Allan teaches two fingertip controls, one by Charlie Miller from Expert Card Technique and the other by Ed Marlo from his Fingertip Control book.
runtime: 3min 36s
From the Preface:
I must confess that my initial reaction to the Fingerprint Trick was tepid. There was no tension or conflict and it came off as being a glorified location trick. But one aspect interested me. It violated one of magic's cardinal rules - namely, never tell an audience what you are going to do before you do it. And, worse, in this case the performer divulges how he plans do it. Every presentation explains how the trick ostensibly works: The selection is found by detecting the thumbprint left on it. This is a plausible explanation, but as the trick unfolds, this casual explanation...
Controlling a card to the top or to the bottom is the most fundamental technique in card magic. Every card magician should have at least one good method to do that. Consequently many authors use the phrase "control card to the top/bottom with your preferred method" and leave the rest to the reader assuming that everyone already has his or her preferred method. While you might have your favorite method, the search for better ones never stops.
In this ebook Jon Racherbaumer describers several - as he calls them 'finessed' methods - to control a card to the top or to the bottom. You should find...
Palming cards, and getting away with it, is one of the most difficult skills in the magician's toolbox. If you've ever wanted to master this sleight here is your chance. This concise tutorial will get you started, or improve your current technique, in order to raise your confidence level. This lesson covers the one-hand top palm.
1st edition 2021, PDF + video (length: 16 s)
A packet of cards is introduced for a "kind of" poker game in which the spectator cannot lose. The magician explains he has two rewards for him. At the end of the dealings, if the spectator's hand beats the magician's, he gets a $20 bill. If his hand is a royal flush, he gets the magician's credit card. And if the magician's hand beats the spectator's, nobody loses anything. Fair enough?
The cards are then dealt accordingly to the spectator's choices between the magician and him - five cards each. When the spectator spreads his cards face up on the table, he has four cards from a royal flush...
Find Me If You Can is a two-phase four-card mentalism routine that starts off with exploring the spectator's capability of finding their card using their subconscious mind and finishing off with the mentalist finding the card.
1st edition 2021, PDF 8 pages.
The final wave is a very visual card routine. It requires what is typically called a 'bastard hard move'. I can therefore only recommend this effect to the hard core card experts who are willing to put the necessary work into this move.
Of course, if you like the effect you can exchange the difficult move with other easier moves, but it will be hard to achieve the same clean and direct performance without it.
Twenty-five incredible impromptu routines performed with just a regular deck of cards (and, of course, all different from Aldo's other ebooks).
Contributors: Howard Adams, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner, Dougie Gibbard, Paul Gordon, J. K. Hartman, Tom Hubbard, Marty Kane, Werner Miller, André Robert, Lin Searles, Tom Sellers, Floyd Shotts, Stephen Tucker.
1st edition 2008; 18 pages.
A card is selected and outjogged from a deck which is then put on the table. Now, you bring out a packet of five prediction cards that you show to have all red backs and fronts (all different), saying one of them must be the selection.
You explain that the cards will help you, not to find the right one, but to eliminate the four wrong ones!
After some magical gesture:
These very important effects are the "filling" for a successful show. Combine Paul's e-books, Openers and Closers I, II, and III to complete your knowledge of creating a truly audience-pleasing show. This is very important!
In my Openers and Closers series of e-books, I explored the powerful "openers" needed to set the stage, and the "closers" needed to close the show and thrill them. But ... in between, the magic is still very, very important.
SENSE OF SMELL - A shuffled deck is magically divided into piles, one all red and the other all black ... but the red selection is found in the middle of the black pile,...
All these routines are performed with a regular deck of cards. Ten incredible effects with a special guest appearance by Cameron Francis.
Everybody owns a card box. Many magicians own several. Seldom are they used for anything more than vanishing a card. Now here's a whole new breath of life for them - fifty ways to put them to work. You will find complete routines here, or effects which can be used alone or in combination with other effects. This kind of reading stimulates your thinking, so that you will see places in your show where a card box is just the right answer. Reference ebooks of this type belong on every magicians digital shelf. They are the recipe ebooks of our trade.
Two strong card effects with a mentalism theme.
The Third Degree
The first spectator thinks of a card, the second spectator picks a
card which is placed on the table under a glass, and then the third
spectator selects a card which is removed from the deck and then
visually changed into the card on the table, and the card under the
glass becomes the first spectator's thought of card.
Fifth Element (thought of card to pocket)
The spectator is shown five cards and asked to think of any one of
them. The five cards are placed one at a time into the spectators hand
and he is challenged...
Fifteen excellent pasteboard effects, all easy to perform, as they require little or no skill.
The contents include "Unbelievable Coincidence" which in itself is worth more than the price of the entire book; "U-Find-Our-Cards," a chapter wherein spectators unknowingly discover their own selected cards in a puzzling fashion; and "Auto-Graphic Minds," which will never fail to bewilder the closest observer. Plus additional tricks of a professional caliber.
Here is a collection of the very smartest magic, devised and used in his own act by Lu Brent, the top-notch Philadelphia professional...
Don't be misled by the title of this effect. It is not a new mathematical method. This is a purely sleight-of-hand effect. However, it uses the Fibonacci sequence as a presentational tool.
The magician explains the idea of Fibonnacci's Numbers which are numbers in the following integer sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ... (every next number is a sum of two previous numbers). This sequence appears in many spheres such as: art, nature, science...
Performer introduces a deck of cards in random order. The card is freely selected by the spectator. Before the card is placed...
The FFFF (Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic) convention is the "Original Close-Up Magic Convention" and the most prestigious gathering of close-up magicians in the world. Since 1971 the By-Invitation-Only event continues to feature the best performers, creators and lecturers in the world. This means the very fact that one can attend this convention is a badge of honor and admission into the highest ranks of magic. Boris Wild has attended FFFF and this ebook is his lecture from 2003. As you can imagine magicians who lecture at FFFF show, teach and demonstrate their very best stuff. After all they...
All of these routines require gaffed cards of one or another kind: double backer, double facer, blank faces, blank backs, etc.
PDF 30 pages
An amazing completely impromptu 5-phased card cheating demonstration. Only basic skill required and it uses a regular deck of cards.
PHASE 1: STACKING: You remove a bunch of black spot cards from the deck and the four Kings. The Kings are cut into the packet and four hands are dealt. You then show that each hand contains one King and three black spot cards. You gather up the hands and deal again. Now the four Kings are in one hand, but you saved the best hand for yourself, the four Aces!
PHASE 2: FALSE DEALING: You get rid of the spot cards and place the Kings on top of the Aces. You...
This is without a doubt the most powerful effect in my repertoire. The reactions it consistently generates from audiences are nothing short of astounding, and what makes it even more remarkable is it's easy to do. The psychological principles throughout this effect are truly fascinating - from the way it plays with expectations to how it builds and releases tension. Each of these psychological elements has been carefully crafted to create maximum impact, and these same principles can be effectively applied to enhance numerous other effects in your performances.
Effect: In this compelling...
Do as I Do under impossible conditions.
An impossible coincidence, a powerful mental effect. Two regular and shuffled decks. Really simple and fun to do. The spectator takes any card from one deck and the magician does the same from the other deck. The amazing thing is that the magician and the spectator surprisingly took the same card. A variation "Do as I do" with an interesting and fascinating technique.
1st edition 2022, video 17:55.
Steal a card from the deck during a card selection process. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 2min 25s
Steal a card from the deck during a card selection process. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 1min 7s