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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Gerard Zitta
Pocket Mysteries 1 by Gerard Zitta

"Make the Spectator forget something they just signed"

A spectator signs a business card where a few signs/objects/suits/names/etc. are written. This Spectator must memorize their order. The signed business card is given to another Spectator. The Performer suddenly "hypnotizes" the first Spectator (by clapping his hands for instance or whatever). The First Spectator must repeat what he saw on the business card but he will always forget one of the objects! Much fun watching the reactions of the audience and of the "victim"!

"Make the Spectator lose...

Shawn Evans
Deceptions that Dare to Dazzle and Delight by Shawn Evans

Definition of DARE

1: An act or instance of daring.
2: Imaginative or vivacious boldness.

As you read this ebook, "may your deceptions dare to dazzle and delight". May you find the imagination and boldness to take the mechanics of the tricks herein and find the dynamics to make them dazzle and delight.

In this ebook, you'll learn a diverse range of unique close-up and mental magic effects --- discover how to use a GPS Card with strategic roughing techniques, how to pre-stack a deck that can be freely shuffled, accomplish the pen-thru-bill trick with a borrowed pen, learn how to visually...

★★★★★ $48.80
(Benny) Ben Harris
Monsterbox #1: Close-Up by (Benny) Ben Harris


MONSTERBOXES are simply the best and most cost-effective way in which to explore Ben Harris' 30 year's worth of contributions to the art. By dividing the vast range of ebooks into genres, you can obtain exactly the type of material you are after. Be it cards, close-up, mentalism or animations, there is a MONSTERBOX just right for you!

You also save at least 30% over purchasing the ebooks separately. This is great value for money.

The ebooks in MONSTERBOX #1 cover a wide range of effects and themes. We have linking finger rings, effects with Tic Tacs,...

(Benny) Ben Harris
Monsterbox #2: Animations/Levitations by (Benny) Ben Harris


The ebooks in MONSTERBOX #2 cover a wide range of levitation/animation techniques and approaches. From Harris' world-famous FLOATING MATCH, a FLOATING DECK, ANIMATED WATER BOTTLE, the controversial EAR PLUG levitation and a complete work on ELASTIC THREAD MAGIC.

MONSTERBOXES are simply the best and most cost-effective way in which to explore Ben Harris' 30 year's worth of contributions to the art. By dividing the vast range of EBOOKS into genres, you can obtain EXACTLY the type of material you are after. Be it CARDS, CLOSE-UP, MENTALISM...

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Close Up Journey 1 by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul A. Lelekis has released this first of a trilogy (three e-books altogether) of some great magic for the magician who is serious about performing close up.

Included is some excellent advice (without any advertising!) on increasing, not only the number of shows you do – but also the number of venues. (This alone is worth the modest price of this e-book!)

Photos of Paul's hands give every nuance for all of the sleights involved.

In addition to seven excellent, time-tested effects, Paul has included an introduction that deals with HOW to perform, HOW to address your spectators and...

Stephen Tucker
Spell Binder Volume 1 by Stephen Tucker

A fabulous download DVD featuring four of the best tricks from Spell-Binder magazine. Martin Breese asked Stephen Tucker the creator of the magazine to choose four of the best tricks that he created for the magazine and he has selected four wonderful effects. Each is performed and then clearly explained move by move.

Watch the performances of all four routines below.

[Note: If you prefer a physical DVD disc please go to Martin Breese International.]

★★★★★ $10
Chris Wardle
Ten Mysteries by Chris Wardle

Ten routines, half close up, half stand up and like most of Chris's material it is easy to do and suitable for beginners.

The effects here share a common thread, they each have a little mental twist (there are a number of predictions for instance).


  • Smarty Pants
  • Paranormal Piles
  • The Laserdisc Prediction
  • The Perfect Match
  • E. S. Peasy
  • The Slick Silks
  • Great Mind Think Alike
  • The Giant Pencil Prediction
  • Odd One Out
  • What’s Your Poison?

From the introduction:

Anyone who has come across my type of material before will...

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Close Up Journey 2 by Paul A. Lelekis

Long-time pro, Paul A. Lelekis, presents the second ebook of his trilogy for the performing professional, Close Up Journey 2, and just like Close Up Journey 1, this one is a monster! No fluff, no filler! 7 MORE WORKERS!

Photographs of Paul's hands explain every nuance!

To begin with, Paul has graciously provided a 4-page synopsis on "How Do I Control My Spectators!" This section contains valuable information. Included is excellent advice on close-up performance, dressing up your presentations and patter, how to be in command of your spectators, putting them at ease, how to choose your spectators, how to...

