This is a great idea to shift the secret action of the riffle force to a later point in the move to make it look even fairer. (Also part of Move Mastery 3.)
runtime: 3min 7s
While you give the deck a riffle you shoot the bottom card unseen into your lap. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)
runtime: 3min 2s
Peter Duffie is well known for his exceptional execution of the riffle pass. Learn all the little bits and secrets he has uncovered over the years. Or simply watch in awe at his execution. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)
runtime: 8min 43s
A top card cover pass using the riffle pass. And a pass where the bottom card(s) are left unchanged while you bring the selection to the top. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)
runtime: 6min 45s
A selected card turns face-up and pops out of the deck. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)
runtime: 1min 41s
The purpose of the riffle shuffle stack is to place special cards, say the aces, at special locations in the deck so that during a dealing action those aces end up in a predetermined pile, usually the magicians hand.
For example, if you are dealing a five hand pocker game and you start out with the aces on top, riffle shuffle stacking allows you to place aces at position 5, 10, 15 and 20 from the top. In this video Allan teaches you how to stack two aces.
runtime: 2min 34s...
Borrow a finger ring and magically thread it onto a shoelace while both ends are held by two spectators. Just as magical as you have put the ring on the shoelace you take it off.
This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.
Please note that this video is in Vietnamese. There are some English subtitles, but for the most part you will get the instructions of how to make the gimmick and how to perform with it from the visual contents of the video.
Demo video for the effects you can achieve is below. The gimmick should not be a surprise for anybody knowledgeable in magic. The primary value of this video is to see how you can make the gimmick very easily yourself and various ideas for performing with it.
1st edition 2016, length 26 minutes.
This is a wonderfully visual and very simple routine. No gimmicks required. One simple move does the trick.
All you need is a wand, stick or pencil, a piece of rope and a borrowed finger ring. You ask two spectators to assist you. Rope, ring and wand are examined. Then the ring is fairly and openly put on the center of the rope. The magician covers the ring with his hand, each spectator holds with one hand an end of the rope and with the other hand an end of the wand. The ring magically jumps from the rope onto the wand. Voila!
Simple to perform and suitable for the beginner.
A new way to create an impossible souvenir. A card is selected. Show a small photo frame. Draw your prediction, which turns out to be wrong, but ... it turns into a correct one. The selected card rises out of the drawing. You can sign it and hand out the drawing as a souvenir, the frame, too if you want.
The construction of the gimmick requires arts and crafts. The clean-up, to get rid of the gimmick, uses a black art principle and thus requires a table with a black cloth or some other appropriate surface.
1st edition 2022, video 38:20.
Rise Up is a rising card effect that uses a small gimmick that can be constructed at home with available items. It is easy to construct. You have full control over the rise. Stop the rise at your wish or stop it when spectators says stop.
1st edition 2016, length 12 min.
This is a special treat for all mentalists who would like to learn more about the effects of Romark. Romark was a successful English mentalist during the 1970s and early 80s, who was good friends with Tony Corinda, who helped him put together his TV show. Romark's early death in his mid-50s prevented him from becoming even more widely known.
You will receive a video of three of Romark's TV shows from 1974 together with a PDF explaining the effects. (Check your digital shelf for all downloads.) The explanations were put together by Romark's wife Ursula and Martin Breese. The effects for which you will...
This is classic Juan Tamariz, a longer routine with four effects. It uses the Tamariz memorized deck. In the explanation part Juan gives you the exact sequence of his memorized deck. Important to know is that there are no difficult moves. Most of the heavy lifting is done by the stack itself and some false shuffles and false cuts.
Juan shows a full deck of cards and mixes face-up and face-down cards by shuffling, cutting and turning over packs. Then all the cards are assembled into a pile, the performer riffles the corners and the spectator peeks at a card. Without looking at the...
This is a Roy Walton's effect where Allan has slightly changed the method. A spectator selected card ends up between the two red kings.
runtime: 3min 56s
Do you perform the Three Shell game/con? Have you thought about doing the Three Shell game? If so, this is a must, decades-held, secret underground move for you. This ruse adds an auditory convincer to the otherwise purely visual con. Easily executed; stunningly entertaining and deceptive. This is a move you will use.
Here are the reactions of well-known Shell Game workers with whom it was recently shared.
"Very Clever." - Pop Haydn
"An amazing idea I love it." - Terry Ward
"Brilliant!" - Michael Stehle
1st edition 2022, PDF 1 page, video 3:02.
This small packet trick combines several color changes. You start by showing five blank cards. Showing them again one of the blank cards has changed into a king with a blue back. You table this king. This process continues until you have all four kings with blue backs on the table and one blank card in the hand. The remaining blank card changes to one with a red back. Suddenly all five cards have red backs, and as the climax, you fan the five cards face-up and you now hold a royal flush.
1st edition 2024, video 2 min.
This is a take on the Twisting Aces plot with a kicker climax where the four of a kind change into a Royal Flush.
The four tens are taken out of the pack and displayed one by one. Repeatedly twisting the pack turns one of the tens face up. At the very end the cards change into a Royalt Flush.
Intermediate difficulty. runtime: 7min 30s
Watch Larry Beckerʼs reputation making, edge-of-your-seat performance of this acknowledged classic, recording live at a real world, after-dinner performance.
Next, sit in on a private round table discussion covering a full explanation of this death defying presentation, including the uncut and unrehearsed crucial preshow interview and participant instruction.
Nothing is omitted. Every aspect from weapon selection to safety precautions is covered in complete detail. There is even a special selection of hilarious out-takes!
Even if you have no intention of performing this spine-tingling presentation,...