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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $15
Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 4 (Video 1): Tricks to Watch by Dave Arch

If you've enjoyed Dave Arch's Tricks 4 Trainers series of ebooks, here's even more. Trainer of corporate trainers, Dave Arch, performs 20 magic tricks - demonstrating how to use them as openers, closers, or illustrations in training and teaching. (The tricks themselves are not explained because this video, or portions of it, are meant to be shown as is to the group of people you train. This is for trainers who do not perform magic. Of course, if you are a magician you will know many if not all of these effects and you can then certainly perform them yourself if you like.)

[None of the effects taught in the other volumes are duplicated here.]

run time: 35:40...

Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 5 (Video 2): Tricks to Do by Dave Arch

Here Dave Arch has selected 20 magic tricks completely different than found in his Tricks 4 Trainers series of ebooks or other videos designed to be performed by the trainer in a training classroom to help reinforce the learning points of the teaching.

run time: 40:23

Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 6 (Video 3): Tricks to Teach by Dave Arch

Teach your class members to do the 20 magic tricks on this video. All of them are different from any others taught on his other videos or in his Tricks 4 Trainers ebooks. Watch as your class participants perform the magic - showing others and reinforcing your content at the same time.

run time: 33:40

★★★★ $15
Ken de Courcy
Tricks for Travelling Tricksters by Ken de Courcy

Impromptu tricks for audiences who speak little to no English.

In today's global world it is important to be able to do magic for folks who do not speak your language or who do not understand the cultural nuances and jokes you may have in your primary program. Many of the tricks taught are impromptu. From the introduction by Billy McComb:

I can't think of anyone better qualified to write this than Ken de Courcy. He and Susan take at least a couple of holidays a year to strange exotic countries where the inhabitants speak little or no English. He doesn't, like some magicians, drive his wife potty by...

★★★★ $5
Will Goldston
Tricks of the Masters by Will Goldston

This book covers a mix of stage illusions, manipulations, and parlor tricks. It is very nicely illustrated even featuring a couple of photos.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Will Goldston has been writing books on magic for many years. He is probably the most popular of magical authors, judged by the number of books he has written and the extent of their sales; for his writings on the subject now number several dozen titles, and a good many of them have run through a number of printings. We are somewhat at a loss to account for this popularity, since we personally have never regarded Mr. Goldston as our best teacher...

★★★★★ $10
Harry Stanley
Tricks of the Television Stars by Harry Stanley

This ebook, fully illustrated, gives the secrets of the television star's favourite tricks and novelties: magic, hypnotism, laugh stunts - that anyone can perform.

This is a fun ebook with lots of easy effects, some of which you will know others of which will be entirely new to you. The lineup of contributors is a long list of distinguished magicians including Martin Gardner, Lewis Ganson, Tom Sellers, Milbourne Christopher, Ken de Courcy, Harry Stanley, and many others.

There was a second volume in this series called More Tricks of the Television Stars.

1st edition 1958, 48 pages; PDF 75 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Contents
  3. Bits & Pieces
  4. Stuntrix
  5. New Leaf
  6. Comedy Levitation ...
Will Goldston
Tricks that Mystify by Will Goldston

Excerpt from the introduction:

In this book I deal with the latest and best small tricks. The majority of the professional conjurers to-day are presenting small tricks in their programmes. I have been asked by subscribers not to include illusions requiring stage traps, but to confine myself to secrets of tricks that can be done by the average performer, and the apparatus not to be costly.

I have taken care to meet with the wishes of all subscribers to this book. I have omitted complicated tricks and combinations likely to fog an audience. The magician to-day understands that he must be...

★★★★★ $5
Tom Sellers
Tricks That Work by Tom Sellers

From the Foreword:

In presenting this booklet to the magical fraternity, my aim has been to only include tricks that are really practicable. Some of the effects are not entirely new, but the methods used have been evolved by myself. I have endeavoured to explain each trick in as simple a manner as possible, and to select tricks which really work.

