Roy Johnson had a wonderful clean and simple style, often mixed with unique methods. Roy always applied his own mind, even to classic effects, and thus you are getting here the Roy Johnson treatment.
Effects taught:
1st edition 1988, 1st digital edition 2013, 75 pages.
The next time you perform at or host a dinner (Thanksgiving?) consider making copies of these three different placemats - setting them out on the tables for people to play with during the dinner or prior to your show. The magic works for them, and they won't even be sure how it worked! They'll take the placemats with them to show their friends. While you're at it, why not put your contact information on the back? Includes a Bermuda Triangle Mystery based on a Jim Steinmeyer idea and a Terri Rogers' concept of using patterned borders for a fun pencil race. Designed by a professional graphic artist, these...
From the Foreword:
This is my first book on Magic, and it will probably be my last, because its contents are the result of my life’s work.
All the sleights and tricks explained in this book have been worked by me; therefore I know they are practical. One often hears of tricks which seem to be very good theoretically, but which turn out to be anything but good when one tests them by a private rehearsal.
15 monster effects and 8 videos. 14 major effects with cards, coins, gambling themes, mentalism, silks, predictions...and 8 brain busters.
Introduction - discussing a philosophy of "tried and true" performance that just might change your mind...and it works.
What is quantum reality? - You may not be interested in Quantum Physics...but this may open up your mind.
The Magic Effects. Quantum Quickies:
Quantum Optical Triumph - A Triumph effect that will make their heads spin...and it's very easy to do. Just watch the video.
She Has Quantum Power - Give your spectator a power that...
You will receive four effects:
Show an empty bottle and a coin. Visually toss the coin in to the bottle and the coin will melt through it. The bottle is then handed to the spectator for an inspection and to keep. Spectator cannot find any holes or gimmicks. Also, you can do this effect with a bottle full of water or any drink. Upon learning the secret, you will immediately want to rush out and perform it.
Attention! The creator takes no responsibility for the actions of the owners of this effect. This video was released with the goal of surprising and entertaining people....
A variety of close-up magic: cards, coins, cups and balls, sponge balls, and dice stacking.
1st edition 1990, length 1h 30min
Swallowing the razor blades is a classic routine of magic. In this two video pack Ian shares everything about the routine that he has used on stage and on the streets all over the world for almost twenty years. Nothing is held back as you see clips from several different live performances to illustrate what is being taught. This is a full professional routine for a fraction of the price of other versions.
length 40 minutes.
cards, coins, ropes, balloons, thimbles
Aldo likes simple easy-to-do magic that is direct and to-the-point. This is a great collection of forty routines with cards, coins, ropes and rings, balloons, thimbles, something for everyone. Many of the routines are close-up oriented, but you will find unique gems for stage or parlor, too.
Timeless magic for today's audiences.
A captivating collection of little-known magic routines meticulously curated for modern performers. Dive into the world of enchantment as you uncover a treasure trove of almost forgotten tricks rejuvenated for today's audiences.
This ebook offers an array of easy-to-master yet impactful routines that will leave your audience spellbound. Whether you're a seasoned magician or just starting on your magical journey, these routines are designed to captivate and astonish, ensuring unforgettable performances every time. Rediscover the joy of magic and delight...
Conducting effects on the telephone presents some "structural" difficulties:
You have to prepare a meticulous presentation and review it in detail; in close-up or on stage you have the viewer in your presence and you can check at any time if they are following your instructions correctly. On the phone no! You must therefore try to write simple, unique instructions and you must check periodically (if not almost every time) that these have been carried out as you expected.
You must prepare (as with all performances) an introduction that describes the purpose of the game, where you start...
Numbers have tremendous power. They rule life and the universe. There is no living being, molecule, event, evolution that cannot be described with an algorithm, a mathematical formula. Numbers, everywhere. From the speed of light to the circumference of the earth, to the inhabitants of the world, to the ATM pin. And then your lucky number, the number of destiny, bad luck, infinity ...
In my methodical (and obstinate) search for effects to be proposed on the phone, numbers are the absolute protagonist. Except for a few small tricks, they are all a consequence of one or more mathematical...
From the preface by John Ramsay:
The author, my friend Douglas Francis, has handed me part of the manuscript of this book, and he has also given me a personal demonstration of some of the effects described therein. Every trick proved entertaining and convincing in his capable hands, and, consequently, I can recommend them with every confidence to all exponents of "Close-up" Magic.
