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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 105


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Ferry Gerats
The Ferry Gerats Haunted Deck by Ferry Gerats

Effect: For the revelation of a chosen card, the deck cuts itself. The upper part of the deck moves slowly and mysteriously sidewards at the location of the chosen card.

A serious advantage of this version is that it can be done with a borrowed deck. Another bonus is that you can do it at any time during your (card)act. No threads are being used. The method is very practical and incredibly easy. Well, as a matter of fact almost self-working.

"I've always loved the Haunted Deck and have during the years studied and performed many methods. Often there are several preconditions, such as...

★★★★★ $7.95
Edward Marlo
The Faro Shuffle: Revolutionary Card Technique No. 6 by Edward Marlo

This ebook describes Marlo's techniques for the Faro Shuffle. It contains methods for executing a faro, such as The First Technique, Faro Riffle Shuffle, and The Butt Shuffle, as well as Faro Aids, such as the Fourth Finger Table and the Rock and Reweave. It also contains more complex variations, like the Off Center Faro, Above Crimp Faro, and 26th Card Faro Check.

  • The Faro Shuffle
  • - The First Technique
  • Faro Aids
  • - 26th Card Faro Check
  • - The 4th Finger Table
  • Faro Riffle Shuffle
  • - Variations In Technique On The Faro Riffle Shuffle
  • - In The Hands
  • The Butt Faro
  • Partial Faro Check ...
Mike Kempner
The Fairest Hands-Off Open Prediction by Mike Kempner

Would you like to control the physical actions of your spectator, and in the process make an impossible prediction? The beauty of this particular effect is that it is absolutely hands-off and 100% fair. The performer DOES NOT touch the cards once the effect begins. The performer only touches a card case once with the cards inside. Furthermore, the deck of cards can be borrowed. This truly is an astonishing display of skill, as you create a very special hands-off open prediction.

You provide (or ask a spectator to provide) 2 decks of cards, one blue and one red. They are both lying flat on...

★★★★★ $35
Luke Jermay
The Extended Tossed Out Deck by Luke Jermay

From the introduction:

The Tossed Out Deck is an extremely popular and possibly the best neo-classical plot in mentalism. Over the last 15 years, this effect has made its way into the performance repertoire of many mentalists and magicians the world over, seeing a huge surge in popularity, likely due to the number of high profile performers’ personalized versions of the effect, such as Max Maven, Ted Lesley, and Docc Hilford.

I, myself, have used the Tossed Out Deck effect to open many stand-up performances, and feel it is genuinely one of the best opening routines for a performance. It packs...

William Frederick Pinchbeck
The Expositor by William Frederick Pinchbeck

A series of letters, between an unidentified friend and his correspondent (William Frederick Pinchbeck) comprising of how to train a pig, invisible lady and acoustic temple, philosophical swan, penetrating spy glasses, several magic tricks, such as how to catch a bullet, and reflections on ventriloquism.

This book includes the first known description of the "Eight Kings" card stack.

  1. Method of teach the Pig – from Letter I. to IX. See also Letter V. Appendix
  2. Principles of the Acoustic Temple – from Letter IX. To XIV. See also Letter II. Appendix.
  3. A Demonstration of the philosophical...
★★★★★ $18
Michael Kociolek
The Expert Bundle by Michael Kociolek

Three wonderful ebooks on card magic for one low price.

★★★★★ $20
Michael Breggar
The Expert at the Cod Table by Michael Breggar
"I do enjoy reading good writing and I enjoy reading your books. You sure are one heck of a funny guy! Started chuckling almost immediately and really laughed out loud at '...confused with a hat-rack'! Well done!" - Harry Lorayne

"Not all magic books are fun to read, but this is one that's fun to read and is as much fun to play with the pieces and create some antic fun for the audience." - Jon Racherbaumer

(E)-books like this do not come along too often. That's a good thing because voluntary illiteracy would increase. Michael Breggar, author of such litter box liners as Influence-Enza, Dancing with the Cards, and...
★★★★★ $5
S. W. Erdnase
The Expert at the Card Table by S. W. Erdnase

Originally entitled Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table, is probably the most cited and referenced book about card gambling moves - a classic in the history of magic literature. A must read for any card magician or aspiring gambling expert and an indespensable reference book. While the authorship of this book is hotly debated we are convinced it was Edward Gallaway. (For a detailed work on the search for Erdnase see Hurt McDermott's Artifice, Ruse & Erdnase.)

