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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 98


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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David Davis
Super Unnatural by David Davis

An automatic routine in six phases with many surprises. Absolutely no skill required!

A delightful sequence of clever-looking card magic performed without skill or sleights of any kind. Not one trick but a whole series of tricks blending one into the other and all depending upon one clever set-up. Work it at once! You have only to learn the routine to be able to present it. The working is completely automatic. You'll be amazed yourself as you do it. At the uncanny way everything has been thought so that the performance of one trick leaves you all ready to perform the next.

A pack of cards...

Ken de Courcy
Super Spell by Ken de Courcy

Instantly find any card called for by spelling out its name. No sleight of hand requested. No force.

This is Ken's version of "Magic Spell" by Hen Fetsch. Although it looks incredible, with a simple preparation of the deck you will be able to immediately find any card named by someone in the audience simply by spelling it. You will be able to do this with different spectators one after the other. Yes you can take out the pack of cards and spell any of the 52 cards...and, yes, the Joker too.

In the complete instructions by Ken de Courcy you will find in detail how to do the simple preparation...

★★★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Super Session #8: Five Card Phlugelheimer by Gregg Webb

The featured effect, "Five Card Phlugelheimer," enables you to walk among your audience and allow five people to mentally select five cards from a deck:

  • Each spectator mentally selects a card - the deck is shuffled and cut each time.
  • The miracle worker rapidly reveals the selected cards.
  • As a bonus kicker, a sixth spectator mentally selects a card - the deck is shuffled again. Single cards are dealt to the table as the name of the selected card is spelled - the final card dealt is the selection.
This ebook has hand-lettered text.

1st edition 2020, 5 pages.

★★★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Super Session #6: Harry and Bess, Love and Bondage - the card trick by Gregg Webb

This effect was originally published in Gregg Webb's ebook Lizard Wizard's Diary. This Super Session explains a clean and fast transposition of two cards. This ebook has hand-lettered text.

1st edition 2020, 2 pages.

Gregg Webb
Super Session #5: Twisting the Night Away by Gregg Webb

Presented are two versions of the effect, "Twisting the Night Away," by Gregg Webb as first published in the ebook, The Book That Doesn’t Exist. The two versions presented here each have their own subtleties and strengths.

1st edition 2019, 5 pages.

★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Super Session #11: Casino Zarrow Shuffle and the Gardner-Marlo-Webb Poker Deal by Gregg Webb

The original version of the following card tutorial, "Gardner-Marlo-Webb Poker Deal," was first published in Gregg Webb's ebook, Soapbox Derby.

The package presented here includes:

  • Webb's Casino-Style Zarrow Shuffle Tutorial
  • Gregg's improved "Marlo-Gardner-Webb Poker Deal" using Casino Zarrow Shuffles
Note that the streamlined method taught here eliminates 'showing' the audience the ruse of an exposed bottom deal to show how gamblers 'operate.' Performing Zarrow Shuffles smoothly requires practice, but any magician learning this tool and the tutorial presented will be amply rewarded with a powerhouse card...
Gregg Webb
Super Session #10: All That Jazz - Face Up Jazz Aces by Gregg Webb

The following effect, "All That Jazz," was first published in Gregg Webb's underground magic newsletter, FEEN-X in 2000.

  • A great packet trick with normal cards - no gaffs are used.
  • Packed with surprises, eight cards transpose and assemble in front of your audience in the cleanest manner.
  • The cards are displayed face up at key points in the performance. Gregg's setup allows you to present the trick as slowly as desired - no discrepancies can be seen by the sharpest spectator.

1st edition 2020, 4 pages.

Peter Pellikaan
Super Printing by Peter Pellikaan

You start with four blank cards and show them from both sides to be blank. Suddenly backs appear, faces appear, and you finish with yet another change of the back designs.

You will need three jacks or three cards with identical faces but different backs. You will also need three blank cards, two of which have the same back, and one a different back. You will also need a piece of hard wax which Peter uses to prepare one card.

1st edition 2024, video 2:34.

★★★★★ $25
Nick Conticello
Sunken Treasury: Part 3 & 4 & 5 by Nick Conticello


  • Having two spectators write down two numbers, choose two cards, lose the cards in the pack and finding their cards at their numbers!
  • Letting someone cut a freely chosen card into the pack and knowing the card's location with just a glance!
  • Allowing a person to freely shuffle a pile of face up and face down cards, give you half the cards without you seeing them, and having your pile match his, despite touching your pile with only one hand for only a few seconds!
  • Losing the four Aces into the pack and finding them by cutting the pack, the last two at the same time!
  • Performing...
★★★★★ $25
Nick Conticello
Sunken Treasury: Part 1 & 2 by Nick Conticello

Tarbell Course contributor Nick Conticello is proud to release the first installment of a book he calls "a five-part meditation on one of the most powerful principles in card magic, the sunken key card."

