But I've had the privilege of knowing him for a long time now. Any time he creates a new routine and sends it to me, I always make time that very day just so I can see it. This routine is no different." - Tommaso Guglielmi

To mark my 1st year anniversary at Lybrary, I am (in collaboration with someone else) releasing something very special, which, if you like...

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Eugene Villiod & Russell T. Barnhart
Crooks, Con Men and Cheats by Eugene Villiod & Russell T. Barnhart

Knowledge of how confidence men and cheats operate is undeniably the best personal defense against them, and Eugene Villiod, the Parisian private detective, exposes about all we need to know for self-protection - and does so entertainingly. All the important cheats including short-changing, pickpocketing, three card monte, and others are covered.

Perhaps the most surprising aspect of this book, which was published in its original French edition in 1922, is that the same swindles are not only still with us today but that they are also perpetrated in the same ways.

Translated from the French...

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Unknown Mentalist
Coco Mentalism by Unknown Mentalist

This intro price will go up to $18 from September 19, 2024.

Coco Mentalism here stands for coinless coin mentalism. This routine is shown using an imaginary penny, dime, and nickel of US currency. But you can use any 3 different coins of your own country's currency. No physical coins are used. Everything is in the participant's imagination. This routine starts with an imaginary penny, dime, and nickel and ends with an imaginary bitcoin.

You will also be able to leave a nice souvenir with your participant in the form of your business card with the image of a bitcoin on the back side of...

$18 $12
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John Payne Collier
Punch and Judy by John Payne Collier

This work includes the first printed Punch and Judy script which describes the humorous adventures that befall both him and his spouse, including Punch's final triumph over the devil. It was written by John Payne Collier and illustrated by George Cruikshank and was based on Giovanni Piccini's Punch show that had been performed in England in the early 1800s. Collier presents the history of Punch, whose original name was Pulcinello, from the date of his first appearance in Italy, about the year 1600, to the early 19th century.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter I. Origin Of Punch In Italy
  • Chapter II. Origin...
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Eric C. Lewis
Further Studies in Mystery by Eric C. Lewis

A visible glass of milk vanishes, a chalk line evolves itself into a length of rope, a floating doll, a roll of ribbon changes place with a glass of whisky, a glass of milk constantly reappears unexpectedly under its cardboard tube and other effects.

This is part three of the Studies Series.

  • Introduction
  • The Queen Of The Air
  • A Quite Astonishing Cigarette
  • An Introduction To Rope
  • The Colour Hypnotist
  • The Whisky And The Ribbon
  • "Under My Hat"
  • The "Slam Down" Glass Of Milk Vanish
  • "I Forgot!"
  • Telepathic Card Projection
  • "My Card - By Tube"
  • Sympathetic Suits
  • "Never Has So Much" ...
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Richard Webster
25 Ways to Sell More Pitch Books by Richard Webster

Buy this book only if you want to make more money!

Richard Webster has been selling books, and other products, from the back of the room for more than forty years. In 25 Ways to Sell More Pitch Books he tells you the methods he uses to sell books at events, and in his everyday life.

Even if you earn bucketloads of money from your presentations, you could probably find something to do with the extra money you could make by selling your own products. Even free talks and shows become opportunities to make money when you have something to sell after your presentations.

In addition to...

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Peter Pellikaan
HHHH by Peter Pellikaan

Card tricks with big holes in some cards is one of Peter Pellikaan's unique themes. This is another visual effect using cards with holes.

You show four regular playing cards and a coin. When you count the cards again one card suddenly has a huge hole cut out of its center. You place this card aside and count the remaining three cards. Another card has a hole. You do this until all four cards have turned into cards with big holes cut from their center.

When you pick up these four cards with holes, they magically become whole (pun intended) again. They are restored without any holes just like...

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MP4 (video)

Gino D'Alessandro
Impossibile by Gino D'Alessandro

It is a card magic effect that seems truly impossible to understand even for the most experienced in the field. The idea was born from a study carried out on a routine by Benjamin Earl, and subsequently modified and dressed according to the UMI (International Magic University "Damaso Fernandez") thought. The work was created by the very young cardist Gino D'Alessandro, under the guidance and supervision of Maestro Damaso Fernandez and Gianluigi Sordellini.

A spectator freely cuts the deck and stops wherever he wants, looking at the card under the deck where he stopped to memorize it. During...

