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Hanging On
by Simon J. Lea

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Hanging On by Simon J. Lea

A spectator is given a new deck of cards and some clothes pegs. Tearing off the cellophane they open the deck and begin to peg cards onto a washing line. When they run out of pegs, they shuffle the deck and pick one card at random. This card helps them randomly choose one of the pegged cards.

Imagine there are 9 cards pegged to the line and they choose the 4 of diamonds - they would then count along the pegged cards stopping at the fourth card. This card is turned around and re-pegged so that the audience can see what it is.

A prediction is opened revealing the name of selected card.

  • Prediction can be in spectators hand before effect
  • Deck in spectator hands at all times - you do not touch the cards at any time
  • Can be repeated with different outcome
  • No sleight of hand
  • No stooges of any kind
  • Extremely visual suits big or small audiences
Also included are:

Over a beer or coffee
Next time you are in a bar or coffee shop you will be able to have a spectator pick any object that is currently on the table in front of them and then show them you have brought with you a prediction of exactly what item they would pick! What is amazing is that when you wrote the prediction you could have had no idea exactly what items would even be on the table when the spec came to pick one!

Dream Diary
You've been having strange dreams and started to record them in your diary. Tell a friend what you've been up to and they'll probably think you're a bit weird! Imagine the look on their face when you open your diary to reveal an accurate prediction of events that have just occurred!

People love a reading, whether they believe in it or not, in this effect you put your numerological predictions to the test - and get it right every time!

Mah Jongg
Nine Mah Jongg tiles are put in a bag and one is selected at random by a spectator - of course you have correctly predicted in advance which one will be picked! Works with any objects if you don't own any Mah Jongg tiles.

Dream place in the sun
Nine sealed envelopes each containing a location somewhere on the planet. A spectator randomly chooses one - you don't know which, envelopes shown to contain different locations, etc. etc. - and you tell the audience that you have already dreamed about which location would be chosen. You recount the dream and are of course spot on!

All these effects use the same basic elements explained in this eBook. Once you have mastered each easy to learn effect you will be able to create any number of your own tricks and effects. No sleight of hand, easy to perform, powerful mentalism!

1st edition 2008; 24 pages.
word count: 8085 which is equivalent to 32 standard pages of text

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This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Conjuring / Cards

Magic & Conjuring / Mentalism & Spiritism