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by Unknown Mentalist


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Mindiktator by Unknown Mentalist

The performer talks about a secret United Nations project called Dictator Diction related to a study about dictators. A participant is asked to think of one of the frequently used words of any one of the infamous dictators. Then the performer, apparently using his secret knowledge of the confidential project findings, not only divines the chosen word but also other information like the name of the dictator, his country and even his years of birth and death. A very impressive feat indeed.

Like The Grow Devils Principle, this method is based on yet another innovative principle which is not known to have been used in this manner. You will learn the full presentation, performance and some alternative routines and a few additional ideas. Everything you may need to get you started immediately is included. Along the way, you will also learn this unique Letterotary Principle which you can find many other cool uses for.

There are no sleights, no preshow and no stooges. There is no math and no progressive anagrams. The method is easy, simple and self working. All you will need is a little observation and a little presentation. There is nothing to reset and the routine can be repeated with different outcomes each time.

The theme, presentation and outcome will together leave a memorable impression on your audience.

1st edition 2017, 18 pages.
word count: 3949 which is equivalent to 15 standard pages of text