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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 104


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★ $25
(Benny) Ben Harris
The Crossroads Deck by (Benny) Ben Harris

"This is going to fry a lot of people..." - Richard Kaufman

"...the Crossroads Deck; a devious conception and one of the most interesting to hit the magic scene in recent times..." - Peter Duffie (from the foreword)

"The Crossroads technique alone, which we really like, will be seen as food for thought by many. As mentalists, our variation would be to use no deck at all. Just a single, thought-of card in the pocket. The solution will dawn on you after reading the text..." - Richard Busch & Larry Becker


★★★★ $25
John Carey
The Cross Cut Code by John Carey

Routines with the classic cross cut force.

The Cross Cut Code is devoted entirely to the classic cross cut force, with some deadly variations and packed out with some great routines which showcase them. Seven of the routines are unpublished items from John Carey and some superb material from his great friends Cameron Francis, Mike Breggar, Michael Kaminskas, Harrison Trusler, Sean Devine, Jon Racherbaumer and John Gordon.

  • You and Me!
  • Casino Cross Cut
  • Dribble CCF!
  • Carey varies Bannon
  • Cross Cut Do As I Do
  • Subtle CCF
  • Aces A Plenty
  • Crossed Biddle
  • For Bannon!
  • Face- up Fake- out X- force
  • Cross-Cut Nuance
  • Let...
★★★★★ $7
Lewis Ganson
The Crabtree Connection by Lewis Ganson

Torn playing cards link together. It is a variation of Cardboard Connection by Paul Harris utilizing an alternate gaff. Photos and detailed description by Lewis Ganson. It also includes Jim Cozzens instructions for preparing the linked cards set.

1st edition 1981, 16 pages; PDF 17 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Stefan Olschewski
The Count's Count by Stefan Olschewski

Do you have the perfect brain? Now you do!

Just take out a deck of cards and a pen. Let them shuffle the cards. Then have them call out random digits and proceed to write them on the backs of the cards until you have marked about 30 or 40 cards (or even the whole deck). Fan the cards in front of you for only 5-10 seconds to remember the sequence. Hand the cards to the spectator who called out the final number. You are ready to go:

At lightning speed, and blindfolded, you run through the numbers on the backs of the cards in the exact order they have been called out! Each time you are right,...

Alec Pendle
The Cosmic Connection / The Cosmic Deck by Alec Pendle


You show two packs of cards. One red and one blue backed. You ask a spectator to touch one of the packs. The pack is offered to the spectator and she is asked to put the pack of cards in a pocket. Taking the pack of cards with the blue backs you fan them face and back to show that the cards are normal. You shuffle the cards, cut and complete the cut. The cards are spread face down on the table and you ask a spectator to run his fingers backwards and forwards across the cards...using his hand rather like a pendulum. At any moment he chooses you ask him to touch the back of one of the...

Jeff Stone
The Coolest Ace Trick in the World by Jeff Stone

The Story: The era of the "greasers" was coming to an end. They had all gone by the way side; they had all moved to the wicked city of Hoyletown. But there were a few who wouldn't stand for the death of the greatest era of Bicycle Village's history. The time had come for the last remaining greasers to work a miracle. The notorious Gang of Aces had taken all they could stand. Now is the time to show the world who we are. This is our deck and we're not gonna take it anymore. We'll show them. We will use whatever means necessary to keep the story alive. We will use magic, sorcery and trickery; it...

T. Page Wright
The Complete Page Wright Manuscript by T. Page Wright

In the late twenties Larsen & Wright (William Larsen, Sr. and T. Page Wright) were prominent names in magic. They produced a flood of contributions to magic magazines, over one hundred in The Sphinx alone in 1927-28 (so many in fact that The Sphinx felt compelled to publish much of it under a variety of pseudonyms). But in addition there were the Larsen & Wright publications, a large series of printed books and manuscripts offering a mass of original material not appearing in the periodicals.

When T. Page Wright died tragically in 1930, he left behind the finished manuscript for a mooted book. Incredibly,...

★★★★ $10
Ralph W. Hull & Paul Gordon
The Complete Eye-Openers by Ralph W. Hull & Paul Gordon

Comprising Eye-Openers and More Eye-Openers plus R. W. Hull's Supreme Mental Discernment.

Paul Fleming wrote about More Eye-Openers:

The late Ralph W. Hull was a tireless originator in the field of magic, and was particularly active in devising amazing mysteries with playing cards. The Tuned Deck, which he described as "my most cherished trick," was accorded nineteen pages in the monumental work, Greater Magic. Other Ralph W. Hull specialties have appeared in the form of pamphlets, one of which is the subject of this review.

John Northern Hilliard wrote a foreword to More Eye Openers, in which he...