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Close Up Journey 3 by Paul A. Lelekis

Professional magician, Paul A. Lelekis, presents this third ebook of his trilogy, Close Up Journey III, The Final Adventure. This completes Paul's trilogy of ebooks (Close Up Journey I and II) designed for the close-up performer.

Close Up Journey III provides workers with eight more excellent effects from Paul's working repertoire – all time-tested routines. Complete your Close-up Journey with this excellent ebook!

Color photos of Paul's hands explain the necessary sleights.

The Introduction – ODDS & ENDS gives workers still more excellent ideas for performing, patter and close-up concepts to make...

★★★★★ $15
Edward M. Massey
New and Original Magic by Edward M. Massey

Massey was the inventor of many mechanical magic tricks that have become part of the routines of modern magicians. Probably his most successful invention was the Finger Guillotine, which he sold to Max Holden. More than thirty of his tricks are explained in this beautiful and scarce publication.

There are 26 mechanical gems described and explained with enough detail to allow the home builder to construct them with little trouble. He explains six utility devices and seven sleights. His electro-magnetic drumhead loader uses technology which was innovative for 1922. The clockwork "automatic...

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Taking Chances: ten routines by Aldo Colombini

Ten routines, with cards and other objects.


  • ELEVATION 39 (Aldo Colombini): An 'elevator' routine with a surprising double climax.
  • FUTURE SHOCK (Roy Walton): A card is selected and found by your two predictions, which eventually find their mates.
  • AVENUE (Hiro Sakai): A spectacular way to produce the four Aces.
  • NUMISMATRICK (Al Thatcher): Several coins are placed on the table and shuffled by a spectator while you are facing away. One coin is covered and you can tell if it is a head or tail.
  • ITALIAN POKER (Aldo Colombini): You show a strange poker game, a sort of magician vs...
Terri Rogers
Secrets: the original magic of Terri Rogers by Terri Rogers

This recording was made many years ago by Patrick Page and released as a Trik-a-Tape Video. Martin Breese was able to purchase the full rights to the tape. It is now available as a video download.

The material on this download DVD consists of demonstrations and explanations of the following effects:

  • The Razor Blade Trick
  • Last Second Ring on Rope
  • The Flying Ring
  • The Aggravating Arrows
  • Smaller Than That
Some of these effects plus many others have been released in the three Terri Rogers ebooks that can be found here on Secrets (1986), More Secrets (1988) and finally Top Secrets (1998). Terri Rogers had an ingenious mind and...
Gerard Zitta
Love Mysteries by Gerard Zitta

A selection of lovely effects for weddings, Valentine's day, couples, etc. that will open hearts and doors...Most of them are impromptu.

Valentine day
A two phase 10' routine where two cards, randomly chosen face down at the beginning, will help to find two other cards. Each phase can be played independently.

ACAAN for couples
A perfect ACAAN for couples. Impromptu.

Men desiring women
This is Gerard's version of a classic spelling effect (impromptu), based on a mathematical principle. He will also reveal how to personalize it with your own words ...

Nice to meet you
A nice way...

Terri Rogers
Wipe Out: seven remarkable tricks using wipe off pens by Terri Rogers

These are all effects which use wipe-off or white-board pens. Terri Rogers uses the Velleda brand, but there are others you can use. She also uses two types of Velleda films, one white and the other transparent.

[30 years after this booklet has been published we have a lot more pens available. While not wipe-off pens some of these effects can be adopted to the popular Frixion pens which can be erased by heat.]


  • Tips, Warnings
  • Coverings
  • Preparation
  • Wiping Off


  • My Choice
  • Bunny Munny
  • A Word in the Hand
  • The Lady's not for Turning
  • X-actly
  • Charge Card
  • Demon

1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 23 pages....

Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 1 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • FLIPDOODLE 1: You use the twelve face cards to produce an astonishing result that finds three of the same suit.
  • I'M NOT OGEN: A spectator 'makes up a card combining any two cards. You spell the name of that card and you find it. Finally, you find the other three cards of the same value.
  • CHEERS!: You show seven cards with name of drinks on them and a prediction. A spectator selects a drink and you show that the prediction is correct… with a laugh. ...
★★★★★ $10
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 2 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • DIAMOND SPELLER: The thirteen cards of Diamonds are used to reveal a freely selected card.
  • FREE CUT DUO: Two spectators pick a card each and lose them in a packet of cards. You reveal these cards.
  • FETCH + HOFZINSER: A spectator cuts any amount of cards and selects two cards. The sum of these two cards corresponds to the number of cards cut by the first spectator.
  • CAUGHT TOGETHER, HANGED TOGETHER: One card is selected. Two Jacks capture four cards...
★★★★★ $10
Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini
Tricks To Go 3 by Werner Miller & Aldo Colombini

Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.


