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Video clips (download) in Magic & Mentalism: page 9


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Mark Leveridge
Credit Transfer by Mark Leveridge

Two for the price of one here as with Credit Transfer you get a mental effect and a piece of magic together. A borrowed credit card is slipped into a small envelope. Two paperback books are shown and the pages are riffled of one of the books until a spectator calls 'stop'. The credit card in the envelope is dropped into the book to mark the place. The second book is now opened to reveal an envelope is already inside it, and the page it rests on turns out to match the page just selected in the first book. Then the credit card vanishes from the envelope in the first book and arrives inside the...

Peter Pellikaan
JJJJ by Peter Pellikaan

A fast-paced series of color changes. Blank cards turn into Jacks, change their backs twice, revert to blank cards, and then for the climax they turn into Jokers.

You will need some double-blank cards, Jacks with different backs, and Jokers with matching backs.

1st edition 2024, video 5:10.

Mark Leveridge
Parade of the Kings Revisited by Mark Leveridge

This is a revised version of the classic Parade Of The Kings packet trick from the 1970s.

Four blue-backed cards are counted face down and the performer explains that these are the four Kings. Two spectators between them decide on one of the Kings. Immediately the magician spreads the cards to reveal the chosen King has now magically turned face up.

But there is a further surprise when the back of this King is shown to have also now changed to red.

Then there is a final kicker when the other three face-down Kings are turned face up to reveal they are in fact three blank-faced cards...

Peter Pellikaan
Money in the Hole by Peter Pellikaan

You show two cards, one of which has a big hole in the center. You put them together and suddenly the non-hole card has transformed into a stack of banknotes.

1st edition 2024, video 1:51.

Peter Pellikaan
New Dollar Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Three blank cards change into cards with credit card images on them and then change ultimately into banknotes.

1st edition 2024, video 3:17.

Mark Leveridge
Battery Pack by Mark Leveridge

The magician picks up a card box as if to demonstrate a card trick and discovers that it rattles. Opening it, he tips from within four 3-volt circular batteries. Taking one of the batteries into his fist, he squeezes it and on opening the hand it is seen to have changed to a more powerful AAA battery. Holding this battery at the fingertips, the performer passes his other hand across it and causes it to visibly change to a larger AA battery.

Finally, he clasps his two empty hands together and on parting them reveals that now a square 9-volt battery has magically appeared!

No gimmicks...

Mark Leveridge
Table Hoppers Coin in Bottle by Mark Leveridge

A small plastic tub with a tight push-on lid is shown, opened, and a collection of coins tipped from inside. The performer puts his initials on a self-adhesive round sticker, attaches it to one of the coins, and then repeats the process for the other side of the coin with a sticker bearing a spectator's initials.

The rest of the coins are returned to the tub and the lid is pushed back on. Taking the marked coin into his hand the performer strikes it against the bottom of the container, immediately showing that both his hands are empty.

The tub is handed to a spectator who prises off...

Peter Pellikaan
Wild Dots by Peter Pellikaan

You show four blank cards and a dot. By waving the blank cards over the dot several more dots appear one at a time. At the end, the blank cards show the same dots printed on them.

1st edition 2024, video 4:11.

Peter Pellikaan
Blue Dots by Peter Pellikaan

You show five cards that have a blue dot on their faces. When you rotate the pack one dot changes to a red dot. You table the red dotted card. Another magical gesture and another red dot appears. You continue until four cards have changed to red dots. The final card with a blue dot changes to just a blue dot, no fifth card is visible anymore.

1st edition 2024, video 6:02.

Peter Pellikaan
Colour Reset by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards with red dots and four cards with yellow dots. When you touch the pack of red dots with the pack of yellow dots one of the red dot cards changes to a yellow dot card. You do this several times until all four cards you are holding have turned yellow. Suddenly they turn back to showing red dots. When you show the pack of yellow cards on the table they now all have blue dots.

1st edition 2024, video 6:21.

Peter Pellikaan
Dots and Dots by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards that are blank on both sides. You stick a red spot on one of the blank cards and they suddenly all show red spots. You do the same with a blue dot and they all show blue dots. Finally, the cards return to being blank on both sides.

1st edition 2024, video 5:06.

