Karl Germain was a dynamic stage performer whose baffling feats of wizardry have come to life again in this must-have ebook.
Several of Germain's stage, club and close-up mysteries are revealed in this well-illustrated text, allowing them to be appreciated by a new generation of magicians.
Cramer explains many of Germain's feats, including Casadega Propaganda (a small Spirit Cabinet), several large Spirit Cabinets for stage performances, various types of Spirit Slate-Writing, a Spirit Seance In a Lighted Room, the Germain Handkerchief Color Change (the finest ever invented), Miss Confetti...
These two TT vanishes are beginner vanishes, but they are oh-so different.
These are real foolers. Fit whatever you want in vanish one. It is a full gimmick vanish. Vanish two will hold just about anything as well. You will need a TT gimmick from your magic shop as described in the video. These are absolutely unmodified gimmicks. You probably already have one.
These two vanishes are angle-proof, close-up, easy to learn, and very deceptive. Perform these right in front of your spectator's eyes. No one, I mean no one sees the gimmick.
Vanish one is a deceptive play on the old beginner...
17 pieces of magical theatre and 14 essays.
This ebook is about finding yourself in magic and sharing who you are with your audience in a theatrical setting. Franklin Williams shares his story and teaches you how to take magic tricks and turn them into art.
You will learn about scripting and telling deep meaningful stories while doing amazing and strong magic on stage, parlor, and in closeup. This ebook also contains Franklin's award-winning take on the Vanishing Bottle and The Chop Cup.
Excerpt from the foreword by Jeff McBride.
Franklin’s magic is bold. The magic in this book...
Excerpt from the introduction:
In any case, you will find that the tricks in this book, and in others I hope to publish at intervals during the war, all are good practical effects. In almost every case the trick will be described fully, with all necessary details and nothing left for you to wonder about. Thus I believe that the dozen tricks fully described in this book, will be of more value to you than twice that number briefly described. None of the effects in this series are "padding". Each item is of real use to the practicing conjurer.
This is part one of the Studies Series.
Excerpt from the introduction:
There is no difficulty in the working of any trick. Dan always aims for the simplest method of producing an effect, believing that the entertainment value of a trick is its major attraction. Indeed, every trick that follows can be worked by anyone, and though some are extremely simple, I advocate that you give them all the test of a trial before passing judgment. You will then find you have ample and spacious pastures.
A visible glass of milk vanishes, a chalk line evolves itself into a length of rope, a floating doll, a roll of ribbon changes place with a glass of whisky, a glass of milk constantly reappears unexpectedly under its cardboard tube and other effects.
This is part three of the Studies Series.
Let's get real. We all have too many tricks and not enough time to learn all of them. Instead of acquiring more tricks, how about learning simple methods to make our tricks better? You know that trick you like, but it is just not getting the reaction you want. The tips in this ebook can help you make your tricks better and get the reactions you want.
You will learn:
Excerpt from the foreword:
When I published Studies in Mystery, I was rather doubtful about its reception in wartime. But the first edition sold out in the first four weeks, and a second edition was found necessary. So this present book, a continuation of the first one, was proceeded with cheerfully, feeling that we had filled in a small corner in helping to brighten the gloomy hours of War.
Another twelve items, carefully explained, are again set out for your delight, and we sincerely hope, as we feel sure they will, that they come up to your expectations.
This is part two in the Studies Series. ...
Excerpt from the foreword:
Mr. Bellman has sent me many of his ideas. These I have sifted, adapted and eliminated so you get the cream. My own effects have passed through the same purging process with the result that every trick in this book is one you can work. Do not be satisfied with the mere reading of this book; follow it by practice. An effect that seems dead in the cold light of the formality of words often bursts into a flame of burning amazement when translated into Action. The true test of a trick is not how artistically it can be described, but the effect upon the non-magical...
Excerpt from the introduction:
My books are written from the standpoint of a practical performer and have in view the conditions required for public presentation on the concert platform. The average magical book seems to predominate in card tricks, small mental effects, or subtle whimsies suitable only for intimate work. Such effects are rare in my own writings, and subtlety and superfine cleverness are overlooked for directness of working and clarity of effect, always having in mind that it is the lay audience that we are to entertain.
So this book will, I feel, appeal again to the...
A practice guide for magicians.
"As fine an exposition of this kind of material as I have ever read . . ." - Mike Close
"Fifty years from now this might be right on that shelf next to 'Magic and Showmanship'." - David Goodsell
"It will turn you into a better magician." - David Regal
What is the Ostrich Factor? As well-versed, conscientious amateurs and professionals, we know the accepted axioms of the art. But when practicing to perform, we sometimes inadvertently overlook or ignore one or more of these well-known rules. The oversight keeps our performances from being as good as they could be. We make an assumption:...
