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Brick Tilley
Production Box by Brick Tilley

This is an updated version of the classic Tipover Box. It allows for a very casual and innocent handling. (Includes PDF and video.)

1st edition 2018, 4 pages.

Tom Phoenix
The Best Trick of All the Best Tricks of the Year by Tom Phoenix

With this method, you can magically fold an origami bird in record time, animate drawings, or change your predictions. There are 3 applications included, though I'm sure you will think of more. And the box can be shown empty before and after the magic happens.

This includes:

  • 30 minutes of instruction
  • 3 applications
  • A card routine
  • The Enchilada Color Change

1st edition 2018, length 30 min

★★★★★ $8
Samuel Berland
Tricks with Watches by Samuel Berland

Tricks, sleights, and routines with watches.

Paul Fleming wrote:

No one who has seen Gus Fowler's vaudeville act with timepieces will doubt that magic with watches can be both interesting and mystifying. We cannot guarantee that Tricks with Watches will enable its readers to duplicate the financial and artistic success won by Mr. Fowler, but it will acquaint them with sleights and tricks which they will almost certainly be tempted to introduce into their programs.

Of the four chapters into which Mr. Berland divides his book, Chapter I is devoted to sleights with watches; Chapter 2, to complete tricks...

★★★★★ $10
Ken de Courcy
Genial Improbabilities by Ken de Courcy

From the Foreword:

A word about the tricks themselves. As far as I personally am aware, every item is original in some way, either in effect or method.

  • Introduction ...
  • Foreword ...
    • Reggie the Rattlesnake
    • Ri-Ki-Ki Poker
    • Silken Card Discovery
    • The Travelling Phoenix
    • The Snake Charmer
    • Eve v Adam
    • "Hail, O Swami"
    • Tangled Thoughts
    • The Devil's Key
    • No Knot
    • The Sympathetic Note Trick
    • The Jeweller's Dream
    • Which Witch?
    • The Chinese Picture
    • The Fiddled Furniture
    • The Ju-Ju...
R. A. Hummerston
Magical Mysteries by R. A. Hummerston

Sixty simple conjuring tricks that you can do without apparatus or sleight-of-hand. This ebook contains coin, card, second-sight, balancing, mathematical and miscellaneous tricks.


  • The Balanced Coin
  • Coin And Ring
  • Counting The Coins
  • The Disappearing Penny
  • Fifteen Instead Of Twelve
  • It's There, Then It Isn't
  • Juggling With Coins
  • The Obedient Sixpence
  • The Perforated Penny
  • Piercing A Coin With A Needle
  • Reversals
  • Sixpence And A Bottle
  • Vanishing A Penny
  • Vanishing A Penny From A Borrowed Handkerchief
  • The Dimidiated Card
  • Happy Families
  • It's There, Then...
Walter Gibson
After Dinner Tricks by Walter Gibson

This is a lovely collection of simple tricks, puzzles, brain teasers and other similar items. Each one is explained with text and an illustration.

  • Tricks With Matches
    • Strike Safety Matches Without Box
    • Levitation of a Match Box
    • The Leaning Match
    • A Light That Failed
    • Which End Burns First?
    • Balancing a Match
    • The Mystic Matches
    • A Puzzle With Matches
    • A Square by Moving One Match
    • Self-Serving Match Box
  • Tricks With Coins
    • Mysterious Sounding Money
    • The Changed Coins in Hand
    • Chosen Coin Picked Out
    • Coin Appears in Empty Box
    • A Puzzle With a Coin
    • Coin Balanced on Tumbler ...
Wilfrid Jonson
Mr. Smith's Guide to Sleight of Hand by Wilfrid Jonson

This guide is written in an unusual style, a conversational style, where each lesson starts with "Dear Mr. Smith", like a letter to a fictional student. This feature makes it a very readable and valuable course. In the introduction Jonson writes:

The guide is presented to the reader in the form of a course of personal instruction and the majority of the sleights and tricks are described according to the manner in which I have myself performed them. A number of individual touches and personal inventions have been introduced which I consider to be improvements on previously published methods....

★★★★ $2
Wm. Ravetta & Otto Waldmann
Up-To-Date Magical Ideas by Wm. Ravetta & Otto Waldmann

Here's an ebook of clever and original ideas and routines for standard parlor and club effects.

Originally published as a limited edition booklet by the manufacturer of the Mysto Magic Set, the authors have contributed several excellent performance ideas that will delight your audience.

In addition, the authors have supplied instructions for creating updated fekes and gimmics to perform popular tricks, such as producing a rabbit from an empty hat or performing the Aerial Treasury effect. An excellent ebook of audience-tested magic.

Here's an example. Imagine if a magician walks up to you and asks...

