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Video clips (download) in Magic & Mentalism

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Video instructions are great particularly when it comes to timing, pacing or when the moves become difficult. However, video is lacking in many ways. If you do not get a healthy does of reading your development as magician will suffer. Our suggestion is to at least spend as much time reading as watching videos. You should have no problem finding enough reading in the form of great ebooks here at the Lybrary.

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★★★★★ $14.90
Julien Losa
[S]witch by Julien Losa

[S]Witch is a great impromptu billet technique, created by Julien during years of performances on cruise ships and in theatre shows. The effect is simple: You ask someone to draw or write anything on a small paper/business card. In only two very fair moves, you can duplicate their thoughts.

Yes we're talking about a switch, but such a good one. It's done in front of your spectator's eyes, and even though you magicians know there is one in play, you can't see it. It is that strong. This method is a real worker, performed hundreds of times by Julien for real audiences. A powerful secret kept underground...

★★★★ $7
Joseph B.
+++ACAAN by Joseph B.

This is an incredible ACAAN with two completely normal decks of cards. Really powerful and semi-automatic, so easy to do. A very important point is that it only takes 5 seconds to reset.

The spectator has the choice of one of two decks. She thinks of any card (totally free choice). This card is taken out of the deck, signed, returned, and the deck is cut several times. Then the second deck is shuffled and cut. The spectator cuts this deck into four piles which are arranged around the other deck of cards. The spectator has a free choice to either turn face-up two packs, and for the other...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
1 Dollar Card Through Window by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A playing card missing a corner melts through a window glass pane.

Once the card has melted through the glass the spectator can touch the glass. This method is very quick and cheap to make, about $1, and thus the name of the trick. Works with any glass pane that is not too thick.

[Note: The $1 cost statement assumes you have common supplies available when it comes to gaffing cards, such as double sided tape, invisible thread, etc. If you do not have these available then it will cost you more, because you will likely have to purchase more than you actually need for this one gimmick. Also keep in mind that most will incur shipping costs to stock up on these supplies.]

1st edition 2020, length 21 min 48 s....

Allan Ackerman
1-2-3-4 Switch by Allan Ackerman

This is a very versatile switch allowing you to switch out one, two, three or four cards from a block of four. Allan got his inspiration from a 3 for 3 switch by Al Leech. One of the interesting parts of this video is that Allan shows the various transitions of his development going from Al Leech's move to Allan's final version.

runtime: 7min 36s

★★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
10-Card Trick by Allan Ackerman

This is Allan's variation of the famous Eleven Card Trick. That reads like a joke, but it ain't. The spectator counts ten cards and hands them to the performer who double checks counting them aloud. However often he counts, adds and removes cards, they never really are ten cards. (Requires knowledge of Carly's False Count.)

runtime: 6min 40s

Peter Pellikaan
13 Seconds by Peter Pellikaan

Show the backs of four cards. Let's say they are all blue backs. Then turn them face up and show that the cards also have all the same faces. But when you turn them face down again, all their backs have changed into a random assortment of back designs.

1st edition 2021, video 3:19.

★★★★ $6
Peter Pellikaan
2 As 4 Count by Peter Pellikaan

The "2 as 4 count" is a very versatile utility move which can be applied to any number of effects.

Peter goes into detail on how to grip the cards, make it look natural and even teaches you a little trick you can do with the move. People have been begging Peter to teach them his counts, that time has finally arrived!

length 2min 27s

2 Draw Duplications by Titanas

From Titanas come two diabolical methods to recreate the classic drawing duplication close-up using nothing more than your business cards and a pen. One of the explained methods is completely impromptu and both make a great addition to any working magician's arsenal.

1st edition 2008.

Allan Ackerman
2-4-4 Count by Allan Ackerman

Count two cards as four while holding four cards.

runtime: 1min 1s

Allan Ackerman
2-X-2 Count by Allan Ackerman

Count two cards as many cards as you like.

runtime: 54s

Hal Saxon
21st Century Threads by Hal Saxon

The 21st Century Threads is an amazing effect that utilizes imaginary super elastic, incredibly strong, invisible threads to pull a silk from one hand, instantly around the performer's back and into the opposite hand. Swoooosh! It’s lightning fast. Most people see nothing, some people may see a blur of the silk as it flies.

This tutorial will show you my amazing Trademark Vanish that I know will become your everyday favorite vanish.

Imagine a king-size Vernet hard tip that can be vanished instantly. Bare hands, no rings, short sleeves and no watch. Absolutely angle-proof and lightning-fast....

★★★★★ $10
Mark Leveridge
3 Card Con by Mark Leveridge

Three pre-folded cards are tipped from a card box and displayed as being a QH and two blank cards. The three cards are folded to conceal their faces and arranged in a row on the table ready for the classic Find The Lady. Having mixed the positions of the three cards, the one that should be the QH is opened to reveal it is in fact one of the blanks. That’s surprise no. 1. Surprise no. 2 comes when the other two cards are unfolded to reveal they are both blanks as well! The QH has completely disappeared. Surprise no. 3 is revealed when the QH is found folded inside the card box that has been...

★★★★ $15
Max T. Oz
3 Disk Monte by Max T. Oz

You will get both a PDF and a video (download from your digital shelf).

3 Disk Monte is a variation of the street hustle often played with cards. Three black face down disks, one with a white dot, are mixed. The spectator tries to guess which disk is the one with the white dot. The disks have increasingly gained popularity due to their visibility and handling. This PDF illustrates and describes the various sleights that can be used while performing this effect. Topics include the basics plus some of the more advanced moves that can be used.

