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Magic & Mentalism: page 15


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Gregg Webb
The Magic Jones by Gregg Webb

The format follows Gregg's established style of illustrations and hand-lettered text. The material is classic Gregg Webb.

"I found the latest E-books from Gregg Webb, S.O.H.O., The Shade, and Lizard Wizard's Diary, to be refreshingly different. The books are "hand-written" in journal style and contain simple but clear illustrations. Not only are they a fun read, but also contain top notch practical magic." - John Luka
  • 4 Word
  • 1 Ping Chien
  • One-way Pip
  • Wee-Jah
  • Coin Productions
  • The "Real Work" on Vanishing a Card or Block of Cards
  • Torn and Restored Cards Revisited
  • Another Torn and Restored Card
  • A Platform Coin Trick ...
★★★★★ $8
Loring Campbell
Magic That Is Magic by Loring Campbell

From the Author's Note:

I do not claim everything in the pages following to be original, but I do say that every trick and routine in this book has been used and tried by me and that everything here is audience tested and will go over with an audience. Perhaps the thousands of Magicians all over North America who have seen my shows in the past 22 years will recall having seen me perform many of these effects.

This is not a book of card tricks or close-up pocket effects, but a collection of tricks and routines for the performing Magician who gives shows and entertains audiences. I believe...

★★★★★ $25
Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 1 by Dave Arch

Ever wished you could gain some media coverage for your magic shows while making a substantial contribution to others' lives? Consider teaching magic tricks to the blind. No doubt there's an organization in your area that already serves as a hub for services to the visually impaired. The very concept of blind people and magic catches most people (and the media) off-guard. Yet it's very workable as Dave Arch's experience shows. When you consider the tricks you already know, there are three categories of tricks that work for the visually impaired. There are tricks that the blind can perform for...

Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 2 by Dave Arch

In Part One of this series, you received a proven routine that a blind person could perform for a sighted person. Here you'll find a routine that a blind person can perform for either a sighted person or another blind person. In addition, with the use of five bells, the premise of this routine is based on the visually impaired person's heightened sense of hearing due to their absence of sight.

1st edition 2019, PDF 1 page + audio 15 min

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Amazing Magic Volume I by Paul A. Lelekis

This ebook is the first of a series of ebooks that will "tackle" the intricacies of magical performance with a 'teach-in' of direct venues and many excellent effects. Stay 'close' to this series for a beautiful array of performable magic. This first ebook focuses on ESP.

6 included videos explain the moves.

In this first of a series ... the slant is on mentalism and ESP, a beautiful impromptu coin effect, and excellent card magic. Ever been asked to do a trick and you "have nothing"? Now you will always be ready ... to read their minds.


DIRECT COLLECTORS - This puzzling...

Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 3 by Dave Arch

In Part One, we explored a five-minute routine that a blind person can perform for a sighted person using a deck of cards. In Part Two, we visited a routine that a blind person could perform for another blind person. In Part Three, you'll receive Dave's Svengali Deck routine that a blind person can successfully perform for a small group of sighted friends or family. Complete with a PDF document and five audio files that ultimately serve as practice prompts for the visually impaired person you might be teaching.

1st edition 2019, PDF 1 page + audio 30 min

Senor Mardo
White Sorcery by Senor Mardo

Acclaimed by experts, Senor Mardo reveals 19 choice close-up and platform magic miracles in this "lost classic."

It's not black magic, it's . . . White Sorcery! Mardo's wizardry with new effects and novel takes on existing magic makes this a worthy addition to any performer's library of legerdemain.

Here's a partial list of contents:

  • A Coin Routine
  • A New Rope Cut Technique
  • Another Rope Cut Technique
  • The Vanishing Light
  • Booming the Aces
  • Rose
  • The Nudist End
  • Television Technique
  • The Ball and Vase
  • Matching the Colors
  • Dye Tube Routine
  • The Adams Block
  • The Yarn
  • Three Out Of One...
Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 2 by Mark Elsdon

More killer magic that you're not doing. A guidebook to fabulous but forgotten material curated by Mark Elsdon.

He has been making notes and sticking Post-its in all his books for decades, so he has hundreds and hundreds of great tricks book-marked, annotated and logged, and after some (not so subtle) prompting by friends he finally decided to collect 100 of them together and publish them in an ebook.

That book - Hidden Gems - proved far more popular than he ever expected. So here we are with Vol. 2 and another 100 killer tricks that most of us have either forgotten about or never even seen before....

★★★★ $8
Christian Lavey
DJ in my Pocket by Christian Lavey

Music control for the solo entertainer

This ebook describes how any solo entertainer can easily build and set up their own music control system. Many entertainers are looking for an easy set up to be their own sound technician. The system can be operated by the push of a button and the button can even be in the performers pocket.

I tried a lot of hardware and software and I think that I found a good working solution. This system is easy to build, reliable, cheaper than some other sound systems and cheaper as hiring a sound technician. The ebook covers all aspects to setup such a system...

