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Gambling is one of the most popular past times in America, with over 47 million people playing games of chance. Las Vegas is the gambling Mekka which offers the opportunity to strike it rich or loose everything. And with the invention of online gambling the opportunities are many to try your luck. In order to increase your chances to leave the tables as a winner, we are providing you with ebooks on strategy and game play as well as the best teaching and training software. Do not bet your money in a game you don't understand. Be a smart gambler, invest the time to study the games you would like to play and then go out and have fun while playing the best and most informed you can.

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Blakely Hall
You Can't Beat the Game by Blakely Hall

An account of faro gambling and cheating in New York City.

The newspaper that ran this article is not known. The time frame of the article is somewhere in the vicinity of 1890.

PDF 3 pages.

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John Wyman
Wyman's Hand-Book of Magic by John Wyman

This work covers a lot of ground, from various parlor tricks, chemical tricks, card tricks, to a section on two person codes, and a section on artifices of cardsharks.

  • description Of The Magician's Table
  • How To Make A Person Jump
  • The Invisible Chicken, Or Enchanted Egg Bag, As Performed By The Celebrated Wyman
  • Scrap, Or Blowing Book, As Performed By Potter
  • Gun Cotton - How Prepared
  • Sympathetic Inks
  • Apparatus For Writing In The Dark
  • Dancing Turkeys
  • The Self-Balanced Pail
  • Sympathetic Lamp
  • The Gas Candle
  • Ice Made In A Red Hot Vessel
  • Magical Colours
  • The Magic Nosegay Blowing At The...
★★★★ $8
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John Philip Quinn
Why Gamblers Win by John Philip Quinn

This booklet was most likely published around 1920 and describes a number of games of chance and how they are being rigged or operated to cheat:

  • Dice
  • Three Card Monte
  • Shell Game
  • Faro
  • Drop Case
  • Paddle Wheel
  • The O'Leary Belt
  • The Striker
  • Upright Roulette Wheel
  • Bee Hive
  • Spindles
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John Morris
Wanderings of a Vagabond by John Morris

A classic in gambling literature.

  • Introductory
  • Chapter I: Early Days
  • Chapter II: Early Days
  • Chapter III: Profession
  • Chapter IV: The Club
  • Chapter V: Captain William Smith
  • Chapter VI: Diplomacy
  • Chapter VII: Major George Jenks
  • Chapter VIII: Faro
  • Chapter IX: Departure
  • Chapter X: Phantoms Of The Memory
  • Chapter XI: Wheeling
  • Chapter XII: "On To Richmond"
  • Chapter XIII: The Horse
  • Chapter XIV: Washington City
  • Chapter XV: Inventors
  • Chapter XVI: Incubi
  • Chapter XVII: Sharpers
  • Chapter XVIII: Scenes At Long Branch
  • Chapter XIX: Second-Class "Skinning-Houses"
  • Chapter XX: Sharpers
  • Chapter...
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Clifton R. Wooldridge
Tricks and Traps by Clifton R. Wooldridge

This ebook exposes the scams and swindles used by carnival midway cheats, street gangs, road hustlers, and crooked mail-order businesses to cheat the public. Written by a Chicago police detective.

Many of these scams are still in use today. But please don't read this ebook to cheat -- instead, use it for your own protection, so you don't become the next victim.

Colorfully written, this handy guidebook ebook reveals the true-life scams, cons, swindles, ruses, devices and methods of the cheats and how they were taken down and brought to justice. Also includes descriptions of rigged carnival...

★★★★ $8
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Audley V. Walsh & John Scarne
Three Card Monte: John Scarne explains why you can't win by Audley V. Walsh & John Scarne

This is a treatise on the sucker effects of the Three Card Monte. It starts with an intro by Nate Leipzig, includes a definition of gambling terms and goes on to explain moves, routines and schemes to work the Three Card Monte. John Scarne was a master in performing and demonstrating this sucker effect. Learn everything about it in this digital reproduction, either to be aware of the various ways this can be played and thus be protected, or to learn to perform it for entertainment purposes.

From the preface by Nate Leipzig:

For those who are not acquainted with Mr. John Scarne, I wish to say that...

★★★★ $5
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John Scarne
The Woman's Guide to Gambling by John Scarne

This is a sound gambling primer covering Blackjack, Bingo, Poker, Craps, Gin, Lotteries and Sweepstakes, Horseracing, Keno, Numbers, Slot Machines and Roulette. John also touches in various places on cheating and game protection.

