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Magic & Conjuring: page 25


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Harry Stanley
Tricks of the Television Stars by Harry Stanley

This ebook, fully illustrated, gives the secrets of the television star's favourite tricks and novelties: magic, hypnotism, laugh stunts - that anyone can perform.

This is a fun ebook with lots of easy effects, some of which you will know others of which will be entirely new to you. The lineup of contributors is a long list of distinguished magicians including Martin Gardner, Lewis Ganson, Tom Sellers, Milbourne Christopher, Ken de Courcy, Harry Stanley, and many others.

There was a second volume in this series called More Tricks of the Television Stars.

1st edition 1958, 48 pages; PDF 75 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Contents
  3. Bits & Pieces
  4. Stuntrix
  5. New Leaf
  6. Comedy Levitation ...
★★★★★ $10
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Harry Stanley
More Tricks of the Television Stars by Harry Stanley

From the Foreword:

The present book describes the methods of many wonderful effects, explained in detail by famous exponents of magic, and has been compiled to enable keen students of the art to extend their repertoires and become more skilled in their demonstrations.

A previous book in this series found instant success and increased the knowledge of many potential artists, and this book is now offered in response to a consequent demand for more good tricks.

The student will, therefore, find between these covers new tricks suitable for his work and, with a little patience and practice,...

★★★★★ $12
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Henry Hatton
The Secrets of Conjuring by Henry Hatton

In this article from Scribner's Monthly Magazine Henry Hatton, writing under the pseudonym of an 'Ex-Conjurer' explains in words and illustrations the Indian Box Mystery, the Spiritual Bench, the Inexhaustible bottle, including a funny accident that happened with it, and Marabout Mocca as performed by the elder Herrmann.

1st edition 1880, PDF 11 pages.

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Henry Hatton
Lessons in Magic by Henry Hatton

For the time this was published, in the middle of the 19th century, these twelve lessons in magic are probably one of the best instructions in conjuring published in the English language, even though the intended reading audience was young folks. Professor Hoffmann's Modern Magic is still a decade into the future.

Henry Hatton, writing here under his real name Patrick Henry Cannon, describes a range of stage and parlor effects including some sleight-of-hand with coins and cards. His description of the pass is by far the best description I have read prior to Erdnase - almost 40 years prior that is! The accompanying...

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Henry Hatton & Adrian Plate
Magicians' Tricks by Henry Hatton & Adrian Plate

This book was rated one of the ten basic books for a working library of conjuring by H. Adrian Smith, historian, collector and owner of the largest private magic library in his time. It is a magnificent book featuring tricks from Germain, Conradi, Goldston, Okito, Elliott, and others. It is very difficult to get a hardcopy these days. Other books in this top 10 list are

Paul Fleming wrote:

In 1910, Henry Hatton, a well-known writer on magic, and Adrian Plate,...

★★★★★ $9.50
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Henry Hay
The Amateur Magician's Handbook by Henry Hay

Purchase this ebook together with A Magical Upbringing and receive an immediate $10 discount!

For more than a generation The Amateur Magician's Handbook has been the acknowledged classic text for conjurers, both beginners and advanced. Even David Copperfield recommended it during one of his TV specials. Literally thousands of magicians found their love for magic through this book. Several of these magicians are today recognized performers. This fourth edition, expanded as well as thoroughly revised, and introduced by Milbourne Christopher, includes a section where the Amazing Randi contributes his experience...

★★★★★ $25
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Henry Hay
Learn Magic by Henry Hay

Learn Magic is a classic magic book for serious beginners. It teaches 20 lessons and focuses not just on effects, tricks and moves, but also on the 'how to learn magic' aspect. Beautifully illustrated by Hans Jelinek.

Henry Hay's larger magic book for beginners, The Amateur Magician's Handbook is broader in scope and already assumes some basic knowledge about magic.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Some three or four years ago, we examined (in Review No. 19) a little book by Barrows Mussey, entitled Magic. The same author, writing under another name, has now given us a new treatise for beginners in conjuring which is not only larger but far...

★★★★★ $15
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Henry Hay
Cyclopedia of Magic by Henry Hay

Cyclopedia of Magic is an interesting book. It's primary quality stems from its alphabetical organization. It was compiled and written to provide the magician with a wide and solid background of magical knowledge. It provides definitions, descriptions, biographies and some routines on hundreds of magic topics. It is for the most part a compilation of material contributed by magicians such as August Roterberg, Charles Bertram, Eddie Joseph, Ellis Stanyon, John Mulholland, T. Nelson Downs and many others.

Paul Fleming wrote:

In 1902, William J. Hilliar produced his Modern Magician's Hand Book by bringing together, in a single volume, verbatim extracts from Hoffmann's Modern Magic and...

