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with Demo Video in Magic & Mentalism: page 38


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Peter Pellikaan
New Dollar Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Three blank cards change into cards with credit card images on them and then change ultimately into banknotes.

1st edition 2024, video 3:17.

Peter Pellikaan
Money in the Hole by Peter Pellikaan

You show two cards, one of which has a big hole in the center. You put them together and suddenly the non-hole card has transformed into a stack of banknotes.

1st edition 2024, video 1:51.

★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
The Exception by Unnamed Magician

The trick that fooled the best cardmen in the world.

"'The Exception' totally fooled me. The method is diabolical. All the avenues to explanation are blocked. That's what an impossible location is supposed to do. And this trick does it." - Mike Powers

"'The Exception' is composed of several known and reliable methods arranged in a way that will make them unrecognizable to most students of card magic methodology. If you are looking for something quick and easy to add to your existing strolling set, this is probably not for you. However, if you're a fan of impossible locations that employ an ordinary...

Mark Leveridge
Parade of the Kings Revisited by Mark Leveridge

This is a revised version of the classic Parade Of The Kings packet trick from the 1970s.

Four blue-backed cards are counted face down and the performer explains that these are the four Kings. Two spectators between them decide on one of the Kings. Immediately the magician spreads the cards to reveal the chosen King has now magically turned face up.

But there is a further surprise when the back of this King is shown to have also now changed to red.

Then there is a final kicker when the other three face-down Kings are turned face up to reveal they are in fact three blank-faced cards...

Peter Pellikaan
JJJJ by Peter Pellikaan

A fast-paced series of color changes. Blank cards turn into Jacks, change their backs twice, revert to blank cards, and then for the climax they turn into Jokers.

You will need some double-blank cards, Jacks with different backs, and Jokers with matching backs.

1st edition 2024, video 5:10.

Abhinav Bothra
Automatic Prediction by Abhinav Bothra

21st century playing card prediction.

The performer caught without props, grabs a piece of paper and writes down a prediction, which is entrusted to an audience member for safekeeping. He explains that he anticipated such a situation, recounting how he shuffled a deck of cards weeks ago, then dealt them one by one on a table while being filmed.

He proceeds to play the recorded video, demonstrating how it can be paused and resumed. He holds his cell phone with the screen facing down. A participant pauses the video at any point, and flips the phone over to reveal a playing card on the screen....

★★★★ $19.50
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Rope Routine by D. Angelo Ferri

D. Angelo Ferri, a student of Tony Slydini, teaches Slydini's cut and restored rope routine. Every nuance, move, and misdirection is taught in more than 30 minutes of video explanation. Learn a practical, effective, and legendary rope routine.

1st edition 2024, video 32:10.

Mark Leveridge
Credit Transfer by Mark Leveridge

Two for the price of one here as with Credit Transfer you get a mental effect and a piece of magic together. A borrowed credit card is slipped into a small envelope. Two paperback books are shown and the pages are riffled of one of the books until a spectator calls 'stop'. The credit card in the envelope is dropped into the book to mark the place. The second book is now opened to reveal an envelope is already inside it, and the page it rests on turns out to match the page just selected in the first book. Then the credit card vanishes from the envelope in the first book and arrives inside the...

Unnamed Magician
Double Miracle by Unnamed Magician

An impromptu, gimmick-free, borrowed deck miracle. A location and divination of a selected card under test conditions. Read on.


The magician introduces a deck of cards. The spectator can thoroughly examine it, after which they can freely shuffle it for as long as they want in any way that they want.

Once they're done shuffling, the magician invites them to look through the deck (faces towards themself, backs towards the magician) and select any two cards that they like. Let's suppose they select the two black A's. They turn these face-up and leave them on the table.


Biagio Fasano & Laura Chips
Blackbeard's Treasure by Biagio Fasano & Laura Chips

It is an amazing automatic card magic effect that uses an ordinary deck of 54 cards (complete with the two jokers) and a pair of dice (which can also just be imagined by the spectators).

It tells the story of a pirate, the map of his island, and the magic dice he used to find his legendary treasure, in a crescendo of suspense, until the unexpected final surprise.

Completely self-working but with a surprising ending that will fool magicians too!

1st edition 2024, PDF 7 pages.

Mark Leveridge
Colour Confusion by Mark Leveridge

A blue-backed deck is openly displayed and one card is selected from the face-down deck. Cutting the selection back into the pack and shuffling the deck, the performer offers to find the selection quickly and effectively.

Snapping his fingers over the deck, he turns the cards face down and spreads through the entire deck to reveal that every card back has changed from blue to red, except for just one card, and that turns out to be the selected card!

No sleight of hand is required, this is designed to instantly re-set in front of the spectators and everything takes place up in your hands,...

Sultan Orazaly
Blink by Sultan Orazaly

Stretch a coin and return it to its original shape instantenously.

  • easy to make
  • easy to perform
  • no black art

1st edition 2024, video 8:43.

Mark Leveridge
Impromptu Lie Detector by Mark Leveridge

This is a straightforward version of the classic Lie Detector routine that can be performed with any deck (even a borrowed one) and with no advance setup.

A deck is shuffled by a spectator to put the cards into a genuinely random order, and the performer then extracts one card which he leaves sight unseen in view on the table. The magician then asks a spectator three questions about the tabled card, and the helper is invited to make up his answers (since he doesn't know at this stage what the tabled card actually is). Whatever answers the participant gives, the performer spells the word...

Sultan Orazaly
Vanishing Gum by Sultan Orazaly

A very visual vanish of a common item: a chewing gum. You take a gum with two fingers and with a smooth movement the gum disappears into thin air.

