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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $5
Frank Wehman
One Hundred Fifty Parlor Tricks and Games by Frank Wehman

This collection features lots of little tricks, stunts, science experiments and games. It also has an extensive advertisement section in the back.

  • The Disappearing Egg
  • "Ghost Rings": A Pretty Party Trick
  • The Invisible Candle
  • Home-made Ping-Pong
  • Animal Magnetism
  • A Curious Illusion
  • The Dancing Skeleton
  • The Floating Corks
  • Restoring the Cut Thread
  • Invisible Photographs
  • A Laughmaker
  • The Magic Coin Box
  • A Match Trick
  • The Balanced Coin
  • The Disappearing Coin
  • A Peculiar Number
  • To Name all the Cards in the Pack in Succession
  • The Indian Duck Trick
  • The Latest Cigarette Vanish
  • The Balanced...
★★★★ $15
Dave Arch
One Man Circus Sideshow by Dave Arch

Here is a manuscript obviously born out of Dave Arch's fascination with the Circus Sideshow genre. He has collected twenty sideshow attractions that he has presented from pure bluff to minimum skill, commissioned an artist to create a poster for each act and assembled it all into a 30 page manuscript. The attractions in this manuscript can be performed in a stand alone show by itself or inserted into your current show as an example of a bygone era when P.T. Barnum ruled the entertainment world.

1st edition 2012, 31 pages.

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Openers and Closers by Paul A. Lelekis

"Out of my, 44 books of magic, I am probably most proud of this one...powerful magic that can be used for Openers and Closers! Every detail worked out with pictures, 3 videos, history, and many underground sleights! This is a gold mine!" - Paul A. Lelekis

The ESP effect SHOCK! alone, is worth 10X the price of this e-book. However...all of these effects are priceless. All patter, psychology, history, nuances, and underground sleights are explained in detail.

1) OPENERS - essay of what they are, how they work, how to use them, transitioning, and why they work. ...and then four powerful...

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Openers and Closers 2 by Paul A. Lelekis

The Openers and the Closers of your magic shows are the most important aspect of magical entertainment...they dictate how your audiences will perceive you...then and later.

Many photographs and a video are included explaining every detail of Paul's excitingly magical routines!

Paul's "The not so invisible deck" routine is not what you think. It is his very special routine that he has used as his "closer" for over 20 years. The patter is hilarious...wait until you see the real secret behind this routine. All patter and many nuances of performance are included.

The introduction contains...

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Openers and Closers 3 by Paul A. Lelekis

This series of Openers & Closers (#1 and #2) have been selling like wildfire. Openers & Closers 1 sat at #1...and now, Openers & Closers 2 is #1 on the Hot List.

Now...Openers & Closers 3 is the last e-book in this series...and probably the best one! The easiest to perform "magician-foolers" and ESP effects ever. What an arsenal. There are many photos and 3 videos included.

Openers & Closers are so crucial to every magician's repertoire, that they, literally, dictate how your audiences will perceive you as an entertainer.

1) The 21 Card ESP Trick - This effect will fool all magicians...guaranteed. It begins with a clever...

★★★ $10
David Devlin
Optical Opener by David Devlin

A good opener that is intriguing, has a huge visual impact, quick, easy, and can be performed regardless of the size or the style of the show is not always easy to come by. The Optical Opener from David Devlin fits all of those conditions. It is an opener that requires no technical skills, is visually mystifying, entertaining, and will have even you saying, "Whoa! That is so cool!"

This routine employs an optical illusion that creates a photo that visually changes as it is turned over. David has created not one, but nine different illusion photos that you can use to perform this routine....

Trevor Lewis
Orbital by Trevor Lewis

You place a prediction in view. A spectator names any number between 1 and 50. You show a deck of cards and (without cutting or any moves) you count to that number. That card matches the prediction! Easy to do. No rough and smooth. [Note: These are merely the instructions that came with the prepared deck. You will not receive any cards. But it is easy to make up your own from a couple of duplicate cards.]

1st edition 1998; PDF 1 page.

★★★★★ $25
Will Ayling & Sam Sharpe
Oriental Conjuring and Magic by Will Ayling & Sam Sharpe

This ebook is almost an encyclopedia of Indian, Chinese and Japanese magic. It consists of two parts. The first part is an index, reference and bibliography compiled by Sam Sharpe. The second part, researched and written by Will Ayling, describes all 101 effects from Sharpe's index.

You will learn about fantastic effects such as buried alive, sword swallowing, pulse stopping and snake charming. But it is not all about geek magic. There is also a lot of close up magic, stage magic and illusions. The 101 effects described are:

  1. The Psychology of the Indian Conjurer
  2. The Bamboo Rods and Strings...
★★★★★ $5
Lloyd W. Chambers
Original Ideas in Magic by Lloyd W. Chambers

A master craftsman reveals some of his most prized magical effects!

