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The Sync Book Test
by Mauro Rapinesi

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The Sync Book Test by Mauro Rapinesi

The Sync Book Test is a completely impromptu book test routine you can do anywhere and anytime borrowing any two books, provided with a consistent presentation that makes it a powerful test to see how much the mentalist and participant are in tune. The routine consists of a number and a word coincidence, but it creates the conditions to continue with a demonstration of telepathy that looks like another coincidence: the mentalist is thinking of the very word chosen randomly by the participant.

Here is the act as the audience sees it:

A participant freely selects two books from a library, one for himself and one for you. You and the participant each flip through the book and wherever the participant says stop, you read and write down a page number. The books are switched and the process repeated, but this time you both select a word. Your numbers and words match. The third climax is an Hoy's book test with the addition of some subtleties to force a word from the first lines or from the whole page.

Book tests in which coincidences occur are very rare, especially impromptu ones. The Sync Book Test allows you to do this and it can also be performed without writing anything. It is perfect for being presented in an impromptu situation simply as something that happens. In this case, more than a demonstration of the mentalist’s powers, it is rather the occurrence of extraordinary coincidences as sometimes happen even in everyday life, to which everyone naturally always tries to find a meaning. For this reason, it can appear very credible and strong, and leave the participant with something to think about.

In addition, another non-impromptu method is presented which requires less than one minute of preparation and it also allows you to predict the word that you both randomly select.

1st edition 2024; PDF 19 pages.
word count: 7991 which is equivalent to 31 standard pages of text