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Magic & Mentalism: page 13


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 669 to 692 (of 980 products)
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★★★★ $7
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Floating Straw by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A straw floats from a cup or can into your hand.

The method goes back to Joseph Dunninger. Ralf explains the gimmick, setup and performance in detail in his video.

1st edition 2019, length 15min

★★★ $8
Charles Waller
For Magicians Only by Charles Waller

Once in a lifetime, there comes a book - a volume that will stand in magical history as a lasting monument, and tribute to the Magic Art. This, according to Floyd Thayer, is such a book.

Part 1 is devoted to the purpose and presentation of magic in all its phases - comprising the complete analysis of Magic from the beginning to the end: What Magic Is, Apparatus and Sleights, Dress, Environment, Plot, Silence, Speech, Dramatic, Humorous, Music, Settings, Program Material, Introductions, The Magic Sketch, etc. etc.

Part 2 deals with an abundance of remarkable examples of patter, adaptable...

★★★★★ $29.95
Eugene E. Gloye
Theatrical Magic by Eugene E. Gloye

A fantastic ebook on theatrical magic, the psychology of magic, and numerous routines explained in detail.

    • The Psychology of Theatrical Magic
    • A Psychological Analysis of Children's Reactions to Magic
    • Psychology and Physical Arrangements
    • An Analysis of Interest in Magic
    • Styles in Theatrical Magic
    • Magical Beliefs As Themes In Theatrical Magic
    • Blocking Applied To Magic Routines
    • Stage Areas
    • Use of Stage Areas
    • Expanding the Concept of Stage Areas
    • Blocking in Relation to a Microphone
    • Making a Prompt Book
    • Timing Applied to Magic Routines
    • The...
★★★ $10
Bob Hummer
Another Dozen Hummers by Bob Hummer

Here are 12 more unique, mind-blowing Bob Hummer stunts for magicians and mentalists. Includes four separate effects and manuscripts, edited into a single compilation.

From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer comes this tasty second helping of mental and magic effects using cards, coins, a magazine and even an ungimmicked Bible. These offerings were originally sold in manuscript form and are now out of print. Now you can get them all in this updated and corrected compilation. Each of these miracles seems utterly impossible, yet they work every time.


  • Foreword (B. W. McCarron) ...
Ken de Courcy
After Dinner Technique by Ken de Courcy

From the preface:

This book first appeared in 1953 in serial form in Goodliffe's ABRACADABRA. At the time it was the first treatise to be published on the subject and many people were kind enough to say it helped them overcome the difficulties always found in after-dinner shows.

All the information it contained was learned by experience as it was a field in which I specialised. And, although it was written nearly thirty years ago, almost nothing has changed; which is surprising when you consider the sweeping changes in other spheres of entertainment.

  • Preface And Acknowledgement
  • Foreword Be Natural ...
★★★★★ $10
Will Ayling
Fabian's Magic Notes by Will Ayling

From the preface:

Fabian's contributions to the Supreme House Journal The MAGIGRAM, the items edited and photographed by the Late Lewis Ganson, will be well known to so many magicians throughout the World.

Acknowledged for their novelty, routine and presentation, the tradition is continued within these pages, the effects forming the lecture notes of Colombini. The items are described and photographed in detail so that the reader may be able to duplicate the tricks etc., without actual recourse to the lecture itself.

  • Fabians Sympathetic Ropes
  • The Three Ropes
  • Aye
  • Chinese Coin
  • Trio
  • Cards And Ropes
  • Fabian's Book...
★★★★★ $10
Will Goldston
Secrets of Magic by Will Goldston

This was Goldston's first magic publication, a mix of magic, some juggling, and a bit of other variety arts such as shadowgraphy and chapeaugraphy.

From the Introduction:

To make this work more attractive than the general run of books on Magic, the following articles have been introduced: - Hypnotism, Smoke Pictures, Hand Shadowgraphy, Elocution, Art of Making-up, Hoop Rolling, Ventriloquism, Stage Illusions, Lock Tricks, etc., in conjunction with Conjuring.

  • Introduction
  • The Wedding Ring passed through a Handkerchief
  • The Candle and Handkerchief Illusion
  • The Devo Card Trick
  • The...
★★★★★ $15
David Devant
Secrets of My Magic by David Devant

From the foreword by Jeffery Atkins:

To a true lover of the Magic Art, the name of David Devant conjures up every conceivable facet of illusion. He was truly the Master of his craft, and as long as the art of deception continues the name of David Devant will live.