★★★★★ $15
Karrell Fox
Goodies by Karrell Fox

From the Foreword by Harry Blackstone, Jr.

The strongest possible effects achieved with the simplest possible methods has always been the Fox' formula. He has applied it to all of his magical activities in the field, from comedy magic to mentalism, to being one of the most successful of all trade show magicians.

  • Dedication
  • Thank Yous ...
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Watch Closely
    • Gulliver's Nickel
    • The "Slaphappy" Coin
    • Floating Foam
    • The Write Word
    • Confuscious Say
    • Changing The Change
    • A Mouse In The House
  • Chapter 2: Card Concepts
    • E.Z. Bridge
    • A False Swinger
    • The...
★★★★★ $5
Ken Scholes
Stuntrix by Ken Scholes

Stunts, gags and puzzles, some new and some very old, with which to amuse your friends when called upon to "show us a trick". Many of the tricks are old and well known, but they are included in the hope that they will be fresh to some of you.

Photographs by Lewis Ganson.

  • Mathamatchic
  • The Big Blow
  • Have-A-Light
  • Rocket Match
  • Eternal Triangle
  • Economy Matches
  • Match-Up
  • Heads Or Tails?
  • Condiments Of The Seasoning
  • Suspendid
  • Passing Coin
  • Shooting-Match
  • Change-About
  • Suit Changing
  • Light Humour
  • Gone!
  • Coin Spin
  • Go-Go Coin
  • Long Stretch
  • Salted
  • Heads And Tails
  • Holey
  • Push
  • Silly Scissors
Les Sharps
Sharp Sorcery by Les Sharps

Routines for the stand-up magician.

From the introduction by Wm. G. Stickland:

If necessity is the Mother of Invention, we have the answer to the volume of offbeat magical effects which have emanated from the brains of these two enthusiasts in recent years, for living so far from magic activities (except those they have themselves organised) and magic dealers, they have been forced, in their desire to keep up-to-date, to originate their own effects. For several years the contribution of Les Sharps have been features of the British Ring Parade in each Christmas "Linking Ring", and in addition...

Ian Kendall
Basic Training for Breakfast by Ian Kendall

From the introduction:

Magic lectures, and more relevantly their notes, are a strange thing. While some are an endless parade of tricks and their explanations, some are thinly disguised dealer dems and some are virtuoso displays of unattainable sleight of hand, there are occasionally lectures that offer the inside information on performing for real people. Where it's not just the tricks that matter, it's all the little bits and pieces that lie in between the lines that make the difference between 'doing a trick' and 'making magic happen'. Guess which one I'm aiming for here.

The goal is...

John Booth
Marvels of Mystery by John Booth

A great ebook, explaining 25 masterpieces of magic, exactly as performed by the author on stages around the world. New tricks, close-up tricks, tricks you've never seen before, club tricks, Impromptu effects, a magic table, and much more.

Booth's marvelous Production Routine is worth many times the price of the whole ebook - and you can make practically the whole outfit yourself. Perform it nearly anywhere, since Booth presented it in Nightclubs with people all around.

Magic masters including Paul Rosini, Annemann, Milbourne Christopher, Carlton King, Bill Larsen, Sid Lorraine, Lloyd Jones, John Mulholland and hundreds of others rated it as a great...

★★★★★ $20
Billy McComb
McComb's Magic: 25 Years Wiser by Billy McComb

From the introduction:

Billy's approach requires a boldness which some may find rather disconcerting but, if you learn the routines and approach them confidently and assuredly, your hesitancy will soon disappear. Nothing has been kept out of this book. Here you will find the cream of Billy's own routines, each one polished to a thing of beauty by a great deal of study and thought, and then by repeated performance before the paying public.

  • Dedication
  • Publisher's Introduction (by Edwin)
  • Foreword
  • The Dark Side of the Moon (Ken de Courcey)
  • Extension to MIKO: A twist on a standard pocket effect to give...
★★★ $10
David Devlin
Optical Opener by David Devlin

A good opener that is intriguing, has a huge visual impact, quick, easy, and can be performed regardless of the size or the style of the show is not always easy to come by. The Optical Opener from David Devlin fits all of those conditions. It is an opener that requires no technical skills, is visually mystifying, entertaining, and will have even you saying, "Whoa! That is so cool!"

This routine employs an optical illusion that creates a photo that visually changes as it is turned over. David has created not one, but nine different illusion photos that you can use to perform this routine....

Brian T. Lees
Confusing Crayons: One Person Routine by Brian T. Lees

The Confusing Crayons is a well known classic. Two crayons and two cylinders are introduced. A volunteer gets one cylinder and selects a crayon. The magician takes the other cylinder and crayon. Instructing the volunteer to follow along the cylinders are turned over, back again and then over. The magicians crayon is right side up and the volunteers pointing down. This is a class that, up to this point, requires the use of a volunteer.

