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Video clips (download) in Magic & Mentalism: page 36


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★★★★ $6
Carl Cloutier
Cards to Slimfast by Carl Cloutier

Watch and learn the routine that won Carl the F.I.S.M. World Championship. Four signed cards completely vanish. Three of them reappear inside three different pockets. The fourth selection reappears in your sock! All four cards then vanish again, only to make their reappearance inside a sealed can of Slimfast, opened by the spectator.

The methods of how to get cards in your pockets, a card in your sock and how to load cards into a closed can holding some type of powder are easily applicable in many other situations.

The routine uses palming and sleeving, however Cloutier demonstrates how...

★★★★ $2
Allan Ackerman
Carlyle's False Count by Allan Ackerman

This false count by Francis Carlyle is as Allan says "a work of art." It provides both a visual and audible illusion.

runtime: 3min 43s

Casino Chip Miracle by Peki

This trick might become your favorite trick. You show spectators a green casino chip. And then every few seconds a new visual effect happens. The chips proliferate and migrate under your hands. They disappear and reappear somewhere else. They change color individually and for the climax all three chips change color.

You get a show routine by decorated magician Peki. Peki won with his manipulation performance many international first prizes and also two awards at the FISM World Championships.

This chip performance developed over 30 years of practice, has continued to capture the attention...

Allan Ackerman
Center Deal Change by Allan Ackerman

This is a heirophant type card change using the Push Off Center Deal.

runtime: 1min 26s

Peter Duffie
Center Double by Peter Duffie

This is a nice sequence for an ambitious card routine. (Also part of Move Mastery 3.)

runtime: 4min 28s

Allan Ackerman
Cervon's Cut Reverse by Allan Ackerman

A clever idea by Bruce Cervon to reverse a card during a cut.

runtime: 2min 10s

★★★★ $9.55
Nguyen Long
Change Plastic by Nguyen Long

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese. There are some English subtitles, but for the most part you will get the instructions of how to make the gimmick and how to perform with it from the visual contents of the video.

With this gimmick you can vanish and change a range of small items.

1st edition 2016, length 31 minutes.

Change Volume 1 by MAG

You will learn four color changes. This is pure sleight of hand, no gimmicks.

  • Pum Change
  • Funk Change
  • Hop Change
  • Wall Change

1st edition 2016, length 19min

Daniel Madison
Changes by Daniel Madison

Daniel teaches four card changes - so called color changes:

  • The Fan Change
  • The Wheel Change
  • The Swing Change
  • Delusion
For each one you will receive a PDF and a video clip.

The Fan Change
This is what Daniel considers to be a signature color-change and it is one of his favorites. A card is turned face up on top of the deck. The deck is fanned and before the fan closes the face up card has changed to another card.

The fan change is impromptu, it can be performed with any deck of cards and isn't hard to achieve. To stub a misconception...the top card is not being taken away from...

Joseph B.
Chaos Prediction 2.0 by Joseph B.

Chaos Prediction is an effect with great surprises and twists. For the spectator, it will be an impossible event because he shuffles the deck and he will do all the work. Despite the impossible premises, the magician's predictions will be infallible and the order is established above the chaos. A real great climax of emotions. Simple to do. All with a normal deck of cards.

Joseph B will explain the principle behind it and guide you step by step in its execution.

1st edition 2021, video 15 min 26 s.

Peter Duffie
Charlie Miller Waterfall Control by Peter Duffie

Control a card to the top during a waterfall flourish. (Also part of Move Mastery 3.)

runtime: 3min 45s

★★★★ $4
Allan Ackerman
Charlie Miller's Stop Trick by Allan Ackerman

This trick can be found in Charlie Miller's book An Evening with Charlie Miller. The performer deals cards face-up on the table until a spectator says stop. The deck is ribbon spread face-down and one card has a different colored back. It turns out the only one card with the differently colored back is the one card the spectator stopped at.

runtime: 2min 20s

Allan Ackerman
Charlier Cut by Allan Ackerman

The Charlier cut is a very easy and good-looking cut. Allan also shows you how to turn it into a card control in combination with a bridge.

runtime: 1min 32s

Sultan Orazaly
Chinese Nail by Sultan Orazaly

One of the popular magicians' coins is a Chinese coin with a hole. Imagine you are pulling a real nail out of the hole. Chinese Nail is a super visual effect that will add to your coin performance.

1st edition 2021, video 4 min.

★★★★ $2.50
Allan Ackerman
Christ Twist and Mechanical Reverse by Allan Ackerman

You will learn two half passes, one by Henry Christ what is called the Christ Twist and the other by Ken Krenzel, the Mechanical Reverse.

runtime: 1min 26s

Peter Pellikaan
Circels Noooo by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards. They are blank on the front and have regular backs. Suddenly one of the four cards has a huge hole cut from its center. Then all the cards have holes cut from their centers. Then everything goes back to four regular blank cards.

1st edition 2025, video 6:04.

★★★★★ $10
Sultan Orazaly
Circlet by Sultan Orazaly

Circlet looks like trick videography but it is not. It is a quick, visual, impromptu miracle that you can do right before their eyes. You pull off your finger ring, toss it back towards your other hand and it visibly appears back on your finger. The ring can be checked before and after and is totally ungimmicked.

1st edition 2021, video 9 min 51 sec.

★★★★★ $3
Allan Ackerman
Classic Force and Hofzinser Force by Allan Ackerman

Allan Ackerman explains the Al Baker version of the classic force, the Hofzinser force and fine points of the Hofzinser force.

runtime: 3min 17s

Giacomo Bertini
Classic Palm by Giacomo Bertini
"Within the inner circle of coin magic, the work of Giacomo Bertini has been known and respected for years." - Stephen Minch
Forget what you think you know about the Classic-Palm, and discover a brand new way to approach the most important coin sleight. This is Giacomo Bertini's most complete video tutorial on the "Classic-Palm. It includes details not previously explained.

1st edition 2020, length 10 min 20s.

★★★★ $4
Peter Duffie
Classic Pass by Peter Duffie

The classic pass. (Also part of Move Mastery 1.)

runtime: 1min 45s

★★★★★ $7
Larry Becker
Clearly Predictable by Larry Becker

This is one of the slickest and cleanest prediction effects I know.

A spectator gets a sealed envelope to keep, circles one classified ad in a newspaper, and removes a bill from her wallet and signs it with her initials. Another spectator completely fairly selects a card from a spectator shuffled pack. Despite all of these fair and clean selections the mentalist has predicted all of them. The selected card is printed on the newspaper, and the prediction envelope holds the serial number of the bill and a copy of the classified which was freely selected by the spectator.

Some preparatory...

Allan Ackerman
Clip Steal by Allan Ackerman

This is a move to clip or steal the top card while placing the deck somewhere.

runtime: 1 min 7 s

John Cornelius
Coin Falling Up by John Cornelius

This is an independent reinvention of Arthur Buckley's muscle pass by John Cornelius. John turned the move into a showpiece by itself.

runtime: 3min 20s

Displaying 169 to 192 (of 1032 products)
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