From the foreword:
As the title suggests, the contents of this book are confined to that type of effect that can be literally performed right under the nose of the spectator, in other words - Close Quarter...
This is a collection of romantic themed magic that can be performed at weddings, on valentine day or close-up at restaurants and bars to couples on a date. Many of the effects are suitable for parlour, as well as close-up and there are multiple live performances for all the tricks, filmed at Illusions Magic Bar before a full explanation.
Glass and Strawberry
A strawberry continually reappears under a glass then turns into a lime.
Key to my Heart
The spectators have to find the key to the magician's heart shaped lock.
Heart and Silk
A silk is produced, penetrates a solid metal heart...
More romantic themed magic that can be performed at weddings, on valentine day or close-up at restaurants and bars to couples on a date. Many of the effects are suitable for parlour, as well as close-up and there are multiple live performances for all the tricks, filmed at Illusions Magic Bar before a full explanation.
Gamble with my Heart
My version of five card repeat, with a surprise ending.
Card in Heart Balloon
A thought-of playing card appears inside a heart shaped balloon.
Wedding Thoughts
Two people think of two objects from a list, then you read their minds.
Heart String...
Seven effects from Paul's professional act with magic ranging from stage, close-up to parlor effects for the real world magician. The effects include
1st edition 2009; 42 pages.
Two classics of magic: the Cups and Balls and the Egg Bag, are beautifully routined and patiently explained in text and illustrations, as only Senor Mardo can. Experts in magic agree that Mardo's "new thinking" in these routines make them a knockout addition to most any performer's act.
You get over a dozen effects and moves with coins, silks, thimbles, balls, cigarettes and a complete explanation of Mardo's improved gimmick for the Chinese Rice Bowls that will make you want to add it to your show. This is baffling, thrilling, entertaining magic with headline appeal.
Here's a partial list...
The final book of the Routined Manipulation series. (Click here for Part 1 and Part 2.) More great hand magic for both close up and stage by some of the greatest magicians of all times.
This in combination with Routined Manipulation Part Two and Routined Manipulation Finale is one of the best magic books ever published. Each routine is clearly explained mostly with photos and some illustrations. Many classic effects are described in detail. And the essay "Presentation of Manipulation" is a must read for any magician. It includes presentation, dress and appearance, care of the hands, make up, stage setting, music, personality, lighting, a.s.o.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Readers of Expert Manipulation of Playing Cards (an outstanding treatise, published a few years ago, on back-palming, fan-production, card-fanning, and other types of "showy" conjuring...
This is the second part of the masterfully written classic work on magic. Together with Routined Manipulation Part One and Routined Manipulation Finale it is an excellent work on sleight-of-hand magic. The effects taught are suitable from stage and parlor to intimate settings of close-up magic.
This volume has a large section on billiard ball manipulation. Barrows Mussey calls it 'the best thing in print on the subject'. And Al Koran's Blindfold Card Act is a beauty on its own.
Paul Fleming wrote:
This book is a sequel to Mr. Ganson's Routined Manipulation (examined in our Review No. 153), and, like its predecessor, covers a wider range of conjuring than one might expect to find...
Time Flies! And it's hard to time it because it flies so fast. Anyway, here is a routine with a borrowed watch that you will find fun to make up. Even the most ham-fisted should be able to complete the job in about half-an-hour. It's fun-packed and the magic content is strong. In brief a borrowed wrist watch disappears in a cascade of streamers and is found in a sealed tin can.
5 pages
Most likely you have never heard about this magic course. When I think about a 'magic gem' I have these 25 volumes in mind. This course could be called the 'British Tarbell Course' and in many respects it is much better than the Tarbell Course. It came out around the same time Tarbell issued his course and it had the same intent, to take a novice, introduce him to magic in a serious and thorough manner and give him all the information to develop him into a performer who can earn a living from performing magic. Rupert Howard's course does not cover as much ground as the Tarbell on trick technique, but quantity...
Table of Contents
Easy Magic
The History of Magic (part 1)
1st edition 1931; 26 pages.
Table of Contents
Impromptu Magic
The History of Magic (part 3)
1st edition 1931; 22 pages.