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Magigram in Magazines & Journals

Magigram was the house magazine of Supreme Magic Company and ran from 1966 to 1995.

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★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 16 by Aldo Colombini


  • ROPE, HANDKERCHIEF AND RING MYSTERY (Ken de Courcy): A handkerchief is draped over the center of a piece of rope which is tied over the handkerchief. The whole thing is given to a spectator to hold. A ring is vanished and it appears knotted on the center of the rope.
  • AN E.V.T.V. PREDICTION (Arthur Carter): A method to predict basically anything you want: Names, places, cards, etc. The principle can be used for many other routines.
  • DICE CHOICE (W. Rory Coker): Two ESP cards are removed as predictions and two are selected by a spectator. These symbols match your predictions.
  • WHIRL (Aldo Colombini):...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 15 by Aldo Colombini


  • SYMPATHETIC JOKERS (Steve Cook): Two blue-backed Jokers placed in different part of the deck, come together in the middle. A selected card appears between them and at the end, their backs become red.
  • KARDCOINCIDENCE (Alfred Gabriel): A very unique way to reveal a selected card, where a miniature card duplicate of the selection appears glued to a coin previously shown on both sides.
  • A BLANK SANDWICH (John Yeager): A selected card is placed on the table. Two Jacks are shown and the selected card appears between them. The card on the table is now blank.
  • RISING CARD (Carlos Corda):...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 14 by Aldo Colombini


  • COMMERCIAL PREDICTION (Arthur Carter): You predict a single card which is removed from an apparently ordinary deck.
  • I WANT (Geny Dellan): Four freely selected cards turn out to be the four Aces.
  • CENTURY FORCE (Arthur Carter): A very unique way to force a number using discs.
  • CARD IN WALLET (John Yeager): A comedy (and magical) way to reveal a selected card inside your wallet.
  • MY FUNNY VALENTINE (Tom Ogden): Perfect for Valentine's Day (or any other day!). The spectator shuffles the cards and at the end all the Hearts are face up among the other cards face down.
★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 13 by Aldo Colombini


  • VACATION (Max Maven): Two Jokers capture the four Kings one by one. A very strong impromptu routine.
  • SPEEDY SPONGES (Arthur Carter): A very easy and clever routine with sponge balls in three phases.
  • NEWSPAPER MIRACLE (Arthur Carter): A full page of a magazine or newspaper is torn into sixteen and a piece selected by a spectator. You predicted the contents of the piece.
  • FLAGGING ATTENTION (Max Maven): A trick with countries and flags. A unique prediction with a principle that you will use for other routines.
  • WRONG GUESS (George Blake): An impromptu revelation of a selected card...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 12 by Aldo Colombini


  • TWO TIMES TWO MANY (Herb Rungay): Three red cards and three black cards, but an extra black card continuously appears. Then you remove a black card and a red one and finally, you have six cards: Three red and three black.
  • BLACK SANDWHICH RED SANDWHICH (Mark Leveridge): A card is placed between two Jacks, disappears and reappears between the other two Jacks.
  • I OWE YOU 50C! (Ken de Courcy): A dollar (or any bill) is torn in half and restored in the hands of a spectator.
  • QUARTET (Aldo Colombini): You and a spectator reveal four matching pairs of cards.
  • JUMPING JOKER SURPRISE (Jomaguy): A selected card is...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 11 by Aldo Colombini


  • WILD CROSSES (Fabian-Aldo Colombini): You show six 10D with blue backs and a Joker with a red back marked with large crosses. One by one, all the blue cards become red-backed with big crosses.
  • DROP CONTRAST (Max Maven): A spectator is able to pick out the one card in the deck which bears a contrasting back design.
  • THREE'S COMPANY (Eddie Lee): A series of very strong effects (changes and transpositions) with a packet of cards.
  • MIRROR CARDS (Fabian-Aldo Colombini): Three Jokers take the identity of three selected cards, one after the other, and in the end they vanish. An amazing...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 10 by Aldo Colombini


  • A FOUR ACE TRICK (John Yeager): A very clever and unique four-ace routine.
  • SEVEN-CARD WILD CARD ROUTINE (Stewart Judah): A great presentation for this classic theme. A very easy handling.
  • ESP-ECIALLY (Stanton Carlisle): Two sets of ESP cards. Two spectators shuffle the cards and end up selecting the same symbol.
  • THE SPECTATOR ACES (Alan Shaxon): A spectator cuts a shuffled deck into four piles. On top of each pile an Ace appears.
  • A TWO DECK TRICK WITH ONE DECK ( I. Rowland): A Do As I Do routine using only one deck. From a shuffled deck you and a spectator pick two mate cards (say the two...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 9 by Aldo Colombini