Peter Pellikaan
Jumping Dots by Peter Pellikaan

You show two packs of four blank cards each. You stick a blue dot on the top card of one pile and suddenly all these four cards have blue dots. You do the same with the red dot and the other pile. Then you exchange the top cards of these two piles. The remaining cards follow their leaders because the pack that had blue dots before has now the red dots and vice versa. When you take off a red dot and a blue dot from one card each, the remaining cards return to blank cards.

1st edition 2024, video 5:16.

Peter Pellikaan
Techno Water and Oil by Peter Pellikaan

You show two packets of four cards each. One has red dots on the faces and red backs. The other one has blue dots on the faces and blue backs. You repeatedly interleave them but they always separate.

1st edition 2024, video 6:25.

Peter Pellikaan
Water and Oil Different by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards with blue dots and another four cards with red dots. Then you stick a blue dot over a red dot card and a red dot over a blue dot card. After 5 seconds the dot color of the remaining three cards in each packet has changed, too.

You continue to mix the cards but they always separate into packs of the same color, like oil and water separate. In the final sequence, you remove the two dots you stuck on in the first phase and the colors change again magically.

1st edition 2024, video 5:46.

Peter Pellikaan
Magic Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Three cards are put face down on the table. Put three blank cards over the first card and the blank cards all change into the same card they were put on. Repeat this with the other two cards. The cards always magically change their faces. At the end, the faces change again and the entire deck is blank.

1st edition 2024, video 5:09.

Peter Pellikaan
Easy Color Cards by Peter Pellikaan

A stunning color change of blank cards into printed cards.

You show four cards which are blank on both sides. Suddenly an ace of spades appears. When you spread the four cards all formerly blank cards are now aces. Turning over the fan shows four different backs. The blank cards have changed to non-blank front and back.

1st edition 2024, video 3:16.

Peter Pellikaan
Follow the Cross by Peter Pellikaan

You show four Eight of Diamonds. On one you draw a large X and you ask the spectator to follow it. You turn the cards face-down, and after some mixing, you table the cards one after each other face-down. When you turn the cards face-up they have all changed to aces. The eights including the one with the cross on it have vanished.

1st edition 2024, video 3:30

Peter Pellikaan
HHHH by Peter Pellikaan

Card tricks with big holes in some cards is one of Peter Pellikaan's unique themes. This is another visual effect using cards with holes.

You show four regular playing cards and a coin. When you count the cards again one card suddenly has a huge hole cut out of its center. You place this card aside and count the remaining three cards. Another card has a hole. You do this until all four cards have turned into cards with big holes cut from their center.

When you pick up these four cards with holes, they magically become whole (pun intended) again. They are restored without any holes just like...

Peter Pellikaan
Hole No No by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards, one of which has a big round hole cut out. Suddenly all the cards have a big round hole cut out. In another blink of an eye, the round hole has transformed into a square hole and you are only holding a single card. This effect is best seen performed. Watch the demo video below.

1st edition 2024, video 2:39.

Peter Pellikaan
Snap by Peter Pellikaan

A printing effect. Five blank cards turn in an instant into a royal flush.

You show five blank cards. They are blank on both sides. In a snapping motion, you pull them apart and suddenly their faces show playing cards, a royal flush, and the backs are also printed.

1st edition 2024, video

Peter Pellikaan
Twisting by Peter Pellikaan

You start with 5 blank cards - blank on both sides. A magic word and one of the blank cards has turned into a regular card. Progressively, each blank card assumes a differently colored back until you can show a fan with all five cards showing backs.

1st edition 2024, video 3:32.

★★★★★ $10
Peter Pellikaan
Royal Kings by Peter Pellikaan

This small packet trick combines several color changes. You start by showing five blank cards. Showing them again one of the blank cards has changed into a king with a blue back. You table this king. This process continues until you have all four kings with blue backs on the table and one blank card in the hand. The remaining blank card changes to one with a red back. Suddenly all five cards have red backs, and as the climax, you fan the five cards face-up and you now hold a royal flush.

1st edition 2024, video 2 min.

Peter Pellikaan
Small Wild Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Several color changes of faces and backs combined. Watch the demo video for details.

1st edition 2024, video 3:52.

Peter Pellikaan
Azen Joker by Peter Pellikaan

You show 8 cards. Four are the aces that you place on the table. And the other four cards are jokers. Three of the jokers you put face-down on the face-up ace of spades. But when everything is turned face up, the other three aces have joined the ace of spades, and the rest of the cards are kings rather than jokers.

1st edition 2024, video 5:42

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