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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 91


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Simply Impromptu Volume 5 by Aldo Colombini

The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.


  • FAST FINDING (André Robert): A spectator cuts half of the deck and finds a card, which in turn finds a previously selected card.
  • COINCI-FACE (Aldo Colombini): From a shuffled packet a spectator selects two cards. After a special shuffle (?) two cards appear reversed in the middle:...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Simply Impromptu Volume 4 by Aldo Colombini

The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.


  • VALIDATION (Aldo Colombini): You place a face-down card between two face-up Jacks. A card is selected and it turns out to be the prediction you placed between the two Jacks.
  • TAKEAWAY (Karl Fulves): An original idea that will fool laymen and magicians badly. Three cards disappear from a packet...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Simply Impromptu Volume 3 by Aldo Colombini

The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.


  • KLONDIKE SEPARATION (Werner Miller): Using only the face cards (Kings, Queens and Jacks) you magically separate them into three groups (all Kings, all Queens, all Jacks).
  • DOUBLE TALK (Richard Vollmer): Two spectators each select a card. Both cards are lost. The spectators find them without the...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Simply Impromptu Volume 2 by Aldo Colombini

The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.


  • PERSU-ACE-IVE (J.K. Hartman): The four Aces, placed face down in the middle of the deck, appear together and face up.
  • A TRANSCENDANT TRANSPOSITION (Tom Daugherty): A transposition of two selected cards with a killer ending.
  • AMBITIOUS 1-2-3-4 (Roy Walton): An ambitious card routine...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Simply Impromptu Volume 1 by Aldo Colombini

The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.


  • THAT'S NEAT (Paul Gordon): You and a spectator each take half of the deck and then a card from each half. You both place these cards reversed in the middle of the two piles and the two cards magically change places.
  • FULL SPEED ACE (Aldo Colombini): The Ace of the same suit of the selected...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Simply Impromp2 by Aldo Colombini

This is Aldo's second volume of impromptu card tricks. Once again the rules that he required were simple: That the tricks be based on subtle moves and principles only rather than difficult sleights. Most importantly, the tricks had to be totally impromptu with no set-ups. Eventually he did, however, allow a few easy moves such as a card control, a force or a simple sleight; moves that still are very easy to master and perform.

Tricks are organized into the following categories. The last one is a section on simple sleights and procedures:

  • The Four Aces
  • Amazing Coincidences
  • Baffling Revelations ...
★★★★★ $30
Michael Paul
Simply Devastating by Michael Paul

Simply Devastating is over thirty pages of hard hitting magic, complete with embedded video to make learning easier. Also included is a special bonus chapter on the Invisible Deck, and a jam session with the one and only Simon Lovell! Want more? We also include a teaser video shot at real life, paid gigs. This is magic that works. When you want to brutally destroy an audience... you'll want to use the tricks from Simply Devastating.

Here's a quick overview:

No Toss:
A stage mentalist's dream. Four people mentally select cards, and you point to each person and name their card. This is a course in...

Will Andrade
Simplified Card Fanning by Will Andrade

An illustrated manuscript on card fanning techniques.

This original manuscript was supplied by Will Andrade in conjunction with the fanning deck ("Ultra Pack") they supplied. While certain design descriptions are specific to the deck that Will Andrade sold, the techniques can be applied to other fanning decks.

PDF 7 pages

Ian Baxter
Simplicity Aces Comeback by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Simplicity Four Ace Trick.

First appearing in print in Ralph W. Hull's book More Eye Openers, Jean Hugard wasted no time in grabbing it for Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks; it also ended up in John Northern Hilliard's mammoth book Greater Magic, along with a number of other texts as well.

The straightforward plot involves the four Aces of the pack assembling in one heap, following a careful separation from other cards. Economy of movement is top of the list here, buoyed by an absence of sleights and very easy moves. Within reach of any card handler, beginner or expert.

And now, years down the track, Ian Baxter offers this...

★★★ $6.50
Gerard Zitta
Simplest ACAAN by Gerard Zitta

Although it does not meet all the criteria of a 'perfect ACAAN', this method still has many advantages:

  • 100% impromptu and examinable
  • deck is normal - it can be borrowed and shuffled by the participant
  • ideal for close up and table hopping
  • Very direct
  • Very practical in live performance
  • Strong impact on the audience
  • Very simple to perform (from beginner to advanced but requires sleight-of-hand)
  • Can be done with different sleights for the card control and for the counting. This allows you to repeat the effect.
  • it is actually an 'Any Selected Card At Any Number', or what...
Abhinav Bothra
Simple Sleightless ACAAN 2.0 by Abhinav Bothra

One of the simplest methods to perform the holy grail of card magic - Any Card At Any Number (ACAAN) with a regular pack of playing cards without any sleights.

This is what happens: You introduce 3 cards with 3 simple questions:

  • Q1. Name a number
  • Q2. Name a suit
  • Q3. Name a value
That get answered alternatively by the participant and the performer. You unbox the deck of cards and demonstrate to the participant to deal down the cards to their number, the participant does the same and it is his/her named card at the named number.