From the inside flap of the book:

If you are one of the 48 million American woman who gamble - whether in private homes, clubs, Bingo halls, gambling casinos, poker rooms, or at the racetrack, in the numbers game, or in lotteries - then John Scarne's The Woman's Guide to Gambling is the book written specifically for you. Mr. Scarne, the world's foremost expert...

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Randall Klitz
The Winner's Guide to Dating: What I learned about love and sex from playing Texas Hold 'em by Randall Klitz

This little gem of a book consists of five chapters - with prudent advice backed up by years of painful observation and field work. Are you a winner?

  • Does everyone you know seem to be having more sex than you?
  • Do your facial expressions give away your intentions?
  • Do you know when to "cut your losses?"
This book will help you "tilt the odds" in your favor every time you date.

Illustrations by Muriel Alvarez.

1st edtion 2007; 63 pages.

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Brick Tilley
The Unkindest Cut by Brick Tilley

A false cut that uses the action of burning a card as misdirection. Particularly useful for cheating at BlackJack.

Chuck Smith was recorded doing this cut. (A letter from Chuck Smith to Brick Tilley is reproduced in the PDF.) He used it to beat players during the years of WWII. The sequence of actions is the following. You first openly cut the cards and complete the cut. Then you take the top card, turn it face up and place it as the bottom card. During the action of burning the top card you undo the cut. The demo video will prove how honest and fair this looks.

You will receive a PDF...

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Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin
The Sharper Detected and Exposed by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin

The first part consists of stories about cardsharks and other crooks from Robert-Houdin's recollections. This is very readable and an entertaining part of the work. The second part explains some of the technical details of the methods used by cardsharks. However, the methods are for the most part only described in very rudimentary form. As Robert-Houdin writes himself, this is not meant as a way to teach you how to do it, but merely to give the reader insight in how the different ruses are accomplished. Nevertheless, it provides interesting insight into the ways and means of cardsharks.


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T. Hayes
The Second Deal: Advanced Concepts for the Card Table by T. Hayes

This ebook takes an academic look at the second deal and its use at the card table, specifically in the game of Texas Hold’em poker. This is achieved by first examining the mathematical rules of the second deal. These rules are then applied to the basic structure of Texas Hold’em and the use of the move is advanced by also considering poker strategy. In addition to this, the probabilities of dealing target cards, when using a binary marking system, are derived. The use of the second deal in conjunction with stacking techniques is also considered, with a focus on the block transfer. Whilst...

★★★★★ $15
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Daniel Madison
The Score: playing card marking system by Daniel Madison

The Score is an ebook that teaches a special playing card marking system inspired by a concept probably as old as playing cards. The system has been re-thought and re-mastered by Daniel Madison with help from sleight of hand junkie Randall Freeman and a retired card cheat who wishes to remain anonymous.

The Score markings system teaches you how to mark any deck of cards that has a white border, such as standard Bicycle Rider backs, Mandolines and Bee Stingers - we'd list all of those decks here but there are far too many to mention!

The Score is a minimalistic system; two simple tiny marks...

★★★★★ $15
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Harry Houdini
The Right Way To Do Wrong by Harry Houdini

This is a fun book to read. Great stories about pickpockets, burglars, bunco men, thiefs, and others. Houdini collected interesting cases talking to detectives, and police chiefs. The book describes the methods used to scam innocent victims. Some of these schemes are still popular, which shows again, that one can learn a lot from the past.

published 1906 by Harry Houdini, Boston MA; later reprinted by Gamblers Book Club, Las Vegas; 96 pages

Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Shot One - Income of a Criminal
  3. Shot Two - Professional Burglary
  4. Shot Three - Difficulties of Burglary
  5. Shot Four...
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M. P. Adams
The Rich Uncle from Fiji by M. P. Adams

A classic textbook containing numerous swindles for those who desire to take down and rope the public! It is unique in that it has the only written description of the coin purse swindle - complete with photographs. Many of these cons are being used today, some with minor changes and some exactly as they were played when Rich Uncle was written. There are monte mobs working today in the same manner they worked a hundred years ago.

published 1911 by The Exchange Press, Melbourne; later reprinted by Gamblers Book Club, Nevada; 64 pages

Table of Contents


  1. Foreword
  2. Rich Uncle from Fiji Yarn ...
★★★★ $4
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Jonathan H. Green
The Reformed Gambler by Jonathan H. Green

This book is one of the classic books in gambling. It is an autobiography and describes Jonathan Green's conversion from a gambler to an exposer and teacher.