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Gino D'Alessandro
Impossibile (Italian) by Gino D'Alessandro

Si tratta di un effetto di magia con le carte che sembra davvero impossibile da comprendere anche per i più esperti del settore. L'idea nasce da uno studio effettuato su una routine di Benjamin Earl, e successivamente modificata e vestita secondo il pensiero dell'UMI (International Magic University "Damaso Fernandez"). L'opera è stata creata dal giovanissimo cardician Gino D'Alessandro, sotto la guida e la supervisione del Maestro Damaso Fernandez e di Gianluigi Sordellini.

Uno spettatore taglia liberamente il mazzo e si ferma dove vuole, guardando la carta sotto il mazzo dove si è fermato...

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Biagio Fasano
R & B ACAAN by Biagio Fasano

"I love your new creation! Great illustrations. A well-structured semi-automatic card trick that could be repeated immediately at table-hopping. I like that instead of the usual counting, only the cards of a chosen color are counted this time." - Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

A new card effect, completely self-working and hands-off, in which it will be the spectator, after freely choosing the color, to find the card at the number as traditionally in any good A.C.A.A.N.

This is a new automatic and completely hands-off card magic effect, where the magician, once the deck has been introduced, shuffled and quickly...

$14.99 $9.99
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Biagio Fasano
R & B ACAAN (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

"Adoro la tua nuova creazione! Illustrazioni fantastiche. Un trucco di carte semi-automatico ben strutturato che potrebbe essere ripetuto immediatamente al tavolo da close-up. Mi piace che invece del solito conteggio, questa volta vengano considerate solo le carte di un colore prescelto" - Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Un nuovo effetto di CARTOMAGIA, completamente Self-Working e Hands-Off, in cui sarà lo spettatore stesso, dopo averne scelto liberamente il COLORE, a trovare la SUA Carta al SUO Numero come da tradizione in ogni buon "A.C.A.A.N."!

Questo è un nuovo effetto di Cartomagia Automatica e completamente...

$14.99 $9.99
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Dustin Marks
The Reputation Maker by Dustin Marks

Are you looking for an effect that will make spectators exclaim, "That's impossible!"? Look no further. This is the perfect closer for your show or to impress a client.

Here's how it works: The magician cuts the deck and gives spectators cards to shuffle. After that, he never touches the cards again. Three spectators each choose any card from their shuffled packet. After viewing their cards, they replace and reshuffle them. Once the deck is reassembled, all three spectators select another card, each using a different method: cutting, dealing to any card, or picking from a spread. Amazingly,...

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Hen Fetsch
Magic with Canes by Hen Fetsch

Within these pages, you will find over 100 ideas, tips, routines, gags, suggestions and patter presentations with canes. The ebook is divided into three parts—Appearing Cane Magic, Vanishing Cane Magic and Specialty Cane Magic. Everything is made even more crystal clear by 50 brilliant illustrations by magical artist Harvan.

No longer do you have to think of your cane as a "one trick pony." Thanks to this ebook, you'll find more ways to use it in your act than ever before.


"The definitive word on all the potential uses of the Russ Walsh items, and canes in general. It should...

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Unknown Mentalist
Last Man Speaking by Unknown Mentalist

This intro price will go up to $18 from September 12, 2024.

This is a powerful mind reading routine that has an emotional appeal based on the theme of endangered languages and the poignancy of their potential extinction. Using just a single double blank business card and a one-time preparation, you can perform this effect at any time, anywhere to anyone. That single business card will last you several dozens of performances. And when it wears out, you can simply make another one. You can easily carry this in your pocket or wallet.

On one side of the double-blank business card, you have...

$18 $9
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Dan Bellman
Cheerful Conjuring by Dan Bellman

Excerpt from the introduction:

There is no difficulty in the working of any trick. Dan always aims for the simplest method of producing an effect, believing that the entertainment value of a trick is its major attraction. Indeed, every trick that follows can be worked by anyone, and though some are extremely simple, I advocate that you give them all the test of a trial before passing judgment. You will then find you have ample and spacious pastures.

  • An Introduction
  • Foreword
  • Crazy Aces
  • Poker
  • With Twenty Cards
  • Evolution
  • A Love Affair
  • Photo Transit
  • The Pierced Card
  • The Stabbed...
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Eric C. Lewis
Studies in Mystery by Eric C. Lewis

Excerpt from the introduction:

In any case, you will find that the tricks in this book, and in others I hope to publish at intervals during the war, all are good practical effects. In almost every case the trick will be described fully, with all necessary details and nothing left for you to wonder about. Thus I believe that the dozen tricks fully described in this book, will be of more value to you than twice that number briefly described. None of the effects in this series are "padding". Each item is of real use to the practicing conjurer.