Excerpt from the introduction:
Regarding the routines presented in these lecture notes, I have to point out that they are based on simple ideas and require practice only to the extent that you must be familiar with the sequence of handling in order to perform the effects smoothly.
Too often magicians ignore tricks which at first glance appear difficult. If the plot idea attracts your interest, give it ten minutes of your time. You’ll know soon enough if you like the trick or not.
The explanations of the tricks in these notes are somewhat brief but I consider them complete enough...
Aether was another run of ideas as monographs ... one routine or trick or idea per issue. Again, I recently thought to combine them into a collection. Ideas of mine include tricks, routines, and also handlings of various types of magic. I mainly work with sleight-of-hand with an occasional manipulative piece. Drawings and not photos, as illustrations.
I did a series of monographs at one time, one trick at a time, that I felt had unusual ideas I hadn't seen before, and sometimes variations on ideas that had been around, but handled a different way. My thinking about these went back to the New Stars of Magic which Tannen's put out. These of course were one routine explained well. Lately, I thought of bundling them together and this is the result. I used drawings and not photos.
1st edition 1935, 30 pages; PDF 47 pages.
The three ticks in this video are variations of effects by Don Alan, Juan Tamariz, and an old-school sucker trick that appeared in Expert Card Technique.
Don Alan had a trick called Magic Ranch in which a chosen card was found in a wooden egg. I've rearranged the presentation with a new ending, the people think that a real egg is about to be cracked open in the cupped hands of the assisting spectator. The switch of the real egg for the gimmick egg is accomplished by Slydini body mechanics and within reach of anyone willing to understand and apply the concept. I also offer an alternative ending, as well as how to make the special one-way...
Creative thought for magicians.
While this ebook does have a trick section at the end, the majority of the content is dedicated to mental processes, habits, and exercises that will help you become a better and more creative magician. This is a part of being a magician that is rarely talked about, but it is more important than the latest and newest trick offering.
Excerpt from the Foreword:
In this work I tell you what Magical Mentality is, and how you can develop it for yourself. Or if you already have it to a degree, how you can cause it to serve you more efficiently.
The system...
Excerpt from the Foreword:
This is a book with a guarantee; a guarantee that every item with one exception has been mastered and tested by myself. ... As in my "Studies" series, all effects in this present book are complete in themselves. They are not mere tricks, gadgets, or "moves." Each one has been carefully routined and described in full to bring out the correct methods of presentation, and in all cases, entertainment value has been very carefully considered. With the routines in this book you will entertain as well as mystify.
With added chapters on easy magic you can do, with and without playing cards.
In this book, the secrets of ancient miracles and of modern magic have been thoroughly explained. No phase of the mystic art has been neglected. The reader is initiated into the secrets of antiquity. He is told of the methods of mediaeval wizards; and the secrets of modern wonders are disclosed to him. He is led behind the scenes to study the magic of the stage; true facts of Oriental mystery are brought before him. The secrets of the Hindu fakirs are revealed in detail, based upon the testimony of trained investigators...
This is part two in the "Modus Operandi" series. It continues with chapter 5.
Many magicians I know are as interested in both tricks and puzzles and integrate the two.
While elaborate mathematical, logical, or chess puzzles or crosswords have little "performance value", there are many optical puzzles, geometric paradoxes, illusions, ambigrams, after-image generators, and the like, that make for an excellent lead to a magic effect, or for performance as an effect by itself, or as a memorable keepsake printed on the back of your calling card or publicity folder or even your admission tickets. They can also be used as memorable "give-aways" for your assisting spectators,...
This is an excellent but often overlooked primer on magic.
Excerpt from the introduction:
This book marked the culmination of a twelve-year period in which I contributed dozens of articles to magical magazines, conducted daily columns on puzzles and simple tricks, plus a weekly series of fifty magic lessons for Howard Thurston, then America's leading stage magician. In it, I covered all phases of magic then current, from simple tricks to large illusions, updating them to the present with an eye for the future.
Paul Fleming wrote:
We believe we have said enough to justify the statement, . ....
Excerpt from the preface:
This book contains endless entertainment for you and your friends, and represents part of my collection of "tricky stunts" which I have used for several years WITH GREAT SUCCESS - catches, puzzles, and tricks with which all magicians should be familiar. While many of them can be, and have been, performed on the stage, none requires any great amount of skill. For all that, each one should be tried over privately many times before you attempt to perform it to your friends. Neglect this necessary precaution and you will soon find how easy it is to produce a fiasco with...
All the routines revolve around the idea of beginning with no visible apparatus and having "nothing in your hands."
If you truly aspire to be a magician, you'll need to be ready to perform at a moment's notice, and that's where this book will be the best investment you make all year.
An ebook of magic as you like it unique and baffling, but light and humorous. Tricks and routines developed and used over a period of fifteen years, but were new to the magic fraternity when it was originally released because, prior to this book, they had never before been published.
John Stanfield says...