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by Ray Grismer


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Foxiest by Ray Grismer

For many years, Ray has worked on the problem of developing an impromptu version of the Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick. After testing and discarding several earlier handlings, he has come up with a stunning version that is a reputation-building demonstration of mass mentalism.

It can be done anytime, anywhere, totally impromptu, with a borrowed deck of cards which is first thoroughly shuffled by a spectator. The cards are handed out to several spectators - between five and twenty if you wish - and they are each asked to just think of a card. The cards are gathered and once again shuffled. You are now able to name each mentally selected card.

Foxiest is the best of all of the impromptu methods for this effect. A feature routine that takes less than five minutes to do, and will definitely send your spectators away talking about how you read their minds. Includes all patter and presentation points.

1st edition 1981, 8 pages; PDF 5 pages.
word count: 1371 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text