This rare manuscript by U. F. Grant, originally sold as The Devil's Scrapbook, contains a lot of interesting material. Hidden in its pages are some little gems that you will not find anywhere else. There are no long descriptions of the methods, as Grant himself explains. He goes directly to the point. The style is typical of Grant and we made only some minor corrections of typos.
From the introduction:
This is a collection of picked items taken from an exclusive scrapbook....items that would have normally been sold separately at One...Two....Three Dollars A Piece. We are not going to...
Learn some of Eddie Fechter's finest and most requested magic routines in this fantastic ebook. Also learn many of Eddie's gags, jokes and one-liners as well as his history!
Eddie Fechter was one of the greatest close-up performers of all time. Magicians from every corner of the planet flocked to watch Eddie perform at The Forks Hotel in Buffalo. Even Ed Marlo and Dai Vernon were in awe of his amazing performing abilities. Also, Eddie was one of the most accomplished dice men in the world.
This ebook begins with a biography of Eddie through the eyes of two men who were very close to him. Then check out...
"This book is going to be a classic. Punx takes the simplest of effects and weaves an 'entertainment factor' about them that makes it a delight to read and easy to perform. His artistry blends magic and fantasy. A true example of making magic - magick!" - Masklyn ye Mage
Punx was the acknowledged master of 'Magic as Theater', actually the creator, where the performance takes center stage and method only serves the role to support and enable the performance. There are wonderful stories, excellent tips on tricks and handling, and deep insights into the Art of Performing Magic.
"Your wonderful book is entertaining, informative and inspiring. It is written in the humorous, intellectual style that is so uniquely yours ... You will live on in the history of Magic - forever." - Siegfried and Roy
These routines are taken from Punx's full evening show. This material is not only audience-tested, it is the material that one of the greatest magicians of the twentieth century used to earn a living. It is not a book for beginners. Some of the routines have only partial explanations. This is because most of this material consists only of presentations, many of them for...
Practical audience tested magic
In this ebook Tony Griffith shares with us some of his best routines. There is something for everyone. You can find card magic (both close-up and stand-up), entertaining mentalism and stage magic. All effects are easy to prepare and easy to perform. Interesting background information and useful notes are provided for every trick.
In this ebook you will find:
Cuff Link Prediction: A cuff link is placed freely by a spectator on one of three cards. You demonstrate to have predicted the choice. Only the 3 cards and the cuff link are used.
Thanks for the...
This ebook contains all 56 Masterclass effects taken from volumes 5-8 of Magicseen. Among the 40 different contributors you will find close up, stand up, children's material, mentalism and even a stage illusion from well known stars such as Wayne Dobson, JC Sum, Magic Dave, Jon Allen, Wayne Fox, Michael J. Fitch, Marc Spelmann, John Bannon, Paul Gordon, Peter Duffie and many more.
With many colour photo illustrations, this is a must-have collection of varied magic.
Right from its first issue, Magicseen Magazine has sought to showcase talent from the UK, talent that sometimes can be a little swamped by high profile personalities from other parts of the world. To put this right, Magicseen approached a list of the UK's top performers and creators and invited them to contribute to a book that is designed to show the world what they have to offer. Best Of British contains routines from over 20 creative British magicians, including Wayne Dobson, Peter Duffie, Geoffrey Durham, Paul Gordon, Simon Lovell, Shaun McCree, Marc Paul, Scott Penrose, Mark Shortland, Paul Stockman and many more. It's a fabulous collection...
Readers of Magicseen will be familiar with Andrew as there have been a couple of features on him and he has also appeared a few times answering questions in the Close Up Clinic. Now Andrew reveals the secrets of his commercial success by recounting his life story so far, gives readers excellent food for thought in a section called Devil's Advocate in which he passes opinion on all manner of magical themes, and finally he also gives full details of 28 of his pet routines for close up, stand up and mentalism. Everything Andrew does is geared to commercial performance and his methods are delightfully straightforward....
Wayne Dobson has had a life full of incredible highs and hard-to-bear lows, and in this candidly written ebook, he lays it all before you. The full story is here charting his meteoric rise to international fame and TV stardom in which, when he was at the height of his powers, he became a household name in the UK and was seen as a genuine alternative to Paul Daniels as a mainstream TV magician, right through to his valiant and uncomplaining struggle with MS. It's a tale of courage, is often very funny, and it is always fascinating.
As well as Wayne's life story this excellent ebook provides...
This ebook is filled with classic routines and effects performed by Ken Brooke.
