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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★ $4
P. T. Selbit
The Magician's Handbook by P. T. Selbit

The inventor of "sawing a lady in half" has written quite an interesting book. It covers a good range of topics. Particularly the inclusion of fringe fields to magic, such as juggling and black art, makes this book unique. Certainly this is mainly a magic book, so tricks with handkerchiefs, and balls are many to be found as well as several interesting illusions. This book is in one other respect quite different to other books. The table of contents is in alphabetical order. So Selbit has kind of combined contents and index - interesting.

1st edition, 1901, Marshall & Brookes, London; 188...

★★★★ $15
Hal Saxon
The Magnetic Thumb Tip Done Right by Hal Saxon

This isn't your fathers magnetic thumb tip. Your tipistry reimagined and revolutionized. Tipistry means breathtaking thumb tip handling ability, competence, proficiency, or mastery.

This guide will show you how to dramatically improve your thumb tip ability (Tipistry) with magnets. How can something so simple and so overlooked be so amazing? One person posted on a forum many years ago and said, "Don't get a magnetic tip. You can do anything you can do with a magnetic tip with a PK Ring." (Magnetic ring). Nope. No way. Totally misguided. Absolutely untrue. Poor fellow, bless his heart. He...

Andrew Normansell
The Man Who Would Be King by Andrew Normansell

Readers of Magicseen will be familiar with Andrew as there have been a couple of features on him and he has also appeared a few times answering questions in the Close Up Clinic. Now Andrew reveals the secrets of his commercial success by recounting his life story so far, gives readers excellent food for thought in a section called Devil's Advocate in which he passes opinion on all manner of magical themes, and finally he also gives full details of 28 of his pet routines for close up, stand up and mentalism. Everything Andrew does is geared to commercial performance and his methods are delightfully straightforward....

David Phelps Abbott
The Marvelous Creations of Joseffy by David Phelps Abbott

Joseffy, Josef P. Freud, was a magician from Vienna, Austria. He came to the US when he was 19 years old, and initially worked as manufacturer of props and apparatus for a magic shop in Chicago. Eventually he designed and built his own unexplainable creations, several of which are described in this ebook. However, only the effects are given, no methods are described. Abbott briefly outlines old methods for similar effects, but does not provide the methods Joseffy uses. This book is therefore a promotional item rather than a traditional magic book. It includes many staged photos of Joseffy presenting...

Howardi & B. W. McCarron
The Master Magician's Packet by Howardi & B. W. McCarron

Packed into this ebook are 20 wonderful magic and mental effects ranging from impromptu demonstrations for parties to club, platform and stage effects.

Long off the market, this updated and expanded edition includes new presentations, illustrations and bonus content. If it's comedy magic you're after, McCarron includes his Scandinavian Flying Fish, Budget Cuts and Whisky on the Brain routines. For a change of pace, Einstein the Educated Dove will have your audience believing that your dove is psychic. Mentalists and mental magic performers have not one, but two book tests to choose from....

★★★★ $21
Mark Leveridge
The Master Routine Series: Collected Works by Mark Leveridge

The Master Routine Series first began in 1984 and over the next 20 years a total of 12 routines were released. Originally available as separate instruction booklets, all 12 have now been brought together into one ebook thus providing a worthy format for some of Mark's best work.

All the text has been looked at and re-written where necessary and every diagram has been completely re-drawn by magician artist James Fortune, and his excellent illustrations make a helpful and stylish addition to the text explanations.

The 12 routines encompass a wide variety of themes for both close up and stand...

★★★★★ $9.95
Frances Marshall
The Merry Magical Christmas Book by Frances Marshall

Get into the Christmas spirit. This ebook is entirely devoted to tricks and routines for Christmas. Presentations and ideas with tricks you may already own. Instructions for creating or making tricks in the holiday mood, nothing difficult. Pages of ideas to make extra money at Christmas with your magic and your showmanship. Get yourself a Christmas present now and put it to work for you.

  • Suggestions for advertising
  • Selling the show at established locations
  • Advertising the Magic Show and/or Santa Claus
  • Creating a Santa Visit Center ...
★★★★ $8
Burling Hull
The Miracle Floating Light Effect by Burling Hull

Get more mileage from your floating lamp or ball effect with this outstanding ebook. The floating light is a beautiful and mysterious stage effect whereby an illuminated light bulb (that may be in a lamp) visibly detaches itself and floats across the stage, apparently under the performer's control. The performer makes mystic gestures toward himself and the lighted bulb floats toward him and lands in his palm. It may be carried to the footlights and shown all around. It can even be laid on the palm of a spectator. The magician then throws the bulb away from him several feet, and at a snap of...