  • Foreword
  • Escapo
  • Match Divination
  • The Dissolving Ring
  • A Production Box Idea
  • A Novel Egg Trick
  • The Magnetised Cards
  • The Smoke Vase
  • A Vanishing Wand
  • Living Or Dead?
  • Vibrato
  • A New Reversed Card Effect
  • A Baffling Card Prediction
  • Card...
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 1 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • FLIPDOODLE 1: You use the twelve face cards to produce an astonishing result that finds three of the same suit.
  • I'M NOT OGEN: A spectator 'makes up a card combining any two cards. You spell the name of that card and you find it. Finally, you find the other three cards of the same value.
  • CHEERS!: You show seven cards with name of drinks on them and a prediction. A spectator selects a drink and you show that the prediction is correct… with a laugh. ...
★★★★★ $10
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 2 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • DIAMOND SPELLER: The thirteen cards of Diamonds are used to reveal a freely selected card.
  • FREE CUT DUO: Two spectators pick a card each and lose them in a packet of cards. You reveal these cards.
  • FETCH + HOFZINSER: A spectator cuts any amount of cards and selects two cards. The sum of these two cards corresponds to the number of cards cut by the first spectator.
  • CAUGHT TOGETHER, HANGED TOGETHER: One card is selected. Two Jacks capture four cards...
★★★★★ $10
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 3 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • THE FRENCH CARD TRAP: Here is a non-sleight-of-hand method of locating up to twelve selected cards.
  • 4TUITOUS: A principle that can be used as a simple prediction in its own right, or as a number force in another effect.
  • AS EASY AS COUNTING: A freely selected card is revealed in a very humorous way.
  • GO WEST: Another funny and very interesting way to reveal a card with messages written on face cards. Just follow them. (For an exploration of this...
★★★★★ $10
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 4 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • DO NOT DISTURB: Here is Werner's version of the classic Hotel Mystery, totally self-working.
  • EQUIVALENT: A new principle. Cards are dealt in packets and one is selected by a spectator. The card on top indicates the sum of the cards below the other piles.
  • LINE DANCER: A freely selected card is revealed using a reversed card.
  • MOITIÉ, MOITIÉ: A very interesting routine using five Clubs cards cut in the middle.
  • AND HER SON: A selected card is lost...
★★★★ $4
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Tricks with Magnets by Ulysses Frederick Grant

All of these clever tricks use magnets in one way or another.

  • Buddha Coin Mystery
  • Fortune Telling Coin
  • Cup Levitation
  • Grant's Match Penetration
  • Mental Detection
  • Living and Dead Test
  • Clever Coin Vanish
  • Sliding Glue
  • Improved Sliding Glue
  • Psychic Lock And Keys
  • Rising Cards And Wand
  • Coin Through Block
  • Box - Cover and Coin
  • Tip-See Pencil
  • Improved Imp Bottle
  • Improved Wands and Cords
  • Stopping A Watch
  • Handkerchief Box
  • Nu-Coin
  • Rolling Cigarettes
  • Adams Coin Box
  • Magnetic Cigar
  • Three Shell Game
  • Number Detection
  • Mystery Man

PDF 15 pages

★★★★★ $8
Samuel Berland
Tricks with Watches by Samuel Berland

Tricks, sleights, and routines with watches.

Paul Fleming wrote:

No one who has seen Gus Fowler's vaudeville act with timepieces will doubt that magic with watches can be both interesting and mystifying. We cannot guarantee that Tricks with Watches will enable its readers to duplicate the financial and artistic success won by Mr. Fowler, but it will acquaint them with sleights and tricks which they will almost certainly be tempted to introduce into their programs.

Of the four chapters into which Mr. Berland divides his book, Chapter I is devoted to sleights with watches; Chapter 2, to complete tricks...

Will Goldston
Tricks You Should Know by Will Goldston

This book is the trick section of Sensational Tales of Mystery Men. Goldston felt that the trick section was the part that magicians would be most interested in and thus made it available as a separate book.

And a very good title too! The magician who does not know the contents of this volume will soon be behind the times.

  • Introduction
  • The Newest Chinese Bat
  • The Thought Reader
  • Performing Matches
  • The Best Penetrating Coin
  • A Borrowed Handkerchief Burned
  • A Mysterious Match
  • Swallowing A Solid Wand
  • Which Cigarette?
  • The Vanished Egg
  • The Expanding Egg
  • The Newest Card Changing Box
  • The G. W. Hunter Pull
  • Cigarettes...
Gregg Webb
Triplets 1 by Gregg Webb

Triplets is a new series by Gregg Webb with three items each - tricks and essays. This first ebook in this series features "Cleverness", a two-card transpo, a coin routine that was inspired by Milt Kort's famous shot glass coin routine, and "Behold the Invisible Knife", a routine most suitable for a kids show.

"Gregg Webb is one of the most creative minds in Magic. For over 40 years he has been inspiring me with his contributions to our art." - Jeff McBride

1st edition 2022, PDF 7 pages.

Gregg Webb
Triplets 5 by Gregg Webb

In this mixed props issue from Gregg Webb, it starts out with some magic news, and a book review, and an essay on how today's audiences want shorter tricks, and why.

