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Single Stone: Found & F.U.N. Series
by Ken Muller

#2 Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups author

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Single Stone: Found & F.U.N. Series by Ken Muller

How to use a single object like a walnut to perform astounding and entertaining illusions of transportations, penetrations, color-changes, productions and vanishes.

A blending of sway methods, innovative sleights, insightful stratagems, and the elements of performance using 'found' objects in a true impromptu setting.

FOUND - an object from the location: candy, pebble, nut, coffee creamer, etc. Nothing from your person, carried, prepared or gaffed. Just a 'stone' in reference.

IMPROMPTU - in response to a sudden request or chance opportunity.

SINGLE - 15 effects and several performance modules using only one object known to the audience using your hands, spectator hand, or found containers.

F.U.N. - a full exploration of "when" and "why" as well as detailed "how" based on Foresight, Utility, and Nurturing. (planning, audience engagement, and review/learning). Each effect is described with full attention to how to make the presentation engaging, relevant, appropriate, and memorable.

APPENDIX/GUIDE - a glossary of terms with references to full descriptions. It is for easy reference and learning of unique concepts, moves, sleights and stratagems. These can be used in many other effects as well. As a bonus, additional sleights are offered for innovation or repeat performances.

Other ebooks in this series will focus on "Pair of Stones," "Fistfull of Stones," "Pile of Stones," "Yours, Not Mine" (borrowed objects like rings or coins), and "Treasure Basket."

These profound magic effects may be more powerful and memorable than your favorite routines that might follow in a scheduled performance. Imagine - one spectator guards an empty teacup while another protects a Hershey Kiss they select form a dish. The candy is transported to the teacup held by the spectator with you far away.

Moderate hand manipulation skills required plus live performance experience. Many of your practiced coin or ball techniques will apply, but new techniques will be taught to enhance their application and effectiveness.

Note: many of these techniques/methods can be used with borrowed or provided objects like coins, fingerings or fuzzy balls, but the focus here is "impromptu" and "found." Some sleights require a 'roundish' object and do not work well with flat objects like coins. But, sway methods can be used to enhance your current coin or C&B routines.

The requested price is ridiculously low to allow every magician to enhance his/her ability to perform better magic with no purchase of expensive props or gimmicks. I can no longer perform, so I am passing my innovations along to those whose hands still work.

1st edition 2021, PDF 101 pages.
word count: 45209 which is equivalent to 180 standard pages of text