[A copy of this book is also included in Michael McDougall's Card Mastery. This ebook is also available in a German translation.

Paul Fleming wrote:

The information contained in this book is the very basis of modern card conjuring. When first...

★★★★ $10
Michael Kociolek
The Expert by Michael Kociolek

The spectator names any number of hands, any rank of poker hand he wants, and which player should get the named hand. The performer states that he will deal the best hand of the chosen rank, and he fulfills the spectator's request. Everything from a genuinely shuffled deck. No palms, no magnets. Just good old, gluten-free card sharping.

This is one of many effects that can be performed after reading The Expert.

This 64-page ebook covers the history of the Any Poker Hand Called For plot, Michal's modified version of the stack, and how to quickly and invisibly set it up from a shuffled deck....

★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
The Exception by Unnamed Magician

The trick that fooled the best cardmen in the world.

"'The Exception' totally fooled me. The method is diabolical. All the avenues to explanation are blocked. That's what an impossible location is supposed to do. And this trick does it." - Mike Powers

"'The Exception' is composed of several known and reliable methods arranged in a way that will make them unrecognizable to most students of card magic methodology. If you are looking for something quick and easy to add to your existing strolling set, this is probably not for you. However, if you're a fan of impossible locations that employ an ordinary...

★★★★ $10
Allan Ackerman
The Esoterist by Allan Ackerman

This is number two of the Paul Diamond "Gems of Magic Book" series.

Roger Klause writes in his foreword:

Those of you readers who have had the opportunity to study and benefit from Allan's first work, Magic Mafia Effects, and those of you who have had the more fortunate experience of witnessing this young man's remarkable ability with the pasteboards will certainly welcome this treatise with great eagerness.

Should this be your first encounter with Allan's literary efforts please be assured that each and every premise contained herein has been given the acid test before some of the most knowledgeable cardmen...

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3-ring binder

PDF & 3-ring binder

S. W. Erdnase
The Erdnase Notebook by S. W. Erdnase

This is the workers edition of Erdnase's The Expert at the Card Table. Produced as a letter sized three ring binder so that one can insert note pages anywhere one wishes to take notes, printed in large font (16pt) on heavy coated durable paper, so that it can be read from a distance.

David Malek, who came up with this specially designed format, explains in his introduction:

... I thought of an oversized edition, one that would lie flat on the table and be big enough to read from a foot or more away. The advantage of size would also facilitate working through the book with cards in hand, while having your eyes on the text and...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Eraser by Aldo Colombini

Three selected cards placed between two double-blank cards disappear one at a time leaving completely blank cards and reappear reversed in the middle of the deck!


  • 3 double blank cards (blank on both sides)
  • 1 double back card
  • 3 blank backed cards (blank on one side, back on the other side)
Mark E. Beck
The Emulators by Mark E. Beck


The spectator selects a card from the performer’s deck and does not reveal it to the performer until requested to do so. The performer then shows a packet of four Jokers to the spectator, displaying the faces and backs of all four cards. He then asks the spectator to wave his selected card over the Jokers he is holding in his hand. When the performer turns the packet face up and displays the cards, they are no longer Jokers! Instead, all four cards are now identical to the spectator’s selected card!

But that’s not all! When the performer squares the four cards back together,...

★★★★ $9.95
Abhinav Bothra
The Empirical ACAAN by Abhinav Bothra

Love it or hate it but most of the numerous versions of ACAAN out there end up in the same ball park -- look what I can do or I manipulated your choices without your knowledge or simply as a coincidence. The Empirical ACAAN drifts from all of that, here is an ACAAN that makes people connect to each other. An ACAAN that is not about you but about the audience with virtually no sleight involved.

What’s great is that 70% of the times you'll have a hands-off / clean ACAAN and for the rest 30% you have to do something logical which is covered by the presentation to make it look like a hands-off...

★★★ $4
Warner Perry
The Emerald Mystery by Warner Perry

An incredible Nate Leipzig card effect, now redesigned with subtlety, instead of knuckle-busting sleight of hand. A deck of cards is genuinely shuffled. The spectator then chooses a suit and removes the corresponding thirteen cards from the deck. The performer chooses another suit and likewise removes his thirteen cards. The spectator places the top card of his packet on the bottom of his packet; the magician duplicates this procedure. The spectator places his next card face down on the table. The magician does likewise. The spectator then alternately places cards on the bottom of his packet...

