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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★ $21
Mark Leveridge
The Master Routine Series: Collected Works by Mark Leveridge

The Master Routine Series first began in 1984 and over the next 20 years a total of 12 routines were released. Originally available as separate instruction booklets, all 12 have now been brought together into one ebook thus providing a worthy format for some of Mark's best work.

All the text has been looked at and re-written where necessary and every diagram has been completely re-drawn by magician artist James Fortune, and his excellent illustrations make a helpful and stylish addition to the text explanations.

The 12 routines encompass a wide variety of themes for both close up and stand...

★★★★ $13.50
Mark Leveridge
The Strolling Magician by Mark Leveridge

Mark has been working close up commercially for over 25 years and in that time he has gradually amassed experience of working in a huge variety of venues and working situations. Exactly how to cope with everything that the modern day close up worker encounters requires thought, planning and expertise if you really wish to do it well, and in this book he has tried to give as much real world advice as he can to help make your job that much easier.

There are 8 chapters of highly detailed advice on all aspects of commercial close up, the chapter headings being:

  • Is Strolling Magic Right For...
Mark Leveridge
The 7th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

Several of the conventioneers who attended the 7th Symposium said they thought it was the best yet! So you know that the quality of the contributors to the 7th Symposium ebook are top rate.

You will find magic from Roberto Giobbi, Pit Hartling, Sean Taylor (2 items), Mark Leveridge, Kevin Gallagher (2 items), Nicholas Einhorn and Chris Priest. Everything is fully explained and illustrated where necessary.

  • Introduction
  • Card Through Body - Chris Priest
  • Gold Rush - Nicholas Einhorn
  • Wild Business - Roberto Giobbi
  • Worlds Collide - Sean Taylor
  • The Make Weight - Mark Leveridge
  • Colour Changing 3 Card Monte - Kevin...
★★★★★ $10
Mark Leveridge
The 8th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

This is the ebook released to coincide with the 8th Symposium which took place in April 2003 at Bath University and it features the magic of those taking part on the day. Here is a breakdown of the contents:

  • Richard Pinner offers a novel color changing penknife idea. (The Opening Colour Change)
  • Lee Davis explains a clever way to reproduce two drawings made entirely at random by two spectators. (Roving Duplicates)
  • Sean Carpenter gives the lowdown on his behind-the-back card stab. (IBM Card Stab)
  • Roger Curzon provides no less than three items, two strong card effects and a well thought out...
Mark Leveridge
The 9th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

This is the ebook released to coincide with the 9th Symposium which took place in April 2005 at Bath University and it features the magic of those taking part on the day. Here is a breakdown of the contents:

  • David Stone offers two items. One is an elegant version of the broken and restored cigarette. The other is a thought provoking article on how to make coin magic more accessible. (No Smoking 1 & 2; A Few Reasons)
  • Brian Glover explains his variation on the classic 'Reset' card routine. (Reset Revisited)
  • Richard Sanders gives the lowdown on a very simple yet strong effect in which a spectator...
★★★★★ $10
Ottokar Fischer
Illustrated Magic by Ottokar Fischer

This is a magnificent magic ebook. Some put it among the top 10 or even the top 3 magic books ever written. It was translated by Barrows Mussey, of Amateur Magician's Handbook fame, from the German original Das Wunderbuch der Zauberkunst. It has many photos and beautiful illustrations and covers all disciplines of magic.

With an introduction by Fulton Oursler and an unpublished chapter by Harry Kellar.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This is one of the handsomest books thus far produced on the subject of magic. It is a volume of 206 large pages, excellently printed on coated paper, illustrated with 234 line-cuts and halftones (chiefly the latter), and well bound in sturdy, attractive cloth....

★★★★★ $40
Daniel Skahen
Mysteries of Mind and Matter by Daniel Skahen

With this ebook Dan shares a wealth of experience, thoughts and tips with you. It splits into four sections:

  1. Routines, Effects & Trickery
  2. Techniques, Sleights & Tools
  3. Shifts, Subtleties & Spices
  4. Thoughts, Essays & Theory
Check out the preview of this ebook. [Note: This ebook is an updated and expanded version of Dan's other four ebooks: Magic by Theory, Mastery in Magic, The Magic of Tyler and The Public Approach.

Dan has a genuine desire to teach you from his experiences performing and living magic. Here is Dan in his own words:

How years developing my personal repertoire can contribute to the success of yours today...

When I first became interested in magic, my passion initially bordered on obsession. I became committed to learning,...

★★★★ $15
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer & Richard Hatch
The Magic of J. N. Hofzinser by Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer & Richard Hatch

Despite Hofzinser's wish to have all his apparatus and magic records destroyed, a lot has been preserved because his wish was never carried out. Ottokar Fischer wrote two books in German about Hofzinser: Kartenkünste and Zauberkünste. This ebook here is Richard Hatch's authoritative translation of the Zauberkünste book.

[A translation of Kartenkünste is also available as ebook from us: Hofzinser's Card Conjuring.

Kartenkünste focuses exclusively on card magic, whereas Zauberkünste deals with everything else.