From the introduction:
He was a rare magician, born with a wonderful sense of humour, good looking, with the 'gift of the gab' tinged with a Yorkshire accent that was his trademark. A quick mind, which could retain much information and a sharp and ready wit enabled him to climb up the magical ladder in leaps and bounds.
Of course many would say that Ken was blunt to the point of rudeness, pig-headed, short-tempered and a very difficult man to get on with.
They would be right! He almost certainly did have...
Adair has always been a prolific creator of magical effects. Several stage magic and card magic effects are explained with beautiful illustrations. Some of the effects you will find explained are:
This is a quick appearance of four silks in a simple folder. The silks appear visibly and are seen through a window in the folder.
A pretty conceit with a plaque, showing a picture of a butterfly and with four cut-out holes on the butterfly wings. Coloured silks represent the colours on the butterfly, they are removed, placed into a beaker from which they...
Alexander de Cova performs mostly stand-up, that means his magic is suitable for the small stage or platform. But many of his routines can also done close-up. In these lecture notes you will find some of his best effects, sleights, gimmicks, tips and ideas.
Alexander is a strong believer in utility sleights that can be used in different routines. Therefore you will find lots of material that deals with new techniques or variations on existing things which you can incorporate in your own routines and tricks.
1st edition 2004, 28 pages.
Table of Contents
There are many shows to be had among the various luncheon, commercial and civic clubs found in all cities, but they don't really like "fun shows." They prefer something with a message. The excellent program Dr. Reum has created here, based on his own experience, ties in with magic tricks you probably have at home. This is all tied in very neatly with the patter which is so suitable and so right for the organization show. It can also be exactly timed, which is also a must with these shows.
Dr. Reum was co-ordinator of student activities of the city of Denver, plus being obligated for many...
First class magic from Ian Adair. In this ebook there is something for everyone. A lot of children magic, general magic, mental magic, card magic and close-up magic, all in the classic Adair's style. All the tricks described in the ebook are easy to do.
Here is a list of the tricks explained in the ebook:
Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.
This is a lovely and unusual publication with more than 200 feats described. Walter B. Gibson had a magic column in the Public Ledger, a newspaper in Philadelphia. The entire run of his columns is collected in this publication.
You will find many simple magic tricks as well as some puzzles, stunts and brain teasers. While many will be familiar to most who have read similar collections of little tricks, there are a few real surprises I have not seen anywhere else.
1st digital edition 2013, 246 pages.
Table of Contents
The very commercial routines of one of our top performers. Graduate of the Chavez School, host of his own TV show on several occasions, including 26 weeks of "Magic Ranch." A full time pro who specialized in the kind of tricks you love. These pages bring you his close up tricks with cards, balls, coins, ball point pen, pins, flash string, a lump of coal (the hit of many TV shows!) and others. Everyone of these tricks is a proven commercial success before it hit the book.
1st edition 1956; 1st digital edition 2013, 51 pages.
Table of Contents
Roy Johnson had a wonderful clean and simple style, often mixed with unique methods. Roy always applied his own mind, even to classic effects, and thus you are getting here the Roy Johnson treatment.
Effects taught:
1st edition 1988, 1st digital edition 2013, 75 pages.
Alberto Sitta specializes in commercial magic that you can use in your stage, cabaret and close-up shows. His Leopard Silk is perhaps his most famous effect and has been performed and copied by magicians all over the world. In this ebook Alberto reveals more of the mysteries that have gained him a reputation as one of Italy's most creative performers.
There are no pipe dreams here. All the magic has been regularly used by Alberto Sitta in his professional performances and lectures throughout Europe. Practical, colorful and commercial these are the hallmarks of Sitta's creations and here are...
This ebook contains little tidbits and ideas that you can place right into your act. Some are clever, some are cute and some will make you (and your audiences) laugh out loud!
1st edition 1959; 1st digital edition 2013, 15 pages.
These were Ken de Courcy's USA lecture tour notes. It includes great material which puts entertainment first and foremost.
This ebook contains routines by
CHARLES HARRISON. Member of the Inner Magic Circle, London. A fine performer who is a master at devising magic dependent upon subtle ideas and misdirection. His "Marvellous Marbles" is one of the finest close-up routines it has been Lewis Ganson's privilege to witness.
HARRY G. FRANKE of America who is well known for the clever ideas he has given to the magical fraternity through the pages of JEAN HUGARD'S excellent monthly magazine. "The Vanishing Lady" described herein is a terrific effect brought about with - just three cards.
CY ENDFIELD. Well known Film Director...