★★★★ $5
Senor Mardo
Routined Magic by Senor Mardo

Two classics of magic: the Cups and Balls and the Egg Bag, are beautifully routined and patiently explained in text and illustrations, as only Senor Mardo can. Experts in magic agree that Mardo's "new thinking" in these routines make them a knockout addition to most any performer's act.

You get over a dozen effects and moves with coins, silks, thimbles, balls, cigarettes and a complete explanation of Mardo's improved gimmick for the Chinese Rice Bowls that will make you want to add it to your show. This is baffling, thrilling, entertaining magic with headline appeal.

Here's a partial list...

★★★★★ $10
Dave Arch
The Bonnie and Clyde Melodrama by Dave Arch

Transform the classic close-up version of The Thieves and Sheep to an audience-pleasing platform melodrama utilizing those notorious bank robbers of years gone by Bonnie and Clyde. While the audience supplies the sound effects, you can be the narrator (the author's choice) or another member of the audience could read the story as a volunteer from the audience stands behind the table and acts out the story with two paper sacks and some coins (up to silver dollar size for visibility).

The colorful placemats setting on the table in front of your volunteer gives him/her additional prompts - supplementing...

Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster
Exquisite Conjuring by Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster

Conradi was the largest manufacturer of magic apparatus in Germany in the early 20th century. He wrote and published several major magic books and his magazine Zauberspiegel (Magic Mirror) predates Mahatma, the first American magic magazine. We should not forget that around 1900 Germany was dominating the magic market. Some of the largest magic retailers in the US, such as Roterberg, built their entire business on importing goods from various German manufacturers, such as Conrad-Horster, and then reselling them in the US. Roterberg's most successful book New Era Card Tricks was little more than a translation of effects taken from various...

Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster
Some More Exquisite Conjuring by Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster

From the Foreword:

When publishing my first book in the English language, Exquisite Conjuring, I was led by the thoughts, that perhaps, after having edited over 30 books about Magic in German, it may be an interesting experiment to see, what the English speaking fraternity would have to say, if I would publish a book in the English language and if the praise, I received from all sides as an author of books on Magic since these last 20 years and more, would really warrant such a new venture!

Well, I must say, that my expectations have not only been realised, but they have in fact been surpassed by far in...

Dale A. Hildebrandt
Faves by Dale A. Hildebrandt

Some of Dale's favorite creations collected/reprinted into one place. A retrospective introspective perspective.

A PDF eBook containing some of Dale's favorite pieces including but not limited to: Hypnohole, Alien Amazement, Caveman Catalog, Without Reservation, and Homage to Huffman.

  • Hypnohole (Revisited)
  • Bermuda Football
  • Caveman Catalog
  • The Stick Trick
  • The Phantom Cigarette
  • The iDale Bracelet
  • One Ultimate Hottest Coin
  • Haunted House Halloween Horrors
  • Venus as UFO
  • AABA Language Pattern
  • Backwards Business
  • Sensing Star Signs
  • An NLP Psychic Connection
  • Grandma's Gift
  • Imprinting...
★★★★★ $14.99
Gregg Webb
Look At Me by Gregg Webb

From the Foreword:

This is a celebration of our art of getting people to look at us! Hopefully they'll be mystified or entertained or both ... but first they have to watch.

The format follows Gregg's established style of illustrations and hand-lettered text.

  • 4 Word
  • Introduction
  • #1: Thoughts on "Hanging Coins"
  • #2: "Hanging Coins" with the Nowhere Palm
  • #3: New Handling on the "Squeeze"
  • #4: Revamping of Darwin Ortiz's "Jumping Gemini"
  • #5: A Good 2-Part Card Trick
  • #6: Look At Me Savage a Slydini Trick
  • #7: 'Improve' or at least Shorten another Slydini Trick
  • #8: Re-Tool a Coin Trick from the new The...
★★★★★ $6
Milbourne Christopher & Hen Fetsch
Magic at Your Fingertips by Milbourne Christopher & Hen Fetsch

A top-flight collection of 33 tested tricks and performance suggestions by two of America's greatest magicians and magic inventors, Milbourne Christopher and 'Hen' Fetsch.

We can't remember the last time we had so much fun enjoying a book on magic. No stuffy prose or verbose instructions here, Christopher and Fetsch reveal the inner workings just as if you're discussing them over a beer or burger at your favorite hangout.

Magic at Your Fingertips features chapters on close-up conjuring, mental magic, card feats, sorcery with silks and a wide assortment of unusual variety magic. It contains...

Will Goldston
Latest Conjuring by Will Goldston

This is an early publication by Will Goldston. It is a kind of smorgasbord of tricks, illusions, apparatus, hand shadows, plays, and advertisements for his Gamage Ltd.