Among others it exposes: game of thimbles; diamond cut diamond, or the gentleman's game; Dead open and shut; church gambling; five aces beaten; lotteries; post office game; pound cake, or ring game; the preacher and the gambler; grab loo.

It commences by showing how he became a gambler - why he resolved to reform - destruction of his gambling instruments - he makes restitution - the question of reformation - his conversion - unites with...

★★★★★ $19.50
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T. Hayes
The Reference Guide to Early Works on Card Cheating by T. Hayes

This ebook presents an analytical review of works on card cheating that are written in English and published before 1900. Given this scope, The Reference Guide to Early Works on Card Cheating takes 151 publications, and documents the card cheating techniques that they describe. Only card techniques discussed in the context of cheating at card games are considered. The 146 defined techniques are used to evaluate the publications based on their breadth and their contribution to the literature. The breadth is indicated by the absolute number of techniques each work describes, and the contribution...

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Col. Wingate
The Punters Retirement Plan by Col. Wingate

A step by step system that can make you a millionaire in less than 12 months.


Have you heard a saying that goes something like: 'back favorites and lose your money?' Again, do yourself a favor and ignore it.

This Betting Plan may seem frustrating at times, because some of the dividends are small, but you must be disciplined and follow it step by step. Do not deviate from the formula, not even if someone tells you a horse is a sure thing?

This system involves backing favorites. But it is done with a set procedure and it is the Staking Plan that is the key to making...

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H. C. Evans
The Original Blue Book 1949 by H. C. Evans

From the back cover:

This, our latest SECRET BLUE BOOK with many features added, is the most complete catalog of the kind ever produced. The SECRET BLUE BOOK is but one of THREE CATALOGS of our complete line which covers the entire Indoor and Outdoor Amusement Field, supplying adult games of every description.

In the SECRET BLUE BOOK we list and describe a complete line of Dice, Cards, Trade Stimulators and Counter Games, Table Games suitable for use at public gatherings, Adult Games for the home or private play and Various SPECIAL Games.

Our CLUB AND CASINO EQUIPMENT Catalog, printed...

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J. H. Johnson
The Open Book by J. H. Johnson

This is the book that tells the truth about cards, dice, punch boards, gambling wheels, races, and all other kinds of gambling.

Don't be a sucker! The Open Book reveals how crooked gamblers, cheats, and con artists fleece the innocent and unwary public out of thousands of dollars daily. Even that carnival game at the local fairgrounds may not be as innocent as it looks. Get the inside scoop.

Valuable secrets of marked cards, gaffed dice, ink formulas, holdouts and other cheating devices -- all clearly explained. Also included are scams and cons used by the unscrupulous to bilk the unwary....

★★★★ $12 $10
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George Jean Nathan
The Old-Time Train Gambler by George Jean Nathan

Stories of card and revolver play, told by a man who "worked" the trains with his confederates in the days when stakes ran high.

If one believes this account, then a lot of the crooked gambling on trains was simply theft at gunpoint rather than sophisticated sleight-of-hand card advantage play.

1st edition 1910, PDF 7 pages.

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John Scarne
The Odds Against Me by John Scarne

If he'd had a touch of larceny in him, he could have been the number one card sharp of all time. Instead, the author of these fabulous memoirs, born to a mother who considered gambling the "devil's tool," puts his extraordinary gifts to far different purpose.

He has used his incredible gambling sense, his miraculously dexterous fingers, his brilliant mathematical mind, his fascination with carnival and gambling life, to become America's number one authority on gambling and odds.

He was the greatest practitioner and analyst of card and dice sleight of hand. His artistry impressed FDR as...

★★★★ $19
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Eddie Joseph
The Manual of The Three Shell Game by Eddie Joseph

This is one of the best explanations of the Three Shell Game or Thimble Rig including 24 moves and 3 full routines. Jack Lamonte has drawn 86 clear illustrations to make studying the moves and routines a lot easier.

Excerpt from the introduction:

The Shell Game is essentially a close-up effect. It has no appeal, we admit, beyond the intimate range, but when demonstrated within its rightful sphere it commands a peculiar fascination.

[Note: You will also be able to download a facsimile version of this manuscript.]

1st edition 1959, 30 pages; 1st digital edition 2013, 49 pages....

★★★★ $10
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John Scarne
The Mafia Conspiracy by John Scarne

Some say that John Scarne worked with and for the Mafia, because gambling and the Mafia are often thought as tightly linked. Others will be convinced by Scarne's collection of facts and reasoning in this ebook, that there never was a Mafia. Either way you read this ebook, it is a fascinating recollection of past events around crime, politics and gambling.