  • Easy to perform and easy to make.
  • Visual and practical.
  • Make the gimmick in 3 minutes.

Note: TV rights not included with purchase. Please contact Sultan Orazaly if you want to perform this on TV.

1st edition 2024, video 6:41.

★★★★★ $10
Mark Leveridge
ESP Match Up Plus by Mark Leveridge

Two sets of five ESP cards are freely displayed, one set with red backs, the other with blue. The red set is given to the spectator who shuffles them, the magician mixing the blue set. One at a time the performer places his cards face down onto the table and each time the spectator then places one of his cards at random next to the performer's. When the pairs of cards are turned face up, all five sets are seen to have been put down in matching pairs!

This is a streamlined version of my card matching routine which has extra subtleties and a cleaner handling than earlier versions.


Unknown Mentalist
Synergium Wallet by Unknown Mentalist

As an early bird offer, a special toolbox of physical gimmicks containing 11 "Killer Tools" worth $45 is included absolutely free.

A special early bird bonus of 9 impossible "Synergy" routines is included free.

Two extra surprise bonuses are also included, along with a massive PDF.

For example, in one of these routines, a participant never writes down her birthday and yet by using the peek function, the performer can divine her exact birthday.

In another of these routines, a participant thinks of a different color or shape each to represent his past, present and future. And secretly...

★★★★★ $13.33
Unnamed Magician
Behind the Back Divination by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards. The spectator can thoroughly examine it, after which they can freely shuffle it for as long as they want in any way that they want. Once they're done shuffling, the magician invites them to spread through the deck face down and select any two cards that they like. They leave these face down on the table. The magician then instructs them to turn one of them face-up - let's suppose it is the JS. As for the other one, the magician tells the spectator not to look at this card yet - it will be a mystery for the end.

The spectator is then...

★★★★★ $10
Mark Leveridge
3 Card Con by Mark Leveridge

Three pre-folded cards are tipped from a card box and displayed as being a QH and two blank cards. The three cards are folded to conceal their faces and arranged in a row on the table ready for the classic Find The Lady. Having mixed the positions of the three cards, the one that should be the QH is opened to reveal it is in fact one of the blanks. That’s surprise no. 1. Surprise no. 2 comes when the other two cards are unfolded to reveal they are both blanks as well! The QH has completely disappeared. Surprise no. 3 is revealed when the QH is found folded inside the card box that has been...

Brick Tilley
Tenkai Buttons by Brick Tilley

You show two buttons, one in each hand, but magically one moves into your other hand despite your hands being separated.

The two short videos will explain to you a little preparation you will have to do to the buttons and the move to accomplish the deception.

This is essentially the same as Tenkai Pennies except here you will learn how to prepare the buttons to make it much easier to do.

1st edition 2024, video 1:18.

★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
Move a Card: the 'Holy Grail' method for a classic plot by Unnamed Magician

"Pretty sure Moe would have been fooled by this." - Ryan Schlutz

"A clever method for a memory demonstration." - Christian Grace

Note: The effect described below makes up less than half of the entire e-book. The rest of the e-book contains several other methods for the "Move a Card" plot.

The "Move a Card" plot goes all the way back to at least the 1930s, when it was popularized by Moe Seidenstein. Over the decades, many methods have been developed. But I believe this method is the 'Holy Grail' method, simply because of its impossible conditions. Among other conditions, any borrowed deck can be...

★★★★★ $35
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Encores Companion by D. Angelo Ferri

Slydini Encores is a great book with many photos, but despite the genuine efforts by the author and editor to capture Slydini's magic and teach it, it is tough to learn the details and the exact timing from the book. This is particularly true for students who have not experienced Slydini live. Dennis Barlotta, aka D. Angelo Ferri, who studied under Slydini for several years, provides in this video lecture the missing details and demonstrations so that you can actually learn and perform these miracles.

Dennis demonstrates and discusses almost everything from the book, Prediction in Red, Alladin Purse,...

★★★★ $5
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Easiest Coin in Bottle by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Show an empty bottle (with or without contents) and borrow a coin. Wrap this coin in some paper and place it on the lid of the bottle. Take a lighter (can be borrowed) and light the paper. The coin visibly penetrates the lid of the bottle and lands inside the bottle. The bottle can be examined immediately and given away as a souvenir.

1st edition 2024, video 8:19

Biagio Fasano
Vanishing at the Royal Court by Biagio Fasano

An incredible impromptu effect that uses all court cards in the deck to tell a story dense with mysteries.

This is a packet trick that tells the magical solution to a mystery. An impromptu card effect that, borrowing all the pictures from the deck, uses those to tell the story of a mysterious disappearance at a prestigious dance party reserved for these four aristocratic families.

The illusionist, after shuffling the twelve cards, gives them to cut and complete to a spectator who then, by rolling two dice (even if only imaginary ones) decides the precise moment when the mysterious vanishing...

Koo Hu
Burn Down by Koo Hu

Find their card with an inferno on your palm.

A card is selected, signed, and returned to the deck. And then ... you take a burning match and shove it into the deck, burning one card at a time going deeper and deeper and eventually the match extinguishes itself. You spread the cards and find that the match burnt through each and every card but it couldn't go beyond one particular card, their signed card.

  • Quick Reset: Instantly repeatable up to 15 times.
  • Easy Build: Only takes the skills of a 10-year-old.
  • Quick Setup: Under 5 minutes to build from scratch to performance ready.
  • Economical:...
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