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Coin Thru Head
by Tony Chapparo


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Coin Thru Head by Tony Chapparo

Pass a borrowed and signed coin through your head. You put it into one ear and take it out from the other ear. It is the same coin. No switches whatsoever. An unusual effect! The method is pretty cool but you have to watch your angles and you have to prepare a few things. Actually this can really only be seen from the front - head on. It is a great effect for a single spectator or a small group of spectators or for TV work.

Tony mentions in the manuscript that initially this should have been released jointly with Paul Harris as a DVD because he was very interested in the method. But this fell through and now Tony releases the secret in this ebook.

1st edition 2009; 10 pages.

word count: 1110 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text

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Magic & Conjuring / Coins, Chips & Buttons

Magic & Conjuring / with Demo Video