Unnamed Magician
The DWS Principle by Unnamed Magician

This ebook is about a principle (a shuffling principle) that I discovered. More accurately, it is an extension of an already existing shuffling principle. In the original principle, the deck can be given one riffle shuffle at the end of a card location routine, after which the selected card can be located. In my variant principle, the deck can be given not one but two riffle shuffles at the end of a card location routine, after which the selected card can be located.

The ebook contains a detailed essay on both the original principle and the new principle, where the two principles are compared....

Peter Duffie
The Duffie Diary by Peter Duffie

This is a very commercial, practical, and effective diary effect. (Works with any diary.)

You begin by shuffling a deck and placing it on the table. You never touch the deck again. You now give the spectator your pocket diary which he may examine before placing it in his pocket. You never touch the diary again.

The spectator will now create a random date. He cuts the deck – this is a free cut – and turns over the card cut to. The value of this card will represent the month. This can truly be any value. He counts the cards that he cut – this will represent the day. This can truly...

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
The Drawing Room by Paul A. Lelekis

6 beautiful effects that are stronger than The Hulk!

When I was a kid, I purchased magic books from the 1800s by Prof. Hoffman, Herrmann, Jean Robert-Houdin, and a host of other magicians who I've never heard of before ... these books were old, with very yellowed, brittle pages, with artwork that was quite intricate and very Victorian.

But what stood out most to me, were how many times these books would mention performing in, or retiring to "the drawing room" ... this term really intrigued me.

These stellar effects within, will "spark" those magical times in your lives that have lasted us for so many years.

Effects: ...

Jacob Taub
The Doc and His Deck by Jacob Taub

This ebook's purpose is to teach something about the art of close-up card magic; not just to describe some card effects. Each chapter consists of three parts:

  1. the text
  2. captioned drawings
  3. a summary of moves and sleights
The sleights are comparatively few but basic, nevertheless 340 illustrations are used to illuminate them. Legends have been added to the drawings which was an innovation in magic textbooks. Also the text is liberally and ubiquitously sprinkled with illustration references. While the emphasis is on digital dexterity, presentation, patter, and misdirection receive their share...
Jules Lenier & B. W. McCarron
The Dirty Dealer by Jules Lenier & B. W. McCarron

An entertaining close-up effect where you attempt to teach the spectator how to "dirty deal", but always goes wrong when the spectator tries. It gets funnier and funnier, ending with a surprise climax.

Audiences enjoy tricks with a gambling theme. If the effect also combines comedy and mystery, then you have a triple threat combination that's sure to be remembered.

The performer explains how he sent away for a mail order course in dealing cards. He offers to teach a spectator how to do it, offering a money-back guarantee. The spectator can't seem to follow directions, even though the performer...

★★★★ $16.66
Mystic Alexandre
The Devil's Game by Mystic Alexandre

Two bizarre playing card routines.

In the Devil's Game you tell the story of a guy named Billy who finds himself in hell, he simply can't believe it. Billy just doesn't belong in hell, he lived his life honestly, he was loyal, he was a good guy, did the right things, played by the rules. What the hell is he doing in hell?! So he asks one of the Devil's minions to please take him to the devil, that he urgently needs to speak to him to figure this thing out. The minion takes him to the devil's lavish chambers, and the devil, smoking a cigar, surrounded by beautiful women, quietly hears him...

Brick Tilley
The Dark Ride: Deck Switch by Brick Tilley

This is the deck switch from the train car poker game scene in the movie The Sting, executed by John Scarne, renowned gambling expert. It is straight forward and within the range of anyone willing to devote the time necessary to master it. Add it to your skill set. You will receive a PDF and a video (download from your digital shelf).

Here is the clip from The Sting where the switch is executed.

1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages, video 17s.

★★★★ $10
Jean Boucher
The Dark Card by Jean Boucher

A gaffed card that allows performing a super-clean back color change of a signed card.

From a red-backed deck, a spectator selects and removes a card, signs the face, and returns it to the deck. The deck is spread and a blue-backed card is seen in the middle of the spread. When turned over, it is the card he signed.


  • The spectator removes and handles his initial selection which is a red-backed card.
  • At the end, he can also handle the blue-backed card (he can even keep it as a souvenir).
  • No carbon or other signature transfers. This one is a fooler. It is one of those "things...
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