This is part one of the Studies Series.

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Wolfgang Riebe
T-Shirt Designs for Magicians by Wolfgang Riebe

Unlock your magical wardrobe. Transform your everyday clothing into a canvas for magic with T-Shirt Designs for Magicians - the ultimate collection of 60 custom PDF designs ready to be printed on T-shirts, jackets, and more. Whether you’re a professional magician, an enthusiast, or simply love magic, this ebook gives you the creative power to wear your passion proudly.

Why settle for ordinary? With this ebook, you can easily turn your favourite shirts into magical statements. Each design is presented on both white and black T-shirts, so you know exactly how your creation will look. Plus,...

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Richard Webster
Astrology for the Psychic Entertainer by Richard Webster

This ebook will help you to cash in on the age-old popularity of astrology. The contents include how to sell horoscopes with a simple code act, determining compatibility with astrology, effects with an astrological theme, crystals and astrology, a complete astrology lecture, plus how to give cold readings with astrology. One chapter tells you how to predict the future with astrology, using a system that takes minutes to do.

The ebook contains several close-up effects, including Star Seeker, which Richard has performed on TV in several countries, and his favorite effect, Cycle of the Squares,...

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Biagio Fasano
Gemini Sisters by Biagio Fasano

A new mentalism and card magic effect, impromptu and self-working, in which the illusionist, making use of less than half a deck, will call the sister of the one chosen by the spectator and incredibly those cards will always answer the call.

An always improvisable experiment with a dash of mentalism where the magician, making use of less than twenty cards from any deck, after showing them, shuffling and having a spectator cut the deck, makes her freely choose a card. After further shuffling the remaining cards by chaotically dividing them into three separate piles, he asks the spectator...

$8.99 $5.99
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Biagio Fasano
Gemini Sisters (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un nuovo effetto di Mentalismo e Cartomagia, IMPROMPTU e Self-Working, in cui l’illusionista, servendosi di alcune carte del mazzo, chiamerà a sé la SORELLA di quella scelta dallo spettatore ed incredibilmente quelle carte risponderanno sempre alla chiamata!

Un esperimento sempre improvvisabile, con un pizzico di Mentalismo, dove il prestigiatore, servendosi di meno di una ventina di carte del mazzo, dopo averle mostrate, mescolate e fatto tagliare il mazzetto da una spettatrice, le fa scegliere liberamente una carta. Dopo aver mescolato ulteriormente le carte restanti suddividendole...

$8.99 $5.99
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Peter Pellikaan
Follow the Cross by Peter Pellikaan

You show four Eight of Diamonds. On one you draw a large X and you ask the spectator to follow it. You turn the cards face-down, and after some mixing, you table the cards one after each other face-down. When you turn the cards face-up they have all changed to aces. The eights including the one with the cross on it have vanished.

1st edition 2024, video 3:30

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MP4 (video)

Bob Farmer
Bammo Astro Sign Nine by Bob Farmer

There is no more powerful effect than one that uses some personal information of the spectator that the magician could not possibly know. Here the selected card is found using either the spectator's zodiac sign or the month in which the spectator was born. Self-working. No sleights. Any deck, even a borrowed one.

1st edition 2024, PDF 6 pages.

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Unnamed Magician
To Bombay and Beyond by Unnamed Magician

Selected card at selected number.

This is a very clean "selected card at selected number" effect. The spectator selects a card, shuffles to lose the card, selects a number, and the card is miraculously found at the number. A performance video can be seen below.


The magician introduces a deck, spreads it face up to display that all the cards are different and in no particular order, and then hands it to the spectator. He invites them to cut off about a third of the deck and to look at the bottom card of the cut-off portion as their selection. The magician then asks them to thoroughly...

$20 $15
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Dustin Marks
Spectator's False Shuffle by Dustin Marks

What is the most deceptive false shuffle: Zarrow, Faro, Push-Through, Shank, in the hands shuffle? The answer to this intriguing question is that the most deceptive false shuffle is when the spectator shuffles the deck themselves! This eBook explains this ingenious principle, how to use it, and its numerous variations. One variation uses the spectator's deck. Mastering this technique will elevate your card magic to new heights, leaving your audience in complete awe and amazement.

1st edition 2024, PDF 30 pages.

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