This ebook describes more than 80 effects created by Hofzinser including more than 100 photos and illustrations. Most effects were designed...

★★★★★ $22.50
Mark Leveridge
Forever Flapping Plus by Mark Leveridge

First there was In A Flap – a ground breaking book detailing six individual gimmicked envelopes with many routines using them. This was followed by the publication of Still Flapping – a further three individual fake envelopes with routines both for these plus extra ideas for the envelopes revealed in the first book. Then came Forever Flapping which combined both the above books and included some extra envelope magic in a Bonus Section.

Now there is Forever Flapping Plus, an ebook which provides a further eight envelope routines on top of those originally published in the previous edition. ...

★★★★★ $14.90
Dai Vernon
Malini and his Magic by Dai Vernon

This is a gorgeous and careful digitization of a classic originally published by Harry Stanley in 1962. All drawings have not simply been scanned and included as images but have been converted to vectorized graphics. This means they are crisp and clear even under the largest magnification as well as when printed out.

This PDF ebook has very detailed bookmarks making it easy to browse to your section of choice.

Max Malini was one of the most extraordinary personalities in the history of the performance of magic.

In this ebook, Dai Vernon shows how successfully Malini acted the role of magician and...

★★★★ $14.90
Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
Dai Vernon's Tribute to Nate Leipzig by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

This is a fascinating combination of biographical detail and carefully described magical secrets researched and recorded by Dai Vernon and Lewis Ganson.

Vernon was an intimate friend of Leipzig. Vernon not only saw many performances given by Leipzig, but Leipzig also explained Vernon in detail how all of his tricks worked and how they are to be performed. Vernon recorded this in his notebooks from which this publication was prepared by Ganson and Vernon. It is therefore fair to say that this is as close as you will ever get to learn from Leipzig.

Leipzig was a gentelman of magic who could...

★★★★★ $5
Ulysses Frederick Grant
CLIP - Clever Little Ideas Presented by Ulysses Frederick Grant

U.F. Grant has collected 13 tricks involving a paper clip. Paper clips are available pretty much anywhere, are common objects and therefore make ideal magic props.

1st edition 1947; original 12 pages; PDF 9 pages.

★★★★★ $20
Ulysses Frederick Grant
45 Tricks by Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is a remarkable collection of 45 individual single sheet trick instructions, many of which are illustrated.

original 45 pages; PDF 49 pages.

  1. The Comedy Check
  2. Improved Psychic Padlock
  3. Any Card Called For Rises
  4. Jarrow Bill In Lemon
  5. Super Telephone Test
  6. Leipzig Cards Through Air
  7. Bag And Blindfold Trick
  8. Nu Ring Off String
  9. Hang-Ping-Ching Coin Trick
  10. Improved Gloves To Dove
  11. Half Dollar Through Ring
  12. The Spy Ring
  13. Head On Beer Trick
  14. Best Packing Box Escape
  15. Grant's Cut & Restored Light Wire
  16. Striking A Match On Air
  17. Leipzig Type Card Suspension
  18. Malini Card Stabbing
  19. Chinese Bowl Production ...
★★★★★ $20
Liam Montier
Cherry Cola Queen by Liam Montier
  • Predict something incredibly personal to your spectator – the location of their tattoo. Then go one step further, and divine the design!
  • Cause an angel to visually melt from one half of a playing card to another in this shockingly visual application of Paul Harris's Twilight Angels.
  • Imagine causing the Hot and Cold water to transpose between your bathroom taps!
  • A spectator is offered a free choice from your stack of business cards, and signs the blank side. On turning it over, he finds it is the same business card that you signed earlier in this strange display of coincidence.
  • Use a...
★★★★★ $5
June Barrows Mussey
Magic (Mussey) by June Barrows Mussey

This was the first magic book written by June Barrows Mussey and the only one under his real name. All other magic books appeared under his pseudonym Henry Hay.

Here is a practical and fascinating ebook which shows you how to master simple and complex conjuring tricks for your own pleasure and the entertainment of your friends. Mussey stresses the proper presentation of magic stunts and tricks, rather than the mere mechanics. He shows you how to progress from comparatively simpler tricks to those which require diligent study and practice.

In the majority of the tricks described, little or no equipment...

★★★ $30
Ken Dyne
The Impromptu Mystifier by Ken Dyne

Have you ever been caught out when someone says "show me something"? Ken has put all of his ideas thoughts and feelings toward impromptu magic and mentalism in to this ebook.

Not only do you get his thoughts and theory around how performing impromptu can turn in to some of the most profitable performances, but he has included his entire personal impromptu act in detail.

You will never be stuck for something to do and what's more you will understand exactly how to turn that apparent off the cuff moment in to money and bookings.

This ebook will challenge the way you think and feel. ...

★★★★★ $9
Robert Parrish & John Goodrum
You'd Be Surprised by Robert Parrish & John Goodrum

A mix of cards, mentalism, and quite unusual manipulation with glasses and thimbles.

1st edition 1937, reprinted 1963; 65 pages.