  • LAZY MAN'S AMBITIOUS CARD (Arthur Carter): A spectator picks a card and this selection keeps appearing on the top of the deck. Some clever and original moves are displayed for this classic.
  • ANOTHER FORECAST (David Britland): A selected card from a red-backed deck, matches a blue-backed card that you show at the beginning of the routine.
  • TWO OF A KIND (Ian Rowland): A spectator cuts the deck himself and finds a card. You have predicted that card with a jumbo card.
  • FIGURED FIGURES (Someeran): You show some cards with different numbers on both sides printed in red and blue. The spectator can...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 8 by Aldo Colombini


  • ROUTINE FOR FOOL'S MATE (Michael Symes): A different handling for the standard Nick Trost effect. A comedy of errors, with a strong climax.
  • THE POWER OF FIVE (Arthur Carter): Here is yet another method of discovering a freely selected card. A spectator picks a number and with this in mind you find the selection.
  • CARD PADDLE TRICK (Someeran): A selected card is revealed using a paddle, first you are apparently wrong where you reveal a 2S and then after a little bit of comedy by-play, you reveal the real card (which is the 4S).
  • EASY OIL AND WATER (Aldo Colombini): The red and...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 7 by Aldo Colombini


  • SELLOTEST (Rex Taylor): A spectator chooses ANY word from a dictionary and you reveal that word. No questions asked.
  • A TRIBUTE TO THE CARD STARS (Lewis Ganson): In a beautiful crescendo, you produce the four Queens, the four Kings and finally, the four Aces. A stunning routine.
  • IMPOSSIBLE COINCIDENCE (Arthur Carter): The deck is shuffled by a spectator who deals four packets of cards. After that, four stunning coincidences are found.
  • TURN OVER CARDS (Peter Rees): A spectator shuffles cards face up and face down and gives you a packet of cards. You turn over some cards and when the two packets...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 6 by Aldo Colombini


  • MATCHED SPELLOUT (Ken de Courcy): A card is selected (say the Ace of Hearts) and spelled. In the process four packets are dealt and the four Aces appear. Can be done in any language. Strong routine.
  • JOKERS ALL (Ravelle and Andreé): You show three jumbo sized Jokers. A spectator picks a card from a deck and one of the Jokers is selected. This changes into a duplicate of the selected card.
  • SPOTTED (Ravelle and Andreé): A card is freely selected among six jumbo cards. This card is the only one having a big spot on its back.
  • PURE COINCIDENCE (Ulrich Keuler): A selected card appears in the...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 5 by Aldo Colombini


  • LASSOED (Les Woodcock): Three cards are selected. A piece of ribbon is placed into a bag with the deck. The ribbon is removed and now it has lassoed the three selected cards.
  • THREE-WAY OPENING (Arthur Carter): Three big cards are shown with different geometric designs. A spectator picks one (free selection) and you show you have predicted it.
  • THE FOUR ACES (Mark Weston): An Ace assembly where three cards are placed onto each Ace and the Aces disappear and reappear in one packet.
  • THE CERTAINTY (Ravelle and Andree): You guess the name of a freely selected card.
  • PUT AND TAKE (...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 4 by Aldo Colombini


  • DATED CARD AND COIN EFFECT (George Blake): A spectator gives you a coin and four cards are selected from a deck. These cards reveal the date of the borrowed coin.
  • COLOR WAVES (Arthur Carter): A great mental routine where you divine two selected colors.
  • ROPED RING (Lewis Ganson): A ring penetrates the rope.
  • RING-OFF (Rink): Same as above, a ring penetrates the rope and it becomes free.
  • COLOR IN MIND (Ken de Courcy): You show three paddles of different colors. A spectator selects a paddle and you prove you predicted the selected color.
  • BALL IN THE MIDDLE (Ian Adair): A rather unusual close-up mystery with a...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 3 by Aldo Colombini