  • Publisher's Note
  • Foreword
  • CHAPTER II CARD MAGIC (continued)
★★★★ $59.50
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George G. Kaplan & Warren J. Kaps
The Fine Art of Magic, 2nd Edition by George G. Kaplan & Warren J. Kaps

Some have argued that George Kaplan's Fine Art of Magic is the best magic book ever published. Juan Tamariz, who wrote a foreword to this second edition, says: "Hardly a performance where I do not include an effect from this book. It's the only book that contains only good and excellent tricks."

This magic treatise has stood the test of time. It has become a standard magic reference work. The First Edition is one of the most sought after magic books and is now available in its Second Edition, which incorporates additions and corrections from Kaplan's own notes, as well as adds more than 25% new and...

★★★★★ $6
Charles C. Eastman
French's Manipulative Magic with Additions by Charles C. Eastman

Manipulative or sleight of hand magic is undoubtedly the purest form of the conjuror's art. Now you can add more than 20 beautiful and entertaining effects to your routine. Edwin A. French was a true artist, as shown by the moves that are well described by Chas. C. Eastman. Add to this the line art by none other than Nelson Hahne, and you have a combination that is hard to beat.

In addition to French's artistry, this edition also includes additional effects by Murray Sumner, John Morin, Nelson Hahne, Joseph Walker, Bert Douglas and Sid Lorraine.

While it's hard to be partial, as we like all the material, the Penetration effect is especially...

Behind the Scenes with the Night Club Magician by Elray

Break into the world of table-hopping, banquet, restaurant and casino floor show magic with this insider's handbook. Elray, a former top entertainer, reveals the ins and outs of this lucrative field in this hard-to-find handbook.

To be a successful nightclub entertainer, you not only have to be different in your own style, but you have to present a different style of magic. This ebook lets you in on this secret world - from behind the scenes - so you can profit by it. Many effects were revealed here for the first time in print - tricks specially adapted for nightclub work.

Here's a partial...

Dale A. Hildebrandt
Total Bundle: Everything by Dale A. Hildebrandt

For a limited time only, until July 13th 2020, you can get all of Dale's ebooks (the ones released on for merely $300.

★★★★★ $10
Ned Williams
Something New in Magic by Ned Williams

This was Robert Harbin's first publication writing under his real name 'Ned' Williams. Already noticeable in this first work his creative genius.

    • Novel Silk Changes
    • The "Silko" Table Change
    • The New "Sun and Moon"
    • The Penetrating Tumbler
    • A Card Restored
    • Four-Ace Supreme
    • The "Zomah" Force
    • A Colour-Changing Wand
    • The Penetrating Ball
    • Ink Transposition
    • The Psychic Cigarettes
    • "Will O’ the Wisp"
    • The Clothes-Line Mystery
    • The Wandering Fan
    • Ropes Thro’ the Body
    • Telepathic Paper-Tearing
    • A Mistake, But.....
    • A Castle Conundrum ...
★★★★★ $8
Clettis Musson
Fourty-Four Foolers by Clettis Musson

From the hidden recesses of Musson's mind comes Forty-Four Foolers - a veritable gold mine of magic ideas and tricks that you can do. It covers such a large variety of effects that, regardless of whether you're a mentalist, magician, ghost show artist, manipulator, night club performer, parlor entertainer, or stage illusionist, you can find something of value in this ebook.

Inside you'll find new tricks with liquids, cards, balls, kittens, silks, cigars, cigarettes, alarm clocks, watches, thimbles, tumblers, needles, coins, and stage illusions. Read over the brief descriptions of a few of...

★★★★ $7
Sam Dalal
Cabaret Capers Volume 1 by Sam Dalal

This was Sam Dalal's first publication. It was written for the cabaret artist, the magician who is called on to give a "Spot Show" of about 10 to 15 minutes duration. Every item is applause tested, simple in execution, and lends itself to an amusing theme.

  • In The Beginning
  • The Impossible Peek Deck!
  • The Sla-Test Color Gag
  • Colour - Me!!!
  • "Turn It Round"
  • Brain Wave Bonus
  • The New Whispering Queen
  • Habit Bound!
  • Old Wine In New Funnels
  • "Pop Up" Gag
  • Jackpot -- Almost
  • Russian Roulette
  • 'Knockout'
  • Shell Craft
  • In Conclusion

1st edition ~1970, 20 pages; PDF 23 pages.

Greer Maréchal, Jr.
Magic for the Millions by Greer Maréchal, Jr.

This is an excellent magic book that deserves to be known more widely. Bruce Elliott wrote in the foreword:

This introduction to a noble and ancient kind of amusement will lead you as a primer should, from the easy to the more difficult. It stops short of the really difficult, again as a primer should. It helps you on the road to becoming, for better or worse, a magician.