Eddie Joseph & Paul Gordon
The Complete Dumbfounders with Cards by Eddie Joseph & Paul Gordon

This is a reproduction of Dumbfounders with Cards and More Dumbfounders with Cards two often overlooked booklets by Eddie Joseph on math based card effects. Some principles predate ideas rediscovered by Edward Marlo and Stewart James. (The ebook has been prepared by Paul Gordon.)

The writing of Joseph is somewhat terse and hard to read, but the effects and principles are great. This ebook includes some comments by Peter Duffie and Roger Crosthwaite.

  • Dumbfounders with Cards
    • The Tobba Mystery
    • Who Knows The Card?
    • Incredulously True
    • Two Secret Thoughts
    • Memory Phenomenal
    • Over the Wire
    • The Mystic Queen
    • One-Eye Joe
    • The Expert Cuts
    • Can You See Your...
Walt Lees
The Complete Cannibal Act by Walt Lees

Extract from the preface:

It was in 1972 that Fred Snook first drew my attention to the "Cannibal Cards". A little later, I was lucky enough to see Matt Corin performing his version of the trick. He told me that he had published it in "Kabbala" a few months previously and that the original idea stemmed from an effect by Lyn Searles. I was able, shortly afterwards, to obtain a copy of the Corin routine.

Earlier on, in 1966 I had purchased a copy of Harry Lorayne's "Close-Up Card Magic" and had, for some time, used the Jay Ose version of the Garcia "Apex Ace", described in that excellent book. When I began to work on...

Walt Lees
The Commercial Card Magic of Roger Crosthwaite by Walt Lees

Excerpt from the introduction:

It was way back in the early 1960's that I first heard the name Roger Crosthwaite. He had a series of articles running in the Gen magazine and Lewis Ganson and others of note, were frequently singing his praises. I remember reading several of his pocket picking routines and, although I never attempted to do any of them, for some reason the name of Roger Crosthwaite stuck in my mind. It was not for another ten years that I saw or heard any more of him.

In the early seventies, I was working full time in Hamley's magic department in Regent Street, London, when a clergyman, who had been watching...

★★★★ $30
Crispin Sartwell
The Color Change: the arcane art of transfiguration with playing cards by Crispin Sartwell

"This is the best compilation of Color Changes to date. I know this because I've been collecting color changes for the last ten years myself. I applaud his research and thoroughness. It is well organized and coherent." - Jon Racherbaumer

"Crispin Sartwell has produced a well-written treatment of color changes that is the first of its kind. An important contribution to the art of magic and a must-have resource for every card handler." - Jerry Cestkowski (The Flourishman)

"As a professional magician for 36 years, I have been constantly told that my simply done but highly effective color change done at the outset of the one stage card...

★★★★★ $16
Mark Leveridge
The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume 4 by Mark Leveridge

The final volume of Mark's Collected Card Magic series builds on the previous three volumes and finishes strongly with 10 excellent varied effects for close up, stand up and mentalism.

Impossible - a really baffling routine in which two selected cards lost in the centre of two separate decks, magically swap places while the packs are still in their boxes. No re-set, this can be done in walkabout or in a close up/parlour show.

The Invisible Deck Routine - Mark's classic take on the well known plot, but in which no real deck is ever used. A spectator selects any card from an 'invisible'...

Mark Leveridge
The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume 3 by Mark Leveridge

The third volume of this quality card magic set features a further 12 of Mark's highly workable card routines. There is a lot of variety offered here, and the standard of the magic is high.

There is magic for close up shows, for mentalism, for parlour shows and also for commercial walkabout work. Here is a run down of the contents:

Aces Under Control - this is a perfect way to produce the four Aces in that it looks skillful yet is easy to do

Co-inci-mental - a you-do-as-I-do card matching effect that cuts out all the unnecessary packet exchanges plus adds a kicker finish


Mark Leveridge
The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume 2 by Mark Leveridge

The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge - Volume 2 features material for close up, stand up and even children's shows. Here is a run down of the contents:

1-2-3 Jumbo Cards Across - great version of the classic trick for stand up adult shows or children's work. Easy to do.

The Blankety-Blank Pack - a striking blank deck routine that finishes with the entire deck printing backs and faces.

Diary Of A Nobody - a neat variation on the Danson Diary trick which only uses one diary and one deck plus has a twist at the end.

Corrector - a nice use of an old idea using a window envelope...

★★★★★ $16
Mark Leveridge
The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume 1 by Mark Leveridge

For over 30 years Mark Leveridge has gradually been creating a portfolio of card effects and routines where the accent is on practicality and entertainment value. In the first of four projected volumes The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge - Volume 1 offers the reader 15 commercial effects, all of which should be within the capabilities of everyone except the total beginner.

Instead of padding out this ebook with minor technical variations, or with descriptions of esoteric card sleights and moves, Mark has chosen to provide a range of varied, interesting and above all individual tricks...