  • DOMINATING DICE (Paul Marcus): A spectator thinks of a number and the card that falls at that number is taken. Using three dice, the spectator finds the selected card.
  • STUCK (Joe Riding): A close up comedy coin routine with a very entertaining climax.
  • DIS-COLOR (Ravelle and Andrée): Two discs of different colors are placed inside two envelopes and they change places. Everything can be examined.
  • S.P.E.L.L.I.T (Francis Haxton): A card is selected and lost. You reveal three cards but none of them is the chosen one. You use one of these three cards, to get to the selected one. ...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 2 by Aldo Colombini


  • CABARET ROPE ROUTINE (Val Andrews): A complete act! 1. You stretch a piece of rope. 2. Throw a knot at the rope. 3. The knot is moved to the center of the rope and then it is pulled off the rope. 4. The rope is cut and restored. 5. The rope is cut and restored again. 6. You tie a loop in the rope and throw the scissors into it so that they hang from the loop.
  • SIMPLICITY CARD IN WALLET (Mark Weston): As in the standard Card-in-Wallet. The name says it all. No palming.
  • THE CARDICATOR (Frederica): An unusual, baffling way to reveal a selected card, using a locket on a chain.
  • EASY ACES (Paul...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 1 by Aldo Colombini

Magigram magazine ran from 1966 to 1995. It was printed by Supreme Magic Co. and edited with superb ability by Ken de Courcy. The collaborators were the best ever, just to name a few: Ken de Courcy, Edwin, Ian Adair, Peter Warlock, Max Maven, Lewis Ganson, Maurice Fogel, Arthur Carter, George Blake, David Britland, Pavel, George Johnstone, Billy McComb and a certain Aldo Colombini (I had a column for over 20 years on card magic written by Lewis Ganson).


  • CARD LOCATION (Mark Weston): A spectator selects a card. The deck is dealt in three packets. A spectator selects a packet and on top of it, the selected card appears.
  • THIMBLE THRU (Ken de Courcy): A thimble,...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 27 (Sep 1994 - Feb 1995) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 27, Six Issues only, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Incorporating Trixigram & Alakazam!

316 pages

  1. Volume 27, Number 1, September, 1994, 52 pages, including front & back covers - incorporating Trixigram & Alakazam! - Cover picture: David Copperfield
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Editorial - Ken de Courcy
  5. Snowstorm in Chicago - Jack Bridwell
  6. Middlesborough Circle of Magicians Showcase
    1. 40 Years On - 1954-1994
    2. Introduction
    3. The Middlesborough Circle of Magicians (A Resumé of the Story so Far) - Denis Templar
    4. Donald the Magician - Donald...
★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 26 (Sep 1993 - Aug 1994) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 26, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Incorporating Trixigram in all issues & Alakazam!, Volume 4, Numbers 3 thru 12, as supplemets, then incorporating Alakazam! starting with Number 11

706 pages

  1. Volume 26, Number 1, September, 1993, 62 pages, including front & back covers - incorporating Trixigram & Alakazam!, Volume 4, Number 3
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Editorial - Ken de Courcy
  5. The Age Cards Updated - Herb Rungay
  6. MagicIan Adair's Trick Column - Ian Adair
    • Data-Frame
  7. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
  8. Bringing Back Harbin - Robert...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 25 (Sep 1992 - Aug 1993) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 25, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Incorporating Trixigram in all issues & Alakazam, Volume 4, Numbers 1 & 2

564 pages

  1. Volume 25, Number 1, September, 1992, 46 pages, including front & back covers - incorporating Trixigram
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Editorial - Ken de Courcy
  5. Bringing Back Bongo - Ali Bongo
    • Pick A Paper
  6. Edwin Hooper - obituary - Ken de Courcy
  7. Marvoyan's Magic - Magic from Bolivia
    • Optrika
  8. Magic Bits - Ravelle and Andrée
    • Silk Surprise
  9. Bernard's Bazaar - Bobby Bernard
  10. Five'll Getcha Ten! - Simon...
★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 24 (Sep 1991 - Aug 1992) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 24, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Incorporating Trixigram in all issues

527 pages

  1. Volume 24, Number 1, September, 1991, 44 pages, including front & back covers - incorporating Trixigram
  2. advertisements
  3. contents & events
  4. Editorial - Ken de Courcy & Ian Adair
  5. Trade Show Magic - Michael Bailey
    • The Golden Egg
  6. Michael Bailey - profile
  7. Tarot Card Tricks - Joe Hustler
  8. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Henry Lewis
  9. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Mascots and Good Luck Charms
  10. Setterington's Sorcery - Arthur...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 23 (Sep 1990 - Aug 1991) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 23, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor Including Trixigram, Volume 9, Number 7, March 1991