★★★★★ $20
J. G. Thompson Jr.
The Miracle Makers by J. G. Thompson Jr.

From the back cover by Karl Fulves:

The Thompson name having been associated with quality magic for the past fifty years, the reader of this new book will need no recommendation as to the value of the material. It contains all of the Thompson trademarks; new ideas, subtle approaches, smoothly routined magic, impeccably researched articles, inscrutable titles, excellent patter and presentation suggestions. All of this is well known and indeed synonymous with the Thompson name. There is another facet to the material in this book which may not be readily apparent however, and it is this which I'd like...

★★★★★ $8
Charles Lang Neil
The Modern Conjurer by Charles Lang Neil

This is my favorite magic book. The reason for this is that it was a groundbreaking book at the time it appeared and its contents is excellent. It was the first magic book that had photos instead of drawings or engravings throughout. And the contents is fantastic. It is one of the few books with a large chapter on chapeaugraphy. Add to this great chapters on shadowgraphy, plate spinning and paper folding. A large part is devoted to card magic, magic with coins, balls, and handkerchiefs, and much much more. If I would have to select one book this would be it. It is a book not many people know about. But you...

★★★★★ $6.50
Carl Martell
The Modern Manipulator by Carl Martell

This, originally written in 1910, juggling and magic book is (for the most part) still very relevant. Besides the insights you will gain about juggling and magic in the late 1800s, you will also learn about forgotten routines that you can use to enrich your repertoire with and that would still play very well in your act today. You will get the original script as written by Carl Martell. It is an exciting read for jugglers, variety performers; and sleight of hand, close-up, and stage magicians alike. You will read about the workings behind some long-forgotten vaudeville juggling stunts, magic...

August Roterberg
The Modern Wizard by August Roterberg

Roterberg was a dealer, but he also wrote excellent magic books - four altogether. The Card Tricks and how to do them is an excerpt from New Era Card Tricks. So actually he wrote only three books. The Modern Wizard was his first one. It explains tricks with silks, eggs, glasses, billiard balls, coins, candles, pill boxes and more. Roterberg has a very efficient style of describing a trick. He supplies no patter or other fluff, but still manages to explain a trick thoroughly. He packs 68 tricks or methods into merely 120 pages. He closes his book with the chapter "The Art of Magic" where Roterberg gives a crash course in how to be a good magician....

★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
The Mouse Pitch Move by Brick Tilley

Twisty is the latest version of the mouse pitch. Learn the never revealed handling that allows you to baffle everyone with this classic carnival pitch wonder toy. Perfect for walk around. This move was originally developed and taught for the worm pitch.

1st edition 2016, 4 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Jerry Andrus
The New Linking Pins by Jerry Andrus

Here Jerry reveals six effects with his famous Linking Pins. They are:

Spectators examine three safety pins and hand them back to the performer who immediately demonstrates that no matter how the pins are laid on the table they will invariably end up with all their opening sides facing the same direction. If the performer attempts to lay one of the pins down facing the wrong way it will flip itself over in front of the spectators eyes.

Next the pins are shown to repel each other violently when held in a certain way.

The three pins are layed flat on the table. Performer picks up one...

★★★★ $8
Ulysses Frederick Grant
The New York City Lecture by Ulysses Frederick Grant

U. F. Grant seldom did live lectures. One of the few he did was for the Magician's Guild of American in New York City on Oct. 13, 1952. These are the original lecture notes. These notes are very rare and almost impossible to find as they were sold only at the lecture and not distributed through magic dealers.

Here are the contents; none require any difficult sleights and all are easy to do.

Bombay Rope Cut: A cut and restored rope that involves tying no knots.

Zella Ring on Rope: A spectator ties the ends of a length of rope together. The performer then passes a borrowed ring onto...

Brick Tilley
The Noodle Trick by Brick Tilley

The performer extends his arm and a paper streamer appears. This is gathered up, placed in a bowl. Water is added. Using chopsticks the water is stirred, and the paper streamer transforms into real noddles you can eat. A Chinese classic.

Everything is explained in a PDF and a video.

1st edition 2019, 4 pages, video length 2:12.

★★★★ $10
J. H. Johnson
The Open Book by J. H. Johnson

This is the book that tells the truth about cards, dice, punch boards, gambling wheels, races, and all other kinds of gambling.

