Borrow a coin. Get it signed and bend it in your hand. It is a clear and strong effect. Titanas explains two different variations which can be performed standing.
The video is shot for my taste from a bit too far, particularly in the demonstration part the coin is hard to see. However, the explanation is clear and should not cause any difficulties for you to learn this wonderful effect.
1st edition 2008; duration 8 minutes 13 seconds.
Three sweet effects that pack small but play big.
Trick Tac is a simple routine in nature that packs a big punch. You introduce a packet of tictacs, then you ask the spectator to pour some of the mints out into their open hand but restrict how many they take from your view. What ever they do, they MUST NOT allow you to see in their hand. The spectator keeps this in mind and keeps every single tictac they have taken in a tight fist. However, you are able to tell them EXACTLY how many they have in there down to the last mint!
This is Alan Rorrison's semi-sarcastic reply to the dreaded request: "Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat?" This question has plagued close-up magicians for decades. Suffer no more. This effect is the appropriate answer and will silence your pesky spectators.
The effect is lovely. Get a card selected and signed (a truly free selection - no force), draw a top hat on it and have rabbit appear in it. Then you use a rubber band as lasso to catch the rabbit.
1st edition 2009; runtime: 16min
Here you will learn some of the most 'lethal' and must stunning card flourishes ever invented. XCM (eXtreme Card Manipulation) at its best.
The debut DVD from underground magician Daniel Madison, originally released in 2006 on Halloween to a highly anticipating audience is now also available as video download. Packed with 26 flourishes, Lethal teaches Daniel's concepts for playing card manipulation and cardistry.
Flourishes taught:
Proof is a collection of strange mathematical proofs where you can show, convincingly, that things are not always what they seem. To most people, the idea that 'minus one' is equal to 'one' might sound barmy, or that Pi=2, or 4, or that 4=5, but that is what you will be able to prove with this video.
Ian has been using some of these diversions for well over thirty years, and he can attest to how much fun they are to demonstrate. They are not 'performance pieces' - by that he means that they would not fit into a traditional magic show, but as an impromptu moment of strange, they are perfect....
Swallowing the razor blades is a classic routine of magic. In this two video pack Ian shares everything about the routine that he has used on stage and on the streets all over the world for almost twenty years. Nothing is held back as you see clips from several different live performances to illustrate what is being taught. This is a full professional routine for a fraction of the price of other versions.
length 40 minutes.
"Cameron's 'Creation' is worth the price of the download!" - Stephen Tucker
Get ready for six new new mental magic effects from the fertile and slightly deranged mind of Cameron Francis. All of these effects are well within the range of most magicians. No knuckle-busting sleights. No gaffs or gimmicks. All of the tricks use a normal deck.
B'WAVY GRAVY - The spectator takes five cards from a shuffled deck, shuffles them, and then discards all but one. The magician instantly knows which card was selected.
CREATION - A card is "created" by a spectator. The magician reveals the card...
For the first time in this 15 min video (yep 15 mins it's that easy) Scott reveals the business card peek he has been using in his close up mentalism performances for many years. No manufacturing or craft skills required, no peek wallets, no business card cases, no envelopes, no special pens or any other paraphernalia, just your business cards and a pen.
One totally impromptu method, one requiring a one off 30 second set up and three variations to suit all styles.
Drop half a dozen of your business cards in your pocket along with a pen and you are all set to perform drawing duplications,...
ENVELOPE noun: A flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document.
SWITCH noun: The act of changing to or adopting one thing in place of another.
TRANSPARENCY noun: The characteristic of being easy to see through.
SWITCHER-VOPE noun: A combination of all three elements.
If you do a search online for billet switching apparatus, you will come across a variety of devices the majority of which seem to be boxes of different shapes and sizes ranging from cardboard to perspex and antiqued oak. Some of these boxes are ingenious, some extremely expensive and...
You will get both a PDF and a video (download from your digital shelf).
3 Disk Monte is a variation of the street hustle often played with cards. Three black face down disks, one with a white dot, are mixed. The spectator tries to guess which disk is the one with the white dot. The disks have increasingly gained popularity due to their visibility and handling. This PDF illustrates and describes the various sleights that can be used while performing this effect. Topics include the basics plus some of the more advanced moves that can be used.