888 pages

  1. Volume 23, Number 1, September, 1990, 56 pages, plus 19 unnumbered cover and advertising pages
  2. contents
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Baker's Batch - Roy Baker
    • Button Up Plus
  5. Magi-Cartoon - Johnny Cooper
  6. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Johnny Cooper
  7. A Spectator Finds a 'Gift' - Joe Hustler
  8. Instant Appearance of an Animal - Levecton
  9. Max Maven Presents the Magic of Phil Goldstein
    • Bee Attitude ...
★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 22 (Sep 1989 - Aug 1990) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 22, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

903 pages

  1. Volume 22, Number 1, September, 1989, 75 pages, including front & back covers
  2. Lewisham '89 - The Supreme Super Day Convention - announcement
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  6. Magician's Diary - Robin H. Sharpe
    • Magical Happenings of Septembers Past
  7. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  8. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Robert Harbin
  9. Colombini's Rope Melange - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
    • introduction
    • First Cut and...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 21 (Sep 1988 - Aug 1989) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 21, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

909 pages

  1. Volume 21, Number 1, September, 1988, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. Supreme at British Ring Convention - Brighton - announcement
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ian Adair
  6. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Pentops
  7. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Thimble and the Sponge Ball
  8. Arthur Carter Column
    • Super Silk Vanish
  9. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • A Chop Cup Finish
  10. Sleight of Hand...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 20 (Sep 1987 - Aug 1988) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 20, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

878 pages

  1. Volume 20, Number 1, September, 1987, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Contents
  5. The Wanderful Card - Ken de Courcy
  6. Transpo Plus - Arthur Setterington
  7. String of Fish - Jack Bridwell
  8. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Streamlined Premonition
  9. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  10. cartoon
  11. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Part 2
  12. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian...
★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 19 (Sep 1986 - Aug 1987) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 19, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

Including an Index to Volume 19, 910 pages

  • cover pages and 31 page index to Volume 19

  1. Volume 19, Number 1, September, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  5. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  6. The Electrified Keys - Magic Roka
  7. The Apple and the Scarf
  8. The Gospel Column
    • A Short Autobiography - Henry Smith
    • Is The Bible Reliable? - Henry Smith
  9. Perpetually Yours...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 18 (Sep 1985 - Aug 1986) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 18, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

Including an Index to Volume 18, 920 pages

  • front and back cover pages and 35 page index to Volume 18 (page 4 is blank or missing)

  1. Volume 18, Number 1, September, 1985, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. King's Triangle - Ravelle & Andree
  5. A Fishy Business - Harold Long
  6. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  7. The Magic of John Yeager
    1. Colour-Changing Balls to Silks
    2. A Die and Paddle Trick
    3. A Phantom Tube Routine ...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 17 (Sep 1984 - Aug 1985) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 17, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

Including an Index to Volume 17, 913 pages

  • cover page and 27 page index to Volume 17

  1. Volume 17, Number 1, September, 1984, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. Read All About Us!
  3. advertisements
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  5. Knowing the Ropes - Harold Long
  6. The Unconscious Witness - W. Rory Coker
  7. It's a Strange Magical World - Ian Adair
  8. Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
    • E.S.P. Two
  9. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  10. A Noteable Trick! - Ravelle & Andree
  11. All Bays & All Girls...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 16 (Sep 1983 - Aug 1984) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 16, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

Including an Index to Volume 16, 810 pages

  • cover page and 24 page index to Volume 16

  1. Volume 16, Number 1, September, 1983, 66 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Supreme Slogan Competition - judged by Ken de Courcy
  5. Your Face - Stan Lobenstern (USA)
  6. Mental Hypnotism - Herb Rungay
  7. Belted - Jack Bridwell
  8. A Sucker Trick for the Tele-Frame - Pen-Ana - Ernie Jones
  9. Patter Bits for Good-Bye Paper Tear - Eric Hawkesworth
  10. A Routine for Nesto Box...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 15 (Sep 1982 - Aug 1983) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 15, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

