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Home / Magic & Conjuring / Coins, Chips & Buttons

by David Kemsley

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Redemption by David Kemsley

A visual penetration of coin through can.

The performer finishes his / her can of drink and shakes every last drop out. A coin is then shown and placed in the palm of the other hand. The base of the can is impacted on the coin several times and then penetrates the base of the can. The spectators can hear the coin pass through the metal. The coin is inside the can and the spectator can take the coin out and keep both items if they wish.

This is a great little idea combining a common gimmick with a clever move to accomplish a coin penetrating a can - a visual and audible effect.

1st edition 2006; 3 pages.

word count: 605 which is equivalent to 2 standard pages of text

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Magic & Conjuring / Coins, Chips & Buttons

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