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Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
UF Grant's Lost Card Secrets by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

This new e-book contains five of U. F. Grant's forgotten and almost lost card miracles. The first four effects are from a booklet released in 1931 that contained what Grant considered to be his four best card effects. The release was called: Counterfeit Card Miracles. It is very rare and almost impossible to find today. Devin has taken the four effects and updated them and expanded the directions. These are real magician foolers!

#1- A spectator shuffles his own deck of cards and looks at one, remembering what number from the top that card is. For example, he may choose to remember the card...

★★★★ $8
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Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
The Milky Way by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

An extremely rare and little-known U. F. Grant manuscript that is nearly impossible to find nowadays. Devin Knight has taken the original text, revised it and updated it with various annotations for today's performers. He explains and deals with issues that Grant failed to mention in the original release.

This e-book teaches you three great U. F. Grant tricks with a glass of milk! The methods are typical of Grant's thinking.

1-Here & There: A homing milk effect. Show a glass of real milk, cover it with a paper tube. Pour the milk back into a pitcher. When the tube is removed, the glass...

★★★★★ $6
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Automat Card Routine by Ulysses Frederick Grant

The following is a complete card routine created by U.F. Grant a long, long time ago. You will find it mysterious, entertaining and practically unknown by modern generations.

EFFECT: A series of bewildering effects with a deck of cards shuffled by spectators.

1. A deck of cards is shuffled by spectators. A card is chosen and returned to the deck. Performer puts cards in trouser pocket and spells the name of the chosen card. The last card results to be the chosen one.

2. A spectator now chooses another card. The deck is cut. Tell the spectators that you have X-ray eyes and can see...

★★★★ $3
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Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
Girl in Little House Illusion Revisited by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

A mind-boggling illusion that you can do without having to buy expensive props or building stuff yourself. Do it with any two screens at the venue you are performing at. This trick can be done almost anywhere and under almost all conditions.

They know it can't be done and so do you. However, you do it anyhow. This creates the perfect illusion that you have actually squeezed a lady from the audience into a tiny doll house and carried her across the room or stage! Unbelievable, but true.

This is a new and improved version of an old U. F. Grant idea. You have two folding screens on stage...

★★★★ $9.95
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Chinese Magic and Illusions by Ulysses Frederick Grant

A collection of startling and sensational mysteries ... twenty feature tricks.

  • Chinese Screen Trick
  • Chinese Rope Trick
  • Baskets-Confetti and Doves
  • Ribbon And Hat
  • Cylinder-Water & Fish
  • Parasol-Ball & Water
  • Cup-Silk & Smoke
  • Gong Silk Production
  • Copper Bowl Production
  • Chinese Lamp Trick
  • Chinese Water Cups
  • Mystery Foulard
  • Here And There
  • Sensational Bowl Production
  • Beads Of Chen-Lee
  • Chinese Chew Tobacco
  • Bamboo Pole and Box
  • Flower Garden Illusion
  • Screen Mystery

PDF 22 pages.

★★★★ $4
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Tricks with Magnets by Ulysses Frederick Grant

All of these clever tricks use magnets in one way or another.

  • Buddha Coin Mystery
  • Fortune Telling Coin
  • Cup Levitation
  • Grant's Match Penetration
  • Mental Detection
  • Living and Dead Test
  • Clever Coin Vanish
  • Sliding Glue
  • Improved Sliding Glue
  • Psychic Lock And Keys
  • Rising Cards And Wand
  • Coin Through Block
  • Box - Cover and Coin
  • Tip-See Pencil
  • Improved Imp Bottle
  • Improved Wands and Cords
  • Stopping A Watch
  • Handkerchief Box
  • Nu-Coin
  • Rolling Cigarettes
  • Adams Coin Box
  • Magnetic Cigar
  • Three Shell Game
  • Number Detection
  • Mystery Man

PDF 15 pages

★★★★ $4
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Segreti by Ulysses Frederick Grant

"Segreti" è senza dubbio una delle più interessanti opere di quel genio di U.F. Grant. Abbiamo così una stupenda ( è davvero il caso di dirlo) raccolta di circa 30 giochi ideati dallo stesso Grant e da alcune dalle menti più fertili della prestigiazione . Le routines sono tutte pratiche e di ottimo effetto. Alcune sono dei veri capolavori.

Molti effetti sono arricchiti da note esplicative e aggiunte del traduttore che rendono maggiormente pratici o fruibili questi giochi dall'artista moderno.

In questa stessa pagina trovate una breve descrizione degli effetti contenuti in questa...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Pickpocket Stunts by Ulysses Frederick Grant

The Master himself U.F. Grant teach us new, unusual and highly effective methods of performing apparent pickpocket stunts. Startling effects requiring no skill. In this manuscript you will find a number of excellent suggestions for pickpocket stunts. No great pickpocket skill is required to execute them, rather, they are of the stunt type. They will convince the watching spectator that you are an accomplished pickpocket.