  • no forces
  • no pre-show
  • no dual reality ...
★★★★ $15
Jozsef Kovacs
Simple Sample by Jozsef Kovacs

Here is a beautiful ebook. Wonderful and clear photos presented in an appealing layout. Jozsef is a true lover of the pasteboards and has developed many unique and fresh ideas on classic plots as well as some completely new routines. The effects are:

  • Take Five The spectator selects a card from the shuffled deck, which is then lost in the deck. The spectator hides the deck behind her back and inserts a card face up in the middle of the deck. Then the performer spreads the deck on the table. In the face down deck there is a face up card, a Five, which was inserted by the spectator and the chosen...
★★★★ $6
Peter Pellikaan
Simple Elevator by Peter Pellikaan

A card keeps rising to the top from in between four blank cards, only to reveal that you have a few helpers: THE FOUR JOKERS!

You will need:

  • 2 Jokers, 2 10 of Spades, 2 blank facers
  • wax
  • Cut Count
  • 2-as-4 Count

length 3min 9s

Peter Pellikaan
Simple Collectors by Peter Pellikaan

Simple Collectors is Peter's take on the original Collectors plot. Three cards are selected by three spectators, and after they have remembered their selections the cards are lost in the deck. The magician shows the four kings and also randomly distributes these throughout the deck. With a snap of the fingers the magic happens, and the magician spreads the cards out on the table. In between the 4 Kings; 3 Cards assembled themselves. The Three selected cards.

You will need a little bit of wax.

length 3min 59s

★★★★ $5
Ian Baxter
Simple ACAAN by Ian Baxter

Five approaches to the popular 'Any Card At Any Number' problem that rely more on subtlety than sleight of hand. As the title implies, the approaches are uncomplicated and well within reach of the beginner in card magic. One of Baxter's most popular titles.

From the Preface:

The evergreen Any Card At Any Number equation continues to attract new and novel approaches from card experts of all levels.

This modest manuscript unleashes five techniques of my own devising, each the result of reading Ken Krenzel's inspiring book Relaxed Impossibilities. With a careful text by Stephen Minch, the chapters...

★★★★★ $2.50
Allan Ackerman
Simon-England Convincing Control by Allan Ackerman

Frank Simon and Don England independently came up with this variation on the Convincing Control.

runtime: 1min 9s

★★★★★ $89.95
(Benny) Ben Harris
Silent Running Trilogy by (Benny) Ben Harris

ALL THREE VOLUMES, THAT'S OVER 300 PAGES, dozens of routines and handlings. SAVE OVER 20% by buying the bundle. And don't forget that you will have access to the entire (past and future) discussion and contributions of these products on the internal product forum.

Here is a unique chance to grab the entire SILENT RUNNING TRILOGY, that's all THREE volumes for a great bundle price. In well over 300 pages you'll explore the birth and devlopment of this unique and mind-blowing technique. The finer details are taught with further lessons from Steve Shufton. Then there's the dozens of routines and...

★★★★ $27.50
(Benny) Ben Harris
Silent Running 3 by (Benny) Ben Harris

Silent Running 3 picks up where the second volume, Run Silent, Run Deep, left off: That is, it is brimming full of novel applications of both the CrossRoads and Silent Running principles. You need to be familiar with these procedures (as taught fully in the first two volumes of the trilogy).

Part One of this finale jumps in at the deep end with some stunning and clever contributions. Novel ideas including making an “X” appear on the back of any “thought-of card” (a card generated by having the spectator create a card in his head via the SR process) or applying the SR principle to gospel magic or Ten...

★★★★ $29.95
(Benny) Ben Harris
Silent Running by (Benny) Ben Harris

If bought together with Run Silent Run Deep you will receive an instant $5 bundle discount.

"This is so much more than just an effect. It is a powerful subtlety that is a must have for your mentalist toolbox." - Banachek (USA)

"Crystal clear and absolutely mindblowing!" - Martin Adams (UK)

You'll use this for the rest of your life. No props, just what appears to be pure mind-reading! A stunningly produced ebook with 3 full routines and amazing bonus contributions!

So, what is Silent Running?

Briefly, it's a "Think Of A Card" concept...

★★★★★ $12
Scott Xavier
Signed Card to Bottle by Scott Xavier

This is one of my dream effects. This takes the card to impossible location theme and stands it on it's head. A signed card is found inside a sealed bottle of liquor, wine, beer, or water. The choice is yours. It leaves the audience with a moment of real magic that they can keep forever. You will create a keepsake that will leave your name on the audience's minds. I have used this method to guarantee repeat performances for Fortune 500 companies from Kellogg to Harley-Davidson. This is a reputation maker!

1st edition 2018, 8 pages.

★★★★★ $6
Ken de Courcy
Signed Card in Unfaked Wallet by Ken de Courcy

Here is Ken's version of the signed card to wallet. A classic effect in a beautiful version with the complete presentation. The Effect: A card is chosen and signed by the taker. When it has been returned to the pack, a wallet is introduced. Inside it is a card which proves to be the one that was chosen and signed.

  • No palming
  • No force
  • Use any wallet
  • Easy to do
  • Diabolical method

1st edition 1985, 1st digital edition 2018, 4 pages.

★★★★ $7
Zach Allen
Signed Card in Spectator's Pocket: SCISP by Zach Allen

This is a gutsy and exceptionally strong effect. Look out for this guy. He will be releasing more of his strong ideas.

1st edition, 2002.

★★★★★ $6
Simon Lovell
Signature Transfer by Simon Lovell

A card is selected and signed. The signature magically transfers onto a completely different card.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 2001.

runtime: 6min 59s

★★★★ $2.50
Allan Ackerman
Sightless Drop Switch by Allan Ackerman

A nice switch by Ed Marlo. You switch out three cards from a set of four.

runtime: 1min 28s

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