Fabian, in the role as literary and technical editor of Abracadabra magazine, selected and edited these routines.
Going down the list of contributors one will find very prominent names such as Elmsley, Walton and Avis. When this book originally appeared they were young and largely unknown. Enjoy some of their early contributions to the art of close-up magic.
1st edition 1953, 37 pages; 1st digital edition 2017, 30 pages....
Here's a book that belongs on every magician's digital shelf. Inside you'll find 48 effects, tips and suggestions for close-up and club performers.
One of our favorites is the "Ring and Balloon Problem," as we can see it being used to win bar bets. Especially if you use an engagement or wedding patter story with your spectator. "Dollar Discernment" is also exceptionally clever as a mental test. We believe entertainers will make great use of it for those situations where they are asked to perform and have no props with them. Good stuff.
Here's a look at what's included:
The Openers and the Closers of your magic shows are the most important aspect of magical entertainment...they dictate how your audiences will perceive you...then and later.
Many photographs and a video are included explaining every detail of Paul's excitingly magical routines!
Paul's "The not so invisible deck" routine is not what you think. It is his very special routine that he has used as his "closer" for over 20 years. The patter is hilarious...wait until you see the real secret behind this routine. All patter and many nuances of performance are included.
The introduction contains...
The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused ebooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key performance areas. The ebooks are written in an easy to understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
The first volume in the series is entitled Going Walkabout, and it contains 28 pages of important and valuable information about how to make a success of working close up magic at reception style events where the spectators are all standing or where there is, at best, only a very informal arrangement...
The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused ebooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key performance areas. The ebooks are written in an easy to understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
Volume 2 in this series concentrates on how to use magic at trade shows and business exhibitions. For many years I have been working at business events using my strolling magic as a highly effective way to put across company messages and to help promote them at their exhibitions. My approach...
The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused ebooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key performance areas. The ebooks are written in an easy to understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
Volume 3 in this series takes a close look at what is required to work commercial magic at a table side. It's probably true to say that more opportunities are available for close up magicians to work at a table side than for any other form of close up. From big dinner functions with large numbers...
Here's a terrific book containing ten tricks, using cards, a magic wand, rope, and other items associated with the magic arts. Most of the effects require no special apparatus. What little is needed can easily be constructed. We think modern performers will really enjoy the card rise, where the action takes place with a borrowed deck! Also of interest will be "Through the Five-Spot," which is an impossible solid-through-solid effect where a five of spades visibly melts through the center of the magician's wand.
We've especially had fun performing the ball bearing mental test, which is a great...
This ebook is filled with practical stage and parlor effects, includes patter for a number of well-known routines, plus numerous tips and ideas to enhance older classic effects. The focus is on commercial tricks that will appeal to the working magician who places emphasis on entertainment.
You will find a mix of old and new items, original tricks, twists on old routines and ideas to tweak your current favorite effects as well as those gathering dust in your cupboard. From silks, jumbo cards, crosswords, ropes, newspapers, illusions, gags and predictions to restorations and comedy.
This collection features lots of little tricks, stunts, science experiments and games. It also has an extensive advertisement section in the back.
This book covers a mix of stage illusions, manipulations, and parlor tricks. It is very nicely illustrated even featuring a couple of photos.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Will Goldston has been writing books on magic for many years. He is probably the most popular of magical authors, judged by the number of books he has written and the extent of their sales; for his writings on the subject now number several dozen titles, and a good many of them have run through a number of printings. We are somewhat at a loss to account for this popularity, since we personally have never regarded Mr. Goldston as our best teacher...
W. H. J. Shaw was a magic dealer and apparatus manufacturer in Chicago. Like his magic dealer competitor August Roterberg he decided to write a magic book almost at the same time.
1st edition...
This series of Openers & Closers (#1 and #2) have been selling like wildfire. Openers & Closers 1 sat at #1...and now, Openers & Closers 2 is #1 on the Hot List.
Now...Openers & Closers 3 is the last e-book in this series...and probably the best one! The easiest to perform "magician-foolers" and ESP effects ever. What an arsenal. There are many photos and 3 videos included.
Openers & Closers are so crucial to every magician's repertoire, that they, literally, dictate how your audiences will perceive you as an entertainer.
1) The 21 Card ESP Trick - This effect will fool all magicians...guaranteed. It begins with a clever...
Here's a terrific book for those who wish to entertain their friends or business associates with clever magic that leaves a lasting impression.
Until now, this hard to find, limited edition book has been available only to collectors, selling for up to 150 times its original price. Now introduced as a convenient, digital ebook, Lustig's work will baffle a new generation of audiences with feats of magic and mindreading.
Over 50 excellent, impromptu effects to show friends, family and others. While most of the effects require practice, the instructions are clear enough that even younger magicians...
An autobiographical history of magic, profusely illustrated with diagrams of magic tricks and photographs of Goldston's career.
From the foreword by J. C. Cannell:
The exposures he makes range from the most spectacular and elaborate illusions to the smallest pocket trick. His book, indeed, is the alpha and omega of magic. He conceals nothing, hides no secrets.
The careful researches which I had to make in order to tell the public exactly how Houdini achieved his escapes and performed illusions which seemed like miracles, led me to think that I had exhausted all the resources of magic. But,...
No matter if you're an amateur, semi-pro, or make your living from magic, there's gold in this ebook for performers of every ilk. Seventeen effects in all are included, ranging from card tricks to mental tests, to geek magic (such as you'd find in a carnival sideshow) and even a full-fledged illusion!
In the "Hammered Nails" effect, members of the audience are invited to drive several spikes or large nails into a trio of wooden boards with a sledgehammer. One of the boards is selected, and the performer - with his bare hands - pulls out the spike. This is "geek" magic at its best and an effect...
One of New York's busiest magic and psychic entertainers reveals the best of his audience-tested effects in this fascinating ebook.
This is not just a book for magicians. Several outstanding mentalism demonstrations are also included. These are effects that work and will get you repeat dates! This popular performer explains the effects and methods, just as if he was providing you with personal instruction. Ed Mishell's pen and ink illustrations distill the methods even further, ensuring that the workings of these audience-pleasing miracles are easy to understand and perform.
Here's what's...
1st edition 1930, 34 pages; PDF 36 pages.
The best simple methods for the following 12 great effects: