After years of magicians calling for Terry LaGerould to put out a new book, it's here! With more than 60 pages containing 17 card effects, and more than 35 photos, you'll easily learn these routines!
Back in 1992, many magicians were first exposed to Terry LaGerould's unique approach to card magic in a book called, Pasteboard Presentations. This book, now out of print, is still being sought after by many magicians.
For those unfamiliar with Terry LaGerould, the hallmark of his magic is efficient, innovative use of standard moves combined with highly commercial presentations. All the material...
Ten-Ten Marking System is a reliable playing card marking system for creating a marked deck that is easy to read and understand, based on the binary system, and practically invisible to your spectators. Easily identify each card at a glance.
1st edition 2020, PDF 6 pages.
Australian card man Ian Baxter has nailed it once again! Here is a straightforward, anytime, anywhere mystery that will leave audiences scratching their heads.
No fakes, gaffs or stranger cards are employed. An ordinary deck, borrowed or supplied by you, is the sole requirement. Ten-Four, a radio call sign, means "everything is okay" but in this case, it also spells out what is involved. The four tens end up cavorting from the deck to the table and back again, with a jaw-dropping finish. And there is room for a spot of humour as well.
Acknowledgment must be made to Tom Ogden of Hollywood, California,...
The ace through 10 of Diamonds are inserted into the pack, each card at a different location. The deck is shuffled and then Michael produces each card one by one in different ways using pop out moves, cuts, and other flourishes.
This is an improvement of an effect popularized by Eddie Fechter. However Eddie produced each card the same way using the gymnastic ace production from the Paul LePaul book.
runtime: 14min 46s
Ian Baxter’s first book, first published in 1970. Card men everywhere enthused about the contents and the endorsements it carried from the likes of Dai Vernon, Ed Marlo, Card Mondor, Robert Parrish, Jon Racherbaumer and others, are testament to the quality of content. Alton Sharpe wrote the Introduction.
Ten reputation making card miracles.
"The material is not only interesting, but clever and workable. Yes, l recommend it." - Edward Marlo
"Ian Baxter is a creative and skillful artist." - Dai Vernon
"After what I have seen of the contents, I'm eagerly looking forward to reading the book. What I have seen is really impressive." - Jon Racherbaumer
"I must say l will use...
This is number two of Jordan's Ten New Tricks Series. It has contributions by T. Nelson Downs and Louis C. Haley.
1st edition, 1920, Penngrove, California; 23 pages.
This is number four of Jordan's Ten New Tricks Series. At one time Jordan prepared and sold faked cards and routines that went along with them. When he stopped doing this he decided to select the ten best faked card tricks and collect them in this booklet. You get the description of how to prepare the faked cards yourself as well as the routines.
1st edition, 1920, Penngrove, California; 24 pages.
This is number one of Jordan's Ten New Tricks Series. It assumes you are familiar with some basic sleights like the Pass and the Palm.
1st edition, 1920, Charles T. Jordan; 24 pages.
Easy to learn, hard to detect. A booklet of routines that use the Si Stebbins stack.
This is an early publication by Hugh Johnston predating his larger Modern Card Miracles by several years. Includes research on its likely publication date by Chris Wasshuber.
You show four blank cards and one ten of clubs, five cards in total. They all have red backs. Suddenly the ten of clubs has a blue back. Then you fan the remaining four cards and all the blank faces have changed to a royal flush, an ace, king, queen, and jack. The ten completing the royal flush. As a final climax all cards are turned face down and they all have different colored backs.
1st edition 2021, video 2 min 36 s.
The spectator picks a card and signs it. Magician splits the deck in two piles. Then he puts the card in one pile and it magically appears in the other.
1st edition 2020, length 6:43.
Take a bit of “Miraskill,” a twist each of Mirabill and “A View To A Skill” and mix with “Minimal Miraskill.” Between Stewart James, Herb Zarrow, John Bannon and Dr. Bill, you will have one of the strongest effects possible to perform over the telephone.
