This is an Ackerman variation of the Zarrow Shuffle to eliminate the initial center block cut of the classic Zarrow Shuffle.
runtime: 1min 35s
These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.
These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.
These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.
These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.
These are detailed explanations of sleights and subtleties with cards used in many tricks and routines. They come with tips, history, applications, etc.
1st edition 1954; PDF 33 pages.
Table of Contents
A treatise on the Panoramic Shift.
The Panoramic Shift grew out of Jerry's Delayed Center Steal and Up The Sleeve described in Andrus Deals You In.
1st edition 1961; 1st digital edition 2015, 12 pages.
A book of alternative, easier, card sleights and tricks to go with them.
Excerpt from the introduction:
Many of the basic card sleights are not easy to do well. Take the Two-Handed Pass in which the top and bottom halves of the pack are transposed. The objective is to do it invisibly, which is just about impossible. To cover the action some very strong misdirection is required ... or an alternative method. This little book is about such alternative methods ... easier ways to bring about the same results. But because sleights, in themselves, are useless, I've endeavoured to include a few...
Nick Conticello is proud to celebrate the fourth anniversary of his debut here at with the release of the first ebook of a new series, Sleightly Cerebral. This first book is devoted to a rethinking of the classic Do-As-I-Do card effect.
From the Foreword:
Welcome to the first episode of a new series, Sleightly Cerebral. As you might surmise from the crude humor of the title, these books will explain effects that employ sleight-of-hand, while continuing the vision of the material in The Cerebral Approach. Generally each volume will explore one or two simple but under-utilized sleights while frequently...
All of the magic contained in this ebook is practical, real world stuff that is guaranteed to leave a big impression on your spectators.
SPACE AVAILABLE – A blank card prints the face of a signed selection under impossible conditions!
HALFUSION – A one card fusion effect that'll knock 'em out!
HALFUSION 2 – Another one card fusion effect. This time with a signed selection!
INWARD BOUND – A super magical “matches across” effect!
A SMALL WORLD – “Out of This World” meets “Oil and Queens” for one stunning piece of magic!
THE BRIDGE – The Hofzinser...
From the foreword:
For years the pattern has been the same. A newcomer to magic invariably turns first to cards as a vehicle for mystification. He spends hours upon hours mastering difficult sleights and then, to his dismay, learns of the existence of easier and more effective maneuvers hidden away in magical literature - moves about which he could have no knowledge, but which would have made his previous struggles unnecessary, or, at least, eased them. Gradually he discards the results of many arduous hours of practice and substitutes the newly discovered and simplified versions until,...
From the introduction:
When my first ideas on sleeving from the deck were published in Andrus Deals You In in 1956, they must have looked a little weird to those unaccustomed to the ways of Andrus. I heard of various comments from "Impossible," to "This guy's crazy." Being a magician, I cannot fully deny the second, but the first has been well proved in my utilization of the sleeving move on many occasions. Sleeving From The Deck is another of the after effects of Andrus Deals You In. While the method put forth in that book was practical (in spite of its looking reasonably impossible to some) and was considerably used in my magic,...
A brilliant card-up-the-sleeve routine wherein you perform the effect first with regular cards and then with JUMBO'S.
Not difficult to do - a pleasure to learn and a delight to perform. Complete with Ken de Courcy's original fully illustrated routine, (based on a concept by R. M. Jamison), and full patter presentation to perform this unusual and entertaining mystery.
The effect is the following:
The magician introduces three playing cards, for example, a Two of Hearts, a Three of Diamonds and a card which is conspicuously different to the other two, an Ace of Spades. The cards are...
Cameron Francis strikes again with a workhorse of a packet trick. An astonishing three phase routine that packs a wallop and is incredibly easy to do.
The magician removes a small packet of Jokers. "These Jokers may look like normal cards but they are actually incredible magicians!" he claims. The Jokers are placed aside and the spectator selects a card. We'll say it's the Queen of Diamonds. The card is left face down on the table.
The magician shows that there are three Jokers in the packet and one blank card. "This card is a canvas on which the Jokers will write a divination."...
An incredible Card To Impossible Location system.
"A KILLER idea!" - Dave Forrest
"Another very commercial winner from the fertile mind of Cameron Francis. This one hits, and hits hard. It's expertly explained and taught, as are all of Mr. Francis' releases. A serious fooler, and highly recommended - - - period." - Daniel Ulin
"One of the best uses of this principle I have seen. Very clever!" - Peter Duffie
A card is selected. The spectator makes a random doodle on the card. The doodle is filled in to create a picture, say of a fish. The card then vanishes and reappears... wherever you want it to!...
Classic text on effects that can be performed with a card index. This ebook does not describe how to make a card index. It describes sixteen effects achieved with the use of a card index. Many of these effects are original creations of Max Andrews.
Paul Fleming wrote:
A good many years ago, we witnessed a fine vaudeville act by Herbert Brooks, in which he presented, among other effects, his celebrated feat of producing from his pocket any card called for by the audience, after the pack had been shuffled, divided into two approximately equal parts, and the halves deposited in his side trousers-pockets....
"Paul has a rare gift of taking simple effects and turning them into Stunners! SIX EASY - TO - DO CARD MIRACLES is No Exception!" - Bob Solari
Six amazing effects that you will proudly perform. Five of these effects are very easy to do...but Ghost Collectors will provide a challenge for the card guys.
All of these card effects are routined for performance for any audience - complete with patter. At only $8.00, you will have six "workers" on tap that you will love to perform - and, you can use a borrowed deck. How's that?!
Also included is an Introduction in which Paul provides...
Just one card, merely thought of, mysteriously jumps from one packet to another.
Sound familiar? Of course, and there is no finer example of this treasured classic than Edward G. Brown's Wandering Card, published by Willane, back in 1952.
Usually presented as a stand-alone effect for the platform or stage, Brown's effect has lost none of its popularity over the ensuring years - spawning many variations that tackle the innate difficulty of the crucial packet switch. Unfortunately, many of these have proven to be, for one reason or another, impractical.
Australian card man Ian Baxter...
Ben Harris' first set of lecture notes from his first ever lecture in 1985— re-written, re-photographed...
These notes have been re-written and re-photographed. The material is bright, crisp and hard-hitting. Mostly cards, including a wonderful multi-phase OIL AND WATER routine that's a joy to perform. PYRAMID CARDS is an easy and visual stunt revelation that was originally created by Jay Sankey. Here are a couple of cool variations. COMING TOGETHER AGAIN is a real killer item based on a Sadowitz piece from Almanac (see demo video below).
The real highlight is the closer Ben used on both nights in Singapore....
An incredibly fair new two packet "B'wave" effect with a killer ending that nobody will see coming.
The Effect:
Two packets of cards are introduced: one red and one blue, each containing four cards. The magician asks that the audience to imagine that each packet contains a four-of-a-kind, say the four twos. The blue packet is shown to a spectator and clearly contains all four twos. The packet is turned face down and given a quick mix. The magician asks the spectator to choose any number from 1 to 4, 1 being the top card of the packet, and 4 being the bottom card. The spectator notes the...