    • Latest Method For Performing Soup Plate And Handkerchief Trick
    • The Egg, Card, And Wand Balance
    • A Novel Trick
    • A Good Slate Trick
    • The Wine Bottle And Card Trick
    • The Latest Pip Card Trick
    • A Neat Handkerchief Trick
    • Mystic Canteen And Birdcage
    • The Egg And Straw Balance
    • Handkerchief Spinning Trick
    • The Table Lifting
    • A New Slate Trick
    • Slate Writing
    • Twenty-Five Balloons Produced From A Hat
    • Rifle And...
★★★ $5
Dale A. Hildebrandt
23 by Dale A. Hildebrandt

A small collection of items previously published elsewhere, plus the images/templates for Tarot De Stick, the Stick Tarot.


  • UGLY TIE CLUB: A simple presentation for a simple method
  • THREE LUCKY CARDS: A predicted card animates
  • HENRY THE BELOVED GHOST: A highly entertaining presentation for the lowly imp bottle
  • TAROT DE STICK: The images/template for Dale's stick man style tarot deck
  • POST PREDICTION PLOY: A subtlety and presentation for Mental Logs
  • LUNCH BUFFET: An exploration of the Out to Lunch principle.

1st edition 2019, 20 pages.

Will Goldston
Simple Conjuring Tricks by Will Goldston

As the title suggests, this is a collection of simple magic tricks, stunts, and experiments separated in two parts. The first part teaches tricks which require no special apparatus, the second part teaches tricks which require some gimmick or apparatus.

  • Introduction
  • Part I: Tricks Without Apparatus
    • The Movable Fetters
    • A String Trick
    • The Paper Loops
    • How To Make A Paper Tree
    • Making A Basket
    • The Magic String
    • The Wonderful Die
    • The Broken Match
    • Picking Up The Ring
    • The Penny And The Paper
    • A Match Trick
    • Balancing The Penny
    • The Revolving Penny
    • Flicking The Card
    • Squeezing The Shilling ...
★★★★ $19.95
Mike Powers
Power Plays by Mike Powers

This ebook contains a large collection of visual magic including 20 impromptu card mysteries, 12 mathematical mysteries, 10 prepared card mysteries, 11 coin mysteries, and 6 miscellaneous mysteries. The focus is on card magic but you will also find mentalism, coins, rubber bands, drinking straws, paper money and other types of magic. Illustrated by Tony Dunn with a foreword by Allan Ackerman.

A couple of highlights are:

ITH Triumph: An in the hands triumph effect with three distinct phases.

Impromptu Terror: An impromptu moving hole effect with a card signed by the spectator on both sides. A hole...

Will Goldston
Will Goldston's Card System of Exclusive Magical Secrets by Will Goldston


    • A Forcing Pack which can be Shuffled
    • The Card on Tape
    • A Card Changing Stand
    • A Trick with Giant Cards
    • A New Coin Box
    • A New Stack of Coins
    • A New Coin Vanish
    • The Travelling Farthings
    • The Chinese Coin Trick
    • The Linked Coins
    • The Newest X-Ray Block
    • The Tell-Tale Clock
    • The Clock Maker
    • The Vanishing Clock
    • The Burned and Restored Handkerchief
    • A Handkerchief and a Bottle of Ink
    • Thought Reading with Silk Handkerchiefs
    • The Newest Matter Through Matter
    • Improved Pistol to Vanish a Handkerchief
    • A Mysterious...
Louis Shelvy Histed
The Magic of Louis S. Histed by Louis Shelvy Histed

In this ebook is to be found the cream of the tricks, ideas and principles which have gone, over the years, into Histed's monster note-book. Here is the life-time's harvest of one man's brilliant thought and patient experimentation. And as every harvest carries the seeds of the next, we are confident that the principles which the author here discloses for the first time, and the new presentations he has devised for other effects, will bear further fruit in the work of amateur and professional magical entertainers all over the world.

The Magic of Louis S. Histed contains magic to suit every...

★★★★★ $7
Al Baker
Al Baker's Book by Al Baker

From the introduction:

Showing a trick is comparatively easy to putting it clearly in print, and I want to thank Anneman for his judicious use of the blue pencil, finding spots where I could write less and tell more, and in general, being a marvelous deleter and paraphraser.

To John Northern Hilliard, whom I consider the greatest writer on Magic as an Art, I want to extend my sincere thanks for the encouragement that caused me to start and finally finish my maiden effort, to wit: Al Baker's Book.

  • to My Friends, Magic Lovers
  • Al Baker's Pack That Cuts Itself
  • The One Man "Lights Up" Seance
  • A Card And A Number ...
★★★★★ $7
Al Baker
Al Baker's Second Book by Al Baker

From the introduction:

In presenting my "second" book to the magical fraternity I have kept in mind the old saw, "Brevity is the soul, not only of wit, but applies to many magical tricks".

I have tried to make the text brief and, by giving plenty of illustrations, cut down on too much solid type. I give no patter as I feel that every entertainer should be himself and develop a style of his own.

Fred Keating rose to stardom. "The Bird Cage", "Sympathetic Silks" and "Card in the Cigarette" were marvellous in his hands; others copied, but Keating's name still lives. "Be a magician, not...

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