  • THE FRENCH CARD TRAP: Here is a non-sleight-of-hand method of locating up to twelve selected cards.
  • 4TUITOUS: A principle that can be used as a simple prediction in its own right, or as a number force in another effect.
  • AS EASY AS COUNTING: A freely selected card is revealed in a very humorous way.
  • GO WEST: Another funny and very interesting way to reveal a card with messages written on face cards. Just follow them. (For an exploration of this...
★★★★★ $15
Henry Hay
Learn Magic by Henry Hay

Learn Magic is a classic magic book for serious beginners. It teaches 20 lessons and focuses not just on effects, tricks and moves, but also on the 'how to learn magic' aspect. Beautifully illustrated by Hans Jelinek.

Henry Hay's larger magic book for beginners, The Amateur Magician's Handbook is broader in scope and already assumes some basic knowledge about magic.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Some three or four years ago, we examined (in Review No. 19) a little book by Barrows Mussey, entitled Magic. The same author, writing under another name, has now given us a new treatise for beginners in conjuring which is not only larger but far...

★★★★ $14.95
Aldo Colombini
The Close-Up Magic of Aldo Colombini by Aldo Colombini

Ever since Obie O'Brien brought Aldo Colombini to the FFFF convention many years ago, it has been a love affair between Aldo and magic in America. While Aldo can do some of the hardest moves, he has developed a unique style of strong magic with little sleight-of-hand. The kind that is entertaining to watch and fun to perform. None of the material is hard to do, yet will fool any audience, including those hard to please magicians themselves.

It is hard to miss Aldo, both in person (6' 5"), and in magic, because he has written for many magazines, performed and lectured throughout the world...

Ravi Mayar
Credit Theft by Ravi Mayar

Borrow a credit card and show the strips found on back of the card. Now just with your finger tips peel the identity strip completely off, restore it and return the card with your hands completely empty. A timely presentation around the issue of identity theft.

★★★★★ $7
E. W. Bud Morris & Sam Dalal
Magic in the Morris Manor by E. W. Bud Morris & Sam Dalal
  • What happened to that pretty girl in Boggart's Inn?
  • Why is a novel discovery of a forced card the ultimate in magical entertainment?
  • Who was responsible for the bad vibes emanating from that little box?
  • When can an ordinary spectator predict the past, present and future?
  • How does the confidential message always get to the correct secret agent?
  • Where does Kung-Fu; King of Karate, go after his mission is accomplished?
For the answer to these and other diverse dilemmas, buy this ebook.

1st edition 1974, 128 pages; 1st digital edition 2013, 109 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword ...
★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
My Favorites II by Paul A. Lelekis

This is the sequel of underground magician, Paul Lelekis' last e-book - My Favorites. This latest tome, My Favorites II, is a JUGGERNAUT of magic! Not only does Paul provide 8 more winning routines, but in addition we include three videos of Paul performing the following:

  • Video #1: The Lelekis False Shuffle - A full deck, in-the-hands false shuffle that Paul has fooled many professionals with…and the best part is that it's easy to do!
  • Video #2: Paul's wildly popular effect, "The Trick That Can't Be Explained" is performed and explained in full. The editor of The Linking Ring mentioned that this...
Fred Darevil
Crazy Cocktail by Fred Darevil

A very visual and entertaining effect, complete with presentation, beautiful graphics, and soundtrack.

You will predict :

  1. The ingredients freely chosen by spectators to make their unique "Crazy Cocktail"!
  2. The price of the cocktail!
  3. An additional, totally free choice made by the spectator at the last second before the revelations. The prediction will be found in an envelope the spectator had in her hands since the beginning of the routine. The envelope is normal, is not switched, and can be examined by the spectator!

The ebook includes:

  • Every detail for maximum impact with...
Jesse Demaline
Demagic by Jesse Demaline

The story of the late Jesse Demaline and 65 years in magic. Apart from his interesting life story there are lots of his effects: Mental Magic 21 items, Children's Magic 21 items, Close Up Magic 23 items, Miscellaneous Magic 26 items. This ebook received great reviews from Terry Seabrooke and The Magic Circular when it was first published.


  • The Act
  • Card Mentalism
  • The Handkerchief Test
  • The Jay Dem Book Test
  • Card Transition
  • Psychic Visions
  • Absolutely Silent Card Mentalism
  • Designs
  • One In Fifty-Two
  • Animal Magnetism
  • Jay-Dem Mentalism (Using a Dictionary)
  • Pools Win
  • A Good...
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