Don't be a sucker! The Open Book reveals how crooked gamblers, cheats, and con artists fleece the innocent and unwary public out of thousands of dollars daily. Even that carnival game at the local fairgrounds may not be as innocent as it looks. Get the inside scoop.

Valuable secrets of marked cards, gaffed dice, ink formulas, holdouts and other cheating devices -- all clearly explained. Also included are scams and cons used by the unscrupulous to bilk the unwary....

Brian T. Lees
The Opening by Brian T. Lees

Professional, high quality performances use strong openings. Entertainers use everything at their disposal to insure their opening is one of the most impressive features of their show. They hold nothing back. Music, flash pots, fog machines, lights and other effects have been used to enhance the opening impact.

This text will cover the functions and objectives of the opening. It will identify the primary goals and provide suggestions to help you reach them.

  • Opening Objectives
  • Opening Tools
  • Opening Announcements
  • Sample Openings
  • Plan Your Opening
  • A Word About the Close
  • Wrapping it...
★★★★★ $35
Gerald Edmundson
The Ostrich Factor by Gerald Edmundson

A practice guide for magicians.

"As fine an exposition of this kind of material as I have ever read . . ." - Mike Close

"Fifty years from now this might be right on that shelf next to 'Magic and Showmanship'." - David Goodsell

"It will turn you into a better magician." - David Regal

What is the Ostrich Factor? As well-versed, conscientious amateurs and professionals, we know the accepted axioms of the art. But when practicing to perform, we sometimes inadvertently overlook or ignore one or more of these well-known rules. The oversight keeps our performances from being as good as they could be. We make an assumption:...

Stephen Ablett
The Parasol Act by Stephen Ablett

The Parasol Act was the opening routine in my children's show between 2008 and 2013. It was also featured in my competition act and adult cabaret shows. The routines taught in this download video was perfected primarily for children. It requires no jacket, no restrictive holders, can be performed wearing a short-sleeve shirt, and at the end of the act without fear of the parasols opening early. The only restriction is that your shirt must be tucked out at the back.

For the main routine; I produce five single parasols, and a final triple giant parasol after manipulating cocktail umbrellas....

Wiljalba Frikell
The Parlor Magician by Wiljalba Frikell

100 tricks for the drawing room.

Containing an extensive and miscellaneous collection of conjuring and legerdemain; sleights with dice, dominoes, cards, ribbons, rings, fruit, coins, balls, handkerchiefs, etc. All of which may be performed in the parlor or drawing room. Without the aid of any apparatus; also embracing a choice variety of curious deceptions which may be performed with the aid of simple apparatus.

    • Preliminary Observation
    • Palming Coin
    • The Magic Coin
    • To Untie a...
★★★★ $12
Hal Saxon
The Pepper In and Salt Out Magic Trick by Hal Saxon

This guide will take you step by step through the process of learning the Pepper In and Salt Out Transformation and Vanish. This trick or effect is designed for beginner to advanced magicians. You will learn moves and handling that will serve you very well in dozens of other effects. There are several twists and turns that are very uncommon and not found in the normal salt/pepper shaker routines seen in the magic universe today.

Four things make this effect very special.

  1. Spectator Involvement. The spectator pours pepper from a pepper shaker into the closed fist of the magician.
  2. The...
★★★★ $5
The Play Room by unknown

This is an interesting book with beautifully weird games, stunts, experiments, puzzles and magic, some of which I have not seen described anywhere else.

  • Play Room Games
    • Blind-Man's-Buff
    • How D'ye Like Your Neighbor?
    • One Old Ox Opening Oysters
    • Magic Music
    • Twirling The Plate
    • How Do You Like It? When Do You Like It? And Where Do You Like It?
    • What Is My Thought Like?
    • Cupid's Coming
    • Cross Questions And Crooked Answers
    • Consequences
    • I Love My Love With An A
    • Proverbs
    • The Emperor Of Morocco
    • Buff
    • The Family Coach
    • Earth, Air, And Water
    • Oranges And Lemons
    • Pigeons Fly
    • Red-Cap And Blue-Cap ...
★★★★★ $10
Donald "Monk" Watson
The Professional Touch by Donald "Monk" Watson

Only an experienced performer could write a practical book of this kind. No theories, but facts and tested procedures - that are invaluable when put into practice. Therefore, you are not only getting an ebook containing original tricks, moves and routines, but information that will pay you dividends, be you beginner, amateur or professional.

You will love Monk's natural breezy style - and while you are absorbing the splendid advice on acquiring the professional touch in your performance, you will get many a chuckle in the bargain. Chapters embrace the following subjects:

  • Lets Have A Reason...
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