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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 110


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★ $3
Devin Knight
The Svengali Fooler by Devin Knight

This is a new effect from Devin Knight's recent East Coast lecture tour. It uses a special Svengali deck in a way that magicians will never suspect. So you know, you will need to own or buy a Svengali Deck and gimmick it to do this trick. Take this to your next magic club meeting and puzzle the members.

EFFECT: The performer shows a deck of cards and mixes them. He invites a spectator to stop him as he deals the cards face down on the table. The person can stop him anywhere in the deal, there are no restrictions. The performer deals until the person says stop. The performer shows the card...

★★★★ $2
Jean Hugard & Fred Braue
The Stripper Deck: Miracle Methods No. 1 by Jean Hugard & Fred Braue

The Stripper Deck has nothing to do with a girl shedding off her clothes, but rather is a specially gaffed deck. However, the gaff or preparation is not noticeable with the naked eye. It can even be handed out to spectators for shuffling and cutting. This manuscript outlines various moves as well as tricks with the Stripper Deck. Practically all effects can be achieved with pure sleight of hand using an unprepared deck. But the Stripper Deck simplifies the handling and makes miracles possible without difficult moves, leaving you time to focus on the presentation.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This is not one...

Eugene Villiod & Russell T. Barnhart
The Stealing Machine by Eugene Villiod & Russell T. Barnhart

Translation of La Machine à Voler, a French classic revealing the legal circumvention of gambling laws to establish crooked gambling clubs and casinos. It also exposes cheating methods for baccarat.

This work is primarily interesting to the magician due to its exposure of cheating methods at baccarat including sleight-of-hand techniques. These are explained in detail including photos.

Excerpt from the preface:

Read this book, read it carefully. The man who wrote it, though lacking in talent, is sure of what he says, and says nothing he can’t prove. Once having read the book, go to the casino and look...

★★★★ $10
Simon Caine
The Stained Glass Effect by Simon Caine

A deck is borrowed from a spectator. The deck is shuffled by the spectator. They select a card and commit it to memory. Nothing is forced, no card is mentioned out loud.

A second spectator is thinking of any number between 1 and 52, the card is replaced and the deck is further mixed. Nothing is forced, no number is mentioned out loud.

Only after both spectators are satisfied with the random state of the deck are the freely chosen card and number named out loud (only if they want! This information can stay unknown to the performer the whole time.)

The performer does not touch the deck,...

★★★★★ $20
Danny Crauwels & Chris Wasshuber
The Stack and System Maigret by Danny Crauwels & Chris Wasshuber

The problem with all existing memorized stack systems is that they use memorization systems not specifically designed for a memorized stack. Most memory systems are designed for the retention of LOTS of information for a relatively SHORT amount of time. When Dominic O'Brien memorizes 54 decks of cards (more than 2800 cards) with a particular journey system then he retains that information for a couple of hours max. After that he has forgotten the sequence. He has to, because around the corner waits another memory challenge where he has to memorize many other things. However, the magician ideally wants to remember...

Unnamed Magician
The SSSB Principle by Unnamed Magician

This ebook is not about any particular effect but rather is about a principle that you can apply to certain types of effects in order to double their fool factor. The principle makes it possible to create the illusion of a shuffle where a shuffle wouldn't otherwise be possible. There are many effects in which the deck can only be cut at the end (not shuffled). With the application of this principle, you can create the illusion of a shuffle. Best of all, the illusion can be created with the spectator themself shuffling.

That's not to say this principle can be applied to just any effect....

★★★★ $3.95
Devin Knight
The Soldier's Prayer Book by Devin Knight

This is an oldie but goodie, it helps solve a problem with certain church shows. Devin has often got phone calls from church groups asking for a magic show, but to not bring playing cards because the church frowns upon them as being sinful. Here is an effective and proven way to use playing cards in church groups that think cards are based on gambling and are of the devil. Yes, these people still exist today and this treatise gives an effective way to overcome this belief. Devin was raised in a household that forbid playing cards, but he used the technique in this e-book to change his family's...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
The Smallest Card Through Window by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A corner of a spectator selected and signed card (no force, no exchange of the card or corner) penetrates the glass of a wrist-watch.

The effect and the method of this trick are incredible. Normally you would think that an effect like this would involve a forced card, or a secret exchange of the torn corner. But this effect uses neither. You start with a completely fair and free selection of a card. The card can be signed and marked all the way into the corner that will be torn off. Then the magician tears off a corner of the card. And that corner will penetrate the watch glass. The corner...