For the better? Yes, for a way to enjoy yourself, to get a kick out of performing something that is out of the ordinary. For the worse? If this book serves its purpose, you will have set your faltering feet on the rocky...

Conjuring Up To Date by Hercat

From the preface:

Card Tricks and Conjuring Up to Date, by reason of recent additions, having become too large for one volume, I have decided to divide it into two, and now present Conjuring Up to Date by itself, in which I give a description of the very latest tricks, thus making it realize its title of "up to date."

In the other volume, Card Tricks With and Without Apparatus, will be found the most recent additions which have been made to escamotage des cartes. When both these volumes have been digested, students in legerdemain are advised to make a study of the more advanced conjuring...

★★★★ $5
Henry Ridgely Evans
Magic and its Professors by Henry Ridgely Evans

From the introduction:

To those amateurs and to my numerous professional friends who delight in new books, I send forth "Magic and its Professors," trusting that it will prove of interest to them. Part III is a symposium on magic by some of the best performers and inventors of the day. I sincerely thank them for the labor of love which they have rendered. I am indebted to Mr. T. Francis Fritz, the editor of Mahatma, and Mr. William J. Hilliar, editor of The Sphinx, for the right to reprint in book form some of the valuable exposes contained in their respective journals. I am also under obligations to those...

Hugh Mackay
Classical Conjuring by Hugh Mackay

Of particular interest are the various ideas to how to transmit information secretly.

    • The Slave Bangle
    • Camouflage
    • Two Ropes And A Ring
    • A String Variation
    • A Marked Pack
    • Three Good Tricks (Will Goldston)
    • Removing Under Difficulties
    • A Problem With Cards
    • A Card Square
    • Values
    • A Puzzling Location
    • Suitable "Key" Card
    • Hands Of The Secret Service
    • Stage Billet Reading
    • The Interpreter
    • The Roll Call
    • The Carrier
    • Intelligent Fingers
    • Reconstruction
1st edition 1925, 28 pages; PDF 31 pages....
Herbert de Caston
Peerless Prestidigitation by Herbert de Caston
  • Introductory Speech
  • The Latest Card Force
  • The Phantom Card
  • The "De Caston" Method Of "Rising Cards" From Hand
  • De Caston's Discovery
  • A Spectacular Handkerchief Combination
  • An Original Conception With Eggs And Flags
  • A New Handkerchief Combination
1st edition 1910, 30 pages; PDF 24 pages.
Oswald Rae
Wizardry with Watches by Oswald Rae

From the foreword:

Watches have always played a certain part in Magic, but the watch was usually a borrowed one. The excellent "prop" watches now on the market, manufactured of course exclusively for conjuring purposes, open up almost a new era in watch magic.

Having acquired some of these, I endeavoured to work out some effects therewith, and thinking that some of my ideas may be of service to my fellow magicians, I have put them into print. With the exception of those described under "Some Suggestions" all the effects have been actually worked, and the various stands described are easily...

Alex De Vega
Selected Secrets by Alex De Vega

From the Foreword:

In selecting these Secrets, I have endeavoured to interest the Fraternity at large. Whether you are a manipulator, impromptu or spectacular worker I trust you will find herein some secret that will add to your reputation as a magician.

The secrets are chosen from over 300 which I classified when writing The Whirlwind of Wizardry and while many are not complete tricks or effects in themselves they are just what adds that little extra touch of smartness to an act, or that little effect to fill up a break.

  • Foreword
  • That Broken Match
  • Self Igniting Dove Pan
  • Knotted Changing Silks
  • Splinters:...
Alex De Vega
More Selected Secrets by Alex De Vega

From the Foreword:

In presenting a further selection of secrets to the fraternity, I have again chosen these of general interest. It will be understood that these secrets are written for the advanced performer. Where the item is an improvement of a known effect. I have taken it for granted that the reader is familiar with the working of same; should he not be so, however, full descriptions will be found in the standard text-books on Magic.

  • Foreword
  • Patriotic Torn Paper
  • Dyeing Billiard Balls
  • The "Repeater" Smoke Trick
  • The Tobacco Trick (Simplified)
  • The "Lyford - Armour" Universal...
Chris van Bern & Alex De Vega
A Whirlwind of Wizardry by Chris van Bern & Alex De Vega

From the Introduction:

Remember that the average act, which can be acquired by anyone without much practice, is seen on the Halls so often that one becomes absolutely bored with it. They are known in the profession as “Penny a bunch Acts.” Now with a little application, you can stand apart from this bunch, and be a specialist, so this book is offered in the sincere hope that you will be able to glean an act from it, and we tell you to do so in all confidence, as the material is original, and has seldom, if ever, been used in public.

  • "From Nothing to Nothing" ...
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