★★★★ $15
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Henry Ridgely Evans
Magic and its Professors by Henry Ridgely Evans

From the introduction:

To those amateurs and to my numerous professional friends who delight in new books, I send forth "Magic and its Professors," trusting that it will prove of interest to them. Part III is a symposium on magic by some of the best performers and inventors of the day. I sincerely thank them for the labor of love which they have rendered. I am indebted to Mr. T. Francis Fritz, the editor of Mahatma, and Mr. William J. Hilliar, editor of The Sphinx, for the right to reprint in book form some of the valuable exposes contained in their respective journals. I am also under obligations to those...

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Herbert de Caston
Peerless Prestidigitation by Herbert de Caston
  • Introductory Speech
  • The Latest Card Force
  • The Phantom Card
  • The "De Caston" Method Of "Rising Cards" From Hand
  • De Caston's Discovery
  • A Spectacular Handkerchief Combination
  • An Original Conception With Eggs And Flags
  • A New Handkerchief Combination
1st edition 1910, 30 pages; PDF 24 pages.
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Conjuring Up To Date by Hercat

From the preface:

Card Tricks and Conjuring Up to Date, by reason of recent additions, having become too large for one volume, I have decided to divide it into two, and now present Conjuring Up to Date by itself, in which I give a description of the very latest tricks, thus making it realize its title of "up to date."

In the other volume, Card Tricks With and Without Apparatus, will be found the most recent additions which have been made to escamotage des cartes. When both these volumes have been digested, students in legerdemain are advised to make a study of the more advanced conjuring...

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Simple Tricks by Hercat

From the preface:

The title of this little brochure indicates its contents. Simple Tricks and simple tricks only. No apparatus is required and but little sleight-of-hand is needed in the performance of any of them. They consist of a series of tricks and problems, easily acquired, suitable for gatherings round the table on winter evenings. Some of them are new and many are old; but even the oldest are new to the rising generation. For six of the latest tricks, - "A Hindu Swindle," "The Elusive Match," "A Subtle Impromptu Effect with a Coin," "A Novel Card Effect," "An Artful Card Force," and...

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Latest Sleights and Illusions by Hercat

From the preface:

Although only three years have elapsed since Latest Sleights was published, Magic has made such rapid strides in that short time, and so many new tricks have come into existence, that I cannot allow another edition to go to press without thoroughly revising this book and making many most important additions.

    • The Wizard's Table
    • The Wizard's Dress
    • The Latest Methods employed in the Money Trick, explaining the Improved System of Palming, the Bamboo Stick, and other New Inventions.
    • A Dozen Half-Crowns Produced...
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Hereward Carrington
Hindu Magic by Hereward Carrington

The magic of India comes to life in Dr. Carrington's colorful look at the fables, feats, and magic of the mystical fakirs of India.

You'll learn the inner workings of the Basket of Death, Mango Seed to Tree, Buried Alive illusion, Flying Rabbit, the Dry Sands Trick, the Beans and Scorpion Trick, Snake Charming, and more.

Want to add something different to your act? Perhaps one of your primary assistants can adopt the role of a Hindu fakir and present one or two of these effects as an added attraction in your existing magic or hypnosis show.

For magic historians, Carrington provides...

★★★★★ $2
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Hereward Carrington
Magic is Fun / Magic for Everyone by Hereward Carrington

From the introduction:

There is no more fascinating study, when once an interest in the subject has been aroused, than conjuring - or, as it is popularly called, "Magic." One of the most delightful of all pastimes is the inventing and performing of new tricks, and watching their effect upon the audience - who do not know the secrets of the various "sleights" performed. We all know how fascinating the professional conjuror's entertainment is, - and how mystifying! So I propose to take my readers, - in the present book, - into the very heart of the mystery - to explain exactly how the important...

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Hereward Carrington
Side-Show Tricks Explained by Hereward Carrington

Sword swallowing, fire eating, feats of strength, juggling secrets,...

In this Little Blue Book I have described and explained most of the tricks which are to be seen in the typical Side-Show, whether in the circus or elsewhere. The historical side of this subject has already been dealt with quite fully by Houdini, in his book Miracle Mongers and Their Methods, but very few actual explanations are therein given, despite the title and I feel assured that the present little book covers the subject in a more complete manner than any other single volume which has so far appeared. Animal Tricks, and the tricks of professional gamblers,...