Rafael Benatar
The Slippery Double Drop by Rafael Benatar

This is a move for tabling a double. Rafael carefully describes the principles and details involved in this deception. Everything looks fair. Nobody would suspect that you tabled two cards.

runtime: 4min 59s

Brick Tilley
The Side Steal by Brick Tilley

This hardcore tool is not an easy thing to acquire. That said, it is, with dedication, within the skill range of anyone willing to devote the time necessary to master it. The drawn-out process of selecting a card has become tedious and time-consuming, causing the audience to lose interest. With this side steal, a card is peeked, transferred from the middle of the pack to the top in an instant. This PDF and video will put the side steal within your skill range.

1st edition 2021, PDF 3 pages, video 39 s.

★★★★★ $5
Tommy Wonder
The Shrinking Fan of Cards by Tommy Wonder

This is the classic 'Diminishing Cards' effect, but completely revamped Tommy Wonder style. The gimmick is ingenious and allows for an extremely visual effect. The cards are held in a nice fan and are gradually getting smaller in full view. There is no squeezing and exchanging of cards. The fan simply shrinks in size including the card faces and indexes. The clever gimmick does it all. Video explains how to gimmick is constructed and it is used.

Toby Vacher
The Shotgun by Toby Vacher

This new method of card shooting can be used to allow one card or multiple cards to be shot out of the deck with high speed and accuracy. The card even appears to be shot from the centre of the deck and can be shot in an arc in the air, be caught in the deck after shooting and many more applications, I’m sure, will be discovered by some of you.

In addition to the ebook you will get a video explanation of the shotgun move. The video is in wmv format.

Bonus “Deadly Weapons” Effect:
The magician starts out on your average pick a card trick but realises that the spectator has picked...

Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin
The Sharper Detected and Exposed by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin

The first part consists of stories about cardsharks and other crooks from Robert-Houdin's recollections. This is very readable and an entertaining part of the work. The second part explains some of the technical details of the methods used by cardsharks. However, the methods are for the most part only described in very rudimentary form. As Robert-Houdin writes himself, this is not meant as a way to teach you how to do it, but merely to give the reader insight in how the different ruses are accomplished. Nevertheless, it provides interesting insight into the ways and means of cardsharks.


★★★★ $24.95
Edward Marlo
The Shank Shuffle by Edward Marlo

Here is a deceptive, all purpose false shuffle that every card man will be able to do. Marlo's detailed steps of instruction brings this revolutionary technique into sharp focus and also gives you some very magical effects using it. Students of card magic will find this provocative, controversial treatise an important addition to Riffle Shuffle arcana. Newcomers will be introduced to the skills and workings of front-rank card magic.

  • Foreword
  • Commentary
  • The Shank Shuffle
  • Marlo's Variations Of The Shank Shuffle
  • The Work
  • To Keep An Alternated Red-Black Set-Up
  • The Shank Shuffle With Block...
★★★★ $12
Nick Conticello
The Shadow Placement by Nick Conticello

Here you will learn several stunning sleight-less card routines which are based on a principle that while not new, already Alex Elmsley and others before him have explored it, is brought to new prominence by Nick Conticello. Using this idea he has created stunning card routines that require no sleight of hand. Nevertheless, the occasional false cut or false shuffle can greatly enhance these pieces. Nick teaches an effective false cut, the Widdershins Cut.

  • The 23rd Card
  • The 28th Card
  • The Shadow Divination
  • The Widdershins Cut
  • The Three Predictions

1st edition 2014, 16 pages.

Aldo Colombini
The Seventh Floor by Aldo Colombini

An act in itself. Seven cards are selected. One card is signed by a spectator and then all seven cards are lost in the deck. Eventually, one by one, they are found by the performer. The signed card continuously reappears and then finally, it is found inside your wallet. It also contains a multiple control of cards called Colombini's B.S. Control.

★★★ $12
Glenn G. Gravatt
The Second Encyclopedia of Card Tricks by Glenn G. Gravatt

From the Introduction:

We are proud of the result, and we believe, justly so. It is submitted for your approval. It contains several new items, and many tricks, the secrets of which have been very expensive to buy. We hope you like it. If you do, we may feel encouraged to prepare still a third Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, or an Encyclopedia along some other branch of magic.