812 pages

  1. Volume 15, Number 1, September, 1982, 68 pages - Bumper All-Trick Issue
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. My Routine with Supreme's Cocktail Sticks - Geoff Lawrence
  5. The Fifty One to One Gamble - Phil Bennett
  6. An Alternative Routine for "Migration" - Kenneth Lang
  7. A Calcutta Routine for a "Boston Clip" or "Metamorphis Card" Revisited - Arun Bonerjee
  8. Culling a Stack - Phil Bennett
  9. Guessing the Unknown Card - Kishor N. Gordhandas
  10. Secureasilk - Arthur setterington
  11. Siamese Triplets...
★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 14 (Sep 1981 - Aug 1982) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 14, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

790 pages

  1. Volume 14, Number 1, September, 1981, 68 pages - Super-Sizzlers
  2. advertisements
  3. The Thieving Fingers of Magic Hands
  4. advertisements
  5. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  6. Do As I Do With One Pack - Brian Howard
  7. Card-Numerology - Stanton Carlisle
  8. Words for Your (F)ears - name of phobias
  9. Blake's Bafflers - George Blake
    • Triple Free Force
  10. Colombini's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
    • Fabian's Champagne
  11. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  12. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 13 (Sep 1980 - Aug 1981) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 13, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

816 pages. Now printed with page numbers!

  1. Volume 13, Number 1, September, 1980, 68 pages - Super September Sorcery
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Another Look at Kellini's Flower Cards - Angus Lavery
  5. A Twist - Myster Yaffe (Malcolm Yaffe)
  6. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  7. The Buzz-Word Syndrome - article by Stanton Carlisle
  8. Presentation for Pavel's "Colorings" - David Drake
  9. Watch It! - George Hills
  10. An Extra for "Silken Butterfly" - Harry Carnegie
  11. Errors...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 12 (Sep 1979 - Aug 1980) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 12, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

856 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 12, Number 1, September, 1979, 80 unnumbered pages - New Series
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Routine for Cabinet of Canton - M.K. Francis
  5. A Credit - testimonial
  6. My Magic World - Edwin [Hooper]
  7. Bouquets! - testimonials
  8. Adair's Dove Column - Ian Adair
    • Clean Sweep - Jack Bridwell
    • Ian's Dove and Cage
  9. Quick on the Draw - puzzle - Alan Ward
    • Swift Shift - puzzle
  10. Blake's...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 11 (Sep 1978 - Aug 1979) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 11, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

988 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 11, Number 1, September, 1978, 72 unnumbered pages - Kelly's Eye [British Bingo slang for one]
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. American Trip 1978 - as seen by Edwin [Hooper]
  5. October Event - Magic Circle Annual Banquet - announcement
  6. Walter (Zaney) Blaney - Suggests
  7. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  8. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  9. Unusual Items from the Magigram Collection - cartoon
  10. Card in...
★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 10 (Sep 1977 - Aug 1978) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 10, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

1022 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 10, Number 1, September, 1977, 72 unnumbered pages - Here We Go Again!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. A Four Ace Trick - John Yeager
  5. Breaking Pistol - John Yeager
  6. Smart Money! - testimonial
  7. A Great Book! - testimonial
  8. Another Look at the Three & Half of Clubs - John Yeager
  9. The Kellini File - Kellini of Norway
    1. Odd Candle
    2. Colour-Changing Wand
    3. Triple Colour-Changing Wand ...
★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 9 (Sep 1976 - Aug 1977) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 9, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

1028 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 9, Number 1, September, 1976, 76 unnumbered pages - Starting Our 11th. Year
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. A Curious Anecdote from Capt. R.C.V. Ross
  5. Safari Stateside - report by Ken de Courcy
  6. Ian Adair - Ideas Associated
    • Different Notions for Two Super Effects
      • Insurance Policy Notion
      • Mickey Mouse's Camera Capers
  7. Lucky Card and Any Date - Serge Kolychkine ...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 8 (Sep 1975 - Aug 1976) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 8, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

916 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 8, Number 1, September, 1975, 72 unnumbered pages - New Cover! New Series! New Magic!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  5. Great! - testimonial
  6. How Many Cards! - answer
  7. Edwin's Magi-Go-Round - comments from Edwin Hooper
  8. Ian Adair - Ideas Associated
    • Cotton-Reel Lace
  9. Call Yourself a Magician - Harry Carnegie
    • Dart ...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 7 (Sep 1974 - Aug 1975) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 7, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