Ten completely new impossible bill foldings by Ralf Rudolph. You will get a video that describes how each and every bill is correctly folded. And you also get a PDF (download from your digital shelf), which gives you the cut pattern and shows a photo of the finished folded bill.
1st edition 2017, length 41 min, PDF 10 pages
This incredible visual card effect was originated in the 80's and has been adapted, fine-tuned, up-dated and changed to what could easily be considered to be one of the most visual and surprising card tricks ever.
The magician admits he has a special set of trick cards and shows 8 regular blue backed cards each with a huge black cross drawn on the back. However, nobody one can see the crosses, even as each is clearly shown. In fact the cards magically turn face up too. Eventually all the cards change to different color back cards with a huge black cross drawn across each back.
Here is a collection of Open Prediction methods, for the working mentalist or magician. Each method is clean, using no gimmicks.
These methods employ unorthodox techniques, and will take some practice. Since only sleight-of-hand is required, you no longer need to carry extra gimmicks or special decks to perform this type of effect. A spectator makes a free selection, the selection is replaced, and is then shown to match your prediction.
Four methods are included. Each one is 100% clean. You can use a borrowed, shuffled deck. There are no gimmicks, no R/S, no SF, and no sticky stuff. These...
This offering includes a PowerPoint slideshow, an eighteen-minute video tutorial, and a reproducible handwriting analysis tic sheet. As a result of learning the methods taught, you'll be equipped to guide an entire audience through an analysis of their own handwritings. You can use what you learn from this package as a stand alone presentation, in conjunction with a Q & A routine, and/or use the reproducible tic sheet to offer personal consultations (possibly following your presentation).
My experience has shown that for many of my audiences the subject of handwriting analysis carries greater...
One can, two different drinks.
Hospitality in a can: You pour the complete contents of a can into a glass; the can is now empty. You then place a straw inside the can, and take a sip, just to make sure. In fact, the can is not empty, it now contains a completely different liquid! Pour this 'new' liquid into a glass to amaze spectators.
Cocktail: You turn a cocktail shaker upside down to show that it is empty. Place the lid on the shaker and start to shake it as you would if you were mixing a cocktail. You then take the cap off and start pouring two glasses of cocktail....
A complete comedy prediction routine with a surprise finish.
A spectator is shown various words written on sheets of paper. These are folded and dropped into a bag, placed behind he spectator's back and any paper is selected - the future predicted word. On stage the magician has a large book with the word 'PREDICTION' on the cover that has been in full view all the time. Before the spectator unfolds and reveals the chosen word, the magician pages through the large format book revealing various comedy predictions. Eventually the spectator reveals the word and the entire book drops open in...
After the card rises it changes instantly.
Pocket Riser 1.0 and Pocket Riser 2.0 have been feature creations of Ralf. These are effects he is particularly known for. Version 3.0 goes another big step further by introducing a second totally visual climax. The card rises as in the earlier versions from a drawn packet of cards, and then suddenly changes. The change is so fast and comes totally unexpected.
There is some arts and crafts involved in making the gimmicked note pad, but it is more than worth the effect. Everything is explained and demonstrated in a detailed video. You will also receive print templates in...
A new permanent tactile marking method, which is easier to feel and less visually noticeable compared to a punch.
Boss work is a marking system that you read by touch, and is designed primarily for use with the punch deal. It is easy to put in and the items required are not too expensive. When compared to the punch, boss work is much easier to feel and more durable. The markings are almost impossible to see on the backs of the cards, and there is nothing to see on the fronts. This video will take you through putting in the work, teaching you the best way to mark the cards, and also showing...
There are so many versions of the Card in Wallet - yet none as unique as this one. A freely signed and selected card appears in a paper wallet that happens to be a sheet of paper openly folded into the shape of a wallet right in front of the spectator.
Forget leather wallets. Forget trick wallets. No duplicates, just plain powerful magic with a regular deck and a sheet of A4/US-letter paper that is folded into a wallet. The 'simplicity' of the wallet and the fact that the spectator checks everything themselves makes this effect mind-blowing.
Original concept by Hans Trixer and developed...