If you want to know how this ebook relates to the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks get A Comparison of the Gravatt and Hugard Encyclopedias of Card Magic by William Rugh, who made a detailed comparison of the contents.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter One. Mental And Miscellaneous Miracles
    • Perplexo
    • Pythagoras
    • Uni Mentality ...
★★★★★ $15
T. Hayes
The Second Deal: Advanced Concepts for the Card Table by T. Hayes

This ebook takes an academic look at the second deal and its use at the card table, specifically in the game of Texas Hold’em poker. This is achieved by first examining the mathematical rules of the second deal. These rules are then applied to the basic structure of Texas Hold’em and the use of the move is advanced by also considering poker strategy. In addition to this, the probabilities of dealing target cards, when using a binary marking system, are derived. The use of the second deal in conjunction with stacking techniques is also considered, with a focus on the block transfer. Whilst...

Paul Gordon
The Second 16th Card Book: Volume 2 by Paul Gordon

More routines based on the 16th Card Principle.

  • Understanding the 16th Card Principle
  • The 16th Card Utility (Gordon)
  • Impossible 16th Card Location (Gordon)
  • Craving For Craven (Craven)
  • The Very Best Poker Hand (Gordon)
  • My Darned Nemesis (Gordon)
  • Moracle Finesse (McBride)
  • Startling Aces (Gordon)
  • Okay, TC! (Gordon)
  • Idea To Preset Two Equal Piles (Hucko)
  • Oracle, Moracle, Miracle (Gordon)
  • 16th Card Force (Gordon)
  • The Third Card (Gordon)
  • 24 to 27 (Gordon)
  • Craving For Craven # 2 (Craven)
  • Placement For Lucky Number Aces (Hucko)
  • Staggering! (Rindfleisch)
  • Top And Bottom and The Quine...
★★★★★ $15
Tom Craven & Paul Gordon
The Second 16th Card Book: Volume 1 by Tom Craven & Paul Gordon

Back in 1982, Tom Craven wrote a charming little booklet entitled The 16th Card Book. This ebook is a reproduction of this booklet and additionally a collection of contributions by a list of eclectic performers who contributed their routines on the same topic.

Tom Craven's original 16th Card Book - 1982

  • What's In A Name
  • Preface
  • Top Ten (Craven)
  • Suite Sixteen (Goldstein)
  • Suite Sixteen Variant (Goldstein)
  • A Perfect Mis-Match (Craven)
  • Cut N' Count Double (Craven)
  • My Card Is (Craven)
  • Conjuring With Cards (Trost)
  • Siamese Suite (Goldstein)
  • Which Card's Company? (Craven)
  • Three's Company...
★★★★ $16
Daniel Madison
The Scott Tribute: Blindfolded Poker Deal by Daniel Madison

The performer is blindfolded. Using a borrowed deck, he begins to deal cards and randomly deals five cards to one side. He then invites the participant to turn over the five cards to reveal a Royal Flush.

This is Daniel Madison's tribute to Walter Irving Scott: a card cheat who is more commonly known as 'The Phantom of the Card Table.' On June the 14th, 1930, he managed to fool some of the worlds most prestigious magicians and card men. by demonstrating his ability to deal winning poker hands from a shuffled deck of playing cards. And he did this, whilst wearing a blindfold. A lot of speculation...

★★★★★ $15
Daniel Madison
The Score: playing card marking system by Daniel Madison

The Score is an ebook that teaches a special playing card marking system inspired by a concept probably as old as playing cards. The system has been re-thought and re-mastered by Daniel Madison with help from sleight of hand junkie Randall Freeman and a retired card cheat who wishes to remain anonymous.

The Score markings system teaches you how to mark any deck of cards that has a white border, such as standard Bicycle Rider backs, Mandolines and Bee Stingers - we'd list all of those decks here but there are far too many to mention!

The Score is a minimalistic system; two simple tiny marks...

$20 $15
Unnamed Magician
The Scalloped Short Card: an underused tool by Unnamed Magician

The common element in all three of those effects is the use of a scalloped short card (a special short card that was popularized by Dai Vernon). It is a gimmick that I rarely see used. A few people use a short card nowadays - even fewer use a scalloped short card.

If you're interested in learning three distinct applications of this tool (a pseudo-memory effect, a telepathy effect, and a prediction effect), then this e-book is for you.

Note: If you're only interested in one of the three effects, then you're just better off individually buying that one (as it would be cheaper). But if you're interested...

★★★★★ $7
Robert McDaniel
The Royal Treatment by Robert McDaniel

A collection of wonderful card routines. Explanations include large illustrations by the author himself.

Routines taught:

  • Revel Ace Tion
  • Heart Transplant
  • Grand Delusion
  • The Albright Bird Trick Revisited
  • The Royal Treatment
  • Tear Rific
  • The Amazing Deck Tear
  • Half Hearted
  • The Joker Knows
  • Triple Decker Kings

1st edition 1981, 69 pages; 1st digital edition 2015, 53 pages.

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