Sunken Treasury Parts One and Two consists of fourteen effects based on essentially new concepts, material that is unlike anything you have seen before (unless you have seen Nick perform!)

Highlights include:

THE SLEIGHT-OF-MIND ROUTINE: A routine of three effects involving selected cards and a pair of Deuces.

MENTAL POLYGRAPH: A spectator thinks of a card and loses it in the pack herself. She...

★★★★ $12
Jon Racherbaumer
Sunken by Jon Racherbaumer

A deep dive into a key principle - the sunken key card.

  • So It Begins ...
  • Adding the Pips / Larsen - Wright
  • Automatic Location / Oscar Weigle Jr.
  • The Three Pile Trick / C. W. Jones
  • The Twenty-Sixth Location
  • The Triple Discovery / Charlie Miller - Jack McMillen
  • Watching the Pitchman / Charlton Chute
  • Improved Twenty-Sixth Location
  • Middle Maze / Bruce Elliott
  • The Twenty-Sixth Card Location - Using a Corner Short / George G. Kaplan
  • Koran's Miracle Card Stab / Al Koran
  • A New Use for a One Dollar Bill / John Henry Grossman
  • Buried Treasure / Alex Elmsley
  • Shadowed / Alex Elmsley
  • S-D Location / Dave Solomon - Steve Draun
  • S-D Plus / Simon Aronson
  • An Exploration...
Adam Hudson
Sum It Up & Out Dated by Adam Hudson

A brand new approach to the ACAAN plot and an exciting way to reveal any spectator's birthday.

Sum It Up

A packet of playing cards is mixed and a spectator freely names any card from within. Next, a small whiteboard or notepad is introduced and the performer writes down sixteen consecutive numbers, inviting the spectator to select four. The four chosen numbers are added together, creating a final total. This generated total is counted to in the packet, locating the one card that occupies that position. The card arrived at proves to be the very one named by the spectator at the beginning...

Marcus Gordon
Suit Up! by Marcus Gordon

Marcus Gordon hails from Aberdeen, Scotland. He is the grandson of Ron Gordon; a true Wizard of the North! This is Marcus's first publication and contains an eclectic collection of 12 card effects using both, sleight of hand and sleight-free principles. While not for the beginner, the intermediate to advanced card handler should find much to enjoy and think about in this ebook.


  • Triumphant Return: An in-the-hands Triumph for walk-a-bout
  • The Hoff: A direct approach to the Hofzinser Ace Problem
  • The Clockwork Shift: Learn a Pass that won't break your knuckles!
  • Complex Colours:...
★★★★★ $6
Unknown Mentalist
Suit Order Systems 4 by Unknown Mentalist

This series of Suit Ordering Systems is probably the world's first 'super store' for ordering suits. The main purpose of these various Suit Ordering Systems is to create a random sequence of suits while retaining a secret pattern visible only to the performer. The applicability of these SOS methods is for various stacks like memorized, algorithmic, mnemonic decks including Karma Deck, Rasik Deck, Yogik Deck, or Fun Stacks etc.

Initially SOS Vol 1 and SOS Vol 2 were released. Subsequently, SOS Vol 3 was released as part of Karma Deck Pro 11-ebook bundle. And now this latest volume contains a very easy method of randomizing...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Suit Order Systems 2 by Unknown Mentalist

This SOS series is probably the "world's first superstore for ordering suits".

  • Can be easily applied to any memorized, algorithmic or mnemonic deck systems including the memorythmic Karma Deck system or Rasik Deck or Sloka Deck.
  • Provides more sufficiently random alternatives to the popular red/black alternating systems like CHaSeD, SHoCkeD, DuCHeS etc.
  • Given any number 1-52, you know the suit instantly.
  • Allows you to create your own personal stack.
  • This volume gives you two sets of 4 simple rules. With each set you can generate up to 24 random and unique suit sequences.
  • Also included is a recipe...
★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Suit Order Systems 1 by Unknown Mentalist

SOS Vol.1 gives you a set of 4 simple rules with which one can generate 24 different suit sequences. These suit sequences can be applied to any stacked deck including the Karma Deck or Rasik Deck or Sloka Deck.

Even though there are many, many different types of stacked decks available, when it comes to generating unique and random suit sequences there are very few options available like chased, shocked etc whose red/black alternating pattern may become a limiting factor sometimes. The objective of Suit Order Systems is to fill this gap. Also, this could be very useful if you are also a creator of...