  • The Disks
  • The Mat
  • Working Height
  • The...
Sam Hoang
3 Leaves Post Devil by Sam Hoang

This video has no spoken instructions. You get visual video instructions plus some captions.

This is a gimmick to visually change the middle card of a three card display.

1st edition 2016, length 6min 52s

Allan Ackerman
3-4-3 Count by Allan Ackerman

Show three cards as four while actually having three cards.

runtime: 52s

Allan Ackerman
3-5-4 Count by Allan Ackerman

Count three cards as five while actually holding four cards.

runtime: 2min 8s

Allan Ackerman
3-Packet One-Handed Cut by Allan Ackerman

The middle section of a deck is swivelled out and cut to the top.

runtime: 45s

Allan Ackerman
3-Sided Card by Allan Ackerman

This is a patter line used by Paul LePaul. It can be used in combination with a glide, second deal or double lift. Allan uses here a mechanical second.

runtime: 47s

★★★★ $7
3+MS Gadabout by MS

Learn a super practical 3 coin routine suitable for walk-around and impromptu performances. 3 invisible coins appear and behave in a magical way. Instant Reset.

"I like it, nice idea." - Marion Boykin

"Keep up that absolutely fantastic coin work you do." - Mickey Silver

Peter Pellikaan
4 as 8 count by Peter Pellikaan

You count 8 cards but in fact are only showing four cards, hiding four other cards in the process.

1st edition 2024, video 4:15.

Ductam Nguyen
4 Change by Ductam Nguyen

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese. However, even without understanding Vietnamese one can follow the visual explanation to construct the gimmick.

Paper money changes 4 times.

1st edition 2016, length 18 min.

Peter Pellikaan
4 of DC by Peter PellikaanShow four 4-of-Diamonds and change them to 4-of-Clubs both on the front and the back.

1st edition 2021, video 4 min 25 s.

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
5 Cards by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Five 'impossible' cards with a detailed video explanation and PDF templates.

  • Double Frame
  • Double Pyramid
  • Dynasty
  • E.X.
  • Quadro
1st edition 2019, length 31 min.
Allan Ackerman
5-Packet One-Handed Cut by Allan Ackerman

This is similar to the 3-Packet One-Handed Cut except that you are pulling out 2 packets from the deck, rather than one.

runtime: 40s

Peter Pellikaan
7 of Clubs by Peter Pellikaan

You display four 7 of Clubs from the front and from the back. Turning over one of the sevens, they all turn over from face-up to face-down. Suddenly they change into four different sevens, all four suits. It also turns out that they have changed their backs.

1st edition 2024, video 4:07.

Allan Ackerman
8 Out-Faros by Allan Ackerman

If you want to see Allan start with a deck in new deck order, do 8 out-faros and end up again with the deck in new deck order, then this is the video for you.

runtime: 1min 31s

★★★★★ $10
Hal Saxon
A Different Silk Vanish by Hal Saxon

You will learn a new way of handling a silk vanish. This is accomplished with a thumb tip or dye tube. A real crowd-pleaser. Very angle-proof chock full of misdirection, and deceptive handling. Not the typical silk vanish. I have been performing this version for 25 years because ... it is different. This silk vanish throws everyone off of the scent of the thumb tip.

Edition 2.5 2023; video 14:13

★★★★ $6
Gregory Wilson
A Fistful of Dollars by Gregory Wilson

Snap your fingers to produce during the snap a coin at your finger tips. Greg does this three times and then vanishes the coins one by one.

The move to produce a coin while snapping is Doug Wick's Snap Production.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 2000.

runtime: 13min 13s

★★★★ $6
Martin A. Nash
A Hard Ace To Follow by Martin A. Nash

Featuring Infinity

Martin is demonstrating the difference between coincidence, or luck, and sleight-of-hand. This is a lovely routine where a spectator selects a card that is lost in the deck. The four aces are shown and one ace with the same suit as the spectators card magically turns face down while the aces are held by the spectator. Perhaps a coincidence. Then another card in the remaining deck turns face down. Luck?! The final climax when the two face-down cards are turned face-up is the transposition of an ace and the chosen card because the ace is found in the deck and the chosen card...

★★★★★ $6
Larry Jennings
A Logical Conclusion by Larry Jennings

A trick with eight cards. Two packets of four cards are put on the table. The first packet is counted and shown to consist of four 3s. The second is counted and shown to consist of four 7s. Then the packets are combined turned face up to show the Ace of Hearts through the Eight of Hearts. So essentially the four 3s and the four 7s have transformed into the Ace through 8 of hearts.

This effect can also be found in Cardwright. You will need to be able to do the Rhythm Count.

runtime: 4min 47s

Michael Maxwell
A New Game by Michael Maxwell

This trick was developed by Allan and Debbie Ackerman. Debbie is Allan's daughter.

A spectator chooses a card and the value of the card decides how many hands are dealt in this game. Let's say the spectator chooses the 3 of Hearts. A random number of cards is taken from the deck and then dealt into 3 hands. Then the performer announces that the spectator should pick one pile. If that pile does not have a 3 on its top the spectator wins, otherwise the magician wins. Of course, the odds are vastly in favor of the spectator. Nevertheless, the top cards on all three piles turn out to be 3s and as...

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