    1. The Heal Coincidence Trick
    2. Telephone Telepathy
    3. Telephone Telepathy Again
    4. Alias Divination
    5. Magazine Miracle
    6. Strange Interlude
    7. A Slate Writing Method
    8. Slate Psychics
    9. The Ultimate One Man Sealed Message Heading System
    10. Predetermination
    11. And a Routine
    12. An Improved Four Ace Routine
    13. Selective Card in Pocket
    14. Si Stebbins Up the Sleeve
    15. The Perfect Card Routine
    1. Glass of Liquid from Card Fan
    2. Some...
Verrall Wass
Twelve Tested Tricks by Verrall Wass

This is a nicely illustrated manuscript describing a range of parlor tricks. At the end you will find three articles that still hold a lot of truth even after decades when they have been written.

1st edition 1936, PDF 19 pages

    1. 1. Triple Transposition
    2. 2. British Made
    3. 3. Magical Book Covering
    4. 4. The Homing Liquids
    5. 5. Balancing a Handkerchief
    6. 6. Bluff
    7. 7. Box 0' Chocs
    8. 8. Twice Twenty-Six
    9. 9. Poppies and Perfume
    10. 10. Transparent Transformation
    11. 11. Buddha's Shrine
    12. 12. The Blossoming Desert
    1. An Act "Borrowed from the Audience"
    2. Revolution Needed ? ...
    3. More Publicity...
★★★★ $7
Robert Parrish
Six Tricks by Tenkai by Robert Parrish

Tenkai was a legendary magician from Japan. As his gift for achieving the 'living legend' status in Japan he asked to meet Dai Vernon - which he did, but that is a story for another time.

In this manuscript Robert Parrish describes several wonderful effects created by Tenkai. All illustrations are drawn by Tenkai himself.

20 pages.

  1. Tenkai Dye Tube Technique
  2. Knots Supreme - Tenkai Silk and Tapes
  3. Tenkai Three Dice Trick
  4. Tenkai Two Penny Trick
  5. Two Coin Moves
  6. Tenkai Card Flight
★★★ $12
Robert Parrish
For Magicians Only by Robert Parrish

This was a very successful book on magic when it originally appeared in 1944. Even the sophisticated New Yorker put at the top of its list of recommended books for servicemen.

A complete repertory of tricks that can be performed without elaborate equipment.

The only book on magic that tells exactly how to keep the audience from seeing the mechanics of performance.

Here's the book for every one who ever dreamed of pulling rabbits out of a hat or sawing a woman in two (and putting her back together again). The author, who has had a long experience in platform magic and two previous books...
★★★★★ $12
Robert Parrish
New Ways To Mystify by Robert Parrish

New Ways To Mystify carries on its prestidigitation in the vein of For Magicians Only. Again Mr. Parrish has presented thirty "tricks" that can be performed without elaborate equipment, and with no more skill than the average person can muster. It's all in practice and in knowing how to distract the audience, Mr. Parrish says, and he demonstrates in such a simple manner that anyone, young or old, can master these feats of magic.

The general plan of the ebook follows that of the earlier volume, and Mr. Parrish again writes in his witty, urbane fashion. Dozens of simple diagrams, as well as clever chapter head...

★★★★★ $14.95
D. Angelo Ferri
Don Alan Tribute by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis Barlotta's Tribute to Don Alan includes a re-working of three routines; The Chop Cup, The Benson Bowl, and 'Bag Stabbed' a card stab.

Dennis writes:

I am a very big Don Alan fan. This manuscript represents my investigation into applying Slydini's principles to these great Don Alan presentations. My Chop Cup routine follows the Don Alan Routine in terms of sequence of events but I accomplish those events using Slydini's system of movement, his Revolve Vanish, and his Timing Patterns. The timing patterns are what accomplish the two final loads of the Chop Cup.

In the Benson Bowl,...

★★★★ $15.50
Stephen Tucker
Silver Where? by Stephen Tucker

An incredible transposition of a fork and a spoon.

Showing a fork and a spoon you mix them, undercover of your hands, then ask someone to guess which is the fork. They guess and are either correct or wrong. You clearly place the spoon in your breast pocket, with the handle protruding. Suddenly, the fork in your hand becomes the spoon! The spoon in your breast pocket turns out to be... the fork!

No magnets or sleights! Can be performed without a table (ideal for strolling or at cluttered tables) and everything can be examined at the end. This was developed to link with Stephen's Mind-Power routine. ...

★★★★★ $14.95
D. Angelo Ferri
Bar Magic by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis writes:

I worked as a "Magic Bartender" for several years, tricks have to be simple, entertaining, and ideally employ common objects. Occasionally I'd sit at a customers table which gave me the opportunity to perform 'The Glass Through the Table' and my 'Hat Load'. Slydini taught me the 'Glass Trick'. He uses sound to control the perception of the spectator, The Hat Load begins with a coin trick based upon Don Alan's Hat Load but my mechanics for loading the hat are based upon Slydini's System of movement. My Copper and Silver Transposition employs a slightly modified version of John...

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