★★★★ $12
Daniel Madison
The Cold Deck by Daniel Madison

Deck switching: The act of secretly switching one deck for another during play.

The Cold Deck is a collection of deck-switching techniques by Daniel Madison. The ebook teaches six techniques for secretly and invisibly switching the deck in play in thorough detail. It also includes Slaine, a device that holds or feeds the cold deck to the cheat without suspicion.

The following techniques are included in this ebook:

  • Patch
  • Slaine
  • Veil
  • Grit
  • Ott
  • Heat

1st edition 2011, 16 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Val Andrews
The Coin and Card Magic of Bobby Bernard by Val Andrews

Excerpt from the Foreword:

This is a book about the close-up magic of Bobby Bernard ... There have not been too many books in the past on close-up as opposed to those devoted purely to sleights. Hugard brought out a great little book on the subject in the Thirties, and two decades later Bert Allerton's book was splendid. But now we have another book, which we feel sure will become a classic of its kind. The book which you hold contains a wealth of moves, tricks and routines, from which any discerning reader could select a repertoire likely to gain him a reputation.

Of particular interest is section 3 with several short essays and opinions on...

★★★★★ $6
R. Shane
The Classic Cider Swindle by R. Shane

From the preface of the ebook:

So there we were, we being the usual collection of magical maffickers, that is to say Robert Neale, Larry White, Ed Solomon, Ron Dayton and your humble narrator, in one of our usual email exchanges but which was quite unusual.

You see, Larry had just sent a video of a really neat card rise to all of us. It looked great and we were all commenting about it and speculating on it. This was most unusual since Larry hates card tricks the way most of us hate mustard on chocolate ice cream with pickle topping. Actually, he hates cards tricks more than that and would probably...

★★★★★ $10
Ricky Kinosa
The Circle Fan by Ricky Kinosa

Most every card man can do a pressure fan and many can do one-handed fans but can you do a circular fan, one that goes around 360 degrees and closes on itself? There are a few methods in circulation. Ricky explains the one developed by Toyozane Sanada. Sanada is a very creative Japanese magician who invented among other things the Sanada gimmick which is very effective for sponge ball work. However, there is no good explanation of how to do the Sanada fan in print. You can find it demonstrated on a number of videos but there is no good explanation that teaches the technique at least not in English. ...

Aldo Colombini
The Chosen Few by Aldo Colombini

Ten stunning packet tricks. All these routines are performed with regular cards.


  • A SWITCH IN TIME (Roy Walton): Four red cards and four black cards are switched but always the two packets remain in their original colors.
  • HOF-PACKET (Aldo Colombini): The Hofzinser theme using just the four Kings (or Aces) and a selected card.
  • TRANSMENTAL (Steve Pressley): A thought-of card disappears from a packet and reappears between two cards.
  • OIL, WATER & GUTS (Aldo Colombini): Four red cards are mixed with four black but the colors separate. The procedure is repeated, then they mix and...
★★★★ $12
Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Two by Nick Conticello

Novel Concepts with Key Cards. No sleight-of-hand is needed for any of these effects. Ideal for both magicians and mentalists.

Imagine taking a borrowed, shuffled, incomplete deck, mixing it a bit yourself, and offering it to a volunteer for a cut. The volunteer then cuts each half separately, chooses a card from one half, and buries it in the pack himself. Yet despite these difficult conditions, you are able to locate the selected card with absolute certainty. That is the premise of this ebook.

The Straddle Key concept is a breakthrough in key card theory. I have tested this material...

Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Three by Nick Conticello

New Century Pairs Re-Paired

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: A Bit of History
  • Chapter 2: Judah's Mutus Nomen (S.J. Mutus Dedit Trick)
  • Chapter 3: Thoughts on the Classical Effect
  • Chapter 4: Third Person Singular: 30 cards in play, 3 selections. After the Judah shuffle, top ten cards are put aside and the rest laid out. Performer reveals the third card without seeing any of the faces.
  • Chapter 5: There Are No Words: The basic effect with no code words, just a modified shuffle and a few simple arithmetical rules.
  • Chapter 6: Poker Four-ay: 20 cards, 4 selections by four different people. All four indicate...
★★★★ $6
Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Six: Lucky Locator by Nick Conticello

Nick Conticello wraps up his latest series with an effect which will amaze laypeople and fracture magicians!

Working with a shuffled, borrowed deck, the performer looks through it to find a "lucky locator card." After some shuffling a volunteer cuts the pack, counts off ten cards and thinks of one, then buries the counted cards in the deck and cuts it. The performer runs through the deck and takes out the lucky locator. He begins describing the locator to the person who selected the card. Sometimes he's lucky and the locator card is the selection. Sometimes he's not, so he spells out a phrase...

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