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Heritage Films
Presto Magic and Mystery by Heritage Films

Under the title Presto Magic & Mystery, Heritage Films released a series of fifteen 8mm films (these are silent films) with magic performances during the 1950s/60s. This compilation includes eight of the fifteen films. They are:

  • Ken Brooke performing the floating pencil and a sponge ball routine (original #10).
  • Fred Lowe performs a safety pin routine, a burnt and restored handkerchief, and a cigarette and liquid-filled glass production.
  • Ken Brooke, channeling Tony Slydini, performs the paper balls and hat routine and finishes with a four paper ball assembly using two hats.
  • Fred Lowe performs a four ace production,...
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MP4 (video)

Horace Bennett & Hugh Miller
Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic by Horace Bennett & Hugh Miller
  • Foreword
  • Bennett's Silken Sorcery Routine
  • Perfected Silk Production
  • Take Five
  • Eight Ball Routine

1st edition 1978, 80 pages; 1st digital edition 56 pages.

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Horace Goldin
Mysterious Tricks by Horace Goldin
  • Introduction
  • A Few Hints
  • Hearing With The Teeth
  • To Cause A Coin To Vanish
  • The Vanishing Ring
  • Another Ring Trick
  • The Penetrating Pennies
  • The Vanishing Handkerchief
  • A Thought-Reading Trick
  • More Thought-Reading
  • The Vanishing Cigarette
  • A Hole In The Sleeve
  • The Four Coins
  • String Magic
  • The Latest Disappearing Sixpence
  • Three Hypnotic Tricks
  • The Candle And Flag Trick
  • Keda
  • "Figaro," Monday, 21st, 1930
  • Your Future Foretold

1st edition 1930, 34 pages; PDF 36 pages.

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Howard Thurston
200 Tricks You Can Do by Howard Thurston

This book shows that Howard Thurston, sometimes refered to as the World's Master Magician, knew a lot about the Close-up side of magic, not just stage magic. He explains tricks with coins, cards, balls, matches, paper, ... There is something for everybody - easy and self-working tricks for the beginner, and more advanced ones for the intermediate skilled performer. Make sure to also check out More Tricks You Can Do

published 1926 by George Sully and Company; published 1939 as one volume together with "200 More Tricks You Can Do" as "400 Tricks You Can Do" by Blue Ribbon Books; 200 pages

  1. Preface
  2. A Brief Biography...
★★★ $3
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Howard Thurston
200 More Tricks You Can Do by Howard Thurston

This is the sequel to 200 Tricks You Can Do.

published 1927 by George Sully and Company; published 1939 as one volume together with "200 More Tricks You Can Do" as "400 Tricks You Can Do" by Blue Ribbon Books; 186 pages

    1. 1. An Amazing Discovery
    2. 2. Finding a Chosen Card
    3. 3. Maltese Crosses
    4. 4. Mysterious Coincidence
    5. 5. A Card Through the Plate
    6. 6. An Easy Four Ace Trick
    7. 7. The Paddle Trick
    8. 8. Telephone Telepathy
    9. 9. A Mysterious Card Trick
    10. 10. Card and Coin Trick
    11. 11. The Mysterious Joker
    12. 12. Card Changing Under Foot
    13. 13. United Kings and Queens
    14. 14. The Circle of Cards
    15. 15. The Rosette ...
★★★ $3
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Howard Thurston
The Thurston Magic Box of Candy by Howard Thurston

This is a little gem for collectors. Thurston produced a series of 50 tricks which were distributed in candy boxes. These are all tricks for beginners with largely common objects. They are very well described in a clear format (ghostwritten by Walter B. Gibson). First the title, then a block of illustrations followed by the trick description. That was followed by the sections "What You Need", "How To Do It" and "What To Say". Even a very young magician can follow these instructions and learn some neat tricks:

  1. A Broken Match Restored.
  2. The Fly-Away Coin.
  3. The Magic Knot.
  4. Matches That Walk. ...
★★★★★ $15
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Howardi & B. W. McCarron
The Master Magician's Packet by Howardi & B. W. McCarron

Packed into this ebook are 20 wonderful magic and mental effects ranging from impromptu demonstrations for parties to club, platform and stage effects.

Long off the market, this updated and expanded edition includes new presentations, illustrations and bonus content. If it's comedy magic you're after, McCarron includes his Scandinavian Flying Fish, Budget Cuts and Whisky on the Brain routines. For a change of pace, Einstein the Educated Dove will have your audience believing that your dove is psychic. Mentalists and mental magic performers have not one, but two book tests to choose from....

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Hugh Mackay
Classical Conjuring by Hugh Mackay

Of particular interest are the various ideas to how to transmit information secretly.

    • The Slave Bangle
    • Camouflage
    • Two Ropes And A Ring
    • A String Variation
    • A Marked Pack
    • Three Good Tricks (Will Goldston)
    • Removing Under Difficulties
    • A Problem With Cards
    • A Card Square
    • Values
    • A Puzzling Location
    • Suitable "Key" Card
    • Hands Of The Secret Service
    • Stage Billet Reading
    • The Interpreter
    • The Roll Call
    • The Carrier
    • Intelligent Fingers
    • Reconstruction
1st edition 1925, 28 pages; PDF 31 pages....
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