You might ask why is this ebook in the gambling section? The reason is twofold. One, Scarne details several interesting gambling facts and stories in this ebook (ex. a gambling glossary), and two it helps to understand the person John Scarne...

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Frank Bonville
The Little Secrets by Frank Bonville

A great book on the tricks of the trade of professional gamblers, how they cheat and get an advantage in the game. From the introduction:

It has been my fortune, or misfortune, whichever you wish to term it, to have traveled a good deal and to have observed not a little. I have engaged in more than one business; it pleased my fancy, and can say, with a pardonable pride, that I have met with some degree of success. During the past few years of my life I have studied human nature in all its phases, from its lowest forms in the gutter, in the slums, in the gilded dens of vice, in the gambling...

★★★★ $9
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Mason Long
The Life of Mason Long the Converted Gambler by Mason Long

Being a record of his experience as a white slave; a soldier in the Union Army; a professional gambler; a patron of the turf; a variety theater and minstrel manager; and, finally, a convert to the Murphy Cause, and to the Gospel of Christ.

This book is an illustration of this paragraph by S.W. Erdnase:

Hazard at play carries sensations that once enjoyed are rarely forgotten. The winnings are known as "pretty money," and it is generally spent as freely as water. The average professional who is successful at his own game will, with the sublimest unconcern, stake his money on that of another's, though...

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John Philip Quinn
The Highway to Hell by John Philip Quinn

This is essentially a small excerpt from Quinn's primary work Fools of Fortune. A couple of chapters have been taken, some incomplete, together with endorsements and other promotional material, to produce this volume.

1st edition 1895; PDF 68 pages.

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William James Florence
The Handbook of Poker by William James Florence

Also titled The Gentlemen's Hand-book of Poker, it is an excellent introduction to the game of poker. It not only covers the rules and some advice on how to play, but it also has a short chapter on cheating, a decent chapter on probabilities, and ends with a number of fun poker stories.

The chapter on probabilities corrects some of what Steinmetz wrote in The Gaming Table Volume 2. The book ends with an anecdote about the compiler himself.

  • Preface
  • Draw Poker
    • Introduction
    • Origin Of The Game
    • The Game
    • The Stakes
    • The Ante
    • The Hands
    • Playing A Hand Pat
    • The Hands Illustrated
    • The Draw
    • The Draw To Two Pairs
    • The Draw...
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William W. Larsen
The Gyp Artist by William W. Larsen

Here's an entertaining, 25- to 60-minute lecture that you, the magician or mentalist, can present on the topic of scams and cons. And it's a money-maker.

Become an Expert on Cons and Swindles...
Or just talk like one. This is a new field for most magicians and mentalists, allowing you to give your lecture to civic groups, security seminars, government agencies, corporations -- anywhere people gather. And these organizations have deep pockets, too, able to pay you well for your time.

Fabled Bunco Games of History...
Now become practical, effective tricks in the magician's hands, each...

★★★★ $12
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Andrew Steinmetz
The Gaming Table Volume 2 by Andrew Steinmetz

This second volume of The Gaming Table is from a magician's point of view much more interesting. It includes a history of dice and playing cards including a fairly detailed description of how playing cards were made. It has a chapter on fortune telling with cards. And it also features a surprisingly good chapter on card tricks with explanations for four sleights (false shuffle, false cut, glide, card change) and 18 very nice card tricks. Among them we find a version of the prearranged deck and two person codes.

For people interested in Erdnase it is interesting to note that at the beginning of the...

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Andrew Steinmetz
The Gaming Table Volume 1 by Andrew Steinmetz

The full title of this work is The Gaming Table: Its votaries and victims in all times and countries, especially in England and in France. It is essentially a history of gambling detailing people and places. It does include some exposure of cheating, but most of that is told in volume 2.

  • Preface
  • CHAPTER I. The Universal Passion Of Gaming; Or, Gaming All The World Over.
  • CHAPTER II. Gambling Among The Ancient Hindoos.—A Hindoo Legend And Its Modern Parallel.
  • CHAPTER III. Gambling Among The Ancient Egyptians, Persians, And Greeks.
  • CHAPTER IV. Gaming Among The Ancient Roman Emperors.
  • CHAPTER...
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John W. Keller
The Game of Draw Poker by John W. Keller

A fairly detailed work on the rules and variations of draw poker. Also includes some advice on how to play the game successfully. This work includes Robert C. Schenck's rules for draw poker.