Lloyd W. Chambers is well-known in magic and collector circles for having built some very fine examples of the conjuror's craft for the likes of Thayer, Abbott, and his own Chambers Magic Co. Within the pages of this ebook are 26 magic effects, many of them offered for sale individually in dealer catalogues for prices far exceeding the price of the entire book.

Here's a look at the contents:

  1. Publisher's Introduction
  2. L-W-C Telepathy
  3. Fisherman's Mat
  4. How Time Flies
  5. Mawe's Telepathy
  6. A Match for You
  7. The Flying Ball ...
Stanley Collins
Original Magical Creations by Stanley Collins

From the Foreword:

Magicians who are seeking that evanescent "something new" which, like the Family Ghost, is very often talked about but seldom seen, will, I venture to prophesy, find "something new" in Original Magical Creations.

In penning this volume my aim has been twofold. In the first place, I have set out to describe in detail the methods by which certain experiments originated by myself are performed, and secondly my endeavour has been to teach how to perform them, which is a totally different proposition.

To carry out this plan in its entirety, the inclusion of the covering...

Norman Hoole & J. J. Shepherd
Original Magical Novelties by Norman Hoole & J. J. Shepherd

A Selection of novel magical problems from the repertoires of Norman Hoole and J. J. Shepherd: "All the items have been presented in public with success, which fact speaks more than pages of self-recommendation."

  • Rainbow Ribbons
  • A Useful Suggestion
  • The Flight
  • A Novel Production
  • Mirrors Of Mystery
  • Merely Illusive
  • A Visible Transit
  • Cameos In Cambric
  • A Financial Catastrophe
  • The Fourth Assistant
  • The Pass Superseded
  • Silk And Sorcery
  • A Little Surprise
  • Paper-Gate Castle
  • The "N. H." Wine & Water Problem

1st edition 1921, 24 pages; PDF 22 pages.

Brunel White
Original Mysteries for Magicians by Brunel White

Excerpt from the introduction:

Every effect is practical, for each one has been "tried out," and works.

"Now the question arises, who will be the legitimate successor to Prof. Hoffmann? I will venture to predict that it will be another Briton, Brunel White, whose first plunge into the literary end of the business, "Original Mysteries For Magicians," in my humble opinion, with the single exception of "Modern Magic," the best book I have yet seen, and there are hundreds of Magicians who will agree with me." - Maurice Bliss

  • Introduction
  • The Appearing And Disappearing Knot On Handkerchief ...
★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Osmosis by Paul A. Lelekis

This e-book is LOADED! There are 16 full routines with cards, bills, coins, ESP, food (a levitation), hilarious gags, comedy, science magic, and much, much more. There are many color photos explaining every move and videos of two different switches that you will love to perform.

Below is a preview:

2002 Simplicity Aces - An easy to do version of Elmsley and Jennings' killer classic. This is very direct and ends clean.

COMBO Bill Penetration and Bill Switch - You're going to love this hilarious 8 minute routine for close-up or cabaret. This routine plays very big and will get that applause. ...

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Osmosis II by Paul A. Lelekis

My e-book, Osmosis, was #1 on the "Hot List" for quite a while and prompted this second e-book!.

Osmosis II is an even greater eclectic collection of many routines, ideas, illusions, and fun. This e-book is loaded. Plus many pix and five videos are included to best understand every nuance. Look at what is many more routines below.

1) Marlo's Poker Deal - Mike Skinner has his own rendition of this amazing Poker Deal that even fooled Larry Jennings. The spectator shuffles the deck and then deals out a 5-handed game of Poker...the spectator has dealt himself the four Aces.

2) Comedy Card 'Mis-call' - The...

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Osmosis III by Paul A. Lelekis

This is the third and final e-book in a fantastic trilogy of magic and fun. Osmosis III concentrates on Professional ESP...using a variety of methods. And Professional Misdirection III is a must! Plus two videos of performance and instruction are included.

10 ESP Routines and ideas for performing some world class ESP effects. This is top-notch mentalism.

The Improved 3 Ace Trick. One of Paul's most popular tricks ever. J.K. Hartman asked Paul if he could use this trick (and two other of his effects) in Hartman's big book, Card Dodgery. In an interview with Joshua Jay at Vanishing, Inc., Hartman said that this...

★★★★★ $10
Al Baker & Roy Benson & Al Flosso & Robert Harbin & Leo (Mohammed Bey) Horowitz & "Think-a-Drink" Hoffman & Eugene Laurant & Magini & Miaco & Russell Swann
Our Mysteries by Al Baker & Roy Benson & Al Flosso & Robert Harbin & Leo (Mohammed Bey) Horowitz & "Think-a-Drink" Hoffman & Eugene Laurant & Magini & Miaco & Russell Swann

A wonderful selection of tricks illustrated by Harlan Tarbell with an introduction by John Mulholland. For each author a short biographical sketch is included at the end of the book.

THE FINGER KNOWS—AND TELLS (Al Baker) A truly amazing example of mind reading.

THE GLASS TRICK (Roy Benson) An instantaneous, and seemingly impossible, disappearance of a handkerchief.