856 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 7, Number 1, September, 1974, 68 unnumbered pages - Your Favourites Are Back!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Ganson's "Teach-In"
    • Henry Hay's Coin Vanish
  5. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  6. Ian Adair - Ideas Associated
    • Multicolour Paint
  7. Have You Heard - jokes
  8. [John] Wade's Wonderful Adventures Through Letter Box Land
  9. [John] Wade's (and William's) Wanderings ...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 6 (Sep 1973 - Aug 1974) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 6, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

1052 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 6, Number 1, September, 1973, 80 unnumbered pages - Your Favourite Columnists Are Back!
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Ganson's Magic
    • The Stripper Pack Updated - Part Two
  5. Dove Magic Treasury - testimonial
  6. Im-penetrable - Arthur Setterington
  7. A Suggestion [re Vol. 5 No. 6) - W. Noel Jones
  8. The Perverse-Reverse - Bill Lainsbury
  9. Another [fish from pocket]
  10. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  11. Photo Parade! ...
★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 5 (Sep 1972 - Aug 1973) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 5, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

860 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file

  1. Volume 5, Number 1, September, 1972, 76 unnumbered pages - Hull Magicians' Circle Special
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Lawrence's Fox and Hen Show - Derek Lawrence
  5. Thanks! - testimonials
  6. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  7. Arthur Carter Column - The Mysteries of Arthur Carter
    • Duo-Premonition
  8. Palmed Coincidence - Joe Riding
  9. Chinese Matches Again - Rink ...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 4 (Sep 1971 - Aug 1972) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 4, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

892 pages - Now Monthly. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 4, Number 1, September, 1971, 64 unnumbered pages
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Man of Harlech! - testimonial
  5. A Shaker! - testimonial
  6. Response - testimonial
  7. One Outmanship - correspondence
  8. Positive! - testimonial
  9. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  10. A Score of Ideas - Ian Adair
    • Salt Selection
    • Yo-Yo Watch
  11. At Homb with McComb - Billy...
★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 3 (Sep 1970 - Aug 1971) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 3, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

448 pages - 6 Issues. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 3, Number 1, September-October, 1970, 72 unnumbered pages
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. World-Wide Acclaim! - testimonials
  5. Kennaugh Kalling - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  6. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  7. picture of editor Ken de Courcy
  8. 25 Tricks with the Self-Lighting Bulb - Ken de Courcy
  9. Dominating Dice - Paul Marcus
  10. Paging Ian Adair's Panello
    1. Magic...
★★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 2 (Sep 1968 - Aug 1970) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 2, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

826 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 2, Number 1, September-October, 1968, 71 unnumbered pages - Second Birthday Special
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Snap! - Some [photo] Memories of the I.B.M. Chatanooga [sic] U.S.A. Convention
  5. A Big Card Trick - Bill Gebert
  6. Letters!
  7. A Quick Drink - A Scotch from a Scot! - Edwin Hooper
  8. Children's Corner - Dennis and Susan Lucas
  9. Another Compere-Gag - Val Andrews
  10. Easy Reckoning - Ken de Courcy ...
★★★★ $3
Magigram Volume 1 (Sep 1966 - Aug 1968) by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram, Volume 1, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

672 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.

  1. Volume 1, Number 1, September-October, 1966, 36 unnumbered pages
  2. advertisements
  3. Let's Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Tale of the Captain's Shirt - paper tearing routine - Alan Ward
  5. Sum Cubes - Ken Bowell
  6. Achieved Ambition - Johnny Geddes
  7. Children's Magic
    • Rescue for Robin - Len Belcher
  8. Mainly Mental - Collosini
    • Fantastic
  9. Sticky Sponges - Ravelle & Andree
  10. Card Magic
    • Card Location...
★★★★★ $65
Magigram by Supreme-Magic-Company

The Magigram ran for around twenty-seven years and started with the first proper issue in September 1966 and ended in February 1995, in total more than 22,000 pages. Almost every well-known magician from those years made some form of contribution to the magazine including Billy McComb who had an inspiring regular column. The magazine started life as a vehicle for advertisements for the Supreme Magic Company but soon developed into a proper magazine that many magicians took out on subscription. Every branch of magic from close up to illusions was covered and it was one of the most popular UK magic magazines...

Displaying 1 to 44 (of 44 products)