The good doctor had been seeking a way to perform Mirabill over the phone ever since its release but it seemed impossible. Until now.
Telephone Bill looks and sounds different than any of the above but utilizes James’s original brilliant principle and is every bit as squeaky-clean as Mirabill. Live and in person it is mind bending. But over the phone? Your audience...
"I must congratulate you on producing the most readable 'Reader' deck I have ever seen." - Billy McComb
"A bold yet deceptive marking system that reveals the cards as fast as you can glance at them. An absolute boon to the professional performer." - Larry Becker
"Your marking idea is brilliant. It is quite the cleverest idea that I have seen in a marked deck for magicians." - Jeff Busby
"It is the first marked deck I have seen that is practical for the performing magician, your deck indeed makes miracles with cards so very easy congratulations." - Marvin Roy
Ted Lesley of Germany devised the Working Performer's...
This is a sheet of custom-made white rub-on transfer numbers, characters and symbols. This is exactly what you need to make several Ted Lesley Working Performer's Marked Decks - or other similar decks like the Boris Wild Marked Deck. (The cards you have to supply yourself.)
Please note that you do NOT acquire the right to make and sell Ted Lesley marked decks with these transfers. They are for personal use only.
This marking system is considered the very best by many professionals. It combines super easy and reliable reading of the markings - which is crucial for real-world under-pressure performances - with...
If you like the classic Card Warp effect you will love this related but nevertheless quite different effect. And you might have seen Charlie Fry's version of this trick - Ripped & Fryed - featured on the Paul Harris True Astonishment DVDs. Now you can learn the original and get all the tips, subtleties and pointers from the creator.
Whilst you can use this effect with playing cards it works equally well with business cards. In performance you introduce the subject of the big illusions that are being performed on TV. Although you haven't brought along all your apparatus with you perhaps some young lady...
Once more, with this new 3.0 edition, all previous editions are now completely obsolete.
Now added is the "Mendoza Countdown," the precursor to the Capehart Countdown (see below) and the version explained here may be just as effective because after the spectator mixes the deck it is spread face up to prove it really has been thoroughly mixed—thus the eventual revelation that the spectator has somehow found all the Aces, Kings, Queens and Jacks in suit order is astounding.
The "Capehart Countdown," won Chris Capehart a Fool Us award from Penn and Teller and is fully explained here. ...
Have three cards selected (they can be signed), return them individually into the deck, shuffle, and miraculously the four kings turn face up, and between the kings the three selected and signed cards are found.
This effect is possible due to a simple gimmick you can quickly make at home. (No gimmick is included with this download.) There are many more ways to use this gimmick. Peter explains a variety of effects and ways to use it.
1st edition 2022, video 28:21.
Show any design you want on the card by simply lightly burning it with a lighter. When you pick a card and burn it, it will usually leave black streaks on the cards, but with Tattoos on Cards, black streaks will transform into any design of your choice: an image of a chosen card, a heart or your signature, a short message, ...
[Note that the explanation is purely visual (no sound) and a few lines of text inserted in the video.]
1st edition 2018, length 11 min 46 s
Tarot cards are old, but that doesn't mean they're boring. Tarot cards add an air of mystery and emotion to any performer's arsenal. This ebook will show you a whole new frontier of possibilities with these arcane works of art. Spectral Chill is as much a concept as it is a trick. And the bonus trick, Tarot Below Zero is just one possibility to be found at the tip-of-the-sword in this re-conceived paradigm.
Tarot is all about creating links in the mind of the spectator and Spectral Chill is a system to help do exactly that.
This is a real performer's...
This is a wonderful presentational idea for the "Invisible Deck". (If you do not know what the "Invisible Deck" is ask around or visit a dealer. It is a very common prepared deck of cards.)
This routine will require some creativity on your part, but more so on the spectator’s part ... but this is part of the fun. It can really go anywhere and it’s usually just as interesting to the performer as it is for the participant.
1st edition 2008; 3 pages.