More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2013, 28 pages.
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2013, 28 pages.
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2013, 28 pages.
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2013, 28 pages.
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller. All of the effects make use of ESP cards. In some cases a non-ESP alternative is presented.
1st edition 2012, 28 pages.
This collection of math-based tricks includes two effects suitable for virtual shows. One is a Triumph effect the other a spelling trick that works both in English and French. Again, Miller includes some nicely designed print templates which you can print out directly from the PDF to perform the tricks with appropriately themed cards.
Small packet tricks, ESP tricks, spelling tricks, magic squares, and more ...
1st edition 2021, 33 pages.
Werner Miller is in particular known for his ESP tricks, to which he has dedicated a lot of thought and effort over the years. For example, the late Aldo Colombini was a big fan of Werner's ESP tricks. This ebook is almost exclusively dedicated to ESP tricks.
1st edition 2021, 29 pages.
A mix of tricks based on math with cards, ESP cards, and various other designs. Included are print ready templates for several of the tricks explained. For lovers of magic squares you will find interesting ideas of how to use magic squares as predictions and forcing tools.
1st edition 2020, 34 pages.
Ever prolific and creative Werner Miller mixes ideas, themes, strategies, to explore the possibilities of sleight-less and math based magic effects. All of his methods are well described and very well illustrated. Fool yourself or fool your friends with these unique creations.
1st edition 2019, 25 pages.
The highlight in this collection of sleight-less magic, is the Point Reflections principle, which is a new mathematical principle Werner Miller has introduced to magic. So far nobody has made use of it, except Miller. This ebook will likely change that. This principle opens new doors for new ideas, a fertile ground for trick creators. Miller's point reflection routines come with beautiful print templates. You can go from printing to performing in literally seconds. You will also get some bonus ideas by Chris Wasshuber.
Among other effects, Werner Miller explores the old age cards trick and stretches it into new and so far unexplored directions including versions where the spectator is allowed to lie.
1st edition 2018, 44 pages.
More tricks based on the binary and ternary number system. Miller also exploits figures that cannot physically exist, subtly reinforcing the apparent impossibility of his trick creations.
1st edition 2017, 35 pages.
Learn how to exploit the ternary number system to your advantages. There is a new version of the old MUTUS DEDIT NOMEN COCIS or "The Pairs Repaired", as it was called in Prof. Hoffmann's Modern Magic. You will also find tricks with ESP cards and applications for the diminishing count...
1st edition...
More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller. Clever methods combined in interesting ways.
1st edition 2015, 32 pages.
sub rosa – Latin for "in the strictest confidence"
Welcome to the launch of a new multi-volume series on original semi-automatic ("self-working") tricks, mainly with cards. Enjoy this compilation of easy-to-do, mathbased magic without any sleight of hand, created to amaze and to intrigue both the performer and the audience. Have fun!
An excellent work on the Svengali Deck, including drawings and photos.
1st edition 1948, 15 pages; PDF 13 pages.
The amazing card magic of Richard Vollmer. Richard Vollmer, from France, is very well known to produce card magic based above all on subtleties rather than difficult sleight of hand. In this collection, Richard gives us ten of his best routines. Study them and you will have incredible magic in your repertoire. All the effects are performed with a regular deck of cards and most of them are totally impromptu.
This is a table full deck false riffle shuffle that comes from the gambling world. It is explained in Expert Card Technique by Hugard and Braue.
runtime: 2min 52s