SEVEN COINS (Al Flosso) A clever sleight to cause several coins to go from one hand to the other.

THE PIERCED CARDS (Robert Harbin) An excellent manipulative method by which selected cards are caused to appear on a ribbon.

DUO-FLIGHT (Leo Hartz;...

Merlyn T. Shute
Out of your Pocket by Merlyn T. Shute

This is an informative ebook for table-hoppers and folks who work or would like to work close-up magic venues: tips, advice, and routines.

Excerpt from the Foreword:

Why this book on restaurant magic? There are several reasons why any book is written - money, ego, sincere desire to pass on knowledge discovered or acquired. All are valid reasons and, being related to the author, are very personal.

But this book falls out of the ordinary since it was not the author's idea in the first place but resulted from the demands of friends. After the initial suggestions, however, the project unfolded...

Arthur Leroy
Outline of Mystery by Arthur Leroy

Here are a devil's dozen effects, moves and miracles for the semi-professional that, for the most part, don't rely on external gimmicks. It's one of those rare books that, the more you read it, the more you'll appreciate it. Not written for the faint of heart. If you're after bold, professional magic, this is the book for you. (And yes, the title is a pun on H. G. Well's Outline of History. Kudos if you caught that.)

You'll find effects for close-up, platform and stage. The details are provided as if you were a trusted confidante of the author.

Partial Contents:

  • Introduction
  • The Spell...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Outstanding Magic by Aldo Colombini

You do not require a table to perform these routines. From this material you can create two complete acts.

CLEAN CUT ROPE (Aldo Colombini): A different way to perform the standard cut and restored rope effect!

STRANGER IN PARADISE (Ed Marlo): A red-backed deck is placed in a glass. You remove cards one at a time until a spectator says ‘stop.’ At the stop, that card is the only one with a blue back!

DOGGIE DEXTERITY (Aldo Colombini): Comedy at its best with a balloon twisted into a poodle who finds a selected card!

CARD ON PLATE (Ken de Courcy): You spin a plate with one hand and have...

★★★★ $7
Martin Gardner
Over the Coffee Cups by Martin Gardner

This is Martin's continuation of After the Dessert with more impromptu tricks you can do at the lunch or dinner table. You will learn tricks with sugar cubes, silverware, paper matches, napkins, cigars, cigarettes, coins and glasses. There is also a section on folding money.

One unique feature of this particular ebook is that all line drawings are not merely raster images but vector graphics. This means you can zoom into any of the illustrations and you will never run into a resolution limit where individual pixels will prevent you from further zooming.

1st edition 1949, 43 pages....

★★★★★ $10
Patrick Page
Pages From Patrick's Notebook by Patrick Page

This superb ebook is packed with ideas and routines from Patrick Page one of the most knowledgeable professional magicians. Imagine producing real beer in an empty can - close-up! Or learn a routine for the transparent Chop Cup. Plus rope routines, card moves and effects and lots more, including Pat's Princess Quatro Card Trick. Everything is beautifully illustrated by Earle Oakes.

1st edition 1990; original 94 pages; PDF 71 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. The Biro Can
  4. The Vanishing Knot
  5. The Ever Change Card
  6. The Pageboy's Picture Frame
  7. The Not-A-Knot Rope
  8. The Misdirope...
★★★★ $8
Devin Knight
Paint Can Surprise by Devin Knight

Of all the effects Devin has released over the years, this is one of his all time favorites. The effect is totally unique and original. It never fails to create much after talk with any audience. This is one effect that you will really use. Unlike many effects you buy, this one will not end up in your drawer unused. Devin uses this in almost every public show he does. He considers this one of his strongest effects. Get ready to blow your audiences away. Enjoy.

Effect: Devin Knight has taken the borrowed ring effect to a NEW level. Performer asks to borrow a ring from a lady. You state you...

Solomon Stein
Patriotic Magic by Solomon Stein

Show love for your country, audience or corporate sponsor by adding one or more patriotic effects, tips or suggestions to your program.

No one person could have invented so many effects. Solomon Stein, the author of Magic, Maestro, Please, reached out to the best minds in magic to bring you this fine collection of audience-pleasing magic.

As B. W. McCarron notes in the introduction, audiences like to feel that they are involved in a performance. By showing your audience that you care, you are going the extra mile that will result in more and better paying shows for you.

Patriotic effects make excellent photo opportunities...

★★★★ $7
Rufus Steele
Paul Rosini's Magical Gems by Rufus Steele

After Rosini's death, Frederick Braue wrote in the February, 1949 issue of Hugard's Magic Monthly, "What a book Rosini could have written - and now his knowledge of audiences is lost. Others, take note." Unfortunately, Rosini never did get the chance to write a book detailing his own methods. He planned on writing one, but his dream was never realized during his lifetime.

In 1947 Paul approached his longtime friend and fellow magician Rufus Steele to aid him in writing a book of his tricks. Steele was a mysterious character whose background was questionable to say the least. An electrical engineer by trade, Rufus was also a gambler and...

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