  1. Wallet Steal
  2. Wrist Watch Steal
  3. Stealing Suspenders
  4. Pen/Pencil Steal
  5. Stealing Misc. Objects
  6. Stealing Pen, Pencils, Cigars, etc.
  7. Stealing Bills
  8. Stealing...
★★★★★ $4
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Miracoli Contraffatti con le carte by Ulysses Frederick Grant

4 fantastici Giochi di carte:

  • Automatici
  • Improvvisati
  • Con carte prese a prestito
  • Senza preparazione
  • Facilissimi da eseguire
  • Di grande effetto
  • Non sono i soliti giochi per principianti...
A volte quando non abbiamo le "nostre" carte e ci chiedono di fare un gioco, ci troviamo in difficoltà. Ci viene in aiuto questo opuscolo, dove sono spiegati quattro giochi che si possono eseguire con carte prese a prestito e soprattutto senza nessun setup. I giochi non richiedono alcuna abilità ma sono di grande effetto.

Alcuni Esempi:

Spellino Tre o più spettatori scelgono uno alla volta...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Diventa PickPocket senza abilità by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Forse hai sempre desiderato inserire nel tuo numero un po' di Pickpocket ( borseggiatore in Italiano...) ma questi numeri richiedono ore e ore di estenuante allenamento... Ora puoi con l'aiuto di questo lavoro classico del Grande Grant, disponibile per la prima volta in Italiano.

Grant ha reso facili le cose difficili e così senza nessuna abilità puoi far sembrare al tuo pubblico che sei un "borseggiatore professionista"tra le risate generali! Ribadiamo che i metodi e i trucchi che sono spiegati sono a puro scopo di spettacolo e nulla hanno a che fare con atti criminosi.

In men che...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant & H. Adrian Smith
Flap Slate Wrinkles by Ulysses Frederick Grant & H. Adrian Smith

Do you have a pair of old "flap slates" in your equipment? Well. It is time to dust off and use them! How? With the aid of a little manuscript by U.F. Grant and H. Adrian Smith. This wonderful little manuscript is full of original and practical ideas with slates that you can use immediately. It sounds strange, but you can perform the tricks detailed in the manuscript exactly as Grant and Smith explains even though the book was written in 1931! (This is magical itself... ).

From the preface:

"In launching our little manuscript upon the world of criticism, we have one aim alone - that of...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Strizzacervelli by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Sensazionale questo ebook che descrive 4 stupendi effetti di mentalismo del famoso U.F. Grant.


I trucchi sono davvero eccezionali e inusuali

  1. Indovinate l'orario fino al secondo, di tre orologi disposti da tre spettatori in tre scatole sigillate. Gli spettatori puntano gli orologi all'orario di loro scelta. Nessuna forzatura.
  2. Riuscite a indovinare dieci carte dopo che queste sono state liberamente scelte in un mazzo sigillato, mescolato, scelto tra dieci altri liberamente, dopo che sono state sigillate in una busta e inchiodate tra due tavolette di legno!!!
  3. Uno spettatore...
★★★★★ $4
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Ulysses Frederick Grant & Eugene E. Gloye
175 Tips and Gags by Ulysses Frederick Grant & Eugene E. Gloye

This U. F. Grant publication was revised, enlarged and illustrated by Gene Gloye. This is the kind of material - assorted comedy bits and pieces, that you can add to any group of tricks to build up your show, add laughs, fill in for time.

Chapters cover:

  • Cards
  • Comedy Props
  • Using Volunteer Assistants
  • Mental Magic Gags
  • Gag Bits of Business
  • Stunts with an Assistant or Plant
  • Patter
  • More Stunts
  • For the Master of Ceremonies
  • For Magicians
  • Politicking With Magic.
The final chapter is especially interesting in election years, when you want to add political material, or even build a...
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
50 Crazy Card Stunts by Ulysses Frederick Grant

These are all laugh getters, great ideas for zany card effects you will use to pep up your more serious routines. Easy to do, impromptu, and very effective. Devised by U.F. Grant, an expert at this sort of thing.

1st digital edition 2015, PDF 7 pages.

★★★★ $4.95
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Spellbound: a spell from India by Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is an extremely rare manuscript by U.F. Grant. The effects explained are very strong and original ones. We believe that some effects are explained in no other publication.

Here is a brief description of the effects:

1 - Magician allows anyone to step forward and sit in a chair. He blindfolds them and does this to show it is not hypnotizing. Then tells person to try to stand up, and they are unable to do so.

2 - Person placed in chair and blindfolded and given a revolver and told it is impossible for him to raise it and point it at the audience. Try as he may, he cannot raise his...

★★★★ $5
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
50 Kute Koin Tricks by Ulysses Frederick Grant

This manuscript describes fifty close-up tricks, gags and stunts with coins - none of which require sleights. Many new ideas are employed - including new dodges that open up a new field. Every magician should be able to perform one or two coin tricks. Choose from the many in this manuscript.