    • Introduction
    • The Element of Chance
    • The Question of Stakes
    • Technical Terms
    • The Order of Hands
    • The Straight
    • The Blaze
    • Rules of Draw Poker
    • The Limit
    • The Ante
    • The Straddle
    • The Deal
    • Betting Before the Draw
    • Discard and Draw
    • Betting After the Draw
    • Jack Pots
    • Incidental Jack Pots
    • The "Buck"
    • Progressive Jack Pots
    • Freeze Out
  • CHAPTER...
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S. W. Erdnase
The Expert at the Card Table by S. W. Erdnase

Originally entitled Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table, is probably the most cited and referenced book about card gambling moves - a classic in the history of magic literature. A must read for any card magician or aspiring gambling expert and an indespensable reference book. While the authorship of this book is hotly debated we are convinced it was Edward Gallaway. (For a detailed work on the search for Erdnase see Hurt McDermott's Artifice, Ruse & Erdnase.)

[A copy of this book is also included in Michael McDougall's Card Mastery. This ebook is also available in a German translation.

Paul Fleming wrote:

The information contained in this book is the very basis of modern card conjuring. When first...

★★★★★ $5
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James Henry Keate
The Destruction of Mephisto's Greatest Web by James Henry Keate

All grafts laid bare being a complete exposure of all gambling, graft and confidence games with stories illustrating the methods employed by the different operators.

This is a wonderful book on all things cheating at gambling (sleight-of-hand and machinery), various confidence games and other scams and crooked methods with several revealing illustrations.

  • CHAPTER I Exposé of Gambling Devices
  • CHAPTER II Exposé of Gambling Devices (Continued)
    • The Mechanical Hold-out Poker Table
    • The Revolving Poker Table
    • The Sleeve Hold-out
    • The Bug Hold-out ...
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William Henry Irwin
The Confessions of a Con Man by William Henry Irwin

A wonderfully interesting confession of a con man who was a contemporary of Erdnase, and just like him operated for a time while traveling with small circuses in Illinois and surrounding states. Of particular interest is a full dialog of how an unsuspecting person on the train was lured into gambling 3 card monte. The dialog demonstrates how skillfully these operatives were and how well they understood human nature. Other cons are also described in detail.

Excerpt from the preface:

When these confessions appeared serially, friends and distant enquirers took it for granted that they were fiction;...

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Wilton Moore Tucker
The Change Raisers by Wilton Moore Tucker

Reveals the inside story on how the con artist forces you, or a store, or even a bank teller to hand him too much change.

This bit of larceny gains the criminal five, ten, or more dollars each time -- and that from a $2 purchase. Also shows how to keep from being shortchanged. Almost defies detection, and practically works itself. This is no pie-in-the-sky con. Newspaper and TV stories report that victims of every age and ethnicity are taken in by this technique.

Audiences are hungry for this information, to avoid being "taken." Makes an excellent lecture to provide to banks, stores, senior...

★★★★ $15
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Walter Gibson
The Bunco Book by Walter Gibson

Gaffed games, clever cons, sensational swindles - how to spot the bunco artist before he cheats you.

This may well be the greatest exposé of gambling methods, swindles, confidence games and carnival midway hustles ever published. No matter if you're a magician, gambler, carnival midway patron (or operator), law enforcement professional, or simply want to protect yourself, you're going to enjoy this book.

Especially valuable to those with an interest in carnival and gaming paraphernalia are the methods used to gaff the devices as sold back in the day by H. C. Evans, K. C. Card Co., and...

★★★★★ $12
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The Book of Thirty-One by Toto

From the preface and introduction:

This book could be titled "The Game of Thirty-One Revisited" because of the various articles that have made an attempt to describe the game. Why then did I set out to write this? First, because I consider the game of thirty-one such a delightful diversion from the "norm" that I want to bring it to the attention of the magic fraternity, and second, because I have many ideas I would like to add.

At the Magic Castle, in Hollywood, the game was first shown to me by Dai Vernon in August of 1980. The "Professor" frequently showed me card puzzles that he had learned over...

★★★★ $10
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Devin Knight
The Best Short Change Scam Ever by Devin Knight

This is probably the best short-change swindle every created. In his younger years, Devin Knight worked at a carnival doing Robert Nelson's Horoscope Pitch. During his stint with the carnival, he met a professional short-change artist, who showed him the most ingenious short-change scam Devin had ever seen. It made the scammer $10.00 every time he walked into a store and bought an inexpensive item.

Devin was familiar with the sometimes crude short-change methods used by carnies, but he had never seen a swindle as sophisticated as this one. The scammer would very slowly and deliberately count...

★★★★ $7
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