Next we have a devilish coin trick, Rolled - or Pennies South, where a whole lot of pennies penetrate the table. Following this is The World's Fastest Cups and Balls Routine. In the essay provided in the magic news section is an essay on how magicians often go too long because they can, and why not to fall prey to that impulse these days.

Lastly comes Gregg's latest version of a series of methods for doing a mental version...

Gregg Webb
Triplets 8 by Gregg Webb

This edition features a completely different routine for MacDonald's Aces and a simple way to make the gaffs yourself. This is more of a platform or parlor version and not a close-up trick. The patter and presentation are also completely different from MacDonald's Aces. This is also different from the version in Hilliard's Lost Notebook. Gregg performed this on TV in 1968 long before Hilliard's notebook was even found. If you pride yourself on being different from the crowd, you'll love this. A very catchy storyline and premise is included.

Next follows many updates on a trick of Gregg's,...

Gregg Webb
Triplets: all 10 issues by Gregg Webb

Each issue of this series by Gregg Webb started out as three articles - hence the name. Usually, each issue was devoted to a topic such as cards, coins, or mental magic ideas. Usually, two articles were about specific tricks and the 3rd article was sometimes an article about theory or other more general topics.

There is even material about how to learn to be creative and not simply follow the crowd. The series contains some of Gregg's most original thinking in years. If you like "outside the box" thinking, try this. Some of the items are improvements and streamlined versions of Gregg's...

★★★★★ $10
Hans Trixer
Trixer's Tricky Tape Recorder and other Fables by Hans Trixer
  • Card In Glass
  • Paper Balls And Hat
  • 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Cards To Pockets
  • The Hindu Thread Trick
  • Electro Chemical Stop
  • Take A Card!
  • The Talking Skull
1st edition 1970, 8 pages; PDF 18 pages.
Verrall Wass
Twelve Tested Tricks by Verrall Wass

This is a nicely illustrated manuscript describing a range of parlor tricks. At the end you will find three articles that still hold a lot of truth even after decades when they have been written.

1st edition 1936, PDF 19 pages

    1. 1. Triple Transposition
    2. 2. British Made
    3. 3. Magical Book Covering
    4. 4. The Homing Liquids
    5. 5. Balancing a Handkerchief
    6. 6. Bluff
    7. 7. Box 0' Chocs
    8. 8. Twice Twenty-Six
    9. 9. Poppies and Perfume
    10. 10. Transparent Transformation
    11. 11. Buddha's Shrine
    12. 12. The Blossoming Desert
    1. An Act "Borrowed from the Audience"
    2. Revolution Needed ? ...
    3. More Publicity...
Edward Bagshawe
Twenty Magical Novelties by Edward Bagshawe

In this work, we find for the first time the popular Out-to-lunch principle (see for example Anagramation by Jim Krenz) being published.

From the introduction:

The better one becomes acquainted with magic, the more one realizes that the word "novelty" must be used with care. That is, if one wishes to be strictly veracious. Nevertheless, I believe the reader will find that the various offerings in this book possess some element of newness - either in the effects themselves or the methods outlined.

It will be noted that I have not included items that are only accessories or suggestions (with which another book...

Tom Sellers
Twenty Tricks by Tom Sellers
  • Foreword
  • The Disjointed Finger
  • Ashes Of The Sun
  • Block And Ribbon Penetration
  • More Beads On A String
  • Burnt And Restored
  • Tape Through The Wrist
  • Sympathetic Light
  • A Ring Release
  • A New Thumb Tie
  • Coin And Handkerchief
  • Cut And Restored Rope
  • Easy Diminishing Cards
  • Impromptu Card Rising
  • Two Person Card Code
  • The Penetrative Coins
  • Novel Re-Appearing Coin
  • Silent Change-Over For Several Coins
  • Ace-King Passe Passe
  • The "T.S." Glass Penetration
  • A Good-Night Cigar

1st edition 1943, 20 pages; PDF 19 pages.

$20 $10
Hal Saxon
Two Amazing (Thumb Tip) Vanishes by Hal Saxon

These two TT vanishes are beginner vanishes, but they are oh-so different.

These are real foolers. Fit whatever you want in vanish one. It is a full gimmick vanish. Vanish two will hold just about anything as well. You will need a TT gimmick from your magic shop as described in the video. These are absolutely unmodified gimmicks. You probably already have one.

These two vanishes are angle-proof, close-up, easy to learn, and very deceptive. Perform these right in front of your spectator's eyes. No one, I mean no one sees the gimmick.

Vanish one is a deceptive play on the old beginner...

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