PDF 6 pages

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
15 Great Illusions by Ulysses Frederick Grant

For the performer who plays carnivals, circuses, clubs or who just has a large stage show, this ebook is just what you need. The sensational illusions in this ebook can be built up after reading the directions. Add one or more of these effects for the coming season. Finely illustrated in detail, the clear instructions will enable you to build these feature illusions on your own at a small cost. A valuable manuscript for anyone.

  • The Book Of Life
  • The Rajah's Tent Illusion
  • Two On A Park Bench
  • Chen Lee's Screen Illusion
  • The Man Without A Head
  • Witch's Broom & Rope Illusion
  • The Human X-Ray ...
★★★★★ $4
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Miracoli con la Clipboard by Ulysses Frederick Grant

La Clipboard ( Blocco note a impressione ) è uno strumento pieno di risorse per il Mentalista. Ma come usarlo con successo? Ce lo spiega U.F. Grant nel suo stupendo lavoro "Miracoli con la clipboard" di cui siamo orgogliosi di presentarvi per la prima volta la versione Italiana di questo classico nella traduzione a cura di Mauro Ballesio. Nel manoscritto Grant dapprima spiega i vari tipi di Clipboard e le loro differenze e poi passa in rassegna una serie di effetti davvero sbalorditivi. Si dei veri Miracoli con la Clipboard! Se fate mentalismo non potrete fare a meno dei preziosi suggerimenti...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
The Fastest Rope in the West by Ulysses Frederick Grant

This routine has multiple effects. You begin with a length of rope...showing it freely. Instantly a knot appears on one end. You clearly untie it, but a moment later another knot appears. You clearly untie it again but...yes you are right...another knot appears. You repeat this effect again and again. At the end you have snapped five knots in all.

Now you borrow a finger ring and execute Grant's "Poor Man's Monkey Bar" in which you tie three knots on the rope with the ring knotted to the one on the right. Then you put the rope behind your back and pretend that the ring "magically" pass...

★★★★ $3
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Zenith Master Mental Act: Per Radio e Televisione by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Uno dei più bei manoscritti di Grant sul mentalismo con possibilità straordinarie non limitate certo alle esibizioni radio-televisive ma adatto a tutti i tipi di spettacolo.

Stropicciatevi bene gli occhi perché quello che state per leggere sono gli effetti spiegati in questo manoscritto.

Questo testo rivela come presentare e realizzare un numero straordinario, che apparirà davvero miracoloso a qualunque pubblico profano o all’esame di una commissione. Si tratta di un effetto che farà discutere e susciterà interesse e mistero più di ogni altro. Il numero consiste nell’apparente...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Appunti di Grant by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Questo raro manoscritto di UF Grant, contiene un sacco di materiale interessante . Nascoste nelle sue pagine sono alcune piccole gemme che non troverete da nessun'altra parte . Non ci sono lunghe descrizioni dei metodi , come spiega lo stesso di Grant . Si va direttamente al punto. Lo stile è tipico di Grant : diretto e senza fronzoli. Sarà una notevole aggiunta alla collezione di coloro che sono appassionati di Grant.


"Questa è una collezione di materiale tratto da un albo di appunti esclusivo… Materiale che normalmente sarebbe venduto separatamente a uno, due,...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Miracles With A Clip Board by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Contains a complete survey of the various kinds of clip boards, how they work, and how to use them. Plus fifteen different routines involving clip boards. Also in this ebook is a separate mental routine, Kleen, which does not involve carbons, impressions, mirrors, chemicals, switches, gimmicks, envelopes. None of that, just an ordinary sheet of paper and you have a dandy mental effect.

1st digital edition 2013, 13 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Types Of Clip Boards
  2. $500 Name Challenge
  3. Memory Expert
  4. Magazine And Book Tests
  5. Miracle Think A Card
  6. Living And Dead Test
  7. Telephone Card Trick ...
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
100 Tips and Gags by Ulysses Frederick Grant

As Grant itself says, this is "A Collection of 100 Tips and Gags, Stunts etc. to put pep into your Program. Items that have, and are being used by Leading Performers. AND MANY NEW ONES." The literal 100 gags that you will find in the manuscript are useful in every situation and for every kind of show.


Although this manuscript was written in the early forties, we are sure that you will find many useful gags, stunts, bit of business etc. that you will immediately insert in your...
★★★ $4
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Illusioni di Cartone by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Ancora una volta Grant esprime il suo genio in questa raccolta. 12 grandi illusioni che vi costeranno pochissimo e che potrete portare con voli dappertutto, leggere, economiche di effetto . Eccovi una breve panoramica delle illusioni contenute :

Dopo aver presentato un ragazzino o ragazzina come tuo assistente, lo/la fai entrare in un cartone. Potrai immediatamente mostrare il cartone vuoto, il tuo assistente è infatti scomparso!!!

Esegui il baule per la metamorfosi con una semplice e normale scatola di cartone controllata dal pubblico ! ...

★★★ $9
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