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Alan Jones
The Fools Journey by Alan Jones

The Fools Journey is a few thoughts about the history and development of The Tarot followed by a comprehensive workbook for exploration of tarot imagery. It is based upon Alan Jones' workshops on The Tarot for Self-Development.

The focus is on using the systems for self-exploration, as Alan believe this is where the real 'power' of the imagery and metaphor lies.

This ebook would be a useful companion to Alan's Transformational Readings ebook.

1st edition 2013, 156 pages.

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Alan Kennaugh
Bunny Topper by Alan Kennaugh

A triple effect with a sheet of paper. You can immediately print yourself the necessary pictures. This is the original description of the effect as sold by Supreme:

“What a fantastic pocket effect! .... What a great trick for you to use at kids' party-shows or your more intimate type dates. Nothing to carry but it's big, big, big, in effect. Based on an original effect given to us as a Supreme Exclusive; top magician, top journalist, Alan Kennaugh has come up with a brilliant idea which at once makes this into a new trick, an entertaining trick, a mystifying trick, and one which has a really...

★★★★ $6
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Alan Rorrison
Misleading Mislead by Alan Rorrison

The best pen-through-bill routine you will find!

(If you are interested only in the first penetration phase you can also buy it separately with Real Pen-Etration for much less. You might also want to check out the same effect achieved with different sleights: Driven by Cameron Francis.)

In late 2003 / early 2004 Misleading Mislead stormed into the magic community and quickly gained its self-critical acclaim. However, the full routine had been trimmed down from a two-phase routine to a one-phase trick by the company who produced it. Alan was very unhappy about this as all the hard work and tested moves that took...

★★★★★ $14
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Alan Rorrison
Pulled by Alan Rorrison

The Linking Rings effect is a classic of magic and for good reason: a direct and simple method coupled with the visual aspect of the props have made this a strong hold in most magicians' working arsenals.

So what is wrong with the original that a new one needs to be brought forth? Well, here are a few small points to take into consideration:

  • The old rings are too big for any real world worker
  • They are too expensive in most cases
  • Large rings simply look like a magic prop
  • The routine rarely has any motivation
  • People simply get bored of the routine
Pulled solves all these points and...
★★★★★ $16
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Alan Rorrison
Digital Divination by Alan Rorrison

A new high-tech prediction method. Something completely new.

Prediction effects are a dime a dozen. Let's face it, every week one is placed on to the market and the hype that surround most of them lead to the buyer being let down and disappointed. This is a messenger based prediction effect designed around Windows live and Yahoo messenger that will leave your online spectator dumb struck.

You link your friend to a small sound file but before they listen you ask them to say the first thing that comes into there head. They do this and to their amazement, the sound file that has been there...

★★★★★ $14
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Alan Rorrison
Trick Tac by Alan Rorrison

Three sweet effects that pack small but play big.

Trick Tac is a simple routine in nature that packs a big punch. You introduce a packet of tictacs, then you ask the spectator to pour some of the mints out into their open hand but restrict how many they take from your view. What ever they do, they MUST NOT allow you to see in their hand. The spectator keeps this in mind and keeps every single tictac they have taken in a tight fist. However, you are able to tell them EXACTLY how many they have in there down to the last mint!

  • No gimmicks are used what so ever.
  • Get the right answer 100%...
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Alan Rorrison
Evolution by Alan Rorrison

An offbeat effect, the head of a stick man that's drawn on a signed business card moves across the paper to another location. Effects where a drawing changes are always crowd pleasers. This one requires a flame from a cigarette lighter.

The principle, which was entirely new to me, is ingenious and allows you to create all kinds of variations. The underlying principle essentially allows you to vanish a drawing or piece of drawing at will. You can even draw in several colors. I already have a few ideas that I will explore. You will need an item that is readily available in any stationary shop...

★★★★ $12
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Alan Rorrison
Real Pen-Etration by Alan Rorrison

Borrow a bill, borrow a pen, fold the bill in half and shove the pen right through the center of the bill and all the way through. Miraculously the bill, after folded open is completely unharmed. No hole can be found.