★★★★ $40
Tommaso Guglielmi
Subtle Scam by Tommaso Guglielmi

"Truly inspiring." - Ben Harris

"If you are a serious student of card magic and love to delve into the intricacies of one of card magic's greatest plots - the ACAAN - then Tommaso Guglielmi's SUBTLE SCAM was written JUST FOR YOU." - Vlad, Magic Cafe

"Having been a keen follower of the ACAAN plot for a number of years, I was fortunate to befriend Tommy Gugliemi who shares the same passion and is almost obsessed by the plot, this is not necessarily a bad thing as he has shared some of the most ingenious handling's I have ever seen, many completely hands off and impromptu. One handling that stands...

Stewart Judah & John Braun
Subtle Problems You will Do by Stewart Judah & John Braun

This is a work mostly of card magic, but not exclusively so. It has some photos and some illustrations by Sid Lorraine. From the introduction by H. Adrian Smith:

Having been one of the first to read the present material, and having seen most of it presented by the authors, I can assure the reader that he is in for a treat. However, if he simply glances through the book, he may be justified when he believes that he has not received his money’s worth. This is one book that must be read with care, for it must be borne in mind that both authors are masters in the art of minute detail, and if one does not absorb the details...

Peter Duffie
Subtle Miracles by Peter Duffie

Peter Duffie is one of the world's most creative cardmen and Subtle Miracles gathers together some of his most inventive work. Many of these effects were marketed as exclusive manuscripts (Solo, Duet, Trio, Quartet, Double Indemnity) and are now brought together for the first time, together with a selection of brand new routines using equally clever methods. David Britland contributed a routine called 'Red Alert' as well as added notes commenting on Peter's routines. An appendix teaches a couple of important sleights.

  • Introduction
  • Solo
    • Wildlife
    • Hamman Count Variation
  • Duet
    • Point Blank Assembly
    • Impulse: Two cards transpose under...
Charles C. Eastman
Subtle Card Sleights by Charles C. Eastman

Tried and tested card tricks requiring no skill.

  • The Sensitive Touch
  • A New Card Force
  • Locate It
  • Out Of The Pocket
  • The Subtle Exchange
  • Simplified Telephone Mind Reading Card Trick
  • The Turnover Deception
  • The Invisible Card
  • It's Reversed
  • A Unique Card Force
  • Byplay
  • Reel Magic
  • For The Reader Of This Manuscript

1st edition 1932, 3rd edition 1973, 19 pages; PDF 18 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Subtle Card Magic by Aldo Colombini

Ten amazing routines with a regular deck of cards.

  • LONE RIDER (Aldo Colombini): A spectator selects a card from a deck. It is the only one with a different colored back.
  • THE MAGNETIC ACES (Nick Trost): A spectator deals the cards and finds the four Aces.
  • SPELL-KING (Aldo Colombini): A funny routine. You find the four Kings and then the four Aces.
  • NOW SERVING (Karl Fulves): Missionaries and cannibals are involved. You find them all.
  • PALATINO (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected. You show the four Aces. The Ace of the same suit turns out to be the selection.
  • MAGIC ELIMINATION (Hideo Kato): A selected card is found...
★★★★★ $25
Tommaso Guglielmi
Subliminal Influence by Tommaso Guglielmi

Subliminal Influence is a multiple phase routine. You can decide to perfom all the phases in a row or just some of them as single effects. If you perform the entire routine exactly as Tommaso describes, it will take almost 20 minutes of your show. So, you decide.

The following effects take place:

  • Guess a Random Selection: The performer guesses a random card selected by the spectator
  • Gemini Effect part 1: The spectator and the performer select a card. The 2 cards are 2 cards with the same value and color: (AH - AD, 3S-3C, etc. )
  • Perfect ACAAN: A deck of cards inside its box is on the...
Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 9 by Werner Miller

More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • Mathematics
  • ESP Fibs
  • Alea
  • Either - Or
  • 2 x 4
  • Perfect
  • Pyramidal
  • What Do You Guess?
  • Guess vs. Know vs. Trick
  • ESP Roll 2
  • Seven
  • Singled Out
  • Curious Queen
  • Over And Over Again
  • Counterparts
  • Good Team Players
  • 1 Year And 2 Days
  • Joe's Diploma Piece
  • Luck Squared
  • x x x

1st edition 2015, 30 pages.

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 8 by Werner Miller

More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • Baby ACAAN
  • en passant
  • 6 5 2
  • Hen Party
  • Roll Call
  • Double Foursome
  • Teaser
  • On the Left, on the Right
  • … and in the Middle
  • Three of a Color
  • Milk Run
  • Dyad I
  • Dyad II
  • Five Pairs
  • 4 1 / 4 2
  • 4 2 / 4 3
  • Open ESPrediction
  • Voilà!
  • In File
  • Another Choreography

1st edition 2014, 28 pages.

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