Confusing Crayons, 1 Person Routine is done without the need for a volunteer. Communication takes place with the magician's audience interaction. The audience...

★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Spirit Glass by Brick Tilley

Cause a glass hanging from a string to mysteriously chime whenever and how often you wish, with nothing to see for the spectators. It is a wonderful audiophile effect.

1st edition 2018, 4 pages + 2 videos

★★★★★ $7.95
Roger Siegel
Bar Room Balloons by Roger Siegel

Note that this ebook includes x-rated balloon models and jokes. This is not appropriate material for minors.

  • The Water Dog Trick
  • Balloon Boys and Girls Together
  • Mounting Dogs
  • A View From the Zoo
  • Big Boy Balloon
  • The Circumcised Dogs
  • X-Rated Rubber Quips or Dirty Bar Jokes

1st edition 1974, 24 pages; 1st digital edition 2018, 18 pages.

Brian T. Lees
Three Classic Magic Tricks for Clowns by Brian T. Lees

Clowns perform magic. The only difference is the size of the magic and the illusions themselves. I work both as a clown and a magician. I was asked to share some of the materials I use to teach new clowns. This ebook introduces three classic magic tricks, offers routines to get you started, and is illustrated to show the various manipulations. All items pack small, do not take up much space in your pocket and can be found at very reasonable prices.

  • What makes magic work
  • Introducing the classics
  • Thumb tip
  • Thumb tip routines
  • Hot rod
  • Hot rod routines
  • Sponge balls
  • Sponge ball routines ...
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Grant's Thirteen Mysteries by Ulysses Frederick Grant

From the foreword:

Mr. U. F. Grant was born in Millerton, New York on January 12, 1901. Now resides in Pittsfield, Massachusetts where he plays dates and conducts a Magic mail order trade. Ever since eight years of age he has been fooling with Magic. And to date he has invented and created over 200 new tricks and improvements on other effects. His photo appeared on the cover of The Sphinx for September 1928. His contributions to The Sphinx runs into many dozens which were well received. Mr, Grant also has received many favorable comments on his various original tricks from practically every well known...

Gregg Webb
The Shade: SOHO trilogy book 2 by Gregg Webb

This is book 2 in the SOHO (Sleight of Hand only) trilogy. The other two are SOHO and The Lizard Wizard's Diary.

"Gregg Webb has been marching to the beat of a different drummer for the past couple of decades. His wonderful handcrafted magazines contain great magic that is fun to perform. Why sweat the hard stuff when you can fool laymen - and your magic buddies - with stuff that is sneaky rather than difficult?" - Joe McKay
  • The Key on the String
  • There's the Rub II
  • Heads I Win. Tails I Win.
  • Real-Gone Queens Revised
  • What is Shade?
  • Coins Across 2017
  • "Hocus" plus "Pocus" Equals "Presto"
  • Egg and Salt
  • 3-Ball...
Gregg Webb
The Lizard Wizard's Diary: SOHO trilogy book 3 by Gregg Webb

This is book 3 in the SOHO (Sleight of Hand only) trilogy. The other two are SOHO and The Shade.

"Gregg Webb's brand of magic spans the full spectrum to include closeup, mentalism, manipulation, and stage. He spins his magic web - always inviting spectators one step closer to his inevitable moment of no explanations we call magic." - Doug MacGeorge
  • Foreward
  • Chapter I
  • Chapter II: Rattle Caps
  • Chapter III: Poker Dice and Poker Cards
  • Chapter IIII: Nate Leipzig X
  • Chapter V: Harry and Bess - Love and Bondage the Card Trick
  • Chapter VI: Blinded by the Lack of Light III
  • Chapter VII: The Lizard and...
Gregg Webb
The SOHO Trilogy by Gregg Webb
"Gregg Webb is one of the great underground sleight-of-hand innovators of our age. I've had the privilege to work with him in person... now YOU have the opportunity to learn from him in his pages of S.O.H.O." - Jeff McBride, creator of "McBride's Magic and Mystery School"
★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
The Magic of Derek Dingle by Paul A. Lelekis

Derek Dingle was one of the greatest magicians and sleight of hand artists the world has ever known...and his patter was hilarious.

Learn how Derek constructed his brilliant routines and devised his hilariously engaging patter. Included are pix and 10 videos to make this ebook totally understandable..."see" how these tricks play. As with all of Paul's ebooks, his many effects, and his many contributions and publications, every "fine point" has been eked out in detail, and his "tips of performance" are completely explained...this is the real deal. Paul befriended Derek Dingle years ago and learned one...

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