  • No gimmicks of any kind
  • Everything is borrowed and everything can be returned right after
  • Completely impromptu
  • Extremely visual
This is identical to the first phase of Misleading Mislead. If you want to buy only this first most visual phase then Real Pen-Etration is the right product for you. Otherwise get Misleading Mislead.
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Alan Rorrison
The Linker by Alan Rorrison

You take or borrow a playing card and tear out two frames. Then in full view you link and unlink the the two card rings. This is the cleanest and most visual card linking I have seen.

  • card can be examined at the beginning and end
  • frames can be signed

★★★★ $15
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Alan Rorrison
Final Wave by Alan Rorrison

The final wave is a very visual card routine. It requires what is typically called a 'bastard hard move'. I can therefore only recommend this effect to the hard core card experts who are willing to put the necessary work into this move.

Of course, if you like the effect you can exchange the difficult move with other easier moves, but it will be hard to achieve the same clean and direct performance without it.

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Alan Rorrison
Jumper by Alan Rorrison

Jumper is a face up transposition of a card from one packet to another packet without the use of any gimmick cards. This is a very visual effect and another stunning creation by Alan Rorrison.

1st edition 2009; 12 minutes

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Alan Rorrison
I Hate Rabbits by Alan Rorrison

This is Alan Rorrison's semi-sarcastic reply to the dreaded request: "Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat?" This question has plagued close-up magicians for decades. Suffer no more. This effect is the appropriate answer and will silence your pesky spectators.

The effect is lovely. Get a card selected and signed (a truly free selection - no force), draw a top hat on it and have rabbit appear in it. Then you use a rubber band as lasso to catch the rabbit.

1st edition 2009; runtime: 16min

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Alan Rorrison
HypnoMSN by Alan Rorrison

This is incredible. Technology enabled magic at its best. You will read this and say: "No way, impossible, how can that be?" This effect creates the illusion that you hypnotize someone to forget their MSN live password! They will not be able to login until you want them to - while they sit at their computer potentially half way around the world from you. No gimmicks no kidding. You will control if they can login or not. It's the effect that has secured Alan more bookings via online communication than any other effect.


You offer a small display of hypnotism over Windows Live. You...

★★★★ $25
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Alan Rorrison
Turn Left and Hoff by Alan Rorrison

This is Alan Rorrison's solution to the Hofzinser Ace Problem.

A spectator freely chooses any card and signs it. The card is put face down between the two Jokers and these three cards (Jokers and spectator selection) are tabled. Then the spectator or another spectator selects four random cards from the face down spread. Magically the four chosen cards are the four aces. The ace with the same color as the spectator's card vanishes and reappears between the Jokers. The signed spectator selection is now found among the three remaining aces.

Alan has engineered his method to not require any difficult...

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MP4 (video)

Alan Rorrison
Engaged by Alan Rorrison

This is a beautiful ring-card linking effect.

Spectator freely chooses a card which he signs. Performer hole punches the signed card and magically attaches and then magically removes a ring. The hole punched card can be handed out for inspection.

  • Easy and cheap to make
  • Extremely simple to do
  • Resets instantly
  • Use a free selection or thought of card
  • The linked item is borrowed
  • Everything is examinable
  • You end completely clean
runtime: 18 min

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Alan Rorrison
Black Mark by Alan Rorrison

A black mark drawn on the back of an incorrect card transforms it into the correct card which was selected earlier by the spectator.

For example, the spectator selects the 3 of Hearts. The magician finds a card but it is the 3 of Diamonds. He draws a black mark on the back of the card. The mark penetrates the card and shows up on the front with the correct suit: Hearts.

runtime: 13min 12s

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Alan Rorrison
Broken Home by Alan Rorrison

Borrow a set of keys. Break off the tip of a key clearly showing the broken key still on the key ring. Then mend the key and return all keys in perfect condition back to the spectator.

This is a very visual quick effect to impress your audience and set the right mood for more miracles to come.

runtime: 6min 35s

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Alan Rorrison
In Flight by Alan Rorrison

This is a neat card and coin to pocket effect.

Have a spectator grab a coin and sign it on both sides. You vanish it, or as Alan likes to say 'make it invisible'. Have a spectator select a card, and also the card vanishes while rubbing it on the leg.

Both card and coin magically traveled to your pocket. However, the unbelievable miracle is that the signed coin is actually inside the spectator selected card. The card has to be peeled open like an in-flight envelope to get to the coin.

Alan teaches every detail. A unique and unforgettable miracle.

runtime: 19min 34s

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Alan Rorrison
Metal Morphasis by Alan Rorrison

Have a spectator take out a coin and have him sign it. Show an empty card case and drop the signed coin into it. The card case is closed and put on the spectators stretched out hand. Then you bring out a bottle cap or take one that is lying around and have it signed as well. The bottle cap is lying on the table. You take the card case held on the tips of your fingers - to make clear that no sleight of hand is possible - and tap the bottle cap. The bottle cap instantaneously transforms into the signed coin.

The transformation is incredibly visual and happens right in front of the spectators...

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Alan Rorrison
Stretch by Alan Rorrison

A lovely card stretching routine - very simple to do, because a little something does most of the work for you.

Have a card selected (totally free choice) and draw a happy stick figure on the back of the card. The spectator can even sign the back, too. Then you place the card back on the top of the back and add another card on top of it - the stretch box. You now stretch the card with the signature clearly showing. At the end, simply square up table the top card, the stretch box, and hand out the selected with the stick figure as a souvenir.

This is very simple, no difficult sleights,...

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Alan Rorrison
The Mint by Alan Rorrison

This is a really clever visual effect. I love it.

Present a 'mint sheet' (a piece of aluminum foil). Borrow a coin and press the coin into the mint sheet. The impression looks just like the coin. But of course it is just an impression not a real coin - or is it? Hand the coin with which you created the impression back to the spectator. You only have the aluminum foil with the coin impression. With your thumb you squeeze and pull the impression of the mint sheet and create a new coin. The impression has transformed into a real coin. You do the same with the other side of the coin to 'mint'...

★★★★ $10
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Alan Rorrison
Dracula Ebook Test: for iPhones by Alan Rorrison

"The easiest and most portable book test to date!" - Erik Jansson

The iPhone has loads of apps designed to do magic in the app store but there is one problem. None of them really are organic. As soon as you performed one of these effects with the phone everyone screams: "Its an app! Very clever but its an app". So here is one of the most organic apps on the market.

You show the spectator an ebook on your phone and run through how it works (scrolling etc,) for them... You let them see that every single page is different before you have a page randomly selected. You hold the phone...

★★★★ $4.50
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iPhone App

Alan Rorrison
Google Effect: for iPhones by Alan Rorrison

You ask the spectator to name any card that they like. No force is involved and it truly is a completely free choice. You then hand them your phone which has the Google search engine on the screen ready for the magic to happen. you ask them to type "what is my card?" or something similar into Google and hit the "Google search" button.

Now watch as their face drops. Google has not only told them what card they freely thought off but it has also brought up a full page full of search results linked to the card. They can even go into the images section and be greeted with pages of image results...

★★★★ $3
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iPhone App

Alan Rorrison
Instant Lotto by Alan Rorrison
"I could spend a lotto time pounding out the puns but I won't. Look at that visual, pure magic. Add to cart." - Ben Williams

"The thing I love about Instant Lotto is how visual it is. If you could instantly cash in one of those scratch cards by magic, this is exactly how it would look. Just buy it!" - Dee Christopher

"Instant Lotto is an incredible piece of magic that in real life looks like CGI. Alan has used his experience once again to create one of the most stunning and simple pieces of magic with an everyday object." - Mathew Parrot

"It looks fantastic and made